Tall, Dark, and Vampire ditc-1

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Tall, Dark, and Vampire ditc-1 Page 24

by Sara Humphreys

  A minute later, the house lights came on, and twenty special-ops sentries charged into the club with guns drawn. Olivia watched with relief as some of them tended to her coven, Damien, and even Van Helsing.

  Covered from head to toe in protective sun gear, a soldier zipped behind them like a ghost. In a matter of seconds, he hung a blackout curtain across the broken doorway and stood guard to handle curious humans who may want to investigate.

  “Well, since you probably could’ve killed us by now, and it looks like your boys here are helping our friends instead of staking them into oblivion, I think it’s a safe bet you’re an ally.” Doug’s fingers pressed into her as he held her tightly. She knew he was scared for her, but to his credit, he didn’t let it show. “However, the woman I love is dying, and I don’t have time for pleasantries or vampire bureaucratic bullshit,” Doug stated bluntly. “So let’s have it. Who the hell are you? And why couldn’t you and your recon squad have shown up five minutes ago?”

  “I am Emperor Zhao,” he said with a regal bow. He walked over to them calmly, bared his fangs, and made an incision in his pinky finger. He held his hand in front of Doug and tipped his head. “If you would allow me? It will heal her swiftly.”

  Doug glanced at her, looking for reassurance, but all she could manage was a weak smile. Olivia had heard tales of the emperor’s charity and kindness, but some thought it as much of a legend as the bloodmate stories. He gave the emperor a curt nod and watched as he held his finger over Olivia’s mouth.

  The rich, decadent scent of his ancient blood filled her nostrils, and she opened her mouth like a baby bird. As soon as the first, fertile drop landed on her tongue, his age-old power surged through her body like an electrical current. Icy-hot sensations flickered through her system as he healed her. Within seconds, the deep wounds on her throat closed, and she was rejuvenated.

  “Thank God,” Doug whispered as he rained kisses over her face and hugged her.

  “Actually, it’s Zhao,” the emperor quipped.

  “Thank you, Emperor Zhao.” Olivia placed her hand on Doug’s shoulder as he put her down, and she once again stood on her own two feet. She bowed her head in gratitude but remained in Doug’s comforting embrace. “And thank you for helping my coven. Forgive me for asking—how did you even know about this or where we were?”

  “My cousin, Jerry, informed me of what was happening.” He smoothed his red tie and glanced over his shoulder at the flurry of activity behind him. “He said you spared him in spite of the fact that he betrayed your trust.”

  “Jerry, huh?” Doug gave Olivia a sidelong glance. “He’s quite a character.”

  “Yes,” Zhao mused. “Every family has at least one, even us vampires. Speaking of family, we will see your coven is brought to full recovery, Olivia. It’s the least I can do for the two sentries who put down this rogue coven and stopped what could have become a slaughter of this great city.”

  “If there’s anything I can do to repay you—” Doug said as he pulled Olivia against him and kissed the top of her head. “I can’t thank you enough for helping Liv.”

  “Yes.” He flicked his dark eyes back to Olivia. “Actually, there is something. Detective Paxton, you and Olivia are going to be my new Czars of New York.”

  Chapter 17

  Doug looked the massive vampire up and down, trying to figure out if he heard that correctly. The emperor exuded power and radiated authority, which was partially due to his physical size; the man had to be six foot four, and beneath his expensive navy suit, he looked like he was in incredible shape. His air of sovereignty and control went beyond the physical, and if Doug had to guess, Zhao was even older than Augustus and Brutus.

  He had a head of thick, jet-black hair and sharp, dark eyes that didn’t waver from Doug and Olivia. Doug held her tighter as he surveyed the heavily armed military escort Zhao had with him and noted that both of the girls and Damien were loaded onto stretchers and had blood drips hooked up. Looking at Olivia, there was no denying that this Zhao guy had an ancient vampire whammy cure in his blood.

  “I’m sorry.” Doug shook his head, not sure if he just heard what he heard. “Did you say you want to make us the new Czars of New York? I can’t imagine Augustus will take kindly to that.”

  “Augustus is dead,” Zhao said flatly. “As are his senators. I will not tolerate weakness or inconsistencies in the Presidium. Our race has survived for several millennia as a result of clear and thoughtful leadership. Allowing men like Augustus and Brutus to run free would be our undoing.”

  He raised one hand and two soldiers came directly to his side.

  “Take the wounded to the Presidium offices, and see they are tended to. The human must be turned.” He flicked a sorrowful gaze to Olivia. “You have already turned two new vampires this year, so I would have your progeny, Pete Castro, be his maker. I realize this human is important to you, and we will assure his transition is smooth. Also, the one that Brutus turned will need healing blood to assure her turn is successful. As you can see, they are receiving healing nourishment. However, the turn will be done at the Presidium.”

  Doug watched as the soldiers took her family out of the club through Olivia’s office. He turned his attention back to Zhao, who stood ramrod straight with his hands folded in front of him. He looked like a politician but without the bullshit. He strode to the center of the dance floor and looked around, appraising the space. Doug and Olivia followed him as he continued to speak.

  “New vampires should be made only with great thought and consideration. Becoming immortal is a privilege and should be given as a gift, not used as a virus to annihilate the world. Augustus was aware of what his son, Brutus, was up to, and that kind of enabling is dangerous and unacceptable.”

  “Not to sound like an ingrate,” Doug began, “but why would you come here and deal with this yourself? Why not just send the hit squad?”

  Zhao clasped his hands behind his back and nodded. “I must take blame for this mess. I permitted Augustus to forgo the execution of Brutus when he created the rogue nightmare in Las Vegas. Olivia disagreed, but to her credit, she followed the orders she was given.” He took her hands in his and kissed them regally. “I should have listened to you, Olivia.”

  Olivia looked as surprised at the gesture as Doug did. “Thank you, Emperor Zhao.”

  “The two of you will take over New York City and the rest of the northeastern territory as of tomorrow.” He held up one hand to silence them before they could ask anything else. “I am making you co-czars for three reasons. First, Olivia has the required experience as a sentry and the wisdom that comes with it. Second, Detective Paxton, in addition to your experience in law enforcement, you have proven yourself to be loyal to our people and have adapted to becoming vampire in a remarkably short amount of time, which is likely a result of your angel bloodline.”

  A smile cracked Zhao’s face, but Doug and Olivia looked at the emperor as though he’d stripped naked and done a jig.

  “What did you say?” Doug looked at Zhao as though he’d lost his mind. “Angel bloodline?”

  “Yes,” Zhao said with a faint smile. “You have angel blood in your lineage, and it is that unique heritage that has allowed you to transition seamlessly into our world. It is what kept you from being glamoured during your first human life with Olivia all those years ago.”

  “Angels?” Olivia said with genuine wonder as she linked her arm around Doug’s waist. “I don’t mean to be disrespectful, emperor, but are you sure? I mean, how do you know that?”

  Emperor Zhao threw his head back and laughed heartily.

  “Have you not studied our origins, Olivia?” His eyes crinkled at the corners. “The first vampire was a fallen angel, cast from heaven when he swore that man would love him more than God himself.” Zhao turned his dark eyes to Doug. “He gave some humans eternal life and allowed them to drink from the immortal blood of an angel, but as with many privileges, the gift has changed over time.”

; Sadness washed over him, but he straightened his broad shoulders and continued.

  “The blood of our forefathers, the blood of our very origins, runs in your veins, Detective Paxton. Who better to watch over one of the greatest cities in the world?”

  Doug and Olivia clung to one another.

  “I’m no angel,” Doug said on a laugh.

  “Perhaps not, but your ancestor was,” Emperor Zhao said with a knowing grin.

  “This is nuts. How the hell can you even know that?”

  “You have an aura around you, a pale blue light, which is a dead giveaway to your heritage.” He turned to Olivia. “Your progeny, Pete—his demon blood gives his light an amber hue.”

  “A light?” Olivia looked at Doug and shrugged. “I don’t see it.”

  “You’re far too young, my dear.” His smile faded. “Augustus saw it, which was why he was so quick to agree to take your life in exchange for Maya’s. As bloodmates and daywalkers, you will have more freedom to manage the territory and maintain control over this part of the realm.”

  “But.” Olivia’s eyes widened. “We—I mean—I thought that you hated the idea of daywalkers and that the elders viewed us as a threat. I heard that the last time a bloodmate pair revealed themselves, they were targeted for termination.”

  “Not by me,” Zhao said in a voice tinged with sadness. “Regrettably, some vampires do fear it, and somewhere in the rumor mill, it has been assumed that I do as well. I think I have been removed from the governing of our people for too long, and my absence was perceived as apathy, but hopefully my actions tonight will change that. I have been alone for three millennia, and that isolation is not something I would wish on anyone.”

  His mouth set in a thin line, and he paused. “I do not fear that you have joined as bloodmates… I envy it.”

  Emperor Zhao bowed. Doug and Olivia did the same. Moments later the club’s house lights went out, and the strobes and lighting flickered to life.

  Through the flashing lights, Doug saw a sly smile on Zhao’s face. “I will expect the two of you to meet me at the Presidium offices at sundown so we can discuss your new stations.” He winked. “But for now, I leave you to enjoy the day.”

  Then in a shimmer of red smoke, Emperor Zhao vanished into the air, leaving Doug and Olivia alone. Doug turned to Olivia and found her looking at him with a wide smile, which prompted him to do the only thing that came to mind.

  Kiss her.

  He captured her lips with his, tenderly at first. He intended to kiss her sweetly and cherish the fact they hadn’t lost one another. However, when her soft, plump lips melded with his, and her cinnamon tongue explored eagerly, there was no holding back the flood of need that consumed him.

  Lust. Relief. Passion. Love. Desire.


  His mind touched hers as he tangled his hands in her red curls and kissed her greedily. This woman, the woman he dreamt of and longed for, was here in his arms, and no one would take her from him.

  They shed their clothing, frantic to get closer and feel skin pressed against skin. Weapons clattered to the floor as their coats and ammo belts were cast aside. Olivia broke the kiss and pushed him away as she peeled her catsuit and boots from her beautiful body. She watched through heavily lidded eyes as he did the same and threw his clothes on top of hers.

  She moved toward him, her pale skin glowing as the lights flickered, revealing her body in rapid-fire bursts. He reached out and took her hands in his, pulling her nakedness against his own. Her breasts crushed against his chest as she kissed him in a rush of lips, teeth, and tongues. He groaned and ran his hands down the beautiful curve of her waist as his erection pressed against her belly, and all he could think about was being inside of her.

  He picked her up in one swift motion as she wrapped her legs around his waist, clinging to him and kissing him desperately. As Doug walked her to the VIP tables, his hands cupped the smooth skin of her ass, and his fingers pressed into the tender flesh. Olivia suckled his bottom lip and broke the kiss as she wiggled against him temptingly.

  “I want to taste you,” he murmured against her lips as he placed her on the edge of the table. “Lie back.”

  Olivia complied and lay with her arms stretched out over her head. Doug dropped to his knees as he wrapped his arms around her thighs and dragged her to him, trailing butterfly kisses along the quivering flesh of her inner thigh. She squirmed, eager for more, as the pounding music surrounded them.

  Her musky scent filled his head as he kissed the soft flesh of her thigh and worked his way up to her hidden treasures. She bucked as his mouth found the sweet spot, and his tongue dove deep, tasting every bit that she gave. Doug groaned as her juices flowed into his mouth, and she cried out as his tongue worked the tiny bundle of nerves mercilessly. Sensing she was close to the precipice, he pulled back and kissed his way up the curve of her hip and along her rib cage.

  “You have to fuck me now.” Impatient, she sat up, grabbed him by the hair, and kissed him, her fangs scraping his lip and severing the last bit of resolve he had.

  He lifted her knee, and she opened wider as he thrust his hips and entered her. The pleasure built, and she cried his name as he pumped into her furiously. Ecstasy flashed over him, coiling deep inside, and he knew what she needed—what they needed. At the peak of climax, they bared their fangs and sank into one another as the orgasm burst, and they fell into the exquisite abyss together.

  * * *

  Olivia walked the club surveying the dancing patrons, finally feeling as though life was back to normal. It had been over a month since the rogue attacks, and only now was she beginning to feel as though her family had recovered.

  Sadie was spinning records like she always had. Holding the headphones to one ear, she beckoned Olivia with a wave.

  “What’s up?” Olivia said as she climbed the steps to the platform.

  The only downside of being bloodmates with Doug was the inability to telepath with her coven. It made her feel as though they were vulnerable. However, since they could still telepath with each other, it gave her some peace.

  “You look good.” Sadie gave her a look of approval. “I told you that you just needed to get laid.”

  “Right,” Olivia said through a laugh.

  “Seriously,” Sadie continued. “You look really good. I can’t explain it, but ever since you hooked up with Doug…”

  “Yeah, yeah. I know. You were right.” Olivia gave her friend a pat on the back. “I’m going to head down to the floor and check on the VIP table. Don’t forget to play that song they requested, okay?”

  “You got it, boss.”

  Olivia descended the steps and turned her attention to the bar. Trixie and Maya were serving drinks, and their newest regular was hanging out at the bar, as he had been most Friday nights since the shit-show.

  Olivia nodded to Shane, who as usual, didn’t smile. The guy had only one night off a week as a sentry, and he spent it sitting at a bar, not drinking. She had a pretty good idea that he was there for Maya, but so far the guy had not made a move. Maya, of course, didn’t seem to mind.

  Her two newest coven members were adjusting quite well to their new lives. Damien moved into Olivia’s old apartment, and Suzie was rooming with Sadie while she adapted. Although, her transformation came with an added bonus no one expected. Suzie had a sixth sense and could see hidden traits in people sometimes. It scared her at first, but she slowly got used to it, although she wasn’t great at sharing the information. She turned into a blurter and spilled info at inopportune moments.

  When Olivia and Doug took over as czars, the first thing they did was turn the Presidium’s main chambers into living quarters and a more traditional office setup. Their lives had taken a bizarre turn, and since they were already vampires, that was really saying something.

  As Olivia checked on the folks in the VIP booths, who were nicer than Moriarty and his crew, she noticed Suzie standing off to the side of the club, by the entrance to the
bathrooms. She was waving Olivia over frantically and not exactly subtly.

  Olivia excused herself from the guests and went directly to Suzie. The girl’s pale blue eyes were wide with wonder and a touch of fear. Her whitish blond hair fell over her forehead as she looked Olivia up and down in absolute shock.

  “What’s going on, Suzie?” Olivia tried not to sound annoyed, but the place was slammed, and she hated making her customers wait for drinks. “You’re acting weird.”

  Suzie grabbed Olivia’s arm and pulled her toward the office. Olivia rolled her eyes and let out an exasperated sigh through a smile as Suzie dragged her through the mass of writhing dancers. Suzie bumped the office door open with her hip and yanked Olivia inside. Hands on her hips and her patience at the breaking point, Olivia arched one eyebrow at the latest addition to the coven.

  “This better be good.” Van Helsing, now fully recovered, came directly to her feet and sat down with Oreo at his heels. Olivia scratched his head but kept her eyes on Suzie. “We’ve got a club full of people. What gives?”

  Suzie pointed at Olivia’s belly, and her doe-like eyes filled with wonder. “You’re pregnant, Olivia.”

  “What?” Olivia said through a laugh. “That’s ridiculous. There’s no way that I could be pregnant. Vampires can’t have babies.”

  Suzie put the empty drink tray on the desk and grabbed Olivia’s hands before placing them on her belly. “Close your eyes.” When Olivia didn’t initially comply, Suzie stomped her foot. “Now.”

  “This is silly, Suzie.” Olivia let out a dramatic sigh and complied. “Vampires don’t get—”

  White light flashed through Olivia’s mind, and the image of a little girl with bright red curls and big blue eyes, eyes just like Doug’s, flickered vividly. The girl was running through Washington Square Park in the bright sunshine and laughing loudly as she looked over shoulder, calling Olivia… Mommy.


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