Surviving Day By Day (Book 2): Fears, Flames, and Future

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Surviving Day By Day (Book 2): Fears, Flames, and Future Page 9

by Allensworth, Audra

  He turned and pointed to a grassy field just north of where they were standing. “I kept hearing the zombies the first night so I grabbed what I could and hid in the tornado shelter. I came up a few times a week at first but almost every time I ran into those damn things so back down I went. I was getting some water an hour or so ago when I heard some trucks pull in. I moved to the back waiting to see if anyone would come out here but I guess they didn’t see the doors.”

  He put his hand to his head and wiped a tear from his eye. “Look, I just wanted to get my kid, and it seemed that everyone forgot what it was to be human. I mean people were fucking shooting each other over a can a gas.”

  Alden had put his pistol away while the young man spoke. When he finished he reached out to him. “Some of us are still somewhat human, Heath. Names Alden Godfrey, I want you to get your things and come with me. There are others who are just like you…. Surviving day by day.”

  Heath looked back to the hole and then to Alden, “be right back sir.”

  Alden snapped back quickly “you can call me Alden, or Mr. Godfrey, Or son of a bitch, but I was a Sergeant in the army so don’t call me Sir!”

  Heath started off, ye siii… Yes Alden I’ll be right back.”

  Heath came back out of the bunker carrying a green duffel bag. Alden had fired up the Dozer and Heath climbed aboard. Soon they were pulling into camp once more. The two got off the Dozer as Charlie walked up. Looking Heath over he turned to Alden, “Did he come like that or did you stretch him out a little?”

  Turning to the new man he smiled as Charlie held out his hand. “Names Charlie, also known as Cupcake one, which makes you cupcake number six.”

  Heath shook Charlie’s hand, “How’d you know?”

  Ceara had rejoined everyone once the clothes were hung out and drying, she had to make two trips but it was done and she was happy knowing she would have clean clothes tomorrow. She was being quiet as they unloaded the trailer; she wondered what Alden was up to. If they were moving, why were they unloading all this? She had a slim hope that Alden had changed his mind but she pretty much doubted the man ever changed his mind about much. She set her box down and saw instant potatoes and boil in bag rice, “Sweet!”

  She heard the dozer pull up and looked out the window to see Alden, but he wasn’t alone. Ceara headed out the back door, joining Charlie. She slid her hand into his and smiled at the stranger, “So you got passed the Alden test so you must be ok, I’m Ceara.”

  “Name’s Heath, how many are here?”

  Ceara looked over her shoulder at the others, “Just what you see, there aren’t many of us left that aren’t Wanderers now.”

  Heath got a confused look, “Aren’t what?”

  “Wanderers, you know the dead heads.”

  Heath looked back to Alden, “Zombies too obvious of a term?”

  Colt had joined them as he leaned on the track of the dozer, “We were all calling them different things, I had monsters… think Charlie called them biters and both Ceara and Alden called them Dead heads.” Colt pointed to Beth, “Her being a doctor of sorts, called them subjects. One day I saw one that was just wandering and told Alden, they’ve been Wanderers ever since.” Colt leaned forward, “Name’s Colt.”

  Heath shook his hand but was looking at Charlie and Colt’s wounds, “You guys run into some trouble?”

  Alden looked to the group then to Heath, “Let’s go over here to the campfire, and I’ll give you the rundown. I talk a lot better when I have a cup of coffee in my hand.”

  Heath’s eyes lit up, “YOU GOT COFFEE?!”

  With the introductions made Alden poured himself a cup and sat down in a lawn chair. Ceara smiled at Heath then looked to Alden, “How about you fill him in and Charlie and I will go make supper. Charlie can cook up a canned ham or two and I’ll fix some potatoes and rice with some mixed vegetables.”

  Alden smiled, “Sounds good.”

  Charlie and Ceara headed to their cabin as Alden looked to Heath, “Pull up a chair son, I’ll tell you a story then you can go get a shower.”

  Alden talked as Heath sat and listened just shaking his head. As Alden finished Heath took a sip of coffee, “So you all just kinda ended up here and then fought off a bunch a hoodlums.”

  Tabitha piped up, “We didn’t fight’em, we killed’em. There were some sick people in that group, and they meant to kill the men and rape us. So it was us or them, but we had an edge, we had him,” as she pointed to Alden.

  Alden threw a cigarette in the fire and pointed his cabin. “You can go in there and get a shower. Then we’ll eat and figure out bunking arrangements later.”

  Chapter 6 – Then There Were Seven

  Alden had moved to the picnic table first and then was joined by everyone else. The new guy was the last to arrive, showered and clean shaven. His hair was a sandy blond and of a medium length. His body was muscular despite his height. He was wearing a National Park Rangers uniform which was clean and almost pressed. Alden figured he’d been saving that one for a special occasion. His smile was big and broad as he approached the table and Alden greeted him, “Ladies and Gentlemen I present to you Ranger Heath, A.K.A. Cupcake six.”

  Alden stepped out of the picnic table and offered his hand to Heath who took it with a smile, “I’m still not clear on the cupcake thing but thank you for your hospitality.”

  Charlie piped up, “Relax Heath, to him were all cupcakes, sorta like a half a dozen of sweet freshly baked treats.”

  Alden glared at Charlie then as he took his seat he winked. Heath sat down next to Alden, his eyes widened as he looked across the table at the food. “I’ve been living off of crackers and cheese snacks for the past week. Where the hell did you get all this from?”

  Alden smiled, “Now you know why I called you a cupcake. You see Heath, back at the Ranger station there was a little general store, sort of a quick mart. Now this being all the way out here in the middle of nowhere I figured if they had a store they had a storage shack cause you wouldn’t want to make several trips a day to town to resupply. These were in the shack.”

  Heath shook his head, “I was too busy watching out for zombies and assholes to have time to search the shacks. Plus there was a lot of food at first in the shelter.”

  Ceara reached over and took his plate and filled it up with a little of everything. “We have peaches for dessert,” she said as she handed him his plate.

  As they ate they all shared a little about their own part of the story as to how they all ended up here. Heath went last and explained how he had taken the job in Colorado. “When everything went to hell we tried to hold the fort down as it were, but the hordes of survivalists that came from the city to the mountains was overwhelming. The came in droves and all sense of humanity was thrown out the door. I saw things that I hope I never see again.”

  Alden watched the young man’s eyes as he stopped talking and just ate for a bit. Alden was about to reach over and give Heath some reassurance when he looked up and went on, “It just ain’t right, I mean damn we’re all human beings and to just up and kill someone because they parked their car in front of your truck was just wrong. The guy who got shot… well his wife took an axe and cut the other guy’s head off from behind while the man’s daughter and wife just stood there and watched.”

  Heath paused as he saw the look in everyone’s eyes, “I… I’m sorry. I haven’t told that story to anyone and it was just…. I don’t know, eating at me. Anyway I left and headed to Illinois where my son is. I got through most of Kansas okay. K.C. was a nightmare, but once past there I was back on track till I got to Jeff city, Missouri. That’s when things really went to hell. The whole town was on fire and the shooting was unbelievable. I tried to go north towards Columbia, but there were several military units and damn if they weren’t fighting each other. I couldn’t turn back, the word from K.C. was now even worse than when I passed south of it. So my only choice was south east. I ended up here. The Rangers had already been bitten.
They came after me so I ran around the buildings and found a baseball ball. Those were the first people I had ever killed.”

  He looked down and moved his potatoes around on his plate. A tear came to his eye and Ceara handed him a paper napkin, “Sir we have all had to do things that we never thought we would.”

  Charlie looked up at him, “Yeah few months ago I’d never thought I’d be eating stuff posing as meat with a bunch of people I really didn’t know and be happy about it.”

  Everyone stopped eating and looked at Charlie. Silence was deafening and suddenly broken when Alden chuckled, “Yep who’da thought I’d ever have six cupcakes that I actually like.”

  Colt sat eating his dinner and listening to all the talk around the table, he didn’t know what to make of Heath. He knew that the man had balls if he really lived in the storage thing that Alden told them about. Colt looked over at Heath then back to his plate, his thoughts wandered. Ceara reached in startling him, she giggled “Colt, your food is gone and has been a while now, so just let me take your plate.”

  She leaned down in his ear whispering, “Alden has been giving you looks for ten minutes because of the scraping on the plate.”

  Colt looked at the plate as Ceara took it; he hadn’t realized that the plate was empty. He chanced a glance at Alden and the man was talking to Heath again. Colt got up limping to the fire he dumped his coffee, looking back to the table, “Beth, I am going to head in the cabin and take a quick shower, if you are up to it would you mind re-doing the bandage on my leg?”

  Beth leaned around Tabitha at the table, “Of course, I’ll be in there in about thirty minutes. Are you doing ok?”

  Colt nodded, “Yeah, I’m good, just a bit worn out. See you guys tomorrow.”

  Finishing up her food Beth stood up with her plate then reached over for Tabitha’s. “Allow me.”

  Tabitha looked up at her and smiled, “Sure thing. You need any help?”

  Beth shook her head, “No, thanks a lot. I kind of would like to turn in and relax for a bit. It has been a very long day and I would like to take some time for me, and then check in on Colt.”

  Tabitha looked over to Alden then to Heath, “I must say man, that it is damn nice to find a normal person such as you.” Tabitha made quotes in the air when she said normal, “The assholes that we ran into the other night….. Well, let me just say that they were real jerks and you seem much more like us!”

  Beth was about to turn and walk away when she decided to wait and listen to what Tabitha was saying. When she finished speaking Beth spoke softly, “It’s a shame that most of the world has gone to shit, but it is nice to see that there are a few nice people out there. I have been trying to rack my brain on whether or not there are some sort of refugee centers out there. Did you hear any reports or see any newspapers?”

  Tabitha looked over and interrupted, “I don’t imagine there is with there being no internet access and no one left to run any newspapers…”

  While still holding onto their plates, Beth smiled, “There will be plenty of time for that tomorrow I guess. I suppose I am just tired and not thinking too clearly.” Putting her one hand on her head, Beth brushed her hair out of her eyes, “Gentleman, I am going to turn in. Heath it was a pleasure meeting you and welcome to our little group. We will talk more tomorrow.”

  Turning Beth made her way back to her cabin while asking herself, “How long is this going to go on….. Will there ever be an end to this?” As soon as she got inside her cabin she could hear the shower and knew that Colt was cleaning up. Quickly she made her way over to the sink and did the few little dishes that she had.

  The sound of the shower being turned off told Beth that Colt had finished and she made her way to the bedroom where she got undressed and put on a pair of sleeping shorts that she had along with a black top that had hot pink writing on it that said, ‘Not A Morning Person’. When she had finished she got out her medical kit and sat quietly waiting on the bed for Colt.

  Colt sat on the toilet to pull on his jeans that Beth had cut off into shorts for him. He knew better than to try to fasten them, his shoulder wouldn’t allow him to do it. Towel drying his hair as best he could, he looked in the mirror “Holy cow, I need a haircut!”

  Beth called from the bedroom, “What?”

  “Nothing, just realized how long my hair is getting.” Colt combed through his hair starting to like the length, knowing Beth would want to check his shoulder he opted to leave his shirt off. He walked to his bedroom to see Beth sitting there, Colt smiled “I think it’s getting better, I’ve been careful.”

  Walking to the other side of the bed he managed to lay down without too much pain, “So what do you make of the new guy?”

  Beth sat down on the bed and examined his wounds. The stitches were better and the bruising was beginning to turn a different color which was also a very good thing. “Yes Colt, I think that you are quite right. However it hasn’t been a week yet and I still want to continue with antibiotics and pain meds so that the healing will continue to go as good as it has been going.”

  Standing up Beth got her rubber gloves on and began cleaning his wounds then rewrapped it carefully. When all of her work was finished she helped lay him down on the bed and gently began to rub him arm. While she began getting her two syringes ready, one with penicillin and the other with dilaudid, Beth started speaking, “Now to answer your question about Heath, from what I have seen from him he is a nice guy who acts like he knows a lot. I don’t think that he is like that stupid tribe that caused all of the shit the other night, which is a very good thing right now with me.”

  Quickly she injected the dilaudid so that Colt would begin to relax then injected the penicillin shortly after.

  Colt leaned further into the pillow and looked out the window, he could still hear them talking outside. As the medicine worked its way into his bloodstream, he decided he really didn’t care what they were talking about. He looked back to Beth, “Well I guess after what we have been through we are doing something good, Right? My only thing is how long has he been in that thingy and how come he didn’t come out of it to see what was going on. Oh I know he said he looked out but why not come out and look around the park like we did? He had to hear all the shots when you and I went to go find Alden’s group, remember?”

  Colt saw Beth’s look and wondered if maybe he was just too judgmental and untrusting now. Not wanting to ruin their night he took a different route, “Do you think we will ever be the same after that…. Fight? I don’t know if I am just a wuss or not, but I have had really bad nightmares since that night, Hell I don’t even want to sleep anymore without the drugs.”

  Beth looked down at Colt and really started thinking outside of the box this time. “Colt, I need to be honest with you…..I think you hit the nail of the head with this. After the war the other night and now seeing someone other than those fucking deliverance assholes, may not be the best idea of befriending someone like that so soon.”

  Beth was really feeling rather emotional and maybe it was that she felt something for Colt or maybe it was the mere fact that she never had finally broke down yet. Taking a deep breath and after a long pregnant pause she spoke very softly. “I don’t know what is going on and I will be damned if anything happens to the six of us, especially you. Now to answer the question you had about if we will ever be the same. I know I for one, will never be the same. Alden along with Tabitha are used to shit like this and that is not a bad thing with what we know from their past. Charlie, I think will be ok but it will take him a long time because of how sheltered he was and Ceara…..well that young lady I think is and will be changed forever. She, I think, is a tough cookie on the outside but on the inside is a scared little girl that doesn’t want to lose anyone again, especially Charlie.”

  Turning around Beth looked down at Colt and a single solitary tear fell down her cheek, then fell on the sheets. Softly Beth said, “Colt, I know that I will never be Jessica, and I don’t want to be. I had to
put down my whole family, strangers and assholes. Not to mention the fucking fact that organization that I worked for is the main fucking reason this mess is going on and frankly I am still in shock about it.”

  Beth shifted a little in the bed, “I don’t want to be blamed, but part of me blames myself. I carry the weight of the world on my shoulders; I remember what you said in the beginning about how you held me responsible for your wife, Jessica.”

  “Colt, I had to kill my Mom and my disabled sister while they were being attacked. They weren’t even dead yet! I had to put them out of their misery while it was going down. Was it for the best? Yes! Did that answer make it any easier to help myself heal, oh God no!”

  Beth glanced out the window to the darkened sky filling with twinkling stars, “So, no Colt, I don’t think any of us will ever be the same again.” Brushing the tears off of her face Beth got up and walked over to the window and watched as the last of the tree tops fade into darkness.

  Colt watched as Beth let all her feelings out, not sure what he was supposed to do, he fixed the sheets trying to think, quietly he started talking with no plan on what he would say, “Beth, please come over, I hate talking to your back.” Beth turned and looked at Colt over her shoulder and he saw she was crying harder, but she didn’t move. Colt patted the bed, “Please?”

  She finally walked to the bed and sat on the very edge and waited for Colt. The silence hung in the air for a full minute before he started, “I know I was an asshole, I’ve told you that. I had and have no right to pass judgment on you or anyone else that has survived this, everyone has done the best they can. As far as Jessica goes…. No you are not her, no one will ever be her ever again, but….” He trailed off, “Look at me Beth.”

  She turned just enough to look at Colt and he started again, “I don’t want another Jessica, I want to heal and to do that I have to let her go. I didn’t see that until last night, when you laid down with me. No, it wasn’t sexual or anything like that but it felt like I was complete again. When anything happens around here I don’t think about everyone else, I think of you. So you need to drop the shit about you being the cause of all this, you aren’t.


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