Rodeo Queen

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Rodeo Queen Page 21

by T. J. Kline

  “Scott,” she began.

  “I want you safe and I’m not sure you are here.” He thought about the discussion he’d just overheard and the threat that had been unmistakable in Liz’s voice.

  “I’ve already caused enough trouble for you and Mike.” She rested her hands on his arms, and he was alarmed at how cold they felt. It was almost as if the attack had taken the fire out of her. “I mean, you haven’t even been able to get your own job done. And I know you sent Clay and Jen to the rodeo last weekend instead of going yourself.” She shrugged and looked back at the stallion in the corral. “Maybe I should leave the ranch completely.”

  “No.” Scott wasn’t about to leave any room for argument. “Do you really think I’d let you out of my sight after what happened?” He tipped her chin up so that she met his gaze. “I want you where I have more control over our surroundings, at least for now.”

  Scott could read the relief in her eyes, and he pressed his lips to her temple. “Don’t you realize what your leaving would do to me?” he whispered into her hair.

  THE KNOCK AT her bedroom door halted Sydney’s packing. Before she could even open the door, Derek barged in uninvited.

  “Just what the hell is going on?” he yelled.

  Sydney had never seen him like this and wasn’t sure how to respond. When she didn’t answer, Derek reached for her shirts, stacked neatly on the bed, and tossed them into her suitcase.

  “Where do you think you’re going?”

  “Scott wants me to stay somewhere else for a little while. At least until he feels like it’s safe to return.” She wasn’t sure why she felt obligated to give him an answer.

  “Why didn’t you just ask me? I’d stay with you during the day. You’d be just as safe with me.”

  A smile played at the corner of Sydney’s lips. “I know, Derek.” She knew it wasn’t true but didn’t want to hurt his sensitive ego. “But this will keep everyone safer. If I’m not here, there’s no reason for Kurt to return. And if he does, he’ll leave if he doesn’t find me.”

  “And this isn’t just because of Scott?”

  “What?” How had he even heard that she was leaving with Scott?

  “I’m sure Scott’s staying with you.” Derek didn’t even try to hide the bitterness from his tone. Maybe Scott was right about Derek’s jealousy. She shook her head, refusing to answer him, and turned back to her clothes, stuffing them into the bag.

  Derek grasped her by the shoulders and turned her to face him. “Sydney, can’t you see that he’s trouble? He’s caused you nothing but heartache. I’ve seen him do it to other women hundreds of times. Just look at Liz.”

  She jerked away from him and held a hand up to ward off any further conversation. “I don’t want to talk about this now.” She tried to shut out Derek’s voice, but seeing he’d hit a tender wound, he pressed on. “She wasn’t always like this. This is what happens when Scott gets tired of you. I would never treat you the way he has—or the way I know he will.”

  Sydney pressed her hands against her forehead. “Please, Derek, just leave.”

  “Sydney.” He reached for her arm.

  “Go!” The slamming door echoed with the foreboding of finality.

  “SO MAYBE THAT was a little mistake.” His voice held a rasp. He tipped the shot glass back and downed the liquid.

  “That wasn’t a mistake, Kurt. That was an out-and-out failure. You just drove them closer, and you may have ruined any chance I have at getting this ranch away from Scott.”

  Kurt chuckled at her rage. “So where are they now?”

  “I have no clue.” She pushed at his shoulders. “Thanks to your stunt, he took off with her and a bunch of the horses last night.” She reached for the icy mug in front of her and took a sip, wrinkling her nose at the beer foam. “They don’t have a rodeo, but if anyone knows where to find them, they aren’t talking to me.”

  Kurt twirled a toothpick between his fingers, slipping it into his mouth. “Are they gonna be working tomorrow?”

  Liz rolled her eyes. “How would I know what they have planned?”

  Kurt rolled the piece of wood to the other side of his mouth. “Then I’ll watch tomorrow and follow them back to where they are staying.”

  Liz pursed her lips and arched her brow at him. It might work; it was better than anything she could come up with right now. Kurt leaned forward and pressed a quick kiss to her mouth, making her jump backward.

  “Trust me.”

  Liz turned and stared at the people making their way to the dance floor of the loud country bar. She tossed back the rest of the beer and stood to leave, leaning to whisper into Kurt’s ear. “Not in a million years.”

  SYDNEY WOKE THE next morning curled against Scott’s chest, her fist tucked under her chin. His arms held her in a tight embrace, as if he’d been afraid to let her go, even in sleep. She placed a light kiss against his stubbled jaw, savoring the salty roughness. Scott mumbled unintelligibly and rolled onto his back, pulling her with him.

  “Scott,” she whispered, running her fingers up his hardened thigh, feeling his arousal against her hip. She felt his muscles bunch and tense under her fingers.

  She kissed her way down his chest, smiling as his abs contracted as she ran her fingertips across them. In a flash of movement Scott rolled over, pinning her beneath him on the bed. His eyes opened, dark with desire, sparkling with mirth.

  “I certainly hope you plan on waking me like this every morning.”

  Sydney pushed against his shoulders. “You were awake the entire time, weren’t you?”

  Scott shrugged his broad shoulders, a sly grin gracing his lips. “Guilty as charged, I’m afraid.” She tilted her head and tried to appear disappointed in him. “Well, can you blame me?” he laughed. Scott rolled onto the bed beside her. “You seemed to be enjoying yourself, so who was I to interrupt?”

  She fought to hide the smile trying to break through. “And you weren’t, I suppose?”

  Scott’s eyes grew darker than she thought was possible, becoming inky. “What do you think?” He pressed himself against her leg, silently encouraging her to continue her explorations.

  Sydney smiled, reveling in her feminine power. “I think . . .” she began. A wave of nausea flooded her and she pushed herself away from him, running to the bathroom. Slamming the door, she raced to the toilet in time to be sick, holding a hand to her still painful ribs. She laid her forehead on the cool porcelain, wondering whether she had caught a bug or this was her infection returning.

  “Sydney,” Scott called from behind the door. “Are you okay?”

  The nausea passed as quickly as it had hit and Sydney emerged from the bathroom, pale and trembling slightly. She didn’t want him to worry that she was getting sick. “Yeah, probably just that flu going around.”

  Scott didn’t look convinced. “You want me to call Clay and tell him you’re not breeding Valentino today and won’t need his help?”

  “No, I’m fine. Really,” she assured him. “Those mares aren’t going to wait forever.”

  FOR THE NEXT two weeks, Sydney spent her days breaking a few of Mike’s newest colts, breeding the mares, and working with Scott on a new opening for an upcoming rodeo. Scott had informed her that it was one of the biggest rodeos they would do during the year and that they always expected something new and spectacular. With what he and Mike were planning, she wasn’t sure that they could pull it together in time. The rodeo was only two months away and they were going to need some elaborate props.

  She poured herself a glass of iced tea and sank into one of the Adirondack chairs behind Scott’s house that overlooked the corral. Valentino circled the arena, sprinting from one side to the other. She could sympathize with his need to run. She was tired of being under Scott’s ever-watchful eye. Kurt still hadn’t turned up, but instead of relaxing him it had only seemed to make Scott even more tense. He’d been neglecting the cattle, pushing the work off to the other ranch hands in order to keep an eye on h
er. It had taken Mike to convince him to go with him to check on one of the bulls who had seemed sick.

  Sydney made her way to the corral. Valentino pranced to the fence, eager for her attention. His fuzzy lips tugged at the sleeves of her shirt. He’d almost returned to his usual spirited self after the attack, and she was excited to think of the mares that would be heavy in foal to him over the coming months.

  “Have you missed me, boy?” The young stallion flipped his upper lip back as if smiling at her in response. Sydney rubbed the flat spot between his eyes, her hand slipping under his long forelock. They both felt cooped up and needed to run. Scott had made her promise to stay at the house, but he wouldn’t be back for a few hours—enough time for her to take a quick ride and be back before he returned. She left the fence and stepped into the barn, intent of checking on her favorite mare first. Cougar nickered as she peeked into the stall.

  “Hey there, little lady. Are you ready to be a mama?”

  The sorrel mare snorted and shook her coppery mane. She had come along nicely once Sydney had been able to get her to accept a rider willingly. She had perfect conformation and she and Valentino were going to have a beautiful foal next spring. Cougar took a step toward the door in anticipation of the treat Sydney always had for her. Pulling the latch on the door, Sydney stepped inside, greeted by Cougar thumping her stomach with her nose.

  “All right, here you go . . .” A wave of nausea overwhelmed Sydney and she pressed the back of her hand to her mouth, fighting the urge to retch as her stomach clenched and roiled. She took a deep breath, inhaling the scent of sweet alfalfa and molasses, and was amazed that the queasiness passed as quickly as it had hit.

  This is the strangest stomach flu ever.

  She closed the stall door and dropped the bridle over the horn before carrying the saddle from the tack room. She quickly groomed the anxious stallion before slipping the saddle onto his back. She had every intention of getting rid of this pent-up energy they both had with a run to the lake. Valentino continued to prance in place as she swung her leg over his back and settled herself. She understood his anxiety; she, too, had the desire to break loose and run forever, feeling the wind whip her hair behind her, dragging at her shirt.

  She leaned close to his neck and loosened the reins. She wound her fingers in his silvery mane before making a kissing sound. Valentino, sensing her exhilaration, broke into a fast gallop.

  “Come on, boy. I know you can do better than this.” She tapped him with her heels.

  Valentino flattened his ears and stretched out his majestic body as he raced across the emerald pasture. Sydney’s laughter was carried on the wind, circling her and reminding her of less challenging times. She sat up, slowing the horse as they approached the lake, allowing him to choose his own path to the waiting refreshment.

  She slid from his back, loosened his cinch and, let him roam, knowing that he wouldn’t stray far. She sat on a rock on the bank, kicked off her boots, and rocked her foot back and forth, dipping her toes into the cold water. It had been too long since she’d come back here. The last time was the first time Scott had taken her to his home, after the confrontation with Derek. She’d been able to avoid Derek since he’d stormed into her room. Maybe Scott was right and he did have feelings for her, but she had never encouraged him. Not even when Scott had accused her of it.

  A nudge to her shoulder shook her out of her reverie. Sydney turned to see Valentino waiting patiently for the attention he felt he deserved. She reached up and petted the velvet softness of his muzzle.

  “I’ve missed riding you the last couple weeks.” Valentino’s deep nicker made her laugh. “I take it you missed me too, huh?”

  The horse shook his shining mane and brushed her cheek with his nose. Sydney glanced at the sun, which was gradually creeping toward the horizon. She had to get back or Scott would be at the house before she returned. With a sigh of regret, she tightened the cinch.

  “Guess it’s time to head back.” She climbed onto his back and headed the way she had come.

  As the barn came into view, she saw Scott’s unmistakable profile against the corral. He met up with her before she even reached the barn.

  “Where in the hell were you?”

  Sydney shrugged. “I just went out for a ride.”

  “I got here and you and that stallion were gone. Why didn’t you leave a note? Something?”

  “Scott, I . . .”

  “What was I supposed to think? I’ll tell you, I thought that Kurt . . .”

  “Scott, stop!” She climbed from the saddle and slipped the bridle from Valentino’s head, replacing it with the halter. “We just went to the lake. I’m sorry I didn’t leave a note, but I expected to be back before you were. I’m sick of being cooped up like an animal. He needed the exercise and I needed some freedom.”

  Scott pulled her away from the horse and into his arms, exhaling a breath she hadn’t realized he’d been holding. “Next time, leave a note. Or call my cell.” He stroked her tangled curls.

  “I’m sorry I worried you.” Her voice was muffled against his chest.

  “I know.” He kissed the top of her head, breathing in the scent of the grass, the wind and honey. “I know.”

  KURT HAD KNOWN his patience would pay off eventually. He’d watched Scott arrive at Mike’s ranch without Sydney several days in a row only to see him leave, heading toward town. He knew that Scott wasn’t staying in town. The wagging tongues there would have been in full swing. Then he remembered the old road Scott’s parents had used to take to town instead of cutting through Mike’s part of the ranch. The chain locking the old gate was brand new and the rusted gate had been oiled. It didn’t take much effort to cut the link enough to allow access for his truck. The road was overgrown with weeds that now lay pressed down in tracks from Scott’s truck. Kurt’s four-wheel drive climbed the hills easily, crossing ruts and rocks as if they were speed bumps.

  He’d worried momentarily that the sound of the loud diesel engine would carry, alerting Scott and Sydney to his presence on the hills overlooking the monstrosity Scott called home. Luck had been on his side as the wind carried any sound away from them. He followed Scott’s tire tracks until he reached the crest and parked behind trees to keep his truck hidden as a precaution. Kurt limped to the top of the hill and lay in the weeds, watching them through the high-power binoculars. Scott didn’t look happy; his shoulders were practically tensed to his ears as Sydney rode up. There was obviously something causing tension between the lovers, and Kurt smiled, wondering if he wasn’t the reason for the stress.

  He watched Sydney unsaddle the stallion and turn him loose into the corral. If they thought they had stress now, tomorrow was going to bring an entirely new definition of the word. A smile spread across his lips as he limped back to his truck, climbing into the driver’s seat and pulling his baseball cap down to shade his eyes. Once the sun went down, he was going to be busy.

  Chapter Sixteen

  * * *

  SYDNEY LAY WITH Scott’s body curved around her back and listened to his even breathing, trying to sort out her feelings for him. He could rile her temper faster than any man she’d ever known, and more often than not she wanted to smack that smug, arrogant smile from his face. But sometimes, there was something so kind and gentle about him, a sensitiveness he tried to hide. It wasn’t as if he were difficult to look at either. She ran her fingertips over the arm at her waist, the solid muscles of his forearm protectively surrounding her with his warmth. He was the most virile man she’d ever met, and his rakish charm never let her catch a breath. There was no doubt in her mind that she loved him.

  But even after the past few weeks, she still had no idea what permanent place, if any, he saw for her in his life. She’d told him how she felt, albeit accidentally, and he’d never let her in on his thoughts. She didn’t want to believe Derek that Scott was merely using her, but she couldn’t help the doubts from creeping in when he refused to open up. How long was she going to
be willing to offer up her heart and soul to him only to be shut out, simply a body to keep him warm at night? How much longer would he make her pay the price for the unfaithfulness of another?

  “I love you, Scott,” she whispered as she caressed his powerful arm and surrendered herself to sleep.

  SCOTT OPENED HIS eyes slowly. He had heard her confession. This was the second time the words had left her mouth, and he couldn’t deny that this time it had been deliberate. Sydney had offered him the greatest gift he could have ever asked for. If she was so afraid of his rejection that she couldn’t voice her feelings in the light of day, had he really earned it? And how would he respond if she did? Could he really profess a love he wasn’t sure he even believed existed?

  The questions swirled unanswered as he held Sydney in his arms. He knew that the thought of her with anyone else drove him mad, but jealousy didn’t equate with love. He had learned that lesson from his experience with Liz, and he never wanted to make the same mistake again. Love was for suckers, he convinced himself. He cared about Sydney a lot, and he could admit that to her, but love? That term was better left for fantasies and fairy tales.

  The unmistakable thud of a hoof hitting the rail of the corral and the resulting crack of the board cut off all thoughts of the soft woman in his arms. She bolted upright, awake immediately.


  He placed a finger to his lips and slid from the bed, pulling on the sweats he’d thrown at the foot of it. “Stay here. I’ll check it out.”

  Sydney reached for his arm. “No.”

  “It’s probably just the horses spooked by a coyote.”

  She rose and reached for the robe that he had thrown on the floor. “I’m coming with you.”

  He wanted to argue with her, but the determined set of her jaw advised him of the futility. It would only waste time and energy. “Fine, but stay behind me.”

  He unlocked the back door and stepped onto the deck, scanning the horizon for anything that looked out of place: shadows that didn’t fit the landscape or anything that instinctively struck him as odd. When nothing stood out, he headed down the stairs to check on Valentino. Sydney brushed past him, slipping into the corral and cooing to the agitated stallion. One of the corral boards hung awkwardly from the break. The horse was anxious but seemed unharmed, even as he snorted loudly one last time.


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