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Bride of the Alien Prince: Alpha Alien Romance (Alpha Aliens of Fremm Book 2)

Page 9

by Nancey Cummings

  Evie appears at the end of the gravel path. A plush green carpet covers the gravel, protecting the bride’s bare feet.

  My bride.

  Evie wears a red silk robe. The collar is wide and sagged down gracefully, exposing her perfect neck and shoulders. Curly hair is loose about her shoulders, adorned with only a silver circlet. She is the most exquisite creature in the galaxy.

  My mate looks nervously to either side of the audience, then her eyes find mine. Her rich, soft lips turn upwards into a smile. The rest of the world falls away, there is only me and my kompli

  The robe falls away.

  She is covered in a glittering silver paint that catches in the sun. The audience murmurs in surprise. Her perfect breasts sparkle and sway as she walks towards me. Those soft and strong thighs that I long to sink between reflect the sun. Her hips are an eclipse. I am hard just looking at my mate and I am proud to show everyone my desire. My kompli glows for me.

  She arrived at the alter and we kneel. A priest says words I do not hear. Honor, respect, to protect and provide and everything I am pleased to do for Evie and only her. My cock aches and throbs. Evie subtle tilts her head, winks, and I nearly come. How can I resist taking her immediately?

  Finally, the priest concluded the handsal. “We declare ourselves witnesses your lawful bond. With taking hold of hands, you promise to fulfill and observe the whole of the compact between you, which has been notified in the hearing of witnesses without duplicity or cunning, as a real and authorized compact.”

  I held my mates hand. Legal double speak normally makes my skin crawl but now it is the sweetest sounds I’ve ever heard. The priest anointed our foreheads with oil and gave a kiss. I growled when he dared to touch my kompli, causing the priest to pull back in alarm, but the moment is over.

  My mate and I are married. I sweep Evie to me, crushing her in my arms and she kisses me with a feverous desire. Yes, we’re not waiting long.

  Chapter Nineteen


  Something old. Jaimie’s fiery red hair stands out among the Fremmian crowd.

  Something new. Nothing but genuine joy glowed on Maja’s elegant face. Everything about this life was new and I’m glad I can count her as a new friend.

  Something borrowed. Chem’s strong profile turned to Jaimie, a worry knitting his brows together. As borrowed friends go, I could do worse than the loyal and clever warrior.

  Something blue.

  Aster lifts me to my feet, strong arms flexing. The audience applauds but I only see my big blue man.


  I say as much, my mouth close to his ears and low enough only he can hear. Aster growls in response. He heads to the red silk pavilion at the bottom of the garden. It is where I prepared for the ceremony that morning. Set up with a lush bed, cushions, table and chairs and the latest in glamourous camping, it is where we will spend our night.

  Additional pavilions clustered nearby, including one with a stringed band and a dance floor, another for dining and yet another set with floor cushions and low tables. Fire pits were already lit, ready for lounging into the wee hours.

  The heavy silk of the entrance closes behind Aster. The sun is still high in the sky and gives the interior a soft, pinkish glow. Aster deposits me on the bed. With his thick cock pointed right at me, his intentions are very clear. I’m all for it.

  “Everyone will hear us.” I worked my way backwards across the bed, trying to get a better view. The body paint rubbed off on his sky blue skin.

  “Good, I want them to know how much pleasure I give you.”

  Aster closed the distance between us and grabbed my ankles, pulling me across the bed towards him. I gave a yelp of surprise but arousal flooded my core. He breathed deeply, catching my scent and grinned, just enough of fang showing to make my heart flutter. Yeah, he knew exactly what he did to me.

  He leaned over me, lips brushing against my neck and shoulders. Teeth lightly grazed the sensitive skin. I placed my hands over his chest, admiring the solid muscle that rose gently with his breath. This close, he smelled of an amazing, manly mixture of sweat and dust after the rain. Mine. All mine.

  A hand roughly grabbed my head and pulled my hair back. Aster could be sweet and slow or he could be fast and rough and I don’t really care which one I get. His voice in my ear, suddenly full of possessiveness. “Mine,” he said.

  I shivered. His.

  I tried to turn my head to look Aster in the eyes. I couldn’t move but found myself staring at his clavicle, unable to look up or down the sides. He gave my head a shake and I moaned softly. Hard and rough it is.

  “Mine. Say it.”

  I pressed my thighs together, completely wet. “Make me say it.”

  Without a word, Aster wedged open my thighs and lowered himself. He buried his face between my thighs, drinking deep, letting my juices cover his face. His tongue licked from me sensitive nub down to my tightest hole and back, continuing the journey until I trembled. He speared his tongue into my channel, flicking and lapping me up. My hips bucked and he held me down. I shuddered with my release, hot and sweet and Aster drank every drop.

  “I’ll make you say it every morning,” Aster said, licking his lips. “Two or three times a day and all night along.”

  “I thought,” I said, voice panting, “that Fremms didn’t do hyperbole.”

  “I’m serious,” he said. With little warning, he flipped me to my stomach. With my belly pressed to the mattress, his large hand swatted my exposed behind. Another moan. His fingers stroked my dripping folds. “You want it bad, don’t you?”

  Yes, I do.

  Another swat on the bottom, followed by the flat of his hand rubbing the stinging skin. “Tell me how bad.”

  Arousal skipped up my heart rate and my pussy clenched. My skin felt like it was fire and she needed to be smothered. I needed his thick cock in me so desperately I ached. Slow and sweet was lovely but damn if I didn’t enjoy the fast and rough. “So bad, komplan. I need you now.”

  Satisfied, he positioned himself at my entrance. The heat and hardness of his member made me squirm with anticipation. I took a deep breath and exhaled slowly when he pushed against me, sinking deeply. A soft moan escaped me as his cock stretched me.

  After a pause, he pushed further, down to the root. I gasped, breath leaving me in a squeak of surprise. How was it possible to fit more in? Stretched as far as I could go, yet there was more accept. Aster pulled back before moving in again, going deeper. I moaned, relishing the fullness.

  Fully seated, Aster moved into me, not gentle or careful as he pushed me down against the mattress. One hand was on my shoulder, the other on the round of my ass. On my elbows, I braced against the mattress, digging my fingers into the sheets for traction, and pushed back when he moved forward. His weight slammed into my sensitive nub, sending sparks through my core. I lost myself in the simple act of moving forward to feel him withdraw and back again to feel him push deep into me. Forward and back, again and again. My inner channel clenched tight around his member.

  Aster leaned forward, pressing his weight against my back. “Kompli,” he moaned, face nuzzling the back of my neck. His fangs nipped my skin and I couldn’t stop the shudder coursing through me. My mate lit me up like fireworks and I was near exploding with a show stopping display.

  Aster’s hand and wrist crooked around my neck. His forearm pressed against my throat. His other hand grabbed roughly at my left breast and squeezed hard. The pain brought me back from the brink.

  His voice growled in my ears, “Mine. Say it when you come.” Suddenly the firework show was back on, as commanded.

  I did, shouting until my throat was raw. “Yours! All yours!” Waves of wetness left me and my back arched as much as possible. My arms quivered, unable to support my weight.

  Aster bit my ear, hard enough to break the skin and he moaned, lusty and harsh. His cock swelled just before he pumped into me. I gripped him tight, getting every drop. Trembling a little, he leaned aga
inst me. Gradually, he relaxed his grip and we fell to the bed.

  I curled against his warm form. “Mine.”

  His arms wrapped around me, cradling me to him. His kiss the top of my head and rested his cheek against my hair. “Kompli,” he murmured.

  “I figured out what that word means,” I said.

  “You know what it means,” he said, voice soft.

  “Hmm,” I responded. Yes, I know the strict translation but I also know it means I’m adore, cherished. “It came up in the language tutorial. The etymology is interesting.”

  “So what does it mean?”




  Six Months Later

  The trial of Queen Baris was over, finally. Conspirators came forward, the people who spied on me and the guards bribed to end me during the final challenge and make it look like a tragic accident. Baris never gave testimony during trial but sat cool and regal during the proceedings.

  Watching the trial was hard. Sitting in the courtroom while the perpetrators spoke so calmly of ending my life was harder still. Retaining my dignity and keeping my mouth shut, no matter how angry I grew, was the hardest feat.

  King Emre remained inscrutable during the proceedings, only asking a few questions. Perhaps his decision was already made. Perhaps he went through the motions to appease my Terran sense of justice and keep the Interstellar Union happy. There was no way of knowing.

  Now there was only the sentencing.

  The penalty for attempted murder of a royal family member was death. The news commentators didn’t really expect King Emre to sentence his wife, Baris, to death, but no one could imagine the sentence being less.

  We filled into the courtroom. I sat in the front row, hand clutching Aster’s. At the front of the room was the judge’s bench, currently empty. Baris sat in the docket to the right, hands bound together. She looked worn and ragged, not ill kept but a tired woman without hope. Her shoulders slumped, pride no longer keeping her erect. Prison humbled the proud queen.

  Emre entered and the room grew silent. All eyes turned to him as approached the bench. He wore black robe and held an iron grey sword in one hand like a baton. His steps paused momentarily in front of Baris. Wearily, as if his bones ached, he sat down. On the wall behind the bench was the emblem of Fremm: three iron grey swords on a white field.

  “It is with a heavy heart that I must find Queen Baris guilty of treason and attempted murder of Princess Evie kompli Aster.” A murmur broke out in the crowd but he continued, “My heart is heavier still to admit that the sentence for these crimes is death. Thousands of years of precedence point to that destination.”

  My free hand unconsciously rubbed my belly. I could swear Emre stared directly at me.

  He said, “I find very little to persuade me otherwise.”

  A silence pervaded the courtroom, as if the crowd was holding its breath.

  Aster leaned in a whispered quietly, “He’s waiting on you.”

  The king had a plan. Of course the king had a plan. Emre always had a plan. Did he like to share the plan? No, Emre enjoyed seeing if you were clever enough to figure out the plan. I stood up slowly, my knees and back protesting. Only three months pregnant and I already had a sizable bump. Fremm babies grew slow and big. I had six to nine more months of aching joints and discomfort to look forward to. Hopefully the Terran half of the baby would speed things up.

  My hand rested on the bump and I looked to Aster. His eyes were pleading with me to do something, to save his mother and speak on her behalf. Doesn't ask for much, does he?

  “Your Majesty, if I may,” I said.

  Emre nodded.

  I took a deep breath, preparing myself to say the words Emre could not. “Spare this woman.”

  The king leaned forward. “The law is clear. The penalty is death.”

  “For members of the royal family,” I said. “I had not yet completed the challenges. I was not yet worthy to be called Princess.”

  “Prince Aster claimed you as his kompli long before.”

  “But I agreed to the terms of the challenge.”

  Emre’s eyes gleamed. He needed more compelling reason to spare Baris.

  “Show mercy,” I said, “And allow this treacherous woman to live a long miserable life, knowing every day that she draws breath is because of me. Give me this victory.”

  “By giving her life?”

  “By giving her a debt.” She’d owe me. Every day she experienced would be owed to me and me alone.

  Emre stroked his beard. “Your words move me, daughter. The queen will spend the rest of her days in exile on an island in the northern seas.”

  I lowered my head in gratitude. I didn’t want Baris’ blood, not really. Living out her days in isolation on a rock in the cold north would be punishment enough. My forging a life and family with Aster was justice enough.

  Aster squeezed my hand before settling his hand on my belly. Though layers of fabric separated my skin from his touch, I felt warmth at the point of contact. He pressed his forehead to mine. “Thank you, kompli. You are all things, giver of life and merciful.”

  I couldn’t imagine this as my life a year ago, mated to a big blue alien, living on a farm with a child on the way, but now I couldn’t imagine anything else.

  I was home.

  Need More Alpha Aliens?

  I hope you enjoyed Aster and Evie’s story. The adventure and romance is not over yet. Alien Warrior’s Mate finds Vera shipwrecked with the grim and silent Glin.

  Vera can’t stand me, which is fine by me because I don’t like people much, especially humans. Especially voluptuous human women with liquid dark eyes and lips that begged to be kissed and curves that fit perfectly against my warrior’s physique.

  Our ship crashed and now we’re stuck for who knows how long, waiting for rescue. I’m not sure I can resist her much longer and I’m starting to think the attraction is mutual.

  The problem is she’s the sister of my princess and too good for a grizzled warrior like me.

  Available Now! .99c and free in KU.

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  Claimed by the Alien Prince

  Prince Aster didn't believe in "mates" or other bedtime stories...until he sensed Evie's curious scent. The curvy human woman with curly brown hair and caramel skin is nothing like he expected -- but someone unique and strange. This alpha alien must claim her and take her in every way.

  Evie can't deny her attraction to the big blue alien 'man', or their chemistry -- but his mate? Can she leave everyone and everything behind for this towering, muscular stranger from another world? His sky blue skin glows where they touch and it excites her in a passionate new way. Does she have a choice -- or is it her destiny?

  Need even more aliens? Try this tasty short by my good friend, Abigail Myst.

  Taken by My Alien Prince

  The alien prince Max has been ordered to get with the program and find a human mate, one to facilitate the integration of their two species. On his foray down to the planet, he meets curvy Gwen and knows that she is his fated mate. Can Max convince her that he is the one for her before his superiors demand results?

  What’s Next?

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  If you enjoyed the book, please consider leaving a review. For indie authors, reviews are super important.

  If you found a typo or a gigantic plot hole, drop me a line at or @Nanceycumms on the tweets. I got the plot spackle ready to go.

  Additional Titles

  Alpha Aliens of Fremm

  Claimed by the Alien Prince

  Alien Warrior’s Mate

  Villains and Vixens of Charity Isle

  Prisoner of Pan’s Desire: Part One

  Prisoner of Pan’s De
sire: Part Two

  A Prescription for Doctor Jekyll

  The Formula for Mr. Hyde

  Submitting to Monsters

  The Lady of the Lake Monster

  The Return of the Lady of the Lake Monster

  The Lake Monster’s Education


  The Cuckold and the Fireman

  Cream for the Team

  A Hotwife for Christmas

  Inviting Trouble

  About the Author

  I have a long commute via train into the city every day. I use the time to fantasize and write down my fantasies in a notebook, the rest of my fellow commuters blissfully unaware. When I’m not writing, I enjoy video games, horror movies, space opera and anything involving time travel. I live in an old house with my husband and two cats that have complaints with management.





  Bride of the Alien Prince

  Copyright Nancey Cummings

  Cover Design by Nancey Cummings

  Image by Olly18 r/

  Published March 2016

  Published by Menura Press

  Digital Edition

  This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial 4.0 License ( This license allows you to share, copy, distribute and transmit the work; to adapt the work and indicate if changes were made, but not to make commercial use of the work. The work must be attributed to the respective authors (but not in any way that suggests that they endorse you or your use of the work). If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute your contributions under the same license as the original.


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