The Nightingale Trilogy: An Alpha Billionaire Romantic Suspense

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The Nightingale Trilogy: An Alpha Billionaire Romantic Suspense Page 47

by Cynthia Dane

  “Why, Miss Nazarov,” he said, peering at her through a crack in the bathroom door. “You’re feisty when you’re jealous.”

  He latched the door in her face. In another minute, the shower turned on, and Nala had a whole slew of crap to whine about.

  Entry #20

  Tomorrow I hope to find out a truth in The Aviary. But what amuses me more is how jealous Nightingale is at the thought of me sleeping with another woman.

  It shouldn’t amuse me so.

  But it does.

  Chapter 7

  No matter what Nala did, she found herself in an infinite loop of toxic thoughts. Xavier Crow will want me dead. I have to meet Maggie and Jay, whom I barely know but are somehow involved in this. Xavier Crow will want me dead… Nala took multiple deep breaths. Not even when Vincent crawled into bed the first night and made love to her did Nala feel better about the situation.

  See, there are two problems here. The first was Xavier Crow. That was obvious. The other was this supposed swinging with Jay and Maggie.

  Nala was a jealous creature after all.

  She didn’t think she was until now. With her previous boyfriend, everything was relaxed and… detached. So what if he quickly moved on after her? They had never been serious. Nala had never been in love with him. Not like she was in love with Vincent. Between the girl at the bookstore and the idea of him on top of Maggie… with her toned figure… and clearly knowing what she wanted at any moment… no matter how much Vincent told her that nothing would actually happen that night, Nala couldn’t help but imagine her boyfriend fucking another woman, and the thought made her livid.

  So wound up in these thoughts was she that she never stopped to think about what would happen on her end. Supposedly, she would have sex with Jay. A man she hardly acknowledged because his wife overshadowed him so fantastically. Jay was good looking and kindly enough. Alpha? Not really, and as Nala was quickly discovering, she was into those alpha males when they did the right things for her.

  “Would you calm down?” Vincent said in his car the night of their meeting. They were both dressed as if they were going to The Aviary, with Vincent in his cut suit and Nala in a slinky black dress that accentuated what curves she had. Vincent had declared her “stunning” before they left his loft. “Nothing’s going to happen. I promise you.”

  “What if they have other ideas?”

  “I highly doubt that.”

  “Do you know something that I don’t know?”

  “No. I have a gut feeling.”

  “Oh, well, if you have a feeling.”

  “Stop it.” Vincent happened to stop at a red light at that moment. “You’re being irrational, which is the last thing you want to be tonight.”

  “Shut up.”

  He did, but not because she told him to. If anything, he was probably ready to give her a few more testy words.

  They were meeting Maggie and Jay at a downtown hotel. One that Nala and Vincent happened to stay at when they were playing hotel roulette right after Robin’s attack. When Maggie gave me that picture… Vincent claimed to have no further information about that. All Nala could do was try not to think about it. With any luck, he would be able to press her for information. Did Jay know anything? Would Nala be able to get anything out of him… and not that?

  They checked in using their Aviary names of Vincent and Nightingale. They were informed that the rest of their “party” awaited them in their rooms, and were given copies of the key. As they entered the elegant elevator with a number in their hands, Nala gave Vincent one final admonishment.

  “If you stick any of your body parts in any of her orifices, you will never know the end of my fury.”

  “Duly noted.”

  She turned to him. “Why are you so nonchalant about this? Do you want me to sleep with Jay? Doesn’t the thought of him slamming me against the wall, against the bed, or even against the fucking floor make you rage with jealousy?”

  Vincent raised a single eyebrow at her. “Not really. Because I know that’s not going to happen.”

  “You’re driving me nuts right now.”

  “I do what I can.”

  They watched the floor numbers tick by in silence. Or at least they did until Vincent broke said silence again.

  “Slamming you against the floor…” he chuckled.

  “What’s so funny?”

  The elevator doors opened. Vincent stepped out, glancing over his shoulder and extending his hand to take Nala’s. “That man won’t go anywhere near you, and not out of fear for me. Trust me, Nala, Jay has no interest in you.”

  Well, that was almost insulting!

  Before Nala could dwell on any of it, however, they were at their assigned room, Vincent inserting the key after giving a hearty knock announcing their arrival.

  Sure enough, Jay and Maggie sat side by side on a couch, looking cozy.

  They were not the only ones there.

  “Why hello,” Hawk said, standing and coming dangerously close to where Vincent and Nala stood in the tiny foyer. Oh my God. Shivers as sharp as daggers stabbed Nala in the spine. “So glad that you could join the fun tonight. Hope you don’t mind that I’m here… to supervise.”

  Everyone exchanged glances, including Jay and Maggie, who almost looked apologetic. What is going on here? Nala never had any idea anymore.

  “Certainly was not expecting you, that’s for sure.” Vincent helped Nala with her coat before leading her into the main room. Hawk stared after them, a devilish grin crossing her hawkish face. “I was under the impression that these were discreet affairs… no pun intended.”

  Hawk rejoined them in the main area of the hotel room. “Things have changed recently. I’m sure you’ve heard about what’s happened to our poor Robin.”

  All eyes were on Vincent and Nala. Of course we’ve heard! It happened at our place, and you did it! Nala had to use every practiced lie in her body to not give herself away. “We have. Are you guarding us tonight?” Vincent didn’t mention he had his own security team circling the perimeter of the hotel, on permanent call for the night.

  “You don’t think one of our own attacked her, do you?” Maggie asked Hawk. Balls. She’s got them.

  Hawk was not perturbed. Her feathery mask spread across her face as she forced a polite smile. “It’s highly possible. After finding out where she was found…” She glanced at Vincent. “Well, let’s say that Master Crow doesn’t want to take any chances.”

  “I’m sure he doesn’t.” Nala squeezed Vincent’s arm before going to sit on the couch next to Maggie and Jay. “I can’t blame him, either. I think it’s great that he sent you here to watch out for us.” Nightingale was too good at lying – because that’s who was pulling these antics. Nightingale knew how important it was to deflect off herself and flatter the assassin in the room. Has she been sent to kill us all? Maggie stiffened next to Nala. Is she afraid too? Because deep inside… Nala was a tad petrified.

  “You’re too kind. I’m sure tonight will be fine.” Hawk perched on the edge of a chair as Vincent slowly joined his girlfriend on the couch. “Pretend I’m not even here. I want you four to enjoy yourselves as you usually would. In fact…” She stood again, heading toward the door. “I’ll be right outside should you need anything. Have fun!”

  She left them alone in due time. All four of The Aviary members sat in the knowledge that she could come back in whenever she wanted. Nevertheless, Nala released a pent up breath.

  “Well,” Maggie said, pulling her skirt down toward her knees. Nobody touched anyone, much to Nala’s relief. “That was most unexpected. Anyone want a glass of wine? Because I am dying for one…” she caught herself. “I mean…”

  “Great idea.” Vincent stood, going to an ice bucket and rummaging for some glasses. “Wine is a terrific idea. In fact, let’s have a toast. To all that happens tonight.”

  He poured four glasses and passed them out. Nobody was in a hurry to drink it. Is this poisoned? Nala sniffed it. Smelled li
ke regular wine, but who knew? She had no idea what to look out for. Maybe it was spiked with the shit that killed her sister. Wouldn’t that be something? Slightly ironic. She hated irony.

  In a brazen move, Maggie took the first sip, her eyes locked on everyone around her. “Mm. Delicious.” She lowered her glass. Nala couldn’t help but continue to stare. Well… is she going to die? When a minute passed and she appeared unfazed, the others drank as well. At least they were on the same page. A page of fear.

  “Should we get started?” Vincent finally asked. “I have a feeling we’re not people who talk much. Perhaps we should get straight to it.”

  Nala took another swig of wine and shot him a look. Don’t be too eager. She needed more wine already. Especially if she was going to watch her boyfriend go into a bedroom with another woman. Especially if she was going into a bedroom with another man.

  “Yes,” Maggie finally said, uncrossing her legs and standing. “Let’s get to it. I think we’ve all been looking forward to tonight.”

  Speak for yourself. Nala pinched Vincent’s arm to make sure he got the right idea. She could practically hear him groaning.

  Here Nala was, watching Vincent hook his arm with Maggie’s as if that were the most natural thing to do. They walked like this into one of two bedrooms, shutting the door quietly behind them. Jay followed suit, getting up, putting down his half-consumed glass of wine, and extending his hand to Nala.

  “I know we haven’t spoken much to each other since meeting those few weeks ago,” he said with a smooth, almost melodic voice. How have I never noticed the way he speaks before? “I hope that you would join me in the other room, though. I’d like to get to know you.” Jay’s wink would send trembles of anticipation through a normal woman, but Nala was too uptight to enjoy such a flirtation from a good-looking man who wasn’t her boyfriend. “If you know what I mean.”

  Nala tentatively took his hand and stood, pulling down the skirt of her dress as Maggie had. Was she trying to be modest as well? In this sort of situation? Nala glanced at the bedroom door. What were they doing in there? Maggie better not be half naked and going for Vincent’s trousers…

  “Don’t mind them, Gale,” Jay said, putting a strong hand on her shoulder. Oh my God. Please don’t kill me. Please don’t make me get Hawk and put my life in her hands. Please don’t. “Let them have their fun, and we’ll have ours. We can compare notes later.”

  He said this so loudly that his voice bounced around like a confused echo in the main chamber of the room. Jay opened the other bedroom door and helped Nala in, quick to shut and lock the door behind them. Here we go… Nala didn’t know what to expect. Should she be worried that Jay wanted to have sex? Even if she were interested, Nala had made such a big deal about Vincent and Maggie that it would be the most hypocritical thing in the world for her to go ahead and find out about Jay’s cock. Or anything else about him, for that matter.

  Nala sat on the edge of the bed for a lack of anywhere else to sit. Jay stood between her and the door, hands in his pockets and looking like he was in control of everything. Well, he is supposedly an alpha male. Nala let out her pent up breath. That got Jay’s attention.

  “You can calm down, Gale. We’re not going to do anything.”

  She looked up again. “We’re not?” While that was a relief, and proved Vincent right, it also confused her even more. “Then what are we doing?”

  Jay put his ear to the door. “Well, right now I’m suspecting that my partner and yours are having a very deep discussion about what’s been going on lately.”

  “That so?”

  “Yes, Gale…” When Jay didn’t hear anything, he turned around and crossed his arms as if he could singlehandedly protect them both. Maybe… The more Nala looked at him, the more she realized he was bigger than she ever took him for. Then again, the only times Nala looked really close at the male members of The Aviary was when they were practically naked, which Jay had yet to be. Now she saw the outlines of muscles beneath that gray suit. She would daresay the man was fitter than Vincent. Do he and Maggie date at the gym or something? They were both muscular. Between Jay’s biceps and Maggie’s calves of steel, they could probably win a competition or two. Well, for all Nala knew, they did that in their spare time. Or professional time. What do they do for a living? Nala figured this was the wrong time to ask.

  Nala drew her legs up on the bed, making sure her thighs were covered once more. “You know my real name, right? Cut the Gale crap. Show me that much respect.”

  Any hint of a smile disappeared from Jay’s face. “I see. If that’s how it is, then I’ll honor your request… Nala.”

  “I’d ask how you know my name, but you being some rich asshole, I’m guessing it’s easy enough to figure out.”

  “Yes. Now, if you knew who I really was, then I would be in a lot of trouble.”

  “I’m sure. And, of course, you’re not going to tell me who you are.”

  “Not anytime soon. Hopefully you can find out eventually.”

  Nala dangled her legs over the side of the bed. She wanted to flop down and stare at the ceiling, but was afraid her skirt would ride up her ass. Why did I wear this tonight? Blech.

  “Do you know why Maggie gave me that awful photo?” Nala finally asked. “Since we’re having heart-to-hearts around here. I’m assuming you know what your wife is up to in her spare time.”

  Jay nodded. “I know about that. I’m sorry you had to see it. She wanted you to know.”

  “How did she get that photo?”

  “Now, let’s not ask too many questions. You don’t need to know the answer to that.”


  He smiled again.

  “I don’t like being kept in the dark. Vincent keeps me in the dark too much. I know I’m not computer savvy and able to hack into shit, and I can barely Google what I need to find, but I’m not stupid. I deserve to know what Vincent knows.”

  “I’m sure Vincent will…”

  A thump interrupted them. A loud thump, followed by a louder, angry grunt.

  “Jay!” Maggie’s voice burst through the door. Not frightened. Not panicked. Definitely anxious. “The chicken has hatched an egg!”

  Before Nala could ask what the fuck was going on, another thump - a bunch of thumps, really - flickered in and out of her ear. Jay held up a hand and pressed his ear to the door. “Nala,” he whispered. “Get in the bathroom and lock the door. Do not come out until we tell you it’s clear. Do you understand?”

  She was off the bed before he finished his sentence. “What if they get in the bathroom?”

  “I hope you know self-defense.”

  She didn’t. That was a gross oversight.

  Still, she sprinted to the bathroom, latching the door behind her the moment Jay flung the bedroom door open. As much as she wished she could see what was going on, Nala knew it was nothing good.

  Perhaps only a minute passed by, but it was a long, infuriating minute. Where was Vincent? Shit! Nala didn’t have her phone. This was only compounded when the bumps entered the bedroom, followed by…

  “I said get back here!” Hawk. A very angry Hawk. She swooped into the bedroom, whooshing through the air before something heavy hit the floor. “Why won’t you fucking die?”

  Oh my God!

  Nala wished she could say she was the bravest woman in the world. She wished she could say she burst through the bathroom door and took her sister’s killer head-on. Maybe snatch something sharp in the bathroom and drive it deep into that tall Amazonian’s jugular. But, oh no. She was far from the bravest woman in the world, as proven when Nala hopped in the shower and drew the curtain closed - as if that would protect her.

  Oh my God, oh my God…

  She was about as religious as an agnostic, but Nala said a prayer anyway. Where was Vincent in all of this? Holy shit! Was he dead?

  “You two are really pissing me off!”

  “Fuck off, you runway reject.” Nala had never been so relieved to
hear Maggie’s deep voice. “This is your last warning. Get down on the ground!”

  “For fuck’s sake, shoot the bitch!”

  “You think you’re getting out of here alive?” Hawk’s maniacal laughter pierced every space around Nala. She rocked back and forth in the tub, trying to block out what happened. Because if Hawk made it into the bathroom? Nala was as good as dead. “As soon as I’m done with you two, I’m going to shoot that smug fucker in the head and skin the little bitch alive!”

  “You do that, hon.”

  Nala’s blood left her face with the rest of her breath when a loud, earth-shattering gunshot went off.

  Silence. Then, a scream. Someone had been hit. She couldn’t tell who, aside from a woman. Hawk? Maggie? More thumps. More grunts. Radio static crackled. Nala squealed into the back of her hand and wished beyond wish that Vincent was there to hold her and tell her everything would be all right.

  The ensuing quiet for the next two minutes nearly gave Nala a heart attack. What had happened? Were people dead? Should she brave going out there? Fuck, she wished she had a gun. A machete. Anything that could take down an assassin. Ahaha. Who was she kidding? She would be killed first!

  Someone pounded on the bathroom door.

  “Nala!” Vincent! “Nala, we gotta get out of here! The security detail is on their way but I don’t want to wait!”

  She scurried out of the bathtub and hurried to the door, flinging it open to reveal Vincent’s arms coming through and scooping her up. Thank heaven! She clung to him, being whisked away from that evil room and whatever had transpired there. While Vincent deftly carried her out of the hotel room, she braved opening one eye and seeing upturned furniture and the comforter on the bed nearly torn to shreds. There was no blood, and definitely no bodies.

  “What happened?” she cried, nearly vomiting in relief when their security backup showed up in the elevator. Vincent put her down and joined their small team of men in black jumpers, all of whom remained stoic and quiet while they got on radios and phoned police. It won’t do any good. Don’t you get it? “I heard a gunshot… Maggie and Jay…”


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