A Bad Boy Billionaire: Forbidden Alpha Male Romance

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A Bad Boy Billionaire: Forbidden Alpha Male Romance Page 11

by Heidi Hunter

  I pulled back. It was too fucking intense. The music was moving around the room as colors as well as sounds. My past receded into the deep, dark recesses of my mind. All that mattered to me was the moment and what was about to happen next. After the kiss, we both understood on an instinctual level we were going to go farther with each other. He stood up.

  “Follow me,” he said seriously then began to walk in a ridiculous fashion across the room.

  Laughter had never been a part of sex for me – at least not like it was going down. My cheeks hurt from smiling so much, but I didn’t care. We miraculously made it to his bedroom, which reminded me of a comfortable womb, a nest, or maybe a hobbit hole. It was cozy and perfectly suited for a mix of mind expanding drugs and sexual energy.

  The music followed us from the living room, but it was fainter, almost like we were backstage at a concert. In my mind, I giggled at the thought of sleeping with a pretend Moby, some musician I’d never heard of before. Xander undressed in front of me as if it was the most natural thing in the world for us to be naked together in his bedroom. I took off mine as well.

  “Shit!” I exclaimed.

  “What’s wrong?” A look of worry swept over his face.

  “Do you have a condom?” I paused. “Or two?”

  He laughed, which caused me to laugh.

  “Yeah, I do. A few.”

  “Are we going to rhyme all night?”

  “Who knows? We might.”

  I pressed my naked body against his and kissed him again. We were about to have sex, but it was on another level entirely. I’d only known him a few weeks, but with the magic mushrooms in my body, it was like we’d known each other for many different lifetimes. The sexual energy quickly built up in the cozy bedroom, sending us to the bed.

  “Freshly washed sheets. I love that…” I said, my pupils dilated and my eyes wide open.

  “I was hoping you’d come over after the rendition?”


  He nodded.

  “I was hoping you’d ask me over.”

  Our lips barely touched, but it was the best kiss I’d ever had in my life. His hands, skilled from years of typing and writing, roamed over my body. Writers make the best lovers… I thought as I explored the pleasure floating through me like it was a physical thing I could touch. As we explored our bodies as if for the very first time, the buzz really began to kick in.

  His cock seemed strange in my hand, but as I stroked it, I saw pleasure wash over his face. Every tiny expression he made was relayed via my brain to my fingers, which adjusted the tugs to optimize his happiness. As it got harder, he touched me between the legs.

  His touch was soft and gentle but knowing. He somehow hit all the right spots. Is he studying my facial expressions? I wondered briefly. Soon, I couldn’t hold a single thought together. My mind flooded with feelings and emotions, all of them good. A tingling sensation spread through my body, centered on my clitoris.

  Every time his skin brushed the little, pink nub, I moaned. A virtuoso, he played me like an instrument. With the buzz going strong, I sometimes forgot where his body ended and my started. We were just cells. And they were touching. It was primal. Instinctual. Pleasure filled. His lips moved to mine. This kiss lasted longer. Meanwhile, our hands continued to follow instructions, pleasuring the other person. At some point, I wanted more. A sixty-nine seemed like the best solution.

  “Get on your back,” I said.

  He obeyed. When he was stretched out, I straddled his body, my pussy poised over his face. I moved my hips back and forth, settling into my position. My breasts pressed against his stomach. While he didn’t have a six-pack, he wasn’t flabby. Even more interesting to me was his cock, which was waving back and forth slightly as I stared at it. It mesmerized me. Slowly, I lowered myself onto his eager and willing mouth. Once again, our bodies became one.

  The drugs made me forget we were two separate people for just a moment or two. It was exhilarating and liberating at the same time. As his tongue and lips explored every inch of my pink flesh, I moved my head closer to his thick, mushroom head. It wasn’t a micro-penis, but it was small compared to some of the other ones I’d sucked. This will be a breeze, I thought as I lowered my mouth toward the tip, which was slick and wet with precum already.

  It tasted natural as his cock slipped between my lips. The ‘shrooms made every single sensation more intense as I slid all the way down to the bottom of his smooth shaft. At the same time, his tongue touched every crack and crevice it could find. And I mean every single one. Wherever it made contact with my skin, pleasure followed. The only music that mattered anymore was the sound of us breathing. Our breaths came faster and faster as we both got pushed toward an orgasm.

  Because of the magic mushrooms, it took us forever to reach our destination, spreading the pleasure out like a long, yellow brick road. We both followed the path, knowing the payoff at the destination would be worth it. I’d never experienced an orgasm while tripping, but I’d heard from others it was an amazing experience that stuck with you the rest of your life. As I sucked Xander’s dick, I realized he wasn’t the one for me – not forever.

  I pushed the thought aside for later, not wanting to smother the moment, the fact I was going to come. Whenever I thought I was about to come, I would start thinking about it consciously and slip away from the edge. A moment later, I’d be pushed closer again as I let go and enjoyed the electricity and tingles flowing from head to toe. We communicated with moans, letting each other know what we liked best and when we were close to coming.

  Neither of us had said anything about it, but to achieve a simultaneous orgasm – that rare beast – would be fucking amazing. On some inner level, we both sucked and kissed harder or softer to ensure the other person was in the same place. He tasted salty, but it was satisfying to have him in my mouth. My taste buds were working overtime while trying to savor the sensation. As I sucked his cock hungrily and lovingly, I made the decision to not fuck him.

  He might be disappointed, but I intended to make him have a mind blowing orgasm. And to let him come in my mouth. I could imagine the thick cream shooting out of the tip and hitting my tongue. The more I thought about him coming, the closer I got to coming myself. His hands grasped my ass cheeks as he ate me out, pulling me down toward him. We both crept closer and closer to our orgasms. I wrapped my thin fingers around the base of his cock so I could tell when he was about to pop.

  “I’m close,” I said after pulling my head up for a moment.

  “So close,” he replied.

  I bent my head again and concentrated on sucking the tip. At the same time, I rubbed my slit against his face, trying to set the pace. Our bodies melted together. The only thing on my mind was his cock and making it pop. Everything faded except for his tender skin, that shiny bulbous top. I swirled my tongue around, causing the base of his dick to twitch in my hand. He’s coming. I’m coming. He’s coming. I’m coming. The thoughts merged as my mind went blank for a split second.

  “Mmm…” I moaned.

  His seed shot into my mouth as my own orgasm racked my body, causing it to shake and shiver. I lifted my hips a bit to get away from his tongue and lips. My skin was suddenly super sensitive. When he stopped squirting, I swallowed all of his creamy load. After climbing off of him, I curled up next to his body. His chest rose and fell quickly as he tried to catch his breath. I reached my arm over and pinched one of his nipples, causing him to flinch.

  “That was good,” he mumbled.

  In that moment, I decided he was definitely not the one for me. And that was okay. I was sure he wouldn’t care one way or the other. He drifted through life without ever stopping. It was exciting, but it wasn’t what I wanted forever. I scooted away from him just an inch or two, but it was perceptible enough with our minds expanded.

  As we laid on our backs next to each other and stared at the glow stars on his ceiling as if they were real, my mind wandered to whether or not we would work out tog
ether in the long run. Xander was a lot of fun and had opened my eyes, but we would eventually grow in two directions, like a tree that couldn’t decide which way to go. Eventually, our relationship would be cut down for our own good.

  I wondered if he was coming to the same conclusions. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t really read his thoughts. Telepathy while on psychedelic drugs wasn’t unknown, but we weren’t on the same level. The sex was great, but it would never get any better. We’d peaked before we really had a chance to have a relationship together.

  These thoughts trickled up to my conscious mind. His hand reached out and clenched mine, as if he was afraid. We had shared trips for a bit, but after the afterglow of the sex, he’d gone off on his own private trip, refusing to take me with him. He wouldn’t be falling asleep anytime soon to allow me to slip off. Even if he did, I wouldn’t be able to drive in my condition.

  The idea of being stuck with him for another twelve hours causing alarm was yet another sign he wasn’t my soul mate. You’re getting better. Pretty soon, you’ll find the perfect person for you. For me. For us. My muddled thoughts made sense in that moment, but when I woke up it would all appear different to me. Steven Cary appeared in my thoughts, popping up like a flower or tree.

  Xander let go of my hand and stood up. I continued staring at the ceiling. The separate orgasms had separated us somehow. It was just the drugs, but in our state of minds, everything held the key to the entire universe. The answer to the mystery was just out of our reach. I lifted my hand, trying to capture one of the glowing star stickers on his spackled ceiling that had been painted black.

  When I looked up a few minutes later – or maybe hours later – Xander wasn’t in his bedroom with me. I stood up and checked the living room. Unable to find him, I panicked and checked the bathroom and kitchen, opening the cabinets to make sure he hadn’t crawled into one for some reason. The music had stopped as well. Unable to figure out the disappearing Xander mystery, I went to turn on some music.

  I can listen to whatever I want, I thought at first. Then I realized he wasn’t listening off a laptop or mp3 player. A massive 24-disc CD changer took up a good portion of one of the walls. Maybe it was my depth perception being altered, but the whole rack of electronics was a bit menacing to me. I studied the blinking lights, dials, and buttons like Indiana Jones studying ancient hieroglyphics.

  Unable to find a way to open the tray to put a new CD in, I pressed a button labeled random. Ironically, Modest Mouse started playing. The World at Large. Indeed. I smiled, pleased at myself. Xander disappearing wasn’t my problem. I’d determined without a doubt he wasn’t the right man for me. He was close in some ways, but it wasn’t a match. In the morning, I’d flee from him and the Cleve.

  ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

  When I woke up sometime the next afternoon, Xander still hadn’t returned. I left him a sense of mystery rather than writing a note. I hoped he was okay, but it was time for me to move on. After a quick walk to my apartment on the other side of the neighborhood, I packed the few belongings I had with me. Having just a few possessions was truly liberating. It didn’t take me long at all to pack up the new Jeep Cherokee I’d bought for the journey west.

  I headed west in my car, to Indiana or maybe further. The only thing I knew about the Hoosier state was that they were known for pot and corn. If I was lucky, I’d find some mutant brand of pot-corn that melted in your mouth and made you really high while taking care of your munchies and daily fiber at the same time. I laughed at myself as I drove out of Cleveland, like most of the city’s jobs had decades earlier. You’re becoming jaded on this cross-country road trip, I noted to myself.

  St. Louis was another possibility – the arches would be cool to see up close. Maybe. If I was honest with myself, I wasn’t sure where the hell I was going. I told myself California was my destination, but Colorado had started to seem just as good as a destination. They had legalized pot, which was one of my favorite ways to relax. As I said goodbye to Cleveland, I also left magic mushrooms behind for a while. If I wanted to find true love, I needed to be sober.


  Nikki Dates the Geek

  Once again, listening to the radio in the car got me into trouble. I headed west out of Cleveland and made it as far as Fort Wayne, Indiana before I decided to stop. A classic rock station was playing the perfect song for my mood when all of a sudden the music stopped and some guy said, “Hey, did you press that button? Shit. We’re live. No, don’t!”

  The station cut straight to an advertisement from a sponsor. I glanced at the radio and chuckled. Did that really just happen? As had happened in Ohio, I decided to stop and investigate. Two weeks later, I’d secured a job at the WLKY FM radio station by making up some shit about working for a magazine in Cleveland.

  After a few days on the job, I found out the guy whose voice I’d heard on the radio was Thurston Goode, the IT manager for the radio station. They were one of the last places in the country to switch over to digital and it wasn’t going too well for them. Well, until Thurston arrived. He was a hero in the halls of the small building located just outside of the city.

  Fort Wayne, Indiana wasn’t as bad as I’d feared at first. It was a moderately sized city. They were in the top ten for cities in the United States who ran their government in a sane matter. Basically, it meant they didn’t spend a ton of money but still had good roads, decent schools, and other public services. As had miraculously happened in Cleveland, California faded from my mind. I settled in.

  Thurston had a lot to do with my decision. As soon as I’d heard his voice break into the song on the radio while driving west, I had to meet him. And once I’d met him, I had to know more about him. We’d become very close over the last month and a half. My twenty second birthday was coming up in a week. It was the perfect way to take my relationship with him to the next level.

  Steven the billionaire back in Maine still popped into my thoughts occasionally, but the more time that passed, the easier it was to not be caught up in useless drama about what-if situations with him. My life was moving forward, and even if I wasn’t happy all the time, I was content. As I grew older, it dawned on me that contentedness was truly more valuable as happiness was usually so short lived.

  When my lunch break finally rolled around, I headed to Thurston’s office instead of the cafeteria. It had taken me over an hour to get ready earlier that morning. I hoped all the effort was worth it as I knocked on his open door and walked in. He looked up from his computer screen to me and smiled. You can do this. I confidently walked over to the chair in front of his desk and sat down.

  “How’s it going, Thurston?” I asked, instantly regretting my choice of opening remark.

  “Not bad, Nikki. You?”

  “Good.” I pushed the fake, black rimmed glasses up my nose. “It’s my birthday this weekend, actually.”

  “Really? Cool. Happy early birthday.”

  “Well, that’s the thing. I was wondering if you might want to go get dinner with me. Maybe some drinks?”

  He studied my face. I could see his big brain firing on all cylinders by his intent stare. I loved how he actually thought a little bit before just blurting out the first thing that came to his mind.

  “Yeah, I’d like that, actually,” he said finally, allowing me to breathe again. “But…”

  “That’s okay. I understand.”

  “Hold on. I was just going to say we could save some money and have dinner at my house.”

  “Ooh. Sounds even better. Are you a good cook?”

  “Meh. Maybe. You’ll see this weekend, I guess. Saturday?”

  “That would be great. Can you text me your address?”

  “I don’t have your phone number.”

  “Some master hacker you are,” I said then smirked.

  “I’d never use my powers for the dark side.” He paused and looked out his office door. “Unless we had a safe word, of course.”

  “Ohhhh, I see.” Is he flir
ting with me? I thought I was running game on him!

  “I’m not really into BDSM. I was just trying to be funny.”


  “Oh, you’re into it?”

  “No taking back your answer,” I teased. “But no, not really. I read 50 Shades of Gray, but I hated it.”

  “Me too. It was missing something.”

  “Like a soul and a better editor?”

  He laughed, then said, “Funny.”

  “I try to be.”

  “Sexy too.”

  Damn, there he goes again. He’s a hot geek! They’re so rare!

  I made eye contact with him, not saying a word, making him wonder if he went too far.

  “Well, I have to get some work done if I’m going to be taking off a Saturday evening.”

  “Sounds good.” I stood up and walked toward the door.

  “Oh, wait,” he said. “I don’t have your number.”

  After I gave him my digits, I headed to the cafeteria for a quick coffee and granola bar. My mind played with a million or more possibilities on how the birthday dinner might go down. He’s definitely been flirting with me – finally. Whether I’d passed some test of his or he’d just finally realized I was hot for him, we would be able to take our relationship to the next level.

  ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

  Thurston’s apartment looked fabulous. After he invited me in, I glanced around. Everything was neat and tidy, but he also had a sense of style. I couldn’t place my finger on it at first because it was so unique and original. My tight, white top and short skirt was the opposite of what I usually wore to work. I’d decided, after much internal debate, not to wear my fake glasses.

  “Glad you found it okay,” he said. “Do you want a glass of wine or something?”

  “No, I’m okay. I’ve been not drinking for a while.”

  “Cool,” he said. “I don’t drink a lot, but I thought you might want some.”


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