Surviving Day By Day (Book 2): Fears, Flames, and Future

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Surviving Day By Day (Book 2): Fears, Flames, and Future Page 40

by Allensworth, Audra

  Heath looked at him confused. Colt smiled, “Bad joke I guess.”

  Heath chuckled, “Never saw the film but I loved the books.” Heath turned and reached down to Tabitha who had rolled on her side and covered her head with a blanket. “Come on sleeping beauty rise and shine. It’s our turn at the wheel of moonlight watch.”

  He watched as Colt and Beth crawled into their bags. Tabitha was still rubbing the sleep out of her eyes and wrapped the blanket she had just had over her head around her shoulders. She plodded off to the van mumbling. Heath stopped at the fire, which was low and added a couple of sticks then poured each of them a cup of coffee. As they got to the van, he helped Tabitha go up the ladder then handed her the coffee. As he came up he saw her looking out into the darkness. “Colt said they had a visitor out there, but they took care of it. I guess it was only half a wanderer.” Heath sat down and looked out with night goggles then set them down. “Looks quiet enough now, how’d you sleep?”

  Looking at the cup of coffee Tabitha smirked, “I think that this would work a hell of a lot better if you just threw it into my eyes. I was sleeping damn good… so good in fact that waking up this time for watch was a bitch.”

  Slowing she began sipping her coffee and getting her thoughts together. The night air was cool and she watched the trees blow slightly which caused shadows in some points of the area. By the time she had taken another couple of sips Tabitha had started getting awake. “So Heath… Colt said he killed a ‘half a wanderer? That is just sad don’t ya think?” Heath nodded, “Yeah it is. We’ll find these poor bastards here and there. Some are loners, some are with a herd. I wonder if they even know what is going on around them, or if they are, as you guys all said, just wandering the earth now.” A coyote howled off in the distance and Heath turned towards where the sound came. Moments a later another howled. With minutes he could hear several of them from different areas. Heath scooted next to Tabitha and reached over for the blanket, “Here share that thing. It’s starting to get cold out here.”

  The two sat for the next two hours both nodding off taking turns waking each other. The cool night air along with a slight northerly breeze signaled the coming of fall. Heath knew it wouldn’t be long before the cold rains came as the jet streamed moved north. Heath dozed and snapped upright when he thought he heard a noise.

  Charlie and Ceara were standing by the fire adding wood to it. Tabitha chuckled as she looked at the two, then returned looking out across the land, “I doubt very much that any of us will get any real sleep until we get settled like we were back at the camp grounds. I sure do hope that we all find a nice big and roomy place where we can hold up for a while. I do love the open road, but I sure as shit wouldn’t mind staying in one place for a while. If you get where I am coming from?”

  Listening to the embers crackle reminded her of when she would set up camp back in the Ozarks. The calmness, peace, and serenity that she experience back just a few months ago was something that she would have to look forward to once they did get settled. Tabitha turned to Heath with a serious look about her,“Human beings have weathered so many worse tragedies but I think this is THE worst one that I can think of. Which makes me wonder will mankind ever be able to bounce back, then again if it does, will we be able to evolve better than we were before?”

  Heath shook his head,“Honestly, I don’t know. I always figured the world would have blown itself up by now with nukes. I never figured we’d be taken down by anything from out of Hollywood movies from the 60’s. Hell if that was going to happen I’d had even bet on Star Wars before this shit.”

  Heath saw Ceara and Charlie start to head towards the van,“Okay Tabitha it looks like the morning shift is here. I say we get going and head back over by that fire.”

  Tabitha stood up and stretched. She handed the blanket to Heath as she climbed down the ladder smiling at Ceara as she hit the ground. Heath tossed the blanket down and followed her. Charlie smiled at them,“Coffee is hot and fresh.”

  Heath nodded,“Thanks, Colt said he took one down earlier that was only like half there. We didn’t see anything and the Coyotes quit wailing about an hour ago. Good luck up there, it’s going to get colder before the sun comes up.”

  Charlie smiled as he turned and opened the van door and pulled out a small plastic sack that held a silver looking tarp. As Charlie turned back he opened the bag and pulled out the small tarp. Unfolding it he smiled as it came to about a 5 ft by 7 ftblanket.“This is a thermal blanket,it will reflect our body heat back on us and keep us warm till the sun comes up.”

  He climbed up the ladder and sat next to Ceara wrapping the blanket around both of them. They watched as Tabitha and Heath went back by the fire and could see them crawling back into their sleeping bags. Charlie chuckled,“They had that K-mart blanket that had to suck. Tomorrow night I’ll pass these out I got about twenty of them in that one brown box behind your seat.”

  Ceara laughed,“You could have told them earlier.”

  Charlie gave her a sheepish look,“I didn’t really think about how cold it was getting.”

  They both sat watching the land and every once in a while Charlie would lift the binoculars to his eyes. Ceara nudged him,“How can you see anything through those at night?”

  Charlie handed them over,“They have night vision built in, you just flip this switch and you can see at night.”

  Ceara scanned the land,“These are cool!”

  Charlie smiled,“Shhhyou are going to wake the others.” She handed them back and laidher head on his shoulder,“I hate this, you know?”

  Charlie set the binoculars to the side and kissed her head,“I know honey. You know, you really need to talk about what happened today?”

  Ceara tugged his arm wrapping around her,“Not tonight ok?”

  Charlie knew it wouldn’t do any good to push her so he just held her till she started drifting off.“Hey, sleepy head, you are supposed to be doing watch with me.”

  Ceara sat up and stretched,“Charlie, the sun is coming up!! Why did you let me sleep?” He gave her a quick kiss,“You looked peaceful….”

  Alden sat at the fire and lifted a cup in a toss to say good morning, Charlie waved back. Charlie and Ceara climbed down and joined him. The three sat around the fire while the others slowly started moving.

  Beth became quite restless right before she woke straight up in a cold sweat. Images of her putting her Mom, Dad and Mary to rest after they had been infected ran through her mind. However, when Colt, along with the rest of the group were being attacked and Beth stood there holding onto Colt’s hand while he was being pulled by the infected was the part that made her sit straight up in her sleeping bag.

  Looking around she saw Alden with Charlie and Ceara by the crackling fire, it gave her a bit of comfort but when she looked down, and saw Colt nuzzled in his sleeping bag, that is what really set her mind at ease. She hadn’t had a nightmare like that in a very long time and she realized that the man that Colt put down last night was the cause of her rough night.

  Colt began to stir and Beth decided that she had needed to go the bathroom. So as quietly as she could she got up and made her way off into the woods. The world around her was waking up and the sun was shining through the limbs. The air was cool and the smell of Alden’s coffee finally had made it to her nose.

  Making her way back to camp Beth could see now that Colt was sitting up trying to get his bearings.“Morning Colt, I am going to start folding up my sleeping bag and try to get things ready cause Alden is looking through his new atlas.”

  Colt chuckled and ran his fingers through his unruly hair.“You sleep ok Beth?”

  Beth had begun rolling her sleeping bag up,“Let’s just say I have had better nights and hopefully they will get better once we get to a more secured place.”

  Colt stood up and did some stretches for his left arm that had fallen asleep with him layingon it.“Wherever we end up, I just hope there are decent beds.”

  Beth laughed,“The
little things are what I really miss… like a shower!” Colt shook his head and held up his hand,“Don’t even mention that word.”

  Beth giggled and with her sleeping bag carefully tucked under her arm continued,“Hot running water.”

  Colt put his hand down and looked at her with a hungry look,“Woman,you better stop!!”

  Taking a few steps over to the Land Rover she put her bag into the back and stuck her head out and teasingly said,“Warm towels…” And before she could even bat an eyelid Colt started chasing her.“Damn it woman!!! You’re such a tease!!”

  Colt started around but quickly changed directions and caught Beth as she came around the other end of the rover,“Got’cha!”

  He swung her around to the side of the rover pinning her,“Not quite as quick as you thought?”

  Beth was giggling and trying to get away and her laugh made Colt laugh. As soon as she looked up, they both stopped laughing, they just held each. Colt could get lost in her brown eyes. He leaned in to kiss her but waited for the ok. Beth didn’t hesitate,she began kissing him, needing to forget the night before. Minutes passed before the outside world invaded. Colt lifted his head and looked around, he smiled,“Feel free to run from me anytime!”

  Beth pushed him back smirking,“Next time you might not catch me!” They walked hand in hand to join the others.

  Alden was breaking in the new atlas that was given to him. Running his fingers along the possible routes, his eyes ran back and forth across the pages that he kept flipping to; Texas and New Mexico. Charlie looked at him,“Is there a problem,boss?”

  Alden was still looking down,“Not really, just trying to find the best route to get us to New Mexico. Our biggest problem is getting past here.” He pointed to a blue line that indicated interstate 27.“That’s main highway between Amarillo and Lubbock. This is going to be my only concern. I expect to run into a shit load of Wanderers, so I want everyone locked and loaded before we pull out this morning.” He turned and smiled at Ceara,“You want to go wake up the sleeping redwood and his little rabbit.”

  Alden bent and poured another cup, raising an eye to watch the expressions on their faces from his words. He was trying hard to bring a little levity and humor to the day. He had a feeling in his gut, and it was one he had had a few times over the years. It was the feeling of bad things to come.

  Heath stirred as Ceara got close. She reached down and shook his shoulder,“Come on,stretch… up and at’em.”

  Heath poked his head from under the blanket,“You have no idea how many times I’ve been called that and frankly I hate it.”

  Ceara giggled,“Sorry but Alden wants us up and going. Oh and just wait.” Ceara giggled again,“Alden had a better nickname for Tabitha.” She reached down and pulled Tabitha’s sleeping bag down just a little,“Pssthey little cottontail, the big bad wolf wants you up and ready to go.”

  Ceara jumped back as Tabitha sat up and glared at her,“COTTONTAIL MY ASS!!” Tabitha shouted as she watched Ceara skip back to the fire laughing. Heath looked over at her,“Hmmmm ,well now, I think Alden has given you a new nickname.”

  Tabitha placed her hands on her hips and shook her butt,“Do you see any cotton back there? I don’t think so!” However just as soon as she was about to call Alden“Gramps” she smelt coffee and quickly stopped then went over to grab her cup that was sitting on the stump. After pouring her some she turned and noticed that Alden was reading his new atlas. She took a sip, looking over to Heath then to Charlie,“Looks like the dinosaur broke out the brand new atlas!!!”

  After finishing that sentence she took a bigger drink of her coffee then snickered. Alden looked up and sneered at her, but deep inside he knew he had achieved his goal of lightening the mood.

  He stood up,“Alright biscuits are in the cast iron skillet. Grab some honey or jam and let’s get this unit on the move. I want to be in New Mexico by sundown and we got about 200 miles to cover today. Make sure all the tanks are full and have weapons and ammo ready.”

  Alden turned and headed to his truck as Tonto jumped up and followed. Charlie looked at Colt and Heath,“Guys I don’t like this. I’ve been with him the longest and this is the first time I’ve seen him nervous and frankly, if he’s nervous I think we should all be scared.”

  Within the hour,they were all on the road once more it was the quietest Ceara had ever seen them pack up. Charlie was sitting in the passenger seat watching out the window, he was silently hoping that driving would pull Ceara out of the mood she was in. As mile marker after mile marker passed and Ceara just zoned out, her mind kept going back to the guy in the car. She shook herself and looked over at Charlie,“So why did you finally let me drive again?”

  Charlie’s lip twitched,“Hey, you got to pull your own weight!”

  Ceara glared at him,“Was that a fat joke?”

  Charlie coughed on the cup of coffee he had brought with him,“FAT?? Yeah right!! These days the fat arekind of extinct if you haven’t noticed.”

  Ceara tried to look stern but failed and smiled,“That was just mean!”

  Charlie shrugged,“I’m not trying to be mean, Ijust think if you were heavy when this started you either died or you will lose the weight… one way or another.”

  Ceara gave him the look he knew meant she didn’t understand,“Well, there isn’t a lot of food laying around….we have to do more physical labor than I was ever use too… and we are constantly on the move… So all that together, means you have no choice but to lose weight.”

  Ceara settled back into just driving, she knew he was right but it was still sad to think about all that. Charlie rubbed her shoulder,“After the first rest stop,I’ll take over driving.I think you still need sleep.”

  Beth sat quietly as Colt was driving. The silence was deafening and all she could do was slowly slide her hand over onto Colt’s leg then squeezed ever so slightly. Colt was kind of taken back and looked over to see the child like look on Beth’s face. Reaching down Colt picked up Beth’s hand and held on tight.“It’s going to be just fine. We will get through this and we got Alden at the helm, so let’s just follow his lead.”

  Beth took a deep cleansing breath and clasped Colt’s hand tighter.“Your right Colt, and when we get settled we will get a shower too.”

  Giggling just a little, she knew talking about a shower would remind Colt of their kiss. A simple thing as a kiss gave her a little feeling of normalcy, and at that moment Colt could feel it too.“Ya, that shower thing… just know this Beth… you better hope that I don’t get to the shower first!”

  Beth looked out the window and started busting out in laughter. Then she got somewhat serious,“And if I get to the shower first….”

  Colt smirked,“Well then I guess we will have to share then won’t we?”

  Beth’s mouth hit the floor,she could feel herself getting three shades of red. Quickly she thought of a snappy comeback,“Ya but if it’s our luck the shower will be ice cold!!”

  Colt shook his head and looked back out the window,“Well we will just have to wait and see now won’t we?”

  Heath and Tabitha were in the jeep, neither of them talking.“You wannaknow what I really would like to have Heath?”

  Heath turned his head as though he was brought out of his trance,“Hmmmmmwhat’s that?”

  Tabitha who was getting really nervous needed to break the silence spoke right up,“A nice big thick double chocolate Oreo milkshake!!!”

  Heath snickered,“Well darling we just past a Sonicabout fifteen miles back and they looked out of business….. soya… I don’t think so.”

  Tabitha pouted like a little girl and blinked her eyes teasingly at him,“Oh I bet with a name like Heath you would like a Heath Blizzard from Dairy Queen.”

  Heath chuckled,“Honestly, Heath bars get caught in my teeth, but my all-time favorite blizzard for DQ,are the Oreo ones……” Just then static came across radio and shortly afterwards the two heard the voice of Alden.

  Alden had slowed as he saw the over
pass up head. He could see a lot of movement. Reaching down he grabbed the walkie,“Hold up people. We got people on the Highway.” Getting out he walked to the front of his truck. Soon he was joined by the others. Alden was looking through his binoculars as Heath, Charlie and Colt joined him all looking through their own pair. All four of them gasped and said in unison,“HOLY SHIT!”

  The scene that unfolded in front of them sent shivers through group. There on the overpass was a war. A group of what looked like about fifty men were battling fiercely. The group of Wanderers was too large to count. Guns were firing in all directions as the livings were trying to defend themselves.

  Alden motioned for everyone to take cover when a round hit the ground near them. Ducking back behind the truck Alden began to watch again. The living weretrying to surround and back themselves up against three school buses. All three buses had been spray painted with crosses and religious sayings. The first one said *Jesus Saves* the second, *John 3:16* and the third bus had *Promise land or Bust*, It was the last bus that caught his attention. In the back window was a small child screaming in her mother’s arms.

  “SON OF A BITCH!” Charlie looked at the same bus,“ALDEN, WE HAVE TO HELP THEM!”

  Alden lowered his binoculars and looked to Charlie and the group,“There’s nothing we can do.” He turned and pointed to the north where more Wandererswere flowing in.“You see that? There is no way, even if we did try; we wouldn’tget there in time.”

  A mass of horrible screams came from the fighting on the highway. Alden turned back and though he didn’t want to, he knew he had to look. The Wanderers had overrun the last bus and the women and children were crawling and falling out of the windows trying to get themselves to safety. There was nowhere to go. Some tried to climb up top only to be met by Wanderers who were already there.

  Others ran to the fence and tried to climb over, but were overpowered by the number of Wanderers who were tearing and ripping at their flesh. The scream and cries came louder as more and more were being eaten. The gunfire started to slow. Alden knew the others had run out of ammo. He watched as one man in a suit was actually hiding behind a woman and a child as he fired his pistol.


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