Surviving Day By Day (Book 2): Fears, Flames, and Future

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Surviving Day By Day (Book 2): Fears, Flames, and Future Page 12

by Allensworth, Audra

  Colt was sleeping soundly and didn’t hear the footsteps enter his and Beth’s room; he felt a hand on his shoulder. He and Beth were up and fully alert in seconds. Though Colt’s shoulder was killing him, the reaction was to jump up and handle the intruder which really messed up his shoulder. Tabitha stood looking at the pair, “Ok, now that you guys are fully awake, get your asses outside, you are up on watch. I am going to bed.”

  Colt glared at her, “Damn it, Tabitha! You don’t think you could have woken us up a little better than scaring the hell out of us?”

  Tabitha shrugged, “Have you had to deal with Wanderers or sat in pouring rain for two hours? No… I didn’t think so, so if I didn’t meet your standards of a correct way to wake you up, well fuck you too!” She turned to leave calling over her shoulder, “Oh and it is still raining so you all have fun with that too!”

  Colt turned to look at Beth, “My shoulder is flipping killing me now!” He pulled on his button up shirt, easing into the sleeve. Holding out his jeans and slowly working into them, Beth came around and fastened the jeans. She was dressed, waiting for Colt.

  He finished joining Beth at the door, “She’s right, it is still raining.”

  Beth smiled, “Did you think she was lying?”

  Colt smiled back, “Well, I was hoping.”

  They made their way to the roof and got the update on the Wanderers and how it was handled. Both Alden and Tabitha were tired and were quickly making their way back down the ladder to go to their own beds ready for a few hours of sleep. Beth and Colt huddled under the poncho Alden had left them and sat on the tarp. Colt had to wonder what the tarp was for, seemed to make them more wet.

  The night was quiet and the rest of the time just crept by, but the rain had stopped and the sun started to rise and as soon as they saw Alden walk out the back door of his cabin for coffee, Colt waved, him and Beth headed down the ladder to join him.

  When Beth stepped off the ladder she looked around at the crisp wet morning. Hearing some birds off in the distance brought a smile to her face because it reminded her of home when she was a little girl. “Alden, I will take a cup, but first off what do you think about this new guy?? Heath is it? He seems alright to me but after the shit we went through the other night with the war and all, anyone, with a caring smile along with no goddamn attitude would be alright in my books.”

  Honestly, Beth really didn’t know how or what to think about the stranger after what Colt had said to her last night. He was right on several things but the one thing that she herself was sure of that she was starting to feel very protective over her now newly formed family but most importantly her feelings for Colt were beginning to change.

  Ceara stretched and smiled at Charlie standing by the window, “Anything out there keeping your attention?”

  Charlie looked back at her smiling, “Everyone is getting up and damn Alden has me wanting coffee every morning now and the smell woke me up.”

  Ceara slid out of bed grabbing her jeans and shirt to go change. “If you give me ten minutes I’ll go with you.”

  “No rush, I’ll wait for you.”

  Ceara quickly changed and joined Charlie, she grabbed Maximus’ bowl filling it with his dog food and set it out by the back porch. “MAXIMUS COME AND GET IT!”

  Ceara waited for a couple of minutes, “Guys have you seen Maximus?”

  No one had but even Alden started looking to the woods. Five minutes past and still Maximus was M.I.A.

  “Alden, what if something happen to him?” The worry was etched in her face, Alden stood releasing an ear splitting whistle. Suddenly there was barking coming from the generator shed.

  Ceara looked to Alden, “Why is he locked in there?” Before Alden could get over there Heath came out of the shed, “Hell of an alarm clock!”

  Heath came walking out of the side door with Maximus leading the way. “Damn we were coming. The dog was scratching at the door the minute it heard his name. He about flipped me out of the blanket the way he took off.”

  Rubbing his face with both hands he felt scruffy and confused. Reaching down he picked up the pot and poured a cup of coffee. “It’s been a long time since I’ve seen the sunrise. I woke up last night and came out here to get a cup of coffee and Max came over and checked me out. Next thing I knew he was gone and it was pouring down rain. I ran to the closest shelter and just hunkered down. I guess I fell asleep.”

  Alden smiled at him as Ceara was bent down rubbing Maximus’s fur and hugging him. “That’s Ceara’s dog, they’ve been together I guess since this whole thing started.”

  Just then Tonto came barreling through the trees and locked up into a tight guard position standing at Alden’s heels. His teeth were barred and his fur was up all the way down his back to his tail which was pointing straight out. Heath froze with the cup almost to his lips. He didn’t want to even breathe with the way that dog was looking at him. Alden snapped his finger once and Tonto sat but was still growling. “Heath this here is Tonto, my faithful companion. He and I have been through a lot over the years and he is trained to watch my ass and any other ass I choose. I want you to set your cup down and walk over here slowly, so I can introduce you properly.”

  Heath did as he was told and walked gingerly toward Tonto. Standing in front of him Alden reached out and shook Heath’s hand then looked to Tonto. Mumbling something in a foreign language Tonto raised a paw and Heath bent to shake it. As he let go Tonto walked around Heath twice, sniffing him and then returned to Alden’s side. Smiling Alden took a sip, “You’re now an official member of the family. He won’t eat you.” Turning he went to get the skillet ready to make breakfast.

  Beth went over, got one of the empty coffee cups and filled it for Colt then returned to where he was sitting. “Here ya go honey. You sit there and let me go get you some of your medicine.”

  Alden looked over his shoulder and had a grin on his face that Beth saw as she walked by him. “What was that about she wondered?” thinking to herself, once she got to their cabin. Quickly she got his medicine along with some new dressing to clean his wounds then returned back outside. “Colt, if it’s alright with you I want to do your dressing changing out here this morning. I think the fresh air along with the sun coming up might do us a world of good.”

  Slowly she began taking off his bandages and he began making all sorts of painful sounds. “I’m going to have to have a talk with Tabitha about last night, now just you relax.”

  Colt simply gave her a disgruntled look, and then looked over at Heath watching him very closely. When Colt’s wound was fully exposed she could see that the bruising around it was beginning to change to a lighter color which was a good thing. She decided to let the air hit it for a while as she prepared his shot of morphine. When she had everything she needed she found a different vein in his other arm, cleaned it and then after the count of three she injected it into him. Colt’s body started swaying a little and Beth dropped the needle on the ground then steadied him so that he wouldn’t fall. “Shit, I forgot, you never have had a shot of morphine sitting up.”

  His head turned around looking at her with the goofiest look on his face, “Hey baaaabbbby.”

  Beth laughed as she said, “Hi Colt, now sit still and let me put your dressing on.” As fast as she could she dressed his wound then handed him his cup of coffee.

  Alden smiled a bit at Colt and Beth as he placed some salted bacon in the skillet. Walking over to Beth as she was finishing up he leaned down to and whispered in her ear, “I need to talk to you for a second.”

  Beth looked at him as he turned to walk to the shed, Alden called out to Charlie to keep an eye on the bacon. When he felt the two were far enough he turned to her. Beth looked at him, “What’s up?”

  Alden looked her in the eye, “I know you’re a doctor of some sort and I respect that, but I think I may know a little about Morphine. Guys in Vietnam got addicted to that shit real quick so we got to the point of just giving it to them when they were in
real pain. I’ve kind of watched you with Colt and I think you may want to back off on it. The man is not used to this stuff and he’s…. well he’s just a clerk or something. He’s not tough as it were.”

  Beth hands went to her hips and her face scowled at him as he continued. “Now don’t get me wrong. He’s a strong man, but I’ve seen guys get addicted to that stuff quick and the last thing we need is a stoned cold junkie.” He watched as he saw what he was saying registered in her mind. “I’m just talking from experience.”

  As he turned and walked back to the fire Beth suddenly realized from what experience he was talking about. “Alden, hold back just one second ….please…” Beth met him halfway and nodded her head in agreement. “I know what you’re saying, but instead of 4 mgs I have only been giving him 2 mgs and have been backing it off day by day. In the beginning I was doing anything that I could do to keep him sedated as much as I could so that he would heal quicker, so that we all could get on the move again. However, last night Tabitha came in and woke us straight up out of our sleep and Colt reacted as though he was being attacked. With everything that had happened early this week, it was just his first reaction without thinking. He really hurt himself pretty good, but the wound is healing quite nicely along with scar tissue beginning to form and the colors are changing to a lighter one.”

  Beth paused, took a deep breath then finished, “You see Alden, I too know a lot about medicine and like you, I know how wounds heal and his are healing quite nicely. I am well aware of addiction and with the limited supply that we do have I don’t think that wasting all of it would be beneficial to anyone of us, especially now since we have this new member. By the way, I am still sitting on the sideline about him, because I do have my questions about this guy. But you’re our leader and Alden, honey I will follow you to the ends of the earth because you do know your shit. However, I am just not as trustworthy or willing to bet the lives of our people on some new guy just yet, if you get where I am coming from.”

  Colt watched as Beth and Alden walked off talking, as they came to rejoin them Colt looked to Heath. The drugs were fully kicked in and he smiled at nothing in particular, “So, Heath…. I am just a tad bit confused about you.”

  He held up his thumb and forefinger very close together to give a gauge on how much. “You say you were hiding in that shed for days, right? But you also said you were going to look for your kid, so why did you give up looking and hide out in the shed? You a chicken shit?” Colt started laughing, “Cause that position is already taken in this group by me, ask any of them, I am the fuck up and the worried one.”

  Heath glared at Colt as Charlie walked up and put his hand on Heath’s shoulder, “More Coffee?” Heath turned and glared at him as Charlie spoke softly, “Give him a break. He got a couple of rounds to his shoulder and leg, let’s face it that morphine is some wicked shit. He’s really a nice guy.”

  Heath looked at Charlie then shot Colt a glance, “Okay I get it, but one more word about my kid and…. Well I’m not a violent man but I’ll whip his ass from here to next Sunday.”

  Alden walked up and took the pot from Charlie, “Problems here Chuck?”

  Charlie shook his head, “No boss, Colt’s just high and getting a little mouthy with our new guy.”

  Alden turned to Heath, “Let’s get one thing straight before we go any further son. What with all that’s gone down, there is no police force or judges or courts. People will say things that may upset someone, when it happens, no one and I mean no one will start a fight; because I am the law around here.”

  Heath looked at him and stood straight and tall. As Alden looked up Heath looked down, “He was questioning me about me looking for my kid and insinuating that I was some sort of coward.”

  Alden looked at Colt who was sitting at the table pulling on splinters and giggling. Turning back to Heath his face went stern, “Well you aren’t, are you?”

  Heath’s face turned red, “Hell NO!”

  Alden looked to Colt and then back to Heath, “Then let it go. In ten minutes he’ll forget he ever said anything to you, let alone remember his own name.”

  Charlie reached over and poured the coffee, “C’mon man let’s just take a seat. Breakfast will be ready soon and Ceara makes a bad patch of scrambled eggs.”

  Ceara looked over to Tabitha, mouthing, “Do we do anything?”

  Tabitha shrugged, “Yeah, keep cooking… men calm down on a full stomach and I think Colt needs something in his belly.”

  Ceara nodded and kept stirring the eggs, she snuck a piece of bacon tearing it in half she ate her half and handed the other half to Maximus. She ruffled his fur, “What are you doing sneaking off with the new guy anyway, no more hiding out. Tonto may have needed you!”

  Maximus lowered his head as if acknowledging her admonishment. Silently she had hoped Heath would have answered the question even if it was a stoned Colt asking it in a fucked up way. She wanted to know just why he decided he couldn’t keep going and why there? All the dishes were now on the table and Ceara put the bacon and powdered eggs on the table.

  “Alden, did you want to grab the milk?” Alden nodded and headed into the cabin returning with a pitcher that Tabitha must have already made. Heath looked shocked, “Where the hell did you guys get milk and eggs?”

  Alden smiled, “Powdered is better than nothing, but later today we will be milking the two cows we have in a meadow, and the other cupcakes don’t know it yet but they are going to be looking for duck eggs today.” Everyone gathered at the table heaping their plates, Ceara noticed that not only did Heath not sit near Colt but picked the furthest spot he could.

  Alden reached down and grabbed a piece of bacon off the plate and held it down by his side. It was gone in a second and Tonto trotted off almost smiling. Alden ate quickly and took his plate to his cabin. Returning he looked at the table, “Okay cupcakes listen up; Beth and Colt you’re on K.P, Charlie and Ceara you two got milk detail.”

  Charlie jumped up and in his best Gone With the Wind impersonation he called out, “But MR. ALDEN, I DON’T KNOW NUTHIN BOUT MILKIN NO COWS.”

  The group all laughed and even Alden smiled. “Then I suggest you learn real quick, I’m sure you’ve had your hand on a teat or two. It ain’t much different just a bit bigger.”

  Charlie sat back down beet red. Ceara leaned over and whispered to him, “I’ve done it before, I can show you how.”

  Charlie’s face went completely flushed and Ceara suddenly realized what she said. So had everyone else, as the table erupted with laughter; Alden smiled and winked at Tabitha, “That calmed the storm didn’t it?” He looked at Heath, “you’re with me and Tabitha; we’re going duck egg hunting.” He turned, snapped his fingers and Tonto was by his side, as he walked away he waved his hand, “Grab some poles the old man may do some fishing, remember stay alert and stay armed.”

  Ceara led the way to the meadow; she knew Charlie was as nervous as a cat in a room full of rocking chairs. The rain the night before had the meadow popping with new life, the wild flowers were reaching for the sunlight and the grass was bright green. Her shoes were getting wet from the grass but it was cooling her down so she didn’t complain.

  They saw the cows, and noticed that they were nervous and moving as if scared. Charlie looked around, “What’s up with them?”

  Ceara just looked at them, “I think the Wanderers you saw last night may have been here trying to eat them; but I guess they were too fast for them. I’m surprised they are still here.”

  Charlie looked around, “Probably the amount of grass here, they got to eat so they came back.”

  Ceara laughed, “Yeah cows are lazy and they knew this was here. So, now we got to catch them.”

  Each time either Charlie or Ceara walked toward one talking in a very calm voice the cows ran. An hour past and they were no closer to catching them. Ceara smiled at Charlie as he ran after one, “Baby, that won’t work!”

  Charlie’s eyes lit up, “I got an idea! Sta
y here, I’ll be right back!” He ran off to the trees and Ceara noticed he pulled out his knife as he ran off.

  Ceara tried a few more times to coax the cows to let her grab their halter but still had no luck. She finally sat on the ground earning her a soaking wet butt. She figured it was already wet and just leaned back enjoying the sunshine till Charlie came back. With fifteen minutes Charlie was back carrying an armful of what Ceara thought was hay, “Where did you find that??”

  Charlie smiled, “I figured them losers had to be feeding them something, so I went back there and looked around and found part of a bale, most of it was moldy but I found this and figured they might want some.”

  It only took a few minutes to get the cows to come to them when tempted with the treat; Ceara tied the halter to a tree and set a bucket under the first one’s udders. She noticed that both cows were bloated, “We are going to need to milk these guys, most of it will go to waste, but they need to be…. Well, drained is the best way to say it. Plus we will need to milk them at least every three days.”

  She hunched down, but looked at Charlie, “We need to find something to use as a stool for next time. Turning back to the cow she wrapped her hands around two of the four teats.

  “You have to squeeze the base of the teat, after gently clamping each teat between your thumb and first finger, so that the teat fills your palm as you squeeze. You have to squeeze down to push out the milk and aim for the bucket. You got to keep your grip on the base of the teat so that the milk don’t flow back up into the udder.”


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