Surviving Day By Day (Book 2): Fears, Flames, and Future

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Surviving Day By Day (Book 2): Fears, Flames, and Future Page 33

by Allensworth, Audra

  Tabitha watched a tumbleweed blow up against the fence and reached down picking it up, “You guys the get the bottles and the gas. Beth you help me gather some of these up.”

  She took off running grabbing them and then going about hundred yards up the fence and threw them over. Beth knew what she had in mind and joined in soon they had a pile of dead brush on the other side.

  Charlie was holding the bottles for Colt to fill, “Quit spilling so much, Alden will have a fit if we run low!”

  “I know, but the damn things are so small!”

  After filling a few bottles halfway, Charlie and Colt got in the van with bottles of gas. Charlie started the van and began to honk the horn. Colt looked out the window and watched as the Wanderers began to turn and come towards them. They pulled up next to Beth and Tabitha and honked the horn again. Colt looked out the window; “they’re coming man, all of them.”

  Charlie opened the door, “Let’s go,” they both climbed up on top of the van. Colt and Charlie started to yell and Tabitha and Beth followed soon. Screaming and yelling as the girls were shaking the fence all the Wanderers were soon in front of them pushing on the fence.

  Charlie called down, “You girls get back in the van. If this doesn’t work, I don’t want us to be caught here with our asses hanging in the wind.”

  Tabitha got behind the wheel as Beth climbed in the other side, “Damn if he don’t sound like the old man.”

  Beth giggled, “Yeah like father like son.”

  Colt looked at Charlie, “You ready?”

  Charlie nodded and pulled out a zippo lighter. Colt looked at him, “Isn’t that Tabitha’s?”

  Charlie smiled, “yeah… why you gonna tell on me?”

  Colt laughed, “I won’t have too; she’s going to want to light up in a few minutes. She always does when she gets nervous.”

  Charlie flicked the lighter open, “You hold the bottle, when I light the fuse, throw it as far out as you can, then grab the next bottle. We’ll throw the next one a little closer and move them towards the fence. Once we have their escape blocked, we just burn them up.”

  Colt’s eyes showed concern, “Oh …Okay, I guess.”

  Charlie got the lighter going and the rag went up quickly startling Colt. He pulled his arm back and let the bottle fly well over the crowd. It landed on the ground and exploded. A ball of fire rolled upward and out. Several of the Wanderers literally walked right into the fire and immediately went up in flames.

  Their screams and moans were strange, the moans came first but didn’t sound like agony but rather than that of them being hungry. The screams were definitely of pain at the end, as the flames engulfed them.

  Charlie shouted, “COME ON COLT, NEXT ONE, NEXT ONE! ONLY A LITTLE CLOSER THIS TIME.” Colt reached down and grabbed another bottle. Charlie lit it and Colt threw it with more accuracy it landed right at the back of crowd actually hitting one of the Wanderers in the head. The bottle didn’t break, but fell to the ground. As it did the rag burned down and gas exploded inside the jar throwing glass shards throughout the crowd. The man it hit went up in flames, as did the ones standing on either side of him.

  The third bottle landed just outside the fence as the Wanderers were now pushing on it to get away. Again it exploded on impact. Charlie lit the fourth bottle and Colt once more placed it the perfect spot the only place that was open just over the crowd to far side.

  The tumbleweeds did exactly as Tabitha thought, flaming up furiously. Within minutes the smell of burning flesh was becoming too much. Charlie motioned for Colt to sit down, then leaned over to the driver’s side looking at Tabitha, “Move us back it’s really getting rank out here.”

  Tabitha turned and looked at him with a scarf over her nose, “Just as soon as you give back what belongs to me.”

  Charlie leaned a little farther and saw Beth spraying perfume on a scarf then tying it around her face. Charlie reached down with the lighter, “Here take it, just get us away from this smell.”

  Tabitha started the van and drove a few yards away, then turned the van so it was facing the fence. As they all got out of the van and the boys got down from the top, they all stood and watched the bonfire of bodies. The Wanderers were walking into each other trying to get away but not showing any signs of intelligence to be able to.

  As the bodies of the burned fell, the others would try to walk over and then they too would erupt in a ball of flames. Charlie looked to Beth, “Why are they going up so easy? That isn’t normal is it?”

  Beth shook her head, “No and yes.” All of them looked at her, “You see a human body has fluids so really it’s not that easy to burn or just simply catch fire, but these are dead bodies. Their skin is dry and crusty for the most part so they’re just…..” She paused for a moment then turned red, “They’re going up in flames.”

  Tabitha stood and stared open mouthed at Beth for a few moments then couldn’t stop herself, OH MY GOD YOU DID NOT JUST SAY THAT,” she said then burst into a fit of laughter, followed by the rest of them including Beth.

  Ceara’s eyes adjusted and the loading dock was barren, she didn’t think this was a good sign. She just hoped they hadn’t emptied out the warehouse and left. Alden leaned into her making her jump, “No talking until we are out of here, watch for my hand signals, and use them if you need anything.”

  Ceara wasn’t sure what the hand signals would be but figured she would figure it out soon enough, but she thought Alden could have covered that before coming in. Tonto was staying right with Alden waiting for orders. Ceara watched as Alden and Heath started walking around searching shelves and cabinets. Each one pocketed things here and there, Ceara followed their lead, but didn’t really find anything she thought they could use.

  Alden waved them all to a door, as soon as they joined him he sent Tonto through. The same routines happen for the next few areas till they entered a large room that looked like a manufacturing area. Ceara saw several large machines and countless smaller ones. She began looking around until she saw a cabinet on the wall; the whole thing was white with a large red cross on the front. She waved to Alden and pointed, he nodded.

  Ceara got over there and popped the clips that held it shut. In the empty room the sound echoed. She glanced over her shoulder expecting a look from Alden, but the sound must not have been as loud as she thought.

  The small door swung open and from the looks, neither the Wanderers nor any of the survivors that were here thought first aid was a priority. All the boxes, aspirin, band-aids, ointment, gauze, plus a couple of things Ceara didn’t recognize, were full.

  Quickly she snatched up several boxes, then looked around for something to put everything in. She wasn’t sure what to use, looking down she remembered she had one of Charlie’s t-shirts on, she tucked it in and started dumping all the boxes down her shirt. By the time she was done she looked pregnant; Heath looked at her and smiled pointing to one of the work stations. Whoever worked there had left a gym bag, Ceara shrugged; it was all packed and good enough.

  Heath had found a steel cart and was pushing it as if he was in a shopping center stopping and opening crate after crate and box after box. Most were filled with bolts for rifles along with other various parts. As he turned a corner he suddenly saw a sign on a door.‘ABSOLUTELY NO FLAMMABLE MATERIALS BEYOND THIS POINT.’ Heath smiled and quietly said,“Jackpot.”

  Carefully turning the knob he found it was unlocked. He pushed the door open slowly and realized it was spring loaded and would simply just shut after him. He looked around and found a small crate placing in it on the floor to prop the door open he pushed his cart through.

  The room had steel walls and no glass. He was worried that the only lights that were operational were the emergency ones spread throughout the room, but he knew it was better than nothing. He readied himself with his knife and to move out if he was attacked. Heath listened and heard no movement so he went forward.

  Inside the room were metal crates stacked one on top of another
. Reaching the first one he unlocked the latch and opened it. Reaching he pulled out a hand full belted ammo. He cussed a little as he noticed they were simply blanks, moving down a few rows he reached down to open one which read *7.62 BELTED ROUNDS LIVE AMMO* this time it was the real deal.“HOT DAMN ALDEN COME HERE, I HIT THE MOTHERLOAD.”

  Alden was in the room and by his side quickly slapping his hand over Heaths mouth,“did- I-not–say- quiet” Alden hissed, then looked down at Heaths cart and smiled,“Let’s just grab two of these crates.” With those loaded the two walked a little further and found the crates marked *5.56 LIVE ROUND*. They were loading the third crate when they heard Ceara scream and Tonto growl.

  Ceara turned just as Tonto launched at the first wanderer but there were at least ten to fifteen others, and not one seemed to worry about Tonto. Ceara worked her way to where Heath and Alden had disappeared hoping they were headed her way. She looked around frantically trying to find something to split the group up, or to hide until Alden and Heath did get back. If they hadn’t heard her scream they could both be walking back into an ambush, she knew hiding was out of the question. She saw a very large machine and headed for it, on the side was a large wheel that had thick copper tubing around it that fed into the machine. Ceara grabbed the end yanking it as hard as she could; just praying to God her idea would work. The pack had split without Ceara even trying; she was hoping this was a good sign.

  Darting out to where the smaller group of five saw her, as soon as they were after her, she ran up the short five step ladder to the platform. The first wanderer was faster than the others and was at the ladder steps a few seconds before the rest. Ceara kicked him square in the jaw and he fell back just long enough for the others to catch up.

  As soon as they started up again Ceara jumped off the side to the floor. She grabbed the copper tubing and waited for them. As soon as she could, she started running around them with the tube, but they weren’t staying together. Her plan went from bad to worse when she figured out that the tubing wasn’t as flexible as she thought. Giving up she pulled out her knife just as Alden and Heath burst through the door.

  Alden stopped briefly and saw Tonto surrounded by Wanderers and Ceara not having much luck either, he looked at Heath ,”YOU GO TO CEARA AND BE FUCKING CAREFUL.” Alden grabbed a cart and took off towards his dog yelling at the top of his lungs,‘AGHHHHHHHHHHHH FUCKING BASTARDS LEAVE MY DOG ALONE.”

  As they turned to his voice, Tonto leaped and took one down by the throat ripping at its neck finally clamping down and shaking his head. The Wanderers head snapped off with a sickening crack. Alden ran the cart straight into the legs of the Wanderers knocking them over. He jumped up and landed his heavy boot on the head of the closest one, driving his heel hard into the side and then stomping on it one more time and watching it split open. Alden spun, ran a few feet looking for something to use. There laying on one of the machines was large 24 inch pipe wrench. Alden snatched it as he ran by then bolted around the machine and came up behind three of the Wanderers that had been chasing him. With a powerful left to right swing he took out two of them splattering their brains all over the machine. With the third one he brought the wrench straight down, splitting its head like a watermelon.

  Tonto had run up beside him and Alden knelt down to check him as he saw Tonto’s fur covered in blood. Alden smiled and patted him when he realized it was wanderer blood,“C’mon boy we got work to do.” The two moved quickly and quietly back to where Ceara and Heath were.

  As Heath had run to Ceara’s aid, he picked up a large chain with hooks on it,doubled it over and began swinging it screaming just like Alden did,“TRY ME YOU DEAD ASS MUTHAFUCKERS.”

  The Wanderers all turned towards Heath as he yelled. Ceara took the opportunity to drive her knife into the back of the heads of two of them quickly. She pushed the blade in the base of the skull upward and wiggled it just like Alden had taught her in their little practice sessions. As she hit the second one she was surprised at how well that had worked. Heath caught the closest one with the chain ripping its lower jaw off and knocking it down but not killing it.

  He swung at the next two and the hooks ripped into their ears and got lodged.“OH SHIT,” Heath dropped the chain and backed off grabbing for his knife. He swung it frantically at the Wanderers as Ceara came up from behind grabbing them by their collars and pulling them back into the blade one by one. Alden and Tonto came up beside Heath. Tonto was barking and Alden was waving his hands and yelling but not really attacking. He pulled Heath back a little so he could watch as Ceara took them one by one quietly! Just as Alden had shown her,“We only need to keep them looking at us and let her do the work if she gets tired she’ll yell then it’ll be our turn.”

  Alden watched Ceara intently! He knew she was tiring but there were only four left. Swing his arms in the air he screamed and rushed at them with Tonto at his side. As they took them down,Heath followed with his knife dropping on top of their chest driving the knife into their forehead then rolling over onto the next one and repeating the process. Alden stood up and looked at Ceara,“See I told you, when the shit hits the fan,the training takes over.”

  Ceara was winded and looking back at what she had done. She was swaying as Heath walked up to her. Hetook hold of her to sit her down on the cart,“It’s alright just breathe and don’t look. You rest here,we’ll get the shit and be right back.”

  Minutes later they were all heading out the door. Maximus was pacing nervously outside, as the door opened he jumped at Ceara and licked her face. Alden and Heath were loading the crates in the far back and tying one on each side of the front wheel wells. Ceara was taking her shirt and pushing her loot down firmly into an open spot by the crates being careful not to damage any of the medical stuff she had found. Ceara climbed in back with the dogs. Alden was locking the door when Heath shouted,“LOOK OUT, THE CORNER ALDEN, THECORNER.” Alden turned one way,didn’t see anything and quickly spun the other way. As he raised his 45 hefired two quick rounds taking two more out. Jumping in the driver’s seat the Jeep fired right up and they were all headed back to the others….

  Chapter 18 – Burning Down the House

  As soon as the Jeep headed back to the group they knew something was wrong. The caravan was moved and there was a lot of smoke and fire off in the distance where it had been. Alden hit the steering wheel, “Did I, or did I not, say I want to know if anything happens?”

  Neither Ceara or Heath answered, they knew it wasn’t a real question. They rejoined the group and Charlie was the first at the Jeep as they all got out. “What happen? Why are you covered in blood? Are you ok? What did you find?”

  Alden glared at him, “We will all sit down to discuss EVERYTHING once we are away from here. Everybody move this shit to the truck and let’s get on the road. I want us driving in five minutes.”

  Ceara called over to Beth, “I found a bunch of first aid stuff! I’ll show it all to you once we camp! But for now, I’ll dump it in the Rover for you to look through” Beth smiled and nodded, she was proud that the young girl was becoming a woman and handling things being thrown at her.

  Within the allotted five minutes the cases were moved and everyone was back on the road.

  Sitting in the Rover, Beth began organizing what supplies that Ceara had brought back with her. All of what she was seeing was exactly what they would need in the future. Hopefully the only uses would be for something as simple as a razor cut when the men shaved or a paper cut that would just require a tiny Band-Aid. The box that she needed to put all of the stuff in was securely packed away in the back and Beth did not feel like asking the caravan to stop. So she neatly put the supplies in a shopping bag that she had remembered seeing in the glove compartment. “So Colt, penny for your thoughts?”

  Colt looked over at Beth then back to the road, “Honestly, it sounds stupid but I am dreading stopping.”

  Beth had a hint of a smile, “Why is that?”

  Colt smirked, “Well, I kind of feel like we a
re going to get grounded.”

  Beth busted out laughing and Colt just watched the road, “I know I sound stupid, but I don’t like that man being mad at us.”

  When she regained her composure she looked back over to Colt and sarcastically said, “You CUPCAKES need to go to each of your rooms, and no supper for any of you tonight!” Beth chuckled and looked out the window then wondered what would the next place be like? Would there be more space? How secure would it be there? With each tree that passed another question kept flooding through her mind and she needed to stop. Beth focus back on the here and now, “Ya, I don’t like Alden being mad at me either. Remember he and I have already had our to-dos together.”

  Colt looked over at Beth, “Sweetheart you have to let that go, he isn’t holding on to it. He lets shit go so easy it’s scary.”

  Charlie drove in silence for a while, after a few minutes he looked over at Ceara, “Well?”

  Ceara cocked an eyebrow, “Yeah, I had the same thought?”

  Charlie shook his head, “You first.”

  Ceara mimicked him, “Nope, you first.”

  Charlie swore under his breath, “Wanderers came and we set them on fire, your turn.”

  Ceara sneered at him, “We went in, Wanderers came, we killed them. I can be just as much of a pain in the ass as you, so you might as well tell me what happened.”

  Charlie road another couple of miles in silence, “Fine, you win….”

  For the next hour they both sat telling in detail what had happened at the fence and back at the factory. Charlie’s eyes were tearing a bit as he listened to Ceara tell him how she killed each one. He looked at her and reached over with his hand taking her softly and squeezing it, “Are you going to be okay? I mean after all that, do you think you’ll be able to sleep tonight?”

  Ceara leaned her head on the window as she gently rubbed her thumb on the back of Charlie’s hand. She didn’t answer for a few minutes, “I can’t answer that, not right now. Back at the factory, I turned around looking at all the bodies just lying there, and knew I was the reason. I realize they were already dead, but they are still human. Does that make sense?”


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