Surviving Day By Day (Book 2): Fears, Flames, and Future

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Surviving Day By Day (Book 2): Fears, Flames, and Future Page 48

by Allensworth, Audra

  Colt smiled while rubbing his arm a little, “So what’s to eat? I am actually hungry and you two look like little Susie homemakers.”

  Ceara was mixing up some of the powdered milk and handed it to Tabitha to mix up and make the dumplings. “We are making chicken and…..” She glanced to Tabitha giggling, “Ok, duck and dumplings. It should be ready in about forty five minutes.” Ceara grabbed a large bowl and put the cooked duck in it to start shredding it.

  Alden walked out of the barn and looked over to the table where he’d left Charlie and Heath. Charlie was bent over an atlas and seemed to be writing. The radio was full of chatter. Walking up Alden looked down. “What’s up sport? What’cha got there?”

  Charlie stopped and looked up, “I was sitting here just listening when these guys just started to talk. They’re using some codes that I don’t understand but most of them are speaking plain as day. Saying things like dead zones, live zones, safe and gone cities. One guy named St Patrick said he was in Ireland, that they had pretty much killed all the zombies there.”

  Alden sat down and began to listen and looked at what Charlie had been writing. The chatter from the radio was dying down quickly as each one of the talkers signed off.

  “Be back here at 1800 hours GMT.” The radio was soon silent. Charlie looked to Alden, “What the hell is GMT?”

  Alden smiled, “well you just surprised the hell out of me. You know what 1800hrs is?”

  Charlie grinned, “Well yeah that’s like 6 at night.”

  Alden patted his back, “very good cupcake. Now GMT is Greenwich Mean Time. It was a Universal time used from the late 1800’s till 1972 or so when they started using atomic clocks.”

  Alden took Charlie’s pen and tablet that he had in front of him and wrote 1800 hours GMT = 1100 hours MST. “There kid now you have the basics. Our time zone here is seven hours behind Greenwich England. So tomorrow at eleven am we need to be by this radio”

  Charlie looked at his watch and set the alarm.

  Alden pointed at the atlas Charlie had in front of him. “Okay now explain this.”

  Charlie pointed to the map, “Well these area’s here and here, that I outlined and X’d in black, New York and California and all of the major cities are dead zones. That means there are no living people there. The ones marked in red are danger zones. As close as I can figure they have a few living souls, but that’s only because they’re trapped and have no way to escape. These last few places marked in blue are basically safe.”

  Heath had walked back up an overheard Charlie. Looking at the map he shook his head, “Damn that’s almost all of the country except for a few places in the most remote spots. See look here, New Mexico, and the mountains north to Canada. Then of course Kansas, Nebraska and the Dakota’s. Everything else is just screwed.”

  Alden looked at the map, “Yeah, I guess me retiring in Arkansas wasn’t such a bad idea. I had thought of Florida and Texas, but as we can see, they’re both dead states now.” Alden stood up, “Gentlemen let’s keep this map on the low key. There is no reason to upset the others. Bottom line from what I can tell about 75 percent if not more of the country is gone.”

  He turned and headed to the house. As he opened the door he called out, “HOLY SHIT IS THAT CHICKEN AND DUMPLINGS I SMELL?!?”

  Heath looked back down at the map. Charlie had drawn big black X’s throughout all the states on the east coast along with most of the Midwest. He noticed pockets of red and few small blue area’s in Indiana, West central and Southern Illinois and Missouri and Iowa. The solid black didn’t start again till the west coast along with Nevada. He chuckled a little and pointed at Map, “I guess what happened in Vegas didn’t stay in Vegas.”

  Charlie chuckled a little, “That’s pretty sick man.”

  Heath smiled, “Yeah, well sick times sometimes call for sick jokes. C’mon lets go eat, whatever they’re cooking smells great.”

  Charlie followed Heath into the kitchen going to the stove he set his hand on Ceara’s hip leaning into the pot she just finished stirring, “Damn sweetheart that smells great.”

  Tabitha was at the cabinet pulling out bowls, “Thanks, but you may not want to call me sweetheart in front of Red.” She smiled at red and winked.

  Charlie smiled, “Yeah, Tabitha not about to call you sweetheart, hell you get mad about Tabby.”

  Ceara started spooning out the dumpling in each of the bowls, handing them out to each one in the kitchen. As they all started heading to the dining room table, Heath called out to Beth and Colt in the front room, “Soups on… get it while it’s hot!”

  Colt and Beth walked to the dining room table, Colt pulled out a chair for Beth. “You sit down and I will get our bowls.”

  Beth shook her head, “You can get the bowls but we still need drinks so I will get those. You know I always have sweet sun tea made.”

  Colt smiled, “Yeah I know, and I am pretty spoiled by it too.”

  Once everyone had sat down Ceara looked at the guys, “So any luck with the radio?”

  Alden took a bite and chewed on the dumpling, “mmm-mm that is good. As far as the radio goes, yeah we’re getting a little cross talk but not much information.”

  Charlie looked at Ceara, “Well, as we all pretty well knew, the large cities have gone under, but other than that we don’t know much.” Charlie sat down and began eating trying to hide his face from them. He knew the nuns were right when they had told him he was a terrible liar.

  Heath took his bowl from Tabitha, “Thank you, I haven’t had anything like this since I was at my Mom’s a couple of years ago.”

  Tabitha sat down beside him, “Yeah, well enjoy, it’s Charlie’s turn to cook tomorrow.”

  Charlie choked on his spoonful, “WHAT?”

  Ceara started patting his back, “It’s ok honey, there are a few cans of ravioli you can heat up.”

  The table rumbled with laugher, Alden ate a couple of bites, “Dinner is dinner, whether homemade or can, when you have been in some of the situations I have been in.”

  Charlie gave him a thankful look and kept eating.

  Beth took a sip of tea, “Did they sound…. Sane or were they like the ones back at the park?”

  “Sane is a relative term any more Beth.” Heath leaned back in his chair, “All depends on whose side you are looking from, but yeah they seemed to know what they were talking about. Like Alden said though, there wasn’t much to go on.”

  Ceara noticed Charlie was eating fast and she thought he didn’t want to answer any of the questions, but she couldn’t figure out why. If there were other sane survivors, why wouldn’t they want them to know?

  She glanced over to Alden and he gave her a fatherly look, “Something on your mind kiddo?”

  “Nothing, I guess I just hoped for more.” Ceara shrugged her shoulder in a noncommittal gesture.

  Alden leaned back away from his empty bowl, “It was our first swing at it today, let’s just give it some time.” He pushed away from the table standing, “Anyone else want seconds?”

  Heath held out his bowl, “Thanks Top!” He looked to Ceara and Tabitha, “I have to admit that is some great chicken and dumplings.”

  Tabitha and Ceara both busted out laughing.

  Quickly Tabitha poured herself another glass of sweet tea, and sat back sipping on it while looking around at their family. Her family! Finally she had come to the moment in her life where everything was right in her world. True there were zombies running amok out there and Red clucked her first duck, but all in all she was content.

  Reaching over she grabbed her fork and tapped it on her glass then stood up. Before she could change her mind or revert to her typical self she let the words come. “Everyone I would like your attention. Now I am not good with speeches and stuff, but I just want to take a few moments and let you all know that I am growing to love each and every one of you.”

  The expressions on everyone’s faces were of complete shock.

  Clearing her throat T
abitha smiled and continued, “Most of you all know my story and there isn’t that much to tell. I never had a family that cared whether I lived or died and now I have you all. Which in turn makes me want to protect all of your asses right along with mine.” Tipping her head to Alden and giving him a wink, “I even remember when you pounced on my ass when you first found me in the woods there Al!!”

  Closing her eyes then taking a deep cleansing breath, “Thank you for keeping me alive and not leaving me to die. Thank you for taking me in and to you Red ….. Thank you for being you tonight with me!”, she finished speaking then sat back down

  Alden set his and Heath’s bowl down on the table. Turning he put his hand on Tabitha’s shoulder and gave it a squeeze, “Well cupcake number three, I’ve become a little fond of you too.”

  Chapter 25 – Supply Run

  The morning sun shone through Charlie and Ceara’s bedroom window waking Ceara. Charlie’s arm was wrapped protectively around her waist. Ceara leaned down kissing his cheek, “Wake up sleepy head.”

  Charlie’s eyes opened slowly and he rolled over stretching, “Ok, ok I’m up”

  They both got up going through their normal routines, until they were both ready to face the day.

  Colt and Beth were still sitting in the living room, both drinking coffee, “Morning you two!” Beth said cheerfully. Charlie grunted in response and went for his own cup of coffee.

  Ceara went to sit with Beth, “Was it all quiet last night?”

  Beth looked to the window and smiled, “Nothing more than a few coyotes howls.”

  Colt went to the window and started raising the shutters; one by one the sun was bathing the room. “We will get to bed soon, but I think the others are going to town today, aren’t they?”

  Ceara started laughing, “Colt you said that like it is just a normal thing.”

  Colt lifted and dropped his shoulder, “Normal for this day in age, I guess.”

  Charlie rejoined them with a steaming cup of coffee, “Was that Alden out back? What’s he doing?”

  Beth got up retrieving her and Colt’s cups, “He got up about an hour ago, said something about getting back to his normal routine. Colt asked him if he needed help and Alden just said that it was a one on one thing. I guessed he was doing some sort of meditation, but I could be wrong.”

  Alden had finished his yoga and was now moving rhythmically. Heath and Tabitha had passed through the front room and were getting their coffee. Tabitha looked out the window and turned to Heath, “What the hell is he doing, ballet?”

  Heath looked out then smiled, “No that’s what called Tai Chi. It’s a form of martial arts but is done in a slower mode. From what I know it’s an awesome workout and self-defense thing.”

  Alden went through his routine with a discipline that had become second nature. Tonto and Maximus were sitting nearby watching.

  After thirty minutes, Alden stood straight and bowed to the east. Sitting down on the picnic table, he put on his combat boots. Tonto stood and started walking around excitedly. Maximus was watching both. Alden picked up his 45 and placed it in its holster. Turning to the dogs he whistled, “Let’s go boys.”

  Alden trotted off into the desert with Tonto running alongside and Maximus running ahead then coming back. Alden whistled again, “Maximus here.” Maximus stopped and came back then fell in next to Tonto trotting alongside and keeping pace with Alden.

  An hour had gone by and Heath was outside with Tabitha feeding and caring for the horses when Alden came jogging back with the dogs.

  As they reached the yard he began to walk. Sweat was pouring off of him , his shirt was wet and sticking to his chest, as it heaved from him breathing hard. Alden walked to the picnic table and pulled his shirt off. Charlie and Ceara came from across the horse pen where they had been working on the fence. Alden had picked up a jug and was taking a long drink. His muscles were rippling and shining.

  Ceara gasped and looked at Charlie, “Damn as old as he is, he still has a rock hard stomach.”

  Charlie looked at her and pulled his shirt up, “Hey I got a six pack.”

  Ceara laughed, “Yeah right, but yours is like Milwaukee’s Best and his… he’s Michelob.”

  Charlie put his shirt down, “Whatever.”

  Alden poured some of the water on his head and turned and looked at the group, “What the hell is wrong with you cupcakes? Haven’t you ever seen a Greek God before?”

  Heath chuckled, “Well no, as a matter of fact, we thought you Greek Gods were all dead.”

  Alden smiled; I’m going to get a shower.”

  He threw the shirt at Heath, “Here, remember Mean Joe Greene.” He turned and went in the house.

  Tabitha turned around and looked at all of the guys, “I guess you all need to work out a little more. I mean hell, if that working out stuff works for him; just imagine what that kind of work would do to all of your guys bodies!”

  Beth turned around and looked over to Colt where he seemed a little bit embarrassed. “Colt don’t you worry about how you look because you look mighty fine by me!”

  As soon as Beth turned to shoot Tabitha a look, Tabitha stood there smiling and remarked, “WHAT?!?!!? These guys here look pretty good, but hell they would look as hot as Alden; especially since they are a hell of a lot younger than him.”

  Colt started laughing, “I haven’t been in this good of shape since my football days in high school and now you tell me I need to do more? That’s ok, I’m good with how I am shaping up already.” He stepped closer to Beth whispering in her ear, “Unless you have some complaints?”

  Beth smiled, “No honey, I told you, I am just fine with how you look.”

  Ceara started striking a couple of poses, flexing her arms, “I think I look pretty good!”

  Charlie grinned, “Yeah, you’re a beast!”

  Ceara snickered then looked at Heath, “So what did he mean when he ask if you remembered Mean Joe Greene? That sounds like a wrestler.”

  Heath cocked an eyebrow at her, “How old are you?”

  Ceara looked confused, “I guess I’m still twenty three? Do you guys think it’s June yet?”

  Colt glanced to his watch, “According to the date on my watch it’s May fourth, but who knows if it’s right.”

  Heath smiled, “Well, Mean Joe Greene was a great football player, he played for the Steelers. Mean Joe did a Coke commercial with a little kid. He was limping off the field and was heading to the locker room; this little kid came in and gave him his coke. Mean Joe downed the whole bottle then threw the kid his game jersey. It was a really cute commercial, now keep in mind I wasn’t around when it first came out but I’m enough of a football buff that I’ve seen it.”

  Colt grabbed a load of wood and started for the house, “I saw a show a couple of years ago, it was the top super bowl commercials of all time, and that was in the top five I think.”

  Everyone started going about their chores, Beth headed to the house, “I’ll get lunch for everyone, but then Colt and I are going to hit the hay, and it was a long night for us.”

  After his shower, Alden walked through the kitchen, where he grabbed a sandwich and a cup of coffee. Heading out the back door, he sat down at the picnic table pulling out the map case he found the one he was looking for Santa Rosa. Heath sat down across from him, “So what ya think?”

  Alden took a bite of the sandwich and sip of coffee, “My only concern is that it is along this major interstate. That could go either way. One it could be full of Wanderers, but on the other hand it could be a gold mine of supplies with all the truck stops. I figure we might hit a mother lode of Wal-Mart trucks, along with maybe a tanker or two. Can you drive a semi?”

  Heath shook his head, “I don’t know, I never have, but hey as long as it starts and I ain’t got to back the damn thing up I figure I’d be okay.”

  Tabitha sat down next to Heath, “What’s up, honey?”

  Alden smiled, “Nothing much dear.”

  Heath ch
uckled, “Alden has a plan I think.”

  Alden grinned and raised an eyebrow, “I say we take my truck up there with Tabitha driving. We stop and survey the land, see what we’re up against, and if we get lucky there won’t be much. Then we head to a truck stop, try to locate a gas tanker and hopefully a Wal-Mart or a Dollar General truck; something like that. Hope the keys are in them and simply drive back here where we could go through them at our leisure. Otherwise, we would go through the local stores which puts us all in a more open and dangerous position. The point being, we make the decision when we get there.”

  Ceara ran into the kitchen helping Beth carry out a tray of food and tea, and then joined the others at the table. The patio was cooler with the cover but it was still stifling, “If you guys are really going to go, can I ask you to look for something for me?”

  Alden pushed the map back and looked to Ceara, “What do you need?”

  Ceara looked to Charlie and back to Alden, “A good pair of scissors!! You guys are looking rough and I really need to get my hair trimmed.” She saw a few of the looks, “I know it isn’t like high on the list, but I just hate that we have to give up so much and Charlie’s hair is almost as long as mine now!!”

  Charlie ran his fingers through his hair, “Jealous?”

  Ceara elbow him in his ribs, “Yeah right! I just thought I was dating a guy, but not so sure anymore!”

  Tabitha choked on her tea, “You mean you still aren’t sure?? What the hell are you two waiting for?? Christ to come down and bless it??” She looked over at Beth and Colt, “You two ought to give them lessons.”

  Beth turned a bright shade of red, “Tabitha I don’t think this is a conversation any of us need to be having.”

  Ceara was even redder than Beth, “Anyway Alden, could you look for me?”

  Alden winked at her, “Yeah, I can look for you.”

  Once lunch was done Beth and Colt headed to bed, Charlie and Ceara tried to help the others get ready for the supply run. As soon as they pulled off, Ceara turned to Charlie, “They will be gone for a few hours; Colt and Beth are sleeping so I don’t want to make a lot of noise. You up for a ride?”


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