Stepbrothers Undone: 15 Book Hot Erotic Stepbrother Romance Bundle (Excite Spice Boxed Sets)

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Stepbrothers Undone: 15 Book Hot Erotic Stepbrother Romance Bundle (Excite Spice Boxed Sets) Page 28

by Selena Kitt

  She looked at me curiously then smiled, a wide, friendly smile and even wagged her fingers in greeting. After the glares I’d received from the other women I was surprised but smiled and sent her a return wave.

  The barman swung back my way and leaned down, one meaty forearm resting on the bar in front of me. “I’m gonna have to card you if you want anything stronger than a coke.”

  “You know, in Australia, the legal drinking age is eighteen,” I replied but he just gave me a very unamused look and I rolled my eyes and conceded, “A coke is fine.”

  He brought my drink just as someone took the spot next to me. I looked at him, expecting to see Grayson but instead I found myself face to face with a stranger. His face was hard, the skin rough and weathered from the wind and sun and riding without a visor, and his leather jacket matched all the others in the room. Patches on the arms and the back told me what I already knew, they were Loki’s Raiders.

  “Hey there, pretty girl.” His voice was deep and gravelly but there was no missing the interested look in his eye. “First time?”

  “Ah, yeah, I guess,” I said, feeling suddenly very vulnerable. What if Gray wasn’t here? Maybe I should go. I managed to smile at the stranger before staring down at my drink, hoping he’ll take the hint and leave me alone.

  “So, you just here for the free drinks?”

  “I’m sort of looking for someone.” I’m not sure Gray would appreciate his biker buddies knowing his kid sister had come in to get him. That said, I probably should have considered that before marching into his clubhouse.

  “Really?” He leaned closer and I could smell the beer and whiskey on his breath and mixed with his body odor I had to fight back a gag.

  He held out a hand and I shook it, surprised by the polite gesture. “It’s very nice to meet you...” he raised his brows, waiting.

  “Carly,” I said.

  “Carly. Pretty name,” he said, his grin revealing a mouth of teeth either chipped or gold, yellow from smoking. “They call me Meat-hook.” He ran the fingers poking out of his riding gloves down my arm and I immediately broke out in revolted gooseflesh. “Maybe you and I could go somewhere and I could show you why they call me that.”

  I was just about to pull away when an angry voice stopped my heart in my chest and made the hair on my nape spring to attention.

  “Yeah, mate, that’s not going to happen. This one’s mine.”

  I spun around and my breath caught in my throat when I was hit by the full force of Grayson’s glare. His shaggy brown hair shadowed his eyes and he was wearing heavy blue jeans and the leather club jacket.

  God, he was like a motorcycle club pinup in Playgirl or Cosmo and it took everything I had to drag my horny brain out of the gutter and grasp onto the one thing that could keep me sane: Did he just say I was his?

  I felt the thread of righteous annoyance and grabbed at it hard. “For the record, Grayson, I’m not a thing you can claim. I’m a grown woman with a mind of my own.”

  His lips twitch and I wasn’t not sure if he was amused or annoyed. Regardless he grabbed my arm, his fingers strong my not hurting. “Carly, I don’t know what you’re doing here, but I’m taking you back to your mum, come on.”

  My mouth actually fell open. Oh no he didn’t! “Excuse me?” I yanked out of his grasp. “If you don’t mind, we were in the middle of a conversation. Weren’t we, Meat-hook?” I threw a dazzling smile at the other biker but before I could say anything else my world suddenly shifted and tilted and flipped.

  “What the fu...?” I managed to cry out as in one smooth, frustratingly easy move, Grayson yanked me to my feet, lifted me off the ground, and flung me over his shoulder.

  Chapter Six

  “Put me down, you big, dumb ape!” I roared, incensed by the laughter coming from all over the bar. “I’m telling Mum.” This prompted even more laughter and my face flushed.

  “Dude,” Meat-hook said. “Sorry, mate. Didn’t know she was your sister.” He tipped his head to the side and winked at me. “Sorry, love. Totally would have otherwise.”

  “You can suck my dick!” I raged though I can’t help feeling like the words would have had more impact had I not been hanging upside-down over my brother’s shoulder.

  A hand smacked down sharply on my ass and I gasped in shock and pain. “Speak again and you get another,” Gray growled.

  I opened my mouth to tell him exactly what I thought of that but then shut it again, remembering his threat. My bottom was still sore and tingling from his last slap.

  Satisfied I was going to behave he started striding away from the bar but I noticed that we weren’t heading towards the door but towards the stairs. The members with families or wives tended to have their own place but single guys like Grey lived in the clubhouse.

  When he were inside his room he kicked the door closed with one booted foot before setting me back on my feet. I wobbled unsteadily but his large hands on my shoulders held me up till I pulled away.

  “I thought you were taking me home?”

  “Change of plans,” he replied. “What are you doing here? Do you know how much trouble my club could be in if the cops showed up? How much trouble I’d be in for luring an underage girl into a biker bar?”

  “I’m not underage. I’m eighteen and nobody lured me anywhere.”

  I looked around his room, curious because this is the first time I’ve ever been inside. It’s actually pretty big, his king sized bed barely taking up half the space. There were pictures on the walls, metal bands mostly, a couple showing barely dressed girls with dark hair straddling huge bikes and licking their full red lips. On the far wall was a bookshelf overstuffed with dog-eared paperbacks, mostly Bradbury and Niven.

  I felt the smile on my lips and a familiar flush of warmth. This room was so Grayson. Bikes and books had been his life since I’d met him and he was still the same man.

  “Why didn’t you come to Daddy’s birthday dinner?” I asked, finally turning to face him. “He said it was alright but I could tell he was disappointed. You could have totally just stayed to eat and made it back here in plenty of time for Ladies Night.” I heard the jealous edge to my voice and bit my lip.

  With a sigh he sat heavily on the bed. “Whatever you might think, I didn’t skip dinner for Ladies Night. I’m not that desperate for a fuck.” Driving his fingers through his hair he shook his head. “It’s compli—”

  “I swear, Grayson, if you tell me it’s complicated again I’m going back downstairs to ask Meat-hook if he wants to dance.”

  He was off the bed flying towards me before I could think and in the next second I felt myself shoved hard against the door. His body was a rigid wall sandwiching me between him and the hard wood at my back.

  “You dare and I’ll pull down your panties and spank your ass red.”

  I sucked in a breath, staring into his almost black eyes. It should be a threat. I should be afraid. But instead my nipples tightened against his hard chest, heat rushed through my veins, and my pussy clenched and dripped into my panties.

  He was breathing hard, his chest rising and falling, lips parted. I couldn’t stop staring at those lips.

  He pulled back suddenly and spun away. “You shouldn’t be here. I’ll take you home.”

  “No!” I managed to keep my voice from trembling, just barely. “I’m not leaving till you tell me what’s so fucking complicated.”

  “You don’t understand.”

  “Then make me understand!”

  “Fine!” He bellowed the word like it had been waiting to escape. His voice was raw and deep, filled with something that might have been rage or maybe pain. I couldn’t tell. He lowered his voice and said, “Sit.” And motioned towards the bed.

  I settled against the pillows and crossed my legs. I can’t help remembering how often we used to sit together on his bed reading or arguing or watching TV.

  He sat at the other end, not looking at me. Finally he sucked in a breath and started to talk. “I wa
s ten when Mum died. Our family was perfect and then just like that—” he clicked his fingers. “All the light was gone. She was dead and everything stopped.

  “It was hard on Harvey, I knew it then and I understand it more now. Mum had been the main parent while he went to work and then suddenly he was a single parent and I was a handful. He lasted about a year, mourning Mum, working, and I was always in trouble at school or acting out at home.”

  He took a long breath, choosing his words.

  “He started drinking. At first I think it was just to help him sleep, shut out the world and my bullshit for a few hours. A month later he was having a beer with breakfast and knocking himself out with scotch at night.

  “I starting cooking dinner when he stopped bothering, and I was getting sick of toast. He told me it was about fucking time I started pulling my weight.” His face contorted. “It happened so slowly I didn’t even notice. He’d come home angry nearly every night, breaking things, roaring at the neighbors who dared to check on us, passing out on the couch or the floor.

  “It was when he lost his job that things got—bad. If the food was burned or I made too much noise or I looked at him wrong he’d get this look in his eye. I got to know that look real well. It was like something dark was slithering behind the man-mask he was wearing—Right before the fists or the back of his hand or his boot...” His breath hitched and I saw his eyes shimmering.

  Oh my God. I don’t know what I’d expected. I wanted him to stop talking to stop saying such nasty things. At the same time I wanted to go to him. To wrap my arms around him and hold him so tightly. Could he seriously be talking about Daddy? The man who was always so easy to smile or laugh, quick with a big safe bear-hug. Who’d let me call him Daddy and treated me like a daughter even though I was another man’s child? I don’t think I’d ever seen him angry once and he’d never raised his voice.

  But there was no missing the way Gray was sitting so stiff, his arms wrapped tight around his body as though he wanted to make himself smaller and hide somewhere dark. I don’t want to believe him. I’m not sure if I can but I knew that he wasn’t lying and my chest aches.

  “The last time—I ended up in the hospital. I still don’t know what happened. When I woke up I had two broken ribs, a broken arm and a bandage wrapped around my head. Dad was there, sitting next to me with his face in his hands crying. I don’t think he even cried at Mum’s funeral, at least not in front of me.

  “He stayed there the whole time, not speaking, just there and sober for the first time in two years. Soon after I got out he started going to AA meetings, got another job...” he let out a broken laugh. “I told myself I could forgive him, even told the police that it was an accident, and that I fell down the stairs. A year went by and he didn’t drink again. And another year went by and I started wishing he’d just get it over with, go get drunk so I’d see that look again and he could stop hiding, be the monster I knew he was because it’s always worse when it sticks to the shadows, stays under the bed...”

  “Oh God, Gray,” I whisper without realizing. My whole body is trembling with too many emotions to pin down.

  He glared at me. “I don’t need your fucking pity.”

  I gaped at him. “You selfish bastard!” My voice was high and raw with so many, too many mingled emotions to control it. “You can’t tell me something like that and expect me to feel nothing. Oh God, Grayson. How can I not feel? I love you, I’m your sister—”

  I managed a shocked squeak when he lunged at me, shoving me back onto the bed, pinning me down, covering me with his much larger body.

  “You’re not,” he rasped, breathing hard. “My sister.”

  Chapter Seven

  His hands held mine against the sheets but instead of pushing against him I shifted just enough to interlink our fingers. We were both breathing hard and I could feel one of his thick thighs resting between my legs, pressing just barely against my suddenly very damp panties. Something hard nudged my belly.

  My eyes widened. His thing felt huge against the front of his jeans and a tingle of excitement spiraled down into my lower belly and joined with the hot sweetness already growing in my pussy.

  For a long time he just stared down at me and I back up at him. We were both breathing hard and without thinking I rocked my hips upward, increasing the pressure against my aching core.

  “God, Carly.” He shut his eyes and groaned, his cock twitching and hardening even more behind the layer of cloth. Could he feel how hot I was? How wet?

  “Gray.” The word wasn’t so much a whisper as a prayer. I’ve wanted him for so long, to be pinned beneath him, on his bed... It’s like the best dream ever.

  He cursed viciously under his breath and pulled away, sitting up, visibly trembling. But I refused to let him shut me out. Not this time.

  I straddled his hips and wrapped my arms around his wide shoulders. I’d expected him to push me away but he didn’t. Instead he wrapped his arms around me and buried his face in my hair, his breath hot against my throat and shoulder.

  “I’ve never told anyone,” he rasped and his arms tightened, pulling me harder against him, hugging me like one might hug a favorite teddy.

  Combing my fingers through his hair I pulled his head back so I could look into his face. I cupped his jaw between my hands, feeling the prickle of stubble beneath my fingertips and leaned down to kiss his forehead, his cheeks, and my lips lingered, not quite touching his slightly open mouth.

  “Gray.” It was a question, it was a plea.

  “We shouldn’t,” he replied but didn’t pull away, didn’t push me back. “I shouldn’t.”

  “You said it yourself,” I replied. “I’m not your sister. I’m not a little girl any more either. Let me make love to you, Gray. I need to hold you and feel you.”

  “I’m not a gentle man,” he gritted between his teeth. “I never want to hurt you.”

  “You could never hurt me,” I purred, my whole body vibrating with aching need. “You promised, remember?”

  He let out a shuddering breath and licked his lips.

  “Please don’t send me away?” I pleaded, slowly rocking my soaking core over the bulge in his jeans. “I get that it’s complicated and maybe we can’t ever be together, but I need you to be my first.”

  His breath hitched and he went very still. “Fuck, Carly. Honey, this is wrong. We shouldn’t, I shouldn’t be your first lover.”

  “Is that what you want?” I murmured. “Another man between my thighs? Do you really want the first cock inside my pussy to be someone else’s?”

  The low, dangerous growl was my first and only warning before he grabbed my hips and threw me off him and onto the bed. He knelt between my spread thighs and glared down at me, chest rising and falling, jaw clenched.

  With one finger he slid my red dress further up my quivering thighs and groaned when he saw my white lace panties. He grabbed the bulge in his pants and rubbed at it, staring at the wet patch at my crotch.

  “I want you, Gray,” I said, my face flushing at my honesty. “I’ve always wanted you. Maybe I wasn’t ready before, but I’m ready now. I need you now.”

  He dipped and grazed his lips over my knee, sending jolts of sweet thrills all through me. Then he followed an invisible trail up my inner thigh, making me shiver and tremble with excitement and anticipation.

  “Mine,” he growled and breathed in deep with his nose pressed to my panties. Not quite touching my pussy but so close my toes curled.

  “Always,” I replied and spread my thighs wider. “I’ve always been yours.”

  Without any more words he stripped me. Pulling my dress over my head then making short work of my matching bra and panties. He just stared down at me, breathing hard, something dark and dangerous slithering behind his eyes as he eyed my round breasts and shaved pussy.

  Gritting his teeth he yanked his leather jacket off his arms and hurled it to the floor, then ripped his shirt over his head to follow the jacket.

p; I gasped at the sight of him. Strong and muscled from hard work not the gym. His eyes were hooded, his hands clenching and unclenching, his lips parted, sucking in air as though he were running a marathon.

  Holy shit! This was actually happening. I was about to lose my virginity to my fucking-sexy-as-all-hell stepbrother. My whole body vibrated with arousal and I couldn’t stop myself cupping my breasts in my hands and squeezing to ease the pressure, just a little.

  “Fuck,” he muttered. “You have exactly five seconds to change your mind.” He ripped at his heavy belt before yanking open his jeans.


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