Sins in the Sand

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Sins in the Sand Page 16

by Kait Gamble

  That got her back up. “You can’t just order me around.”

  He raised his eyebrows a little, as if to dare her to defy him. “You can walk in there yourself or I can help you.”

  The smirk that grew over his lips was all too sure.

  Throwing up her hands, she relented. “Fine. I’m going.” Maybe if she stayed in there long enough, he would leave. Kendra knew that it wasn’t going to happen. If she hid in there, he would surely come in after her.

  She stalked into the still-steamy bathroom and turned on the shower hot and fast. The room wasn’t nearly as opulent as the one in the penthouse, but it was still a far cry from the one in her apartment. The décor still fit with the rest of the hotel, and every little detail was perfect from the marble floors to the huge gilded mirror.

  Grabbing a few of the bottles of toiletries, she lined them up on the floor of the shower within reach. After dropping the sheet, Kendra stepped into the shower and let the water cascade over her. Dmitri wasn’t going to leave it alone. Now he was determined to find out everything about her.

  Well, about Kiki. Kendra knew next to nothing about her except for the stuff she crammed into her head before the fateful dinner.

  She’d have to be vague and steer the questions away from herself. It was the only real strategy beside running away or maybe faking an emergency that required her to be elsewhere. Both were insane tactics that would never work.

  Slowly, she picked up one of the bottles and stared at it. For a long time now she’d wanted to experience what it was like to use their contents and now for the second—or was it the third?—day in a row, she was.

  Unscrewing the cap, she inhaled the rich scent. She found a washcloth and poured a little onto it and worked it into a thick lather. Kendra quickly reclosed the lid and set it aside fully intending to take it with her when she went back to her apartment.

  It was bliss to slowly scrub it over her skin. The shampoo and conditioner were equally so. By the time she turned off the water, the turmoil has eased somewhat, though her nerves stayed tightly strung. She would just stick to the plan of being vague and turning questions around. If that failed, there was always sex. Not much interrogation could happen when they were both caught up in each other.

  She grabbed the waiting robe off the door and wrapped the deliciously fluffy garment around herself, feeling as though she had been surrounded by a cloud.

  Dmitri was in the living area still in the towel. She had to pause to look at him, just taking the moment to really study all the angle and planes that made Dmitri Volkov.

  To be perfectly honest, he was beautiful. Tall, broad, sculpted. What wasn’t there to like? Kendra let her gaze drift lower to his powerful legs.

  When she finally managed to tear her attention away from his body and back to his face, she found him watching her with a hint of a smile on his face.

  “Something wrong with what you see?”

  Hardly. She shook her head. “Not at all. Want me to get you a robe? I think I saw another one in there.”

  He lifted a shoulder and let it drop catching the soft glow of the light on the taut skin there. “If you like.”

  Covering him up would help her keep her head on straight, so she stepped back in to snag the other robe and brought it out to him.

  He smiled thankfully as he took it from her. What Kendra hadn’t anticipated was that he would let the towel drop to his feet before putting the robe on. How could she not look?

  His body truly was fantastically well proportioned. Only one part wasn’t and Kendra couldn’t help but stare a little longer at his thick cock. Even semi hard as he was, it was breathtaking.

  Dmitri let her scrutinize him for a few seconds before he wrapped himself in the robe. “I’ve ordered a little food and some wine.”

  “Sounds good.” She was famished. After the long day and jumping into bed with Dmitri the moment they’d gotten back, she could do with more than ‘a little food’.

  Kendra let her gaze wander the room. Spacious, well decorated. Not much to fault. Not that she’d never seen these suites before. There just wasn’t much that she wanted to say. What she didn’t want to—couldn’t—verbalize could fill books. Kendra hated it. Her nature might not have been to put everything out there, but to have to hold things back and pretend to be someone she wasn’t ate at her.


  She turned to face Dmitri and found him studying her intently. “Yes?”

  “I know we haven’t known each other very long at all.”

  “But fantastic sex makes you want to get to know me more,” she stated blandly.

  “Why are you being like this?” A frown marred his handsome face as he dragged her to the sofa and sat her down.

  “Like what?” A shrew. Kendra knew how she sounded, but as much as she wanted things to continue with him and Nikos, she couldn’t allow it.

  “Like you’re deliberately pushing me away. I know you’re hiding something from me. From both me and Nikos. I don’t want to have to go digging, but I will if you don’t tell me what’s going on with you.”

  “You’ll go digging?” she snarled. “You have some nerve. It’s not like you’re telling me everything about yourself.”

  “That’s the difference between you and me. I’m willing to answer whatever questions you ask.”

  And because she knew he was speaking the truth, she refused to ask him anything, particularly if it was something he could turn around and ask her.

  The soft knock on the door gave her a small reprieve.

  “I’ll get it.” Dmitri was up and halfway across the room before she could protest.

  She heard his low voice as he thanked the waiter before the door closed and he walked back in pushing a trolley. Both levels were occupied by silver domes of varying sizes. The ice bucket sat on the top shelf like a crown.

  He wheeled it over to her as if it was something he did every day though next to his big form the trolley looked like a toy.

  “I thought we’d have something a little different. This is what I often crave late at night, but rarely indulge.” He lifted the lid to reveal Chinese takeout boxes.

  Kendra couldn’t help but laugh. “Same here.” If she did give into the late-night cravings, she would never had been able to pass for Kiki in the first place. Each box that was opened reveal yet another treat. He had bought one of everything it seemed. And with every box opened, her stress went down a little. They laid the boxes out on the table and after they were lined up, Dmitri handed her a pair of chopsticks.

  Grinning, she picked up a box of noodles and inhaled. A quick glance at Dmitri found him watching her expectantly.

  “What? Don’t you think I can use chopsticks?”

  “Probably better than I can,” he muttered. “I’m waiting for you to have the first bite.”

  She wasn’t going to argue with that. So while he poured the wine, she took a mouthful. She rolled her eyes back as she sighed. “So good.”

  He watched, amused, for a moment before picking up what looked like the chicken fried rice and scooped out a bit. Chewing, he smiled. “I agree.” Dmitri had a bit more before he arched his eyebrows. “So we have a few things in common.”

  “Do we?” It might have been possible that the past few days had fried her brain, but she could think of only one place for sure that they had anything in common and that was between the sheets, or out of them if the case may be. The chemistry between them was palpable. But then again so was what she shared with Nikos.

  “We both like snow, skiing, eating Chinese food when we should be asleep, and I know you can’t deny that our bodies seem to mesh very well together.” He smirked as if daring her to deny it.

  “We do have quite a few things in common, but that doesn’t mean I should drop my life to follow you around.”

  “I never suggested anything of the sort. You were the one who jumped to that conclusion.”

  She eyed him skeptically. “Right. And what am I suppose
d to do while you’re at your business meetings and such?”

  “Whatever you want.”

  “Only I’ll never be able to get anything done since we’ll be moving around so much.” Which was true. If she was Kiki and was doing her show, there would be no continuity. It would be all travel and airports with little in between. And even as herself it would be dull sitting around waiting for him. Kendra didn’t know much about life that didn’t involve work.

  He held her gaze, diving into it with his piercing eyes. “You prefer Nikos. Is that it?”

  Didn’t she just prove that she was very into him? “No.”

  A smug smile spread over his lips.

  “But I don’t prefer you over him, either.” She bit her lip. “The truth is, I’m torn between you two. How’s that for honest?”

  The smile turned bitter. “What has he got that I don’t?”

  “Nothing. You two are equal. At least in my mind.”

  Dmitri chewed thoughtfully on an egg roll. “Right.”

  “You wanted the truth, that’s it.” At least as far as her feelings for them went. “I don’t know enough about either of you to make an informed decision.”

  Kendra watched him carefully, though she did her best to appear nonchalant. The façade she put forth couldn’t be further from the truth. The hope was that he would let it drop, thinking that was the problem.

  “So this has nothing to do with Charlie.”

  Dmitri too? Gritting her teeth, she shook her head.

  “I think it might. Why does he keep calling? Is he a lover? An ex?”

  “None of the above. Do you and Nikos just sit there and stare at my phone when I’m not around?” She crammed more noodles into her mouth, hoping they would keep her from blurting out something devastating.

  “It’s not like we haven’t spent almost all our time together over the past few days. If your phone happens to be out and rings nearby, it’s simply reflex to look.”

  True enough.

  She swallowed the noodles and washed them down with a swig of wine. “I’d rather not talk about Charlie.”

  “What are you willing to talk about, then?”

  “How about the photo shoot today? You stood up for me.”

  He lowered his eyebrows quizzically. “Of course I did. How could I not? The photographer was being an ass.”

  She slid her hand over his. “He was. Thank you for that.”

  He shrugged, but she caught the hint of a proud smile on his lips. “No man would let anyone talk to a woman like that. No matter who he is.”

  Kendra gave him a lopsided smile.

  “But you were a little unfocused. Something on your mind?”

  So much. “Nothing that would interest you.”

  He stared at her again. For a long while. His penetrating gaze was unnerving. She was sure he could see straight through her. “Kendra. You’re so different from what I imagined you’d be like. I’ve caught the show a few times. The true you…doesn’t shine through at all. Is that scripted? You want to portray yourself as vapid?”

  Wow. If she were Kiki, she would be pissed right now. “Well, you obviously liked what you saw. Otherwise, you wouldn’t have paid two million to have dinner with me.”

  Dmitri grinned. “I did. And I would have paid more if I’d known what you are truly like.”

  “And what’s that?”

  “You’re smart and funny on top of being breathtakingly gorgeous.” He tugged on a bit of her hair playfully. “I never thought you’d be one to fish for compliments, though.”

  At least he didn’t think she was an idiot.

  “As much as I would love to accept your offer.” And the things left unsaid that went with it. “I can’t. I’ve got a lot going on right now.”

  “Then I will have to come and visit whenever I can.”

  He would do that? “You’re a busy man. I won’t hold it against you if you can’t make it around that often.”

  The statement darkened his expression. “Did someone hurt you, before? Charlie, maybe?”

  “Will you just let the whole Charlie thing drop? And no.” Not in the way he was thinking.

  “So why? Most women would, and have, done just about anything to be with me. If you keep pushing me away, I’ll have no choice but to think that there’s something wrong…with you.”

  His smirk made the already obvious joke more amusing. “So either I agree to what you want or I’m crazy?”

  “That’s the gist of it.” Dmitri put down the food, prompting her to do the same, then he tugged her close. “To be serious, I don’t want to push you, but I think we can really have something here.”

  Dmitri was so persistent and sincere in his belief. It just made her heart ache more.

  “Please. I need space to figure out my feelings. To sort out my life.”

  “Very well.” He didn’t let her move away from him. “But I feel like I should make more of an argument to plead my case.”

  Kendra could sense the change in mood. The light playfulness was gone. In its place was something heavier, more cloying and pervasive. She couldn’t stop the way her breath left her lungs in gasps. The visceral need she felt coming from him, from inside herself, was so potent it seized her lungs.

  It was so easy for him to pick her up and cradle her in his lap.

  “You think this kind of chemistry just happens to everyone?”

  She knew for a fact that it didn’t. But it was the first time she’d actually experienced it and it was with two different men.

  It was like a big cosmic joke.

  Dmitri didn’t give her the chance to answer. Instead, he drew her in for a scorching, lung-emptying, teeth-scraping kiss that left her no doubt where it was going to lead.

  Under her, his cock hardened, and Kendra couldn’t stop from wriggling against him. How difficult would it be to shift, swing her leg over and straddle him? That was where her stream of consciousness stopped.

  His kisses leeched all coherent thought from her mind except to get closer to him. To get skin to skin. Kendra pushed her hands into the opening of his robe to run them over his warm skin.

  Brushing aside her robe, he then cupped his hand over her breast, kneading gently. Dmitri spent a few minutes exploring the soft flesh there before he grazed the skin on the underside of her breast. He let his hand travel lower over her ribs and back up again.

  Meanwhile, using his other, he explored her thighs with a heavier touch. Insistently, he pushed them apart so he could explore farther up unimpeded.

  Kendra didn’t fight him. Instead, she stretched out on his thighs, ready to let him do whatever he wanted to her, knowing Dmitri was geared toward giving her pleasure.

  And he did. Every stroke of his fingers, every brush of his lips sent ripples of heat streaking through her to pool molten between her thighs.

  He untied the band of fabric holding the robe closed and let it flutter to the side as he peeled the rest away to reveal her body slowly to him.

  His gaze was tangible as he let it sweep over her. Kendra squirmed as he continued to look his fill while she lay aching for him.

  “Dmitri, touch me. Please.” She wriggled against his cock, wanting to drive him as crazy as he was driving her.

  “All in good time, kotenok. We have all night.” Even as he said it, she felt the tremor in him. Dmitri was fighting hard to hold on to his control.

  Grinning up at him wickedly, she wrapped her arms around his neck to pull him down so she could reach his lips.

  The smile he gave her was charming and at the same time wolfish before he expertly teased her again with his lips.

  She couldn’t imagine getting bored of his taste or his touch. Kendra found that she craved it. Just as she wanted to be with Nikos…

  Dmitri didn’t let her dwell. He didn’t even let her catch her breath. At the same moment he parted her lips and invaded her mouth with his tongue, he pushed his fingers inside her. There was no warning, just a blunt pressure as he pumped the
m into her. He crooked them as he twisted his hand.

  Kendra bucked under him as he slowly but surely built the tension. The pleasure. Right until it snapped. Dmitri kept the pace going until she pushed his hand away with a squeal of protestation.

  Overstimulated and overwhelmed, Kendra needed a pause to recover. It also gave her the chance to stare up at his handsome face again. His eyes had darkened until they seemed fathomless. They were eyes she could easily get lost in.

  Tearing her gaze away, she climbed off to stand before him and dropped the robe.

  Dmitri gazed up at her with the softest look in his eyes. One that was blasted away with lust when she leaned forward and her breasts were level with his line of sight.

  “I’m tired. I think I should go to bed.” When he reached for her, she jumped back and darted toward the bedroom.

  It took him seconds to catch up with her and, when he swung her up in his arms, she found herself pressed against a deliciously naked, hard male body. He made it to the bed in what seemed like two steps. Then they were tangled together on the soft sheets.

  Dmitri pressed hot, wet, open-mouthed kisses wherever he could reach without losing contact with her. He slid his body down hers as he licked and nibbled his way over her body until he lay with his shoulders spreading her thighs wide apart. He inhaled deeply, growling something under his breath as he lowered his head. He tasted her with delicate lashes of his tongue. His stubble rasped against her inner thighs, and Kendra could feel the heat of his breath on the slick wetness at the heart of her.

  He seemed completely determined to drive her crazy with the way he avoided touching her clit. Not that it made any difference. Bowed at his mercy, Kendra trembled from head to toe sighing with every breath in wonder at what he did to her body.

  Dmitri finally closed his mouth over her clit alternately sucking and licking, probing with his fingers.

  Kendra clutched his head to her, refusing to let him up until she flew over the edge, which didn’t take long. He continued the onslaught as she catapulted over the precipice and into a hazy world of bliss.


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