Surviving Day By Day (Book 2): Fears, Flames, and Future

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Surviving Day By Day (Book 2): Fears, Flames, and Future Page 36

by Allensworth, Audra

  His voiced suddenly stopped as he slammed on the brakes. The rest came to a screeching stop behind him. The road in front was suddenly blocked by an Army Tank that had come alive on the side of the road and pulled in front of the caravan. Alden Hollered into his radio, “EVERYONE STAY PUT AND STAND DOWN, NO WEAPONS, NO SUDDEN MOVES, AND NO SMART MOUTHS! SHIT JUST GOT REAL SERIOUS UP HERE!”

  Alden put the radio in the seat and placed his hands on the steering wheel. He watched as more trucks both army and civilian pulled up to either side of the tank. Looking to the right he saw a gas station and inside were women with children clinging to their mother’s dresses and legs. Tonto was up on all fours and at full alert growling. “easy boy… easy….. let’s see what’s what here.”

  Alden wanted so bad to reach down to his 45 but as long as the barrel of the Tank was aimed at his truck he dared not move.

  The trucks had formed a semicircle around the caravan. The beds were full of both soldiers and civilians; all were heavily armed with military weapons. Alden watched his side mirrors hoping that his little band would do what he said, and stay calm. His attention was brought back forward as two Humvee’s pulled up along both sides of the tank. They each consisted of three men, a driver, a man on the 50 caliber machine gun, and a passenger.

  The passengers got out at the same time. The first one was a large black man at 6ft 4in. and weighing close to 250 pounds, holding an M-60 machine gun with a full belt wrapped around his arm. The second was a tall grey haired man about Alden’s age. The uniform was worn but clean and the man wore the rank of Sergeant Major.

  He stepped out away from the Humvee and looked down the line of mismatched trucks that was Alden’s Caravan. Then he turned and marched up to Alden’s truck. The large black man stood at his side, looking at Alden then at Tonto and the radio on the seat. He began slowly, “Tell your people to stay put. Any sign of attack and we will open fire”

  The Sergeant Major waited as Alden relayed the information the rest. Alden set the radio on the seat and looked at the man by his door. “Before you go any further you need to know that this Dog is a retired Military Working Dog and as such will be accorded the same rights and privileges of a soldier at war.” Alden’s eyes were cold slits he wanted to make sure that this man in front of him knew that, though he held the upper hand, Alden would be a force to be reckoned with.

  The man in charge nodded to the black man who took a position on the opposite side of Alden’s truck. Then he looked to Alden, “Fair enough! Now you will exit your vehicle slowly and keep complete control of your dog.” Alden began to open the door, as he did he whispered a word to Tonto which the others could not hear. Alden climbed out and Tonto followed sitting right next to him.

  The Sergeant Major looked at Alden’s 45 but made no move for it, he nodded to the black man who then stepped back a few feet to get a better view of the caravan. Alden watched him then looked at the man in front of him. “Are we prisoners?”

  The Sergeant major glared at Alden, “That, we will figure out in a few hours, as of right now you’re Detainees of the Free Men of Bray Oklahoma.”

  The man stepped back and looked at the others in the trucks. As he raised his hand the men took aim at the rest of the Caravan. The Sergeant Major looked at Alden. “Have your people exit their vehicles sir. I’m sure from what I’ve seen of you and your dog, we won’t have any problems.”

  Alden turned to tell the others then stopped. “Sergeant Major, I have one member who is not as well trained as his counterpart here. I ask that you order your men to show restraint as we get him under control.”


  Alden nodded and turned to his people, “ALL RIGHT EVERYONE. SLOWLY EXIT YOUR VEHICLES AND KEEP YOUR HANDS IN THE AIR; EXCEPT FOR CEARA. CEARA, YOU BRING MAXIMUS TO ME THEN REJOIN YOUR VEHICLE.” Alden watched and waited almost holding his breath as the doors opened…….

  Chapter 19 – Free Men of Bray Oklahoma

  The blood drained from Ceara’s face, she sat still and stared at Charlie, Maximus was jumping around wanting out. Charlie leaned over kissing her cheek, “Don’t worry, Alden isn’t going to let anything happen to Max.”

  Ceara’s hand was shaking as she reached for the door handle, “You know it isn’t Alden I’m worried about.”

  Maximus jumped over Ceara’s seat trying to get out, Charlie grabbed his collar, “Whoa boy, relax!” Ceara fixed her shirt and straightened out her jeans, Charlie smiled, “Breathe baby, you will be fine.”

  Ceara swallowed and stepped back, she didn’t trust herself to talk because her heart was in her throat. Charlie grabbed a rope and sliced it with the K-bar knife Alden had given him; he tied the end Maximus’ collar then handed the other end to Ceara. “Use this as a leash, I have a feeling you may need it.”

  Ceara took it and Charlie let Maximus go, “Hold him tight babe.” Maximus immediately headed to the front of the van jerking Ceara. He felt the pull of the leash and stopped looking back at Ceara, then looked back to the front of the caravan growling. Ceara looked back to Charlie, “Here goes, wish me luck.”

  They began walking past each vehicle; Heath’s window was down “Stay calm girl…” Ceara just nodded, she was so scared that she was leading Maximus into trouble she couldn’t get him out of. As she passed Colt and Beth, both just watched her go, with reassuring smiles. Ceara got to the end of Alden’s truck and couldn’t make her feet move anymore, barely above a whisper she called out, “Alden?” Maximus was pulling on the temporary leash wanting to get to the strangers, he didn’t like them, and so neither did Ceara. All she wanted to know was why Alden was being so calm.

  Beth looked back again at Colt. All she could do was sit there as she began to tremble. Beth wasn’t the kind of person to be afraid, but she hated seeing Ceara so nervous and quite frankly she felt the atmosphere around her and wondered if Colt could feel it too. Maybe it was the long drive, maybe the hunger or hell, even the tiredness. Searching her brain to say something to Colt the only thing she could do was reach over and grip tightly onto her hand then look back out the window.

  Alden looked at Ceara as she brought Maximus forward. Maximus was not in a good mood, he could feel the tension and fear from Ceara and he was ready to fight for her. Alden snapped his fingers and Maximus calmed just a little but not near enough. Alden reached out slowly to Ceara, “Just hand me the leash slowly and go back to the van.”

  As she held out the leash, Maximus made a lunge for one of the guards, who immediately leveled his rifle at him. Alden stepped quickly between the man and Maximus glaring straight into the man’s eyes as Tonto moved quickly beside Maximus and gave a quick nip at his ear. “You even think about shooting this dog, and no matter what else happens you’ll be dead.”

  Alden’s eyes were cold dark pools, his voice was low and deliberate and everyone within hearing distance knew those words were not a threat but a promise. The Sergeant Major looked at the man, “I said stand down till he gets control.”

  He turned and looked at the young girl who had brought the dog forward. “Miss please go back to your vehicle.”

  Alden watched as Ceara turned and walked back to Charlie, his half smile let her know she was doing fine. Alden turned back to the man in charge as he tightened up the leash on Maximus. Alden knelt down and rubbed his head, “Now you listen here boy. You just do exactly like your brother here, just like we rehearsed.” Maximus looked at him then at Tonto and sat down on the other side of Alden. “Good boy.”

  Standing, Alden looked at his group as they all got out and put their hands on their head. He turned to the Sergeant Major, “Okay now we’ve done what you asked. We only wish to move on and get to where we’re going.”

  The Sergeant Major looked at him and the rest of the group then back to Alden, “Alright Fair enough. My name is Goodspeed, Sergeant Major Goodspeed. I am the military Officer in charge of this sector. We on
ly have a few questions and then you can be on your way.”

  Alden looked at him and the rest of the group that stood in front and around him, then looked back to Goodspeed, “Okay, as you said, Fair enough. My name is Alden Godfrey, First Sergeant, United States Army, retired. I am the Military leader of this small group of survivors. We’re working our way west to less populated areas.”

  Goodspeed’s eyes lit up, “Godfrey?”

  Alden grinned a little and spoke almost in a whisper, “Yes Godfrey the one and only Sergeant Major.”

  Goodspeed smiled, then frowned. “Well First Sergeant here’s the deal; we have a small group of survivors here in this little town. We have enough provisions for our own and that’s it. We will give you safe passage, so long as none of your group is infected. That means no bites, no scratches nothing that may transmit this virus.”

  Alden shook his head as the man talked, “No, Sergeant Major my group is clean. I stake my life on it.”

  A man dressed in blue jeans and a red flannel shirt holding an old pump shotgun stepped forward. He glared at Goodspeed, “I told you, you may be the military guy but I’m the fucking Mayor here. So I make the decisions.”

  Alden looked at the new man, then at Goodspeed and took a slight step back as Goodspeed spun around. His eyes were red and his jaw had set tight through clenched teeth, “Homer I have had enough of your goddamn political bullshit.” Goodspeed turned to one of the soldiers and pointed, “Sergeant take that man’s weapon and sit his ass on the ground.”


  Goodspeed’s voice boomed at the end. After Homer had his rifle taken from him, he was placed sitting on the ground where his hands were zip tied behind his back and a rag stuffed in his mouth.

  . Alden looked around and saw even some of the civilians were snickering at Homer. Goodspeed turned back to Alden, “Okay Top, let’s get back to you and yours. As I said, we have enough supplies for ourselves. Water we can spare and even a little gas, but food and ammo is a no.”

  Alden grinned, “We’re good on ammo, but gas we’ll take, we can to fill our tanks and our reserves if that’s alright.” Goodspeed reached out and shook Alden’s hand then turned to the Black man, “Sergeant Robinson.”

  Robison turned quickly, “Yes Sergeant Major.”

  Goodspeed was now walking towards him, “Turn on the generator and turn on the pumps at the station. Let’s get these people filled and on their way.” Robinson turned quickly and barked out orders to two other soldiers telling them to get the pumps going. Goodspeed turned to Alden, “Top, lets go into the gas station, there’s a counter in there and we do have so good coffee. I want to let you know what you may run into in the next couple days.”


  Colt let Beth drive as Heath jogged up to Alden’s truck to pull it into the gas station. As Heath started filling the truck he watched the locals. Colt walked up watching the same people, “Have you noticed?”

  Heath gave him a quizzical look, “Notice what exactly?”

  Colt crossed his arms on the back of the truck bed, “They are all scared shitless.”

  Heath nodded, “Yeah, I noticed, but we don’t know what they have been through or where they been. You didn’t see me when Alden first found me. I bet I looked damn close to them.”

  Colt turned just as Beth walked up, “Honey, I don’t think we need to be out around them much, they don’t look too friendly.”

  Beth ignored him and walked right past him and Colt swore, “Damn woman never listens!”

  Heath topped off the gas and closed the cap, “Did you expect her to? I’m going to park just over there; you pull up and fill up then park beside me. I’ll let Charlie and Ceara know how we are moving.”

  Beth walked up to the doors of the gas station and knocked before entering. “Hello”, said Beth with caution. As soon as she walked inside she saw several eyes looking at her and she managed to get a small smile across her lips. There were a group of women over in one corner with a few children standing up beside them. Beth could tell they were scared.

  At the back corner were a few guards and Beth walked up to the one whom had the name tag SULLIVAN on his camos. “My name is Beth Canter and I am a physician.”

  He looked at her with extreme caution and inquired, “What kind of Dr.?”

  Beth calmly answered, “I worked for the CDC and have a lot of knowledge in all sorts of communicable diseases and infections. Is there anything that I may offer in the exchange for what the gentleman that Alden was speaking to gave us?”

  Sullivan looked over at one little girl that was standing by the group of ladies, “We have a few children that have been complaining of some things, and if you would like, could you check on them.”

  Beth tilted her head to one side and smiled pleasantly, “Of course Sir, it is the very least I could do.” Beth first noticed the woman that was standing there, she appeared in her mid to late thirties, about five foot five, slim build and shoulder length brown hair. “My name is Beth and you are?”

  Extending her hand, the sweet girl smiled and said, “My name if Elisha and this here is my daughter Sydney.”

  Beth kneeled down and put her hand out, “Sydney, my name is Beth and let me guess you’re about nine I bet.” Sydney had long brown hair and big brown eyes that had the most beautiful long eyelashes. “I’m eight, but I’ll be nine soon.”

  “Well Sydney, is there anything that I can do for you?”

  Sydney held up a torn and tattered brown bear that hardly had any eyes on it. “Can you make Teddy’s tummy stop hurting?”

  Beth picked up the bear and looked up at Elisha. Tears started flowing from the mother’s eyes and Beth smiled back at Sydney, “Well I think I can, and I bet your tummy doesn’t feel too well either huh?”

  Sydney shook her head no and then a couple of the other children gathered around her.

  “My name is Ben and I am seven.”

  “I’m Timmy and I am ten.”

  Another young girl snuck her way up to where Sydney was standing and softly spoke, “My name is Olivia and I am eight years old.”

  Beth gathered the children and sat with them on the floor in a circle. One by one she checked their bodies for signs of wounds, pox or any other childhood diseases. None were visible while she examined the children. The only thing that was evident to Beth’s examinations was that the children were showing signs of malnourishment.

  Standing up Beth began to speak to the ladies, “Your children look very well, I do have a few things out in our car that I think can help you guys get by, until you all will be able to move on.” Beth tried so hard to sound uplifting and promising then turned to go outside.

  Quickly she went back to the land rover, “Colt can you help me for a second.”

  Colt said, “Sure what do you need?”

  “Behind the seat is a bag of medical supplies that Ceara picked up, could you get them for me?”

  Colt reached inside and retrieved the bag, “Is this it?”

  “Yep, I will be right back.”

  Before Colt could say another word Beth hurried back inside and saw all of the children still sitting in the little circle that they made. With a smile Beth sat back down and started going through the bag. Hoping she was right she remembered seeing some vitamins that Ceara must of grabbed. “Here we go!” said Beth with excitement.

ing the bottle of Flintstones, she handed each child a vitamin, then handed the bottle back to Elisha. “These children need to take one at least every two days so that they are getting some vitamins for their little bodies. I realize that food is not really in abundance right now but the best advice that I can give is try to keep them hydrated with fluids as much as you can and with these vitamins it will be something, which is always better than nothing.”

  Elisha smiled and held onto the bottle of vitamins, “Thank you ma’am.”

  Beth nodded her head, “You’re welcome honey.”

  Turning around Beth made her way back over to Sullivan, “If you all can get some fresh vegetables or even canned, that would be really good for everyone.”

  Sullivan gave her a confused look and said, “Miss, we have tried but it just hasn’t worked out for us lately. However I will keep that under advisement.”

  Beth offered to shake Sullivan’s hand and he graciously accepted, then she turned to go back outside to the Rover.

  Colt waited for Beth as she walked back out of the gas station, Colt released his breath not even realizing he had been holding it. “How did it go in there?”

  Beth smiled handing the bag back to him, “I was fine Colt, no need to feel the need to protect me. Not from living and breathing people, feel free to save me from Wanderers but allow me to handle the rest ok?”

  Colt slid the bag behind the seat again, “Yeah I get it, you are woman, hear you roar.”


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