A Bad Boy Billionaire: Forbidden Alpha Male Romance

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A Bad Boy Billionaire: Forbidden Alpha Male Romance Page 6

by Heidi Hunter

  Somehow we cum at the same time. Maybe she's lying. I know I'm not as I shoot into her mouth again and again then slowly the release subsides and I'm back inside my body. She gets up and runs into the house. I don't follow, enjoying the feelings still reaching the furthest reaches of my mind. Soon she's back with a pitcher of orange juice and some fresh fruit.

  I don't remember what to call what she places in my mouth, but the texture and juices feel so good on my tongue then going down. I drink a tall glass and then another. I feel myself coming down slightly, but I know we have at least the morning. Maybe some of the afternoon. At some point I'll have to ask her to leave and return to my 99 billion problems, but for this one moment we are all that exists in the entire cosmos.

  “That was a freaky night,” she says.

  “I call it a normal Thursday.”

  She laughs then goes back to eating. I concentrate on enjoying the tastes as I look at the beauty of her body. She is fit and lean, but she has curves. Her breasts hang down. Her nipples stand up and out as if pouting. I want another taste. I start rubbing a piece of mango across her chest, making sure to test each nipple for sensitivity.

  “Already again?”

  “Our trip will be ending soon.”

  “We can go again.”

  “I need to work soon.”

  “No you don't!” she insists.

  I don't listen as I move in to taste the juice of the fruit on her tits. As I imagined, the tastes merge making both somehow better. Not bitter but not sweet.

  “You work too much,” she says, running her fingers through my hair again as I taste her chest.

  I lean back. “I don't work enough!” Standing up, I reach down my hand. “I want to go to the woods,” I say suddenly wanting to be enveloped by the forest. She is my nymph.

  I help her to her feet and we leave the morning tripper feast and, still naked, walk across the lawn toward the woods in the distance. At the bubbling brook as if from a fairy tale, she sits on a large boulder and begins twirling her hair.

  The air here is different. I can sense the change. The drugs are wearing off, but we both still have our clothes off. The act of making love seems strange because we have copulated and pleased each other so much over the last twenty or thirty hours. I don't remember what day it is anymore.

  “I'm not a whore,” she says, suddenly, close to tears.

  “I know,” I say, skipping a flat rock across the water.

  “Do you?”

  “I know a lot of things.” I sent another rock skipping. This one goes further.

  “Hey, I want to try that,” she says, forgetting the small moment of sadness.

  She stands up and chooses a rock and chucks it into the water where it plops and sinks to the bottom. I can't help myself and start laughing. I'm not laughing at her, but at the whole world. Looking at me, she sees this and joins me as we laugh at the ludicrousness of the universe as a whole. The ripples made by her rock get smaller then stop.

  I wade out into the water, my bare feet feeling strange against the rocks on the bottom. Was this the feeling of man a thousand years ago in this spot? Or even longer? She reaches her arm around me and we stand in the ankle deep water at the edge and stare out into the woods. The sounds and smells overwhelm us. She gets out of the water.

  “Had enough?” I ask.

  “You're going to ask me to leave soon, aren't you?”

  “Why do you say that?” I ask, getting out of the water myself.

  The clouds have cleared up and sunshine rains down in between the canopy of the trees by the creek.

  “I know more about you than you think.”

  “I don't think about how much you know me at all.”


  “Honestly, no. When you're not here it's as if you don't exist.”

  Her eyes open wide in shock. She storms off, but I know she won't leave. I sit on the boulder she occupied when we first arrived. Looking down, I see I'm getting hard again. I take myself in my hand and stroke, trying to follow the rhythm of the forest. My 99 billion problems will appear again soon after my trip, but for now I am alone in the world with my cock. I spit in my hand and sat back as I stroke up and down firmly.

  I open my eyes just as I begin to cum, spurts of whiteness shooting out and into the water, leaving their own smaller ripples. The last few drops fall down on the rock. I shake myself and am about to stand up when I hear her voice behind me.

  “That was hot.”

  I turn my head around to look at her at the edge of the forest. Her right hand is touching her magical spot.

  “You were watching?” I ask.

  She walks over and joins me on the rock. I watch as she continues stroking herself. Moans escape her lips as I stroke her cheek gently with the back of my fingers. Soon she's crying out in pleasure. Then it's over. We sit in silence and watch the water a little longer. I'm not sure how long. Hunger awakens us to the real world. I look up and see the sun directly overhead.

  I turn to her. “Something to eat?” I see she's crying silently, tears streaming down her face. “What's wrong, dear?” I ask.

  She whimpers. “I don't want to ever leave this place.”

  I want to laugh again, but I know she won't take it the same way. I console her by taking her into my arms. I don't lie and say she can stay, but I don't throw the fact we're not a couple in her face.

  “Just enjoy the last of the day,” I say and stand up. “I'm going to head back to the house if you want to come with me.”

  “I came after you, not with you. I just noticed that.”

  “We both came.”

  “It's not the same.”

  I know she's right, but I don't want to argue. I feel like eating a steak or two cooked over flames outside. She's not a good cook, but she likes me cooking. I know we both need to eat. My 99 billion problems are not going to go away on their own. I need to solve the last pieces of the puzzle so I can reach 100 billion. And then I will stop.

  As I walk through the trees and then across the lawn toward the house, I don't turn around to see if she's following me. We all need time alone sometimes to deal with reality when coming down. I know this but I can't teach it to her. She needs to find out on her own. I'll buy her a home, a car, and anything she wants, but my heart and mind will never be hers.

  As I'm cooking the steaks, I see her emerge from the woods out of the corner of my eye. She walks across the lawn, naked in all her glory. I flip the steaks over and hear them hiss as the juices drop down into the flames. She arrives just as I'm taking them off and putting them on a plate. I know eating will help her. Watching her leave later is just another one of my many problems. For now, we eat like a king and queen of the ancient world.

  She's quiet as we eat. Then, as the sustenance begins to hit our bodies, she perks up a little. She tells me of her world when she's not with me. I don't mind. I don't care really, but I don't mind either. I let her tell me as I chew the meat and feel it strengthening me. I'll have her one more time before she goes, I tell myself and smile.

  Bonus Stories

  Nikki the Sitter


  Nikki a Sitter No More

  Everyone else in the house was asleep as I sat in the living room and waited for Mr. Cary to arrive. George and Anne, his children, were safely upstairs. A form fitting dress was draped over the back of the couch. It was definitely white and not blue or gold. I giggled to myself nervously. My plan was to tell him that after two years, I couldn’t be his babysitter any longer.

  At twenty-one years old, he was twice my age. We’d grown close after his wife cheated on him and he left her. His children loved me, but I couldn’t see myself spending the rest of my life with the man. Like Harrison Ford and Sean Connery, age had been kind to him. He took care of his body. I glanced at the clock on the wall and saw he’d be home in a few minutes.

  With a final deep breath to calm myself, I stood and picked up the dress to change. He would be surprised when h
e saw me wearing it, but that would hopefully distract him a little as I broke the news. Over the last two weeks, we’d spent quite a bit of time talking together after he got home. I thought the world of him, but if I was honest with myself, I wanted to fly free and find my true soul mate.

  College definitely wasn’t for me. If I believed in spirit animals, mine would be a cheetah or some other female cat. Steven had paid me really well for two years, and I had enough saved up in the bank to take a trip across the country to California. Maine was okay, but I wanted to lounge in the sun and feel some of the excitement of the West Coast before I got too old to truly enjoy myself.

  I walked to one of the downstairs bathrooms to change into the dress. Steven’s house was huge, but that wasn’t enough for me to want to stay with him for the next twenty years. After I stripped out of my jeans and shirt, I stared at myself in the mirror. My breasts are not my best feature, I thought to myself as I touched them. I took off my bra next.

  The dress was easy to slip into. I was certain he’d like it. Even if he didn’t, it would throw him off balance so I could bring up the fact I was going away. I adjusted my breasts by moving the straps around a bit. When I was finally happy with how the dress looked, I looked at my hair. The curls were still in and would have to do. He was going to be home at any minute.


  When I opened the door to the bathroom, he turned to look at me.

  “Wow. You look nice. Going out?”

  “No, but tonight is a special night.”

  “Yeah? Why do you say that? Everything okay?”

  “Yes and no.” I placed my hand on his arm, feeling the high quality cotton of his suit jacket. “Do you mind if we have a drink of wine?”

  A week ago, we’d shared a nice bottle of red. He’d told me it cost him three hundred dollars. It had been worth every penny, definitely the best wine I’d ever tasted before in my life. His eyes looked into mine, as if he was trying to figure out what was going through my mind.

  “I don’t know…” he said.

  “I’m going to quit tonight,” I interrupted. “I could really use a drink. I’m of legal age and I’m not employed by you anymore, so…” My voice trailed off.

  He broke eye contact. “Sure. We can have a drink. You’re becoming quite the attorney.”

  “I’ve been hanging around you long enough for some of it to rub off on me,” I said.

  “Let’s go downstairs to the rec room.”

  The bar he had downstairs was incredible. Both George and Anne had their own play area in the basement, but the one Steven had built for adults was incredible. He worked hard, and he loved to play and relax even harder. As we walked down the spiral staircase, I couldn’t help checking out his ass. The tail of his jacket hid it a little, but I caught tiny glimpses that excited me.

  At the bottom of the stairs, he opened a door. I followed him down a hallway to the spacious retreat he’d designed for himself. I felt a little silly wearing the dress and no shoes, but he didn’t seem to care. He was quieter than usual. I figured it probably had something to do with the fact I told him I was going to quit. Instead of responding right away, he weighed everything in his mind first.

  In some ways that was good for him. As for me, it drove me crazy. I wanted to know what other people were thinking. Communication was key to any good relationship. He could communicate well, but he was slower than most. When he reached the massive bar with every type of alcohol imaginable, he retrieved a bottle of wine and two glasses for us.

  “So, is that what the dress is all about?” he asked as I walked over.

  “I guess. My plan was to knock you off balance then hit you with it so I could gauge your reaction.”

  “Damn, young woman, you have been paying attention to me blathering on about being a lawyer.”

  He winked at me, which made my heart melt. “Very funny. Is this another three hundred dollar bottle?”

  “Good at changing the subject too.” He smiled. “Actually, this one was thirteen hundred. It’s better than the one we had the other week.”

  “Wait, don’t open it,” I said, putting my hand on his arm again.

  The cork popped. “Too late.”

  As he poured us each a glass, I watched his well-manicured hands. Everything about him was high quality and upper class. The fact that he’d given me a chance and had paid me quite a bit of money over a period of two years meant a lot to me. What meant even more was my physical attraction to his body. Very early on, I’d noticed we had very good chemistry together. He made me tingle with a look or touch.

  “Here you go.” He handed me a half-full wine glass.

  “That all I get?”

  “Don’t gulp. Sip.”

  He raised his glass to his lips. A look of pleasure washed over his face as he tasted the wine. Can it really be that good? I wondered to myself. Not wanting to wait, I took a tiny drink of my own. The flavor was complex and incredible. All of a sudden, he downed the rest of his glass in one gulp then immediately poured himself another.

  “You like?” he asked.

  “You drank that pretty fast.”

  “Is it good?”

  I nodded my head. “It has a complex taste…”

  “It’s a twenty dollar bottle of wine.” He laughed.

  “Steven!” I scolded then smiled. “You’re not funny. I’m here trying to be serious because I need to talk to you about something.”

  “You’ve already told me, Nikki. It’s fine. I’ve known for a while you were going to quit eventually. You helped me so much after…” He paused a moment and took another drink. “After that bitch of a wife of mine left me.”

  “That’s not it.” I drank the rest of my glass. When it was empty, I set it on the bar next to the bottle.

  He refilled it. “I can give you a bonus if you’re needing money for college or something.”

  “No, that’s not it at all. You’ve given me way too much already.”

  “Bullshit. Without you, this house would have fallen apart quickly. Don’t put yourself down so quickly, Nikki.”

  “Okay,” I whispered.

  “Now what did you want to talk to me about?”

  “I’m not ready to say yet.”

  “That’s fine. At twenty dollars a bottle, we can knock a few of these bad boys back.”

  “I don’t want to get too drunk if I’m going to be driving home.”

  He pushed a full glass over to me. “You’re not running away right away, are you? I’ve come to enjoy our little discussions.”

  And the flirting? Did you enjoy that too? Are you going to freak the fuck out if I come on to you? Questions flew through my mind as I said, “No, that’s not it at all. I like you too.”

  “Mind if we go sit on a couch?” he asked.

  “Can we dance?”

  His head tilted to the side as he examined my face. “Sure, I guess.”

  I walked over to his expensive turntable. An amplifier that used vacuum tubes was connected to it. The sound was amazing no matter what played. Most of his vinyl was ancient, but I’d managed to find an album by The Smiths a few weeks earlier. Ian Curtis understood love. He could create a mood in a room with sounds like an illusionist. Love Will Tear Us Apart played through hidden speakers.

  When I turned around, Steven had taken off his suit jacket and tossed it casually on a couch. His tie was loosened with the top bottom of his shirt undone. Fucking hot, I thought as I took a step toward him. He met me in the middle. My hands went to his broad, strong shoulders while his went to my waist. After a moment, they slid to my hips. Our eyes locked as the rest of the world faded away.

  Maybe it was the wine, but I realized as we slowly danced that it was indeed over. I was no longer going to be Mr. Cary’s babysitter. As we moved back and forth, our bodies pressed against each other, none of that mattered. In that moment, the wine and my love for the older man took control of me. I leaned up and kissed him on the lips. They were so soft.

  Immediately, he kissed me back. I expected him to thrust his tongue into my mouth forcefully like so many of the other guys I’d dated over the last few years of my life, but he didn’t. He surprised me as he gently teased my lips with his lips. I wanted more. His hands squeezed my hips as I cautiously slipped my tongue into his mouth. Our tongues made love. I moaned.

  He pulled back and asked, “Is this the other thing?”

  I nodded.

  “Are you sure? I’m not complaining, but…”

  Before he could say another word, I planted my lips on his again. The song changed to something faster, almost ruining the moment. I stepped back and laughed.

  “Kinda a mood breaker, huh?”

  “I could listen to death metal or Britney Spears for hours if you kept kissing me.”

  I walked over to the turntable and lifted the arm. Once it was in its holder, I turned off the power. It slowly stopped spinning. Suddenly, his arms grabbed my waist from behind. His cock pressed against my ass cheeks as he bent down and kissed my neck lightly. I sighed, and his hands moved up to cup my breasts. As he massaged them, I ground my hips against him.

  “We’ve both wanted this a while,” he whispered into my ear then nibbled at the lobe.

  “Mmmhmm,” I moaned, not wanting him to stop.

  He turned me around and pulled me close, kissing me on the lips once again. I closed my eyes, enjoying the sensation. After spending so much time in his house, my dream of having him was finally coming true. And if I was lucky, I would be coming too. I pulled back and giggled. His face was full of wanton lust as he stared into my eyes.

  “What’s funny?”

  “I’m just happy.”

  “I could make you happier.”

  “Yeah?” I said in a teasing voice.

  “Yeah. A lot better. Shall we go upstairs?”

  I nodded. He took my hand in his and led me upstairs to the master bedroom. While he shut the door, I walked over to his four poster bed and undressed. The music and wine from downstairs would be missed a bit, but what I really wanted walked back across the room toward me. Steven took off his shirt completely, tossing it to the carpet. His muscled chest moved, hypnotizing me as I stood wearing only my panties.


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