Hidden Talent: StarLords, Book 1

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Hidden Talent: StarLords, Book 1 Page 12

by Bianca D'Arc

  He undressed her and stretched her out on the long bed, coming to rest beside her. He swept his clothing out of the way and onto the floor. One good thing about coming planetside was that they’d finally been able to get some decent clothes for her, the kind that fit well and came off easily. His favorite.

  When he had them both naked, he moved with languorous slowness, starting at her ear and working his way down her body with his mouth, leaving no portion untouched, or unkissed. She closed her eyes and simply enjoyed his efforts, sighing when he hit particularly sensitive spots along his journey.

  When he reached her thighs, all he had to do was tug and she eagerly spread her legs for him, her pussy almost crying for him to take her. But he wanted to taste her first. He wanted to sweep his tongue through the soft folds that belonged to him, bringing his woman the pleasure only he could bring her.

  He realized distantly that with each moment he spent with Jeri he was becoming more possessive of her, but he dismissed the thought before it could take root. He would enjoy her for as long as he had her, and he was beginning to realize that if he could convince her to stay forever, he would be a very happy man.

  He pushed thoughts of the future away as he leaned in to swirl his strong tongue through her folds, using his fingers to spread her lips wide while his tongue lapped at her cream. He settled himself on the bed between her thighs, knowing he would not stop until he’d brought her to fulfillment at least once with his mouth. It was one of his favorite pastimes.

  He’d also learned over their time together that sometimes he could excite her with just his words. She was so responsive to anything he wanted to try, but he didn’t want to push her too far or too fast. After all, she’d come to him a virgin. She’d still been virgin at an age when most of his people had long since discovered the pleasures of the flesh. He enjoyed bringing her new experiences and discovering with her the secrets of her own sexuality. She was more adventurous than he had imagined a virgin would be, and it set him on fire when she responded in such an uninhibited way.

  “Remember that day in the game room?” He tongued her clit between words. “Remember when the men were doing Seta at the same time?” He felt the clenching of her little hole around his tongue as he took a moment to delve deep. He knew she remembered the hot scene and how it turned her on. He smiled against her pussy as he moved his hand around behind her to finger the tight rosebud of her anus.

  “Do you imagine that sometimes, Jeri? Do you wonder what it would be like to have me and another man take you together?” He smiled when her breath caught and her pussy creamed so close to his lips. He couldn’t help but lean in to lap up her sweet juices. “Maybe Agnor? He could take your pussy while I take your ass. He likes hot pussy, and I know he’s thought about yours. He told me so.”

  She whimpered as she pushed her hips up at him, but he refused to lick the tempting bud presented to him, pushing instead on his finger, embedding it in her ass as she cried out. She was so slick with her own juices, his finger slid in easily as he watched, transfixed by the sight.

  “Or maybe Darak. I know you saw his cock in the elevator when he was with Trini. Just imagine it moving in your ass. Darak likes your butt. He watches you walk when he doesn’t think anyone’s looking. The poor guy practically pants when you walk by.”

  “Micah,” she cried out as he added another finger and began moving them rhythmically, opening her up.

  “You like that?” He chuckled as he watched her ride closer and closer to the edge. “I’ll give you anything you want, Jeri. Anyone you want. As long as I can be there too. Always.”

  She flew apart in his arms and he stayed with her through the crisis, kissing her skin with tender lips, heightening her pleasure as he sucked on her clit, making her rise higher. He didn’t think too long or too hard about what he might have just admitted in a roundabout way, but deep inside he realized he couldn’t picture a time when they weren’t together.

  She calmed after long moments, and he began to drive her back towards a new completion, but this time he planned to go over the edge with her. She was still primed and he was hotter for her than he’d ever been for any other woman. She was special in so many ways, but especially in this way, she was his match and more.

  He stalked upward, over her body, allowing her to pull him in close for a deep kiss. He knew she liked the taste of herself on his lips. She’d shared that with him weeks ago, and he never missed a chance to let her taste him in whatever way she wanted. She surprised him by grasping him around the neck and tugging just enough to indicate that she wanted to roll over. She wanted to be on top this time, and he didn’t object at all. In fact, he chuckled as he moved to settle her over him, positioning her long legs on either side of his hips, just as he liked.

  “You’ll be the death of me, woman. But what a way to go.”

  He woke her later in the planetside night with a deep stroking in her pussy that she could not ignore.

  “Did you like what we did before? Did you like my fingers up your ass?”

  He felt her squirm and knew she was embarrassed. She was so cute when she was embarrassed.

  “Tell me true, baby. Do you ever think about taking my cock up your ass?”

  He knew she found his whispered words scandalous. He could tell by the clenching of her pussy around his fingers as he teased her.

  “I’ve been thinking about it,” he admitted with a chuckle. “Probably more than I should be.”

  He turned on his side, moving away from her. Now would come the decision. He wouldn’t pressure her, but if she wanted him the way he wanted her, she’d come to him. He left the choice up to her.

  Moments later, he sighed with relief as she found her way back into his arms. She snuggled against his chest in the way he’d come to treasure as he kissed the top of her head in grateful appreciation.

  “I’ve thought about it, Micah. But I don’t know. It seems like it would be painful.”

  Her whispers in the dark touched him, and he pulled her closer reassuringly. She was so precious to him.

  “I won’t lie. It can be painful if the man rushes his partner or doesn’t know what he’s doing. Or if he just doesn’t care. But I would never hurt you, baby. And I’ve done it before. Many times. I know how to make it good for you.”

  “I don’t like hearing about how many women you’ve had, Micah.”

  Her grousing endeared her to him though he’d never felt the possessive pride when other women had felt jealousy over him. This little Mithrakian horse tamer was something altogether new and different in his realm of experience. She was incredibly special.

  “Just be glad I know what I’m doing. You’re going to love this, baby. I promise.”

  He reached for the tube of lubricating oil he’d left on the bedside table and moved quickly and efficiently. Warming a generous amount in his hands, he reached down, stroking over her sensitive flesh, enticing her with his caresses until he’d reached his objective. Parting her sumptuous cheeks, he zeroed in on her ass, spreading the special oil and dipping it inside.

  She squirmed and gasped at the uncommon invasion, but she was with him. He could tell by the gushing of her pussy and the response she could no longer hide from him. He knew her body too well. She was enjoying every move he made, and he vowed to keep it that way.

  She shuddered around his fingers in a tiny completion, and he moved her further into passion, adding another finger to stretch her ass. She was tight, but eager and he would prepare her fully before he took her.

  “So you do like that?” He pushed deeper and was satisfied with her gasp of delight. “I knew you’d be hot like this, Jeri. I’ve dreamed of this.”

  She was nearly ready, so he took a few extra moments to enjoy her little gasps and whimpers as she grew used to his possession and prepared for more. Eventually he couldn’t hold out any longer. He moved her around, positioning her with pillows and his hands so that she was open and ready to accept him. Sliding forward on the bed, he
came to his knees behind her. It was a sight he would never forget, nor would he forget the look of his thick cock, sliding home within her virgin ass.

  He pushed gently, letting her get used to him a little at a time, but she was taking him eagerly and with little pain since he’d prepared her so thoroughly.

  “Push down, baby. Let me in.”

  Chapter Eight

  Jeri did as he asked, knowing enough by now to trust him and follow where he led in pleasure. He’d never led her wrong. She gritted her teeth and pushed back into him, feeling a muted pop when the head of his cock pushed past the tight ring of muscle guarding her rear. The sensation was indescribable. Nerve endings she never knew she had were screaming in pleasure and the small pain was heightening her senses in a way she never would have expected.

  Micah thrust lightly, letting her acclimate to his size, but it was easier than she had thought it would be. And much more pleasurable. She felt him push steadily into her, moving slowly and letting her get used to him, and her passions flamed. Just the thought of what he was doing to her made her pussy wet. And Micah knew it, since he had one of his long fingers in her pussy, rubbing until she squirmed.

  “You’re tight, baby. You’re burning me alive.”

  “Micah,” she cried as he hit the bundle of nerves inside her with knowing fingers. He stroked over and over as he began thrusting in earnest. The combination of the two sensations was earth-shattering and she started to come multiple times, with little space between the orgasms until it seemed she rode one incredibly long, hard wave of pleasure that threatened her consciousness. She’d never passed out from pleasure, though Micah knew how to bring her close to the edge. This time, she feared she’d tumble over it, but Micah would be there to catch her. She trusted him.

  She felt Micah moving hard and fast inside her as she keened her pleasure, then the tightening and the warm squirt of his come as he came deep inside her. At length, he collapsed on her, pushing her into the mattress, still digging into her ass with short strokes as he possessed her as completely as a man could possibly possess a woman.

  She felt claimed. Staked out and possessed utterly. It was an oddly reassuring feeling that she never would have imagined. But she liked belonging to this man, this StarLord who was so far out of her reach. She liked being his, and she hoped he realized it just the tiniest bit.

  Micah stopped shuddering after long moments, and her own amazing tidal wave of pleasure left her drained and nearly unconscious.

  “Is this any way for a StarLord to greet a member of the Fleet?”

  The laughing female voice sounded through the small room, waking Jeri immediately. She gasped and pulled the thin sheet over her nakedness. Micah was slower to react as he opened one eye to glare at the woman standing over their bed in full uniform.

  “It’s good to see you, Jened. I think.”

  She laughed and sat next to him on the wide bed, apparently untroubled by his nakedness. Jeri felt her face flaming with embarrassment and a bit of righteous anger. This woman was acting all too familiar with her lover’s body.

  “I couldn’t resist, Micah. How’ve you been? And who’s your little friend?”

  Jeri couldn’t seem to stifle the squeak of indignation as Micah hauled her close with one strong arm wrapped around her waist. He kissed her with a smooching sound on the cheek before nuzzling into her hair in a display of affection.

  “Jeri, my heart, this insane woman is Captain Jened of the Valiant. You’ll learn to ignore her bossy ways eventually.”

  Jeri was at a loss as to how to greet a warship captain while wearing nothing but a thin sheet. And the sheet wasn’t very effective as an article of clothing at that.

  “The poor girl looks mortified, Micah. She’s not from a Council world, is she?”

  “Jened, Jeri base-tested at Dominar, so show a little respect.” His words were laced with familiar sarcasm. Jeri could tell these two were old friends and she found herself a little jealous of their easy banter while two of the three people in the room were stark naked. Micah ruffled her hair, stroking it back from her face as he pulled her up to sit on his lap.

  “Forgive me, dama.” Jeri was somewhat gratified when the other woman’s attitude toward her changed a bit. She thought she saw a wary sort of respect flare in her eyes, though Jeri couldn’t be absolutely certain.

  “To answer your question,” Micah continued, “Jeri was born and raised on Mithrak.”

  Jened’s face grew stern. “Wizards give you trouble, dama?”

  “They killed my parents, scattered our herds, and took my sister. I was hunted for many years before I escaped.” Jeri was surprised by the other woman’s apparent knowledge of the situation on her homeworld.

  Captain Jened bowed her head. “I’m sorry. I’ve heard things about their practices. I’m glad you got away from them.”

  Jeri considered the woman, touched by her very real show of compassion. Maybe they could be friends after all. If Jeri could ever get beyond her embarrassment.

  Captain Jened transported out a short time later, after discussing plans for the various ships in orbit and those that had been dispatched but wouldn’t make it to the planet for some time yet. Jeri watched with new respect as Micah and the woman captain made detailed plans for the defense of Liata, should it become necessary, even though their two lonely ships couldn’t do much against a large-scale attack. She listened with interest as they planned and strategized for all contingencies, learning a little about the way military commanders worked in the process.

  A week or so after they’d arrived, Liata was well on the way to recovery. Many had died in the scorching of the land and more had died in orbit, defending the planet from the raiders. Trini had lost a sibling as well as a set of grandparents and an assortment of cousins, but her extended family were accounted for in one way or another by the time Micah, Darak and Jeri returned to the original transport site.

  Jeri sought her friend Trini while Micah and Darak went to interface with the planetary governors, as was their duty. Jeri found Trini, her deep violet eyes wet with tears as she sat by the bedside of her youngest brother, Tendil.

  “What’s wrong, Trini? Isn’t he recovering?” Jeri asked as she took in the pale face of the young man and Trini’s sad expression.

  “He isn’t responding to the treatment, they say.” She hiccupped and threw herself into Jeri’s arms.

  Jeri held her close and soothed her, already using her new skills to send a telepathic message to Micah and perhaps Darak, if her range proved to be that broad. Communicating telepathically was something Agnor had been teaching her, though she hadn’t seen him for more than a few moments in the days she’d been traveling all over Liata with Micah.

  Still, she had been learning steadily as she used her skills and maybe she shouldn’t have been so surprised when both Darak and Micah acknowledged her summons and arrived only moments later. Darak brushed a large palm over Trini’s head in a comforting gesture, then went directly to the bed where her young brother lay, unmoving. Micah joined him and motioned Jeri to take up a position at the foot of the bed as Trini watched with hope in her dark eyes.

  Darak took the boy’s hand in his. Jeri knew he was sending out his energy to mesh with the boy’s fading life force, taking stock of what might be done.

  “He’s weak, but he’s a fighter.” Darak smiled gently toward Trini. He turned to Micah and his eyes were shadowed, Jeri could see. “I may need your assistance, cousin.”

  Micah moved closer and motioned Jeri to stand with him. “We can both help.”

  Darak looked sharply at Jeri for a moment but then nodded. “I’ll have to go deep,” he turned back to his young patient, his eyes narrowing. “The infection has moved fast and lies deep within. Once I start, do not interfere. Just feed me power slowly and steadily when I start to fail. I’ll only have one shot at this.”

  Micah nodded grimly and set one hand on Darak’s shoulder, taking Jeri’s hand with his free hand, completing
the link. She could feel him touching the energy link they’d formed over the days of training and loving together. She didn’t resist, interested to see how one Talent could aid another in such a way. The idea was somewhat foreign to her, but it made sense that if it could be done, someone with as much power and skill as Micah would be able to do it.

  She remembered his warning that such things were never done lightly because it could harm all parties involved, but from the dire condition the boy was in, there seemed to be no alternative. She sat and watched, feeding power at Micah’s direction, letting him lead the way in this tricky maneuver. He was the most skilled and most powerful among them, and he would feed and watch over Darak’s specialized Talent in healing the boy if at all possible. It was dicey, but it was necessary if they wanted to save him.

  It took a lot of work and great skill, but Darak was able to make the connection with Tendil’s flagging spirit and remove the worst of the infection from the boy’s system. By the end of the long treatment, Darak couldn’t even stand. Micah helped him with one hand around his shoulders to another room that had a large bed and deposited him on it before helping Jeri to the same bed and collapsing himself in utter fatigue. Within seconds all three were heavily asleep.

  In the other room, Trini kept watch over her weak little brother, but his cheeks were flushed with returning health and his fever was almost completely gone. He was drained from the fight, but she felt his spirit glow strong and knew her friends had worked a miracle. They’d saved her little brother. She wept with joy and relief as she bathed his brow and kissed him, unwilling to let him out of her sight until he woke. She would keep watch over him, and over the truest friends she had ever known while they slept and renewed themselves.

  Warm hands woke Jeri from the deep, dreamless sleep she’d stumbled into after feeding so much of her power to Darak through her link with Micah. She was still half asleep, her mind fuzzy, but she felt the warm presence at her back with familiar happiness as two large hands reached around to stroke her breasts and warm her blood.


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