The Girls Club

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The Girls Club Page 2

by Jackie Coupe

  She had a kind face too.

  Not wanting to obsess she showered up and plopped into bed. The morning would come round all too quickly as it were.

  A shrilling alarm clock seemed to rouse her the second after her head hit the pillow and she felt like another couple of hours would have made her a nicer person.

  First day. Get yer arse out of yer pit.

  It didn’t take long, clothes, comb hair, she’d have to get a brew at the office, she needed provisions. Once she was as ready as she could be she went back down to the kerb.

  As promised Rochelle came by to pick her up. Karen had dressed to impress. Gray power suit, black shoes. She felt smart. Thinking about Rochelle last night had given her a million questions to ask but she figured there was going to be plenty of time, no sense in rushing into anything. Besides, people were just generally different here. She needed to take her time and learn the way things worked, there had already been too many ‘jumped guns’ and every time had wrought her heart.

  The building that Tarkingtons was in was nothing short of monolithic. They entered the lobby with elegantly ornate marble tiles on the floor. Karen stopped to look down and almost got hit by a guy coming through the doors.

  Way to go ‘tourist’.

  A desk of black marble with a couple of security guys behind it was near the back of the entrance hall. She thought about altitude sickness on the way up in the elevator and Rochelle smiled at her.

  “S’okay. You’ll get used to it”

  “Yeah” but she couldn’t hide her nervousness.


  The doors opened and the reception desk for Tarkingtons itself was situated directly across from them.

  “This is where you sign in each day when you come in. Health and safety, fire regs, here…” she spun the book round to her and she took the pen. The receptionist smiled at her then held her hand out.

  “Carolyn” her mouth revealed approximately three rows of pristine white teeth. Karen was dazzled.

  “Karen, Hiya” there was a numeral on the receptionists hand. Karen felt her eyebrow go up and felt herself being obvious.

  It’s some American fad that’s all. You’ll probably see a kajillion of them.

  Carolyn meanwhile was being very obvious in a different way. Karen felt lost. Was everyone here going to be so sexually extrovert? She didn’t know if her country mouse heart could take the strain.

  “Welcome to Tarkingtons” the receptionist shot her a glance of pure carnality then went back to her paperwork. Karen felt glad when the after image emblazoned on her retinas receded. Those were some teeth alright!

  As they turned the corner she asked Rochelle where the rest room was.

  “Through here” and she deposited her through a door at the end of the corridor.

  “Fuck me!” she gasped as she leaned against the door. She ducked to see if any of the stalls were occupied. None seemed to be. In the mirror she could see her face was brick red. She took the chance to pee and washed her face off with cold water. God damn it was hot round these parts!

  “Well?” Carolyn was intrigued to say the least. The British lass was skittish, but she didn’t doubt for a second that she’d get on ‘The Chain’.

  “Well what Care? If she is you know the rules.” Rochelle was perched on the end of her desk, left leg swinging idly.

  “Bastards” she growled. Carolyn loved working here. Big business and the best pussy she’d ever had. But sometimes red tape was a bitch.

  Back in the restroom Karen was getting herself together slowly but surely. After she felt a little more businesslike she went back out. Rochelle was back outside the door and smiling at her. Karen’s eyebrow hoisted again, her God damn eyebrow! She might as well be wearing a sign proclaiming that all she saw so far was weirdness supreme.

  “Come on, I’ll walk you round the place so you get a feel for the layout” Rochelle giggled. How odd? What was so funny? She reached down to check she’d zipped her pants as they rounded the corner.

  “This is where the junior apprentices work, don’t worry about names, you’ll learn them quick enough when you get to know the bunch of bitches”


  Her face must have gone red again, Rochelle thought this was highly amusing, “Oh its alright, they’re nice bitches.”

  “Oh” was about all she could manage. She wondered if she could staple her eyebrow down so it wouldn’t keep giving her away.

  “And round here you have the paperwork, files, legal books. Oh, that’s my desk there and that young lady hiding under it, yeah! I see you whore! She’s Minnie” There was a bump and a head full of brown wavy hair came up, “Ouf! Ah, Rosh, hi”

  “Don’t get up, looks like your busy” If Karen had to swear on a stack of bibles she would still say that what looked like a pair of legs was sticking out behind the chair. Unless ‘Minnie’ was double jointed at the waist, they weren’t her legs.

  I will not raise my eyebrow, will not raise my eyebrow, will not, will not, WILL NOT!

  Rochelle laughed at her, “Its OK, no one ever comes round this part. Come on” and as they passed Minnie and whoever was under the desk, she could have further sworn to hearing a pleasured groan.

  “This corridor has four offices along it, they’re the executives veeps and partners”

  Her arm was being tugged by the cuff and she got the distinct idea now that Rochelle was having a jolly old time with the country mouse.

  “This is the canteen, hi girls!” About a million faces all spun round to watch them pass. There was licking of lips. A penny dropped in Karen’s mind.

  I haven’t seen one man! Not one, how the fuck do they manage that?

  Rochelle double timed her to the last corridor. She dropped her voice to a whisper and spoke to her in reverent tones.

  “OK. This is a corridor we don’t come into much. That room at the end”, she turned and pointed, “She’s the boss, Sarah Steiger. That room to your left is conference room one, that one,”, she pointed the opposite way, “conference room two. That next to it is Charlotte Toulouse’s office, one of the partners. Come on”

  They left the corridor and Karen wanted to bite Rochelle, she still had her by the cuff like a prize poodle.

  “Ah-hem” Karen jingled her arm.

  “Opsie, sorry honey” she dropped her cuff, “You’ve had the five cent tour. How ‘bout a coffee?”

  Back in there, where that sea of faces all want to eat me up? Wickedy.

  “Do you have any tea?”


  “Yeah. Opposite to coffee, comes with milk” she smiled.

  Rochelle stopped laughing and ducked into the cook area. She came back with something that looked like grey paint and smelled a little like aniseed. They sat down.

  Karen was getting good at this. She knew when she tasted this she was going to have an eyebrow moment so she would use a question to divert Rochelle’s attention.

  “How long have you been with the company” Sip. Hoist. Wince.

  “Oh, like forever! About two years now. It’s the best!”

  She hadn’t seen anyone that was physically unattractive in any way. She guessed they must have broke all kinds of rules to make this a girls only gig. Better to ask though.

  “I haven’t seen any men”

  She heard the creaking of tendons and a few chair scrapes whilst women at neighbouring tables strained to listen without giving the appearance of listening.

  “The boss doesn’t employ men. Is that a problem?”


  Two dozen sets of eyes were watching her lips, waiting for what they wanted to hear.



  “It’s slang for ‘no’ where I come from”

  An audible sigh from the masses? Felt and heard. Karen had agreed to live her life more freely, she hadn’t expected to end up knee deep in lesbians.

  You don’t know that for sure yet do you?

  It was a very stro
ng feeling though all the same.

  She chatted with Rochelle for a while about little things. Glancing at times to the hands of those around her as they carried trays and mugs. Many had those Roman numerals on them, always in the same place too. A cult? She shivered at the thought.

  She drank the shitty brew. It maybe wouldn’t be a bad idea to find out where they sold her brand of tea and bring some in with her. A good cup of tea would go a long way to siphoning out some of the strange input she’d had so far.

  She heard a mobile phone chirrup. Rochelle brought her mobile to her ear, “Yes, yes. She’ll be right there” she got up.

  “Ok, she’ll see you now” Rochelle was back on her cuff again hauling her along. Necks creaked and an eyebrow was hoisted in the fray, back down the executive corridor they went.

  “Alright” they stopped outside Sarah Steiger’s office, Rochelle straightened Karen’s jacket and dusted off her shoulders in a grandiose manner. What was she so excited for? She tapped the door.


  “Knock ‘em dead” and she winked at her. Rochelle disappeared back down the corridor and Karen cleared her throat. Shaking her cuffs she opened the double doors.

  Karen swallowed a ball of spit roughly the size of a baby kitten.

  “Aww, Karen. Shut the door will you?”

  What she saw next stunned her.

  Oh my dear Jesus! What a fucking fox!

  She was in danger of making her own eyebrow lift, never before in her life had such a thought crossed her mind but this woman was stunning.

  She stood up and came around her large oaken desk and extended an arm that looked strong. Karen gulped. Something else she had never been prone to do before, then put her hand into her bosses.

  Whatever it is I hope she is a part of it.

  Two and two were becoming four ‘faster than rabbits could hop’, as her dear old gram might have said.

  Her face was ethereal. Perfect. Not a strand of golden hair out of place, her lips were in a tasteful muted shade of burgundy.

  She raised her other arm and Karen took the seat that was offered.

  “So you’ve seen our offices. Like what you see?” she sat back in her chair and eyed Karen curiously.

  To combat her eyebrow raise she lifted both, “Yeah, very nice. Tidy”

  “And the staff. Everyone been nice to you?”

  What kind of a boss gives a shit if the staff are happy campers?

  Ones that what to get into your knickers! Her mind called back. It wasn’t an image she needed at this time.

  “Yeah. It’s been really nice” Couldn’t you think if anything else to say?

  Miss Steiger leaned back in her chair and steepled her fingers under her chin.

  “Notice anything odd?”

  This is where you tell her you suspect you’re working at a pussy farm carefully disguised as a law firm.

  In deference of her eyebrow, (it seemed to be doing its own thing for fun), she leaned forward. There was heat in her face, for the second time that morning she was getting embarrassed, but there was something else wasn’t there? The small suspicion that all the years of feeling like an outcast, of denying her true emotions, were at an end.

  “They’re all girls” a smile burst forth then. Sarah Steiger, President of Tarkingtons, owner of a million dollar estate, three cars, and a wardrobe that would make Liz Taylor jealous, laughed.

  “Fuckin ‘A’”

  Karen was laughing too then. All the whispering in the corridor had seemed daft now. The boss was nothing like the ball breaker that she been expecting. But then again, balls were in short supply round here.

  “Ok sweetie. Just a few ground rules and you can stay. Firstly, did you bring your passport so I can get the work permit sorted out?” She took a cigar out of a wooden case and lit it, then offered the box to Karen, they looked soooo good, “I’ll pass thanks, I gave up smoking last year” She took her passport out of her jacket pocket and handed it over. Whatever this place was she would be stuck here, a momentary shiver ran down her spine.

  “Good job, these’ll kill ya. Anyway” the boss puffed huge clouds of fragrant smoke above her head. Karen deeply suspected she was going to cum in her pants. Never before had she seen such a beauty, rugged, well groomed. And just so damned masculine. It was unnerving.

  “We have a system round here, there are rules.” She put her feet up on the desk, leaving her smart short stilettos on the floor.

  Karen took her jacket off. Sarah smiled vulpinely.

  “The first rule is of course that there is ‘The Chain’. The Chain must be followed. You will find the list in a non-downloadable file on your PC at your desk. Along with a copy of the rules. We work hard here. Harder than any swinging dicks let me tell you, we ooze charm and sex, we get contracts, we make millions!” perfect smoke rings flew over Karen’s head.

  “We ask for loyalty. No talking out of school. I pay a pretty penny to keep this a closed shop. The Chain leads out of here and there are a few ladies of leisure who enjoy what we do so they turn a blind eye and protect us. If you reach a point where you wish to stop you can claim your tattoo. I don’t care for them but some of the girls feel its very tribal, sexy even. They’re semi-permanent, everything round here moves so fast! If you want in…?”

  ??? Answer her, tell her something, anything, NOW!

  “I want in” she murmured.

  Sarah took her feet down and leaned across her desk, the cigar bobbing and weaving and she waved her arms, a ‘desk-dance’ in a way.

  Karen smiled. Her eyebrow reaching quizzical new heights.

  “I knew it! There is no way to break The Chain. You start at the bottom. We have nothing but clean girls too, regular check-ups and STI checks.” She laughed uproariously at this but it was lost on Karen. She felt like someone was twirling a stick round in her guts. She had technically never slept with a woman before. She felt her time in The Chain would be very fucking short!

  “If you please your lady you can progress. Oh what thrills there’ll be! The Chain leads out of here, remember that and you’ll do well, there are some very, very important and sexy people at the top. You can chose to shoot for the moon if you wish. You can always of course meet someone on The Chain you fall in love with and decide to stay with them.”

  It was warm. Smoky. Was the ceiling coming down?

  Oh dear. Are we actually asleep?

  Just as the little dancing dots were taking her under she felt something in her hand, “Drink this” A glass, smelled like alcohol. Down in one it went.

  Her eyes remained closed for a few seconds. The dots were going away.

  “Hey. I know it’s a lot to take in”

  Karen looked down at her knees.

  Sarah put a hand under her chin.

  “You’re not the first to get a bit wiggy about the whole thing. Gay virgin?”

  She said yes without meeting her eyes.

  “That doesn’t mean you’re going to be bad at it. That’s why The Chain is a pretty good system. Everyone starting on The Chain is about the same level in terms of expertise and knowledge. You learn as you go. When you want to stop, you stop. Learn about yourself. Love your friends.” Sarah leaned forward and kissed her squarely on the mouth.

  “Think about it. And I’ll see you further along The Chain huh? Your PC will remind you when to visit the company doctor. Can’t be too careful ya know”

  There was white noise in her head, the kiss has been so soft, yet, powerful!

  “Shut the door on your way out, Rochelle will give you the rest of the details”

  She was back in her chair, a pair of spectacles perched on her nose. Karen picked up her jacket and her heart which was floating around the light fitting, just as she was pulling the door closed Sarah called to her, “You’re going to do well here. Remember work hard, love your friends”

  And that was it.

  Beginning to end that was the whole thing.

  Karen slipped her jacket on.
Mental overload had been achieved. As if on cue Rochelle came trotting up the corridor, a grin splitting her face.

  She was back on the cuff, when they were at the end of the corridor Rochelle hugged her, kissed her cheek and congratulated her on a good meeting.

  What did she do? Ring the second I closed the door?

  In the canteen a huge banner had been erected, “Welcome to Tarkingtons!” Women were clapping and wolf whistling.

  Fuck me raw. They’re all insane!

  But there won’t ever be a better time to explore yourself, remember what Sarah said.

  Never mind what she’d said. Karen wanted her. Badly. It might only have been the open gesture of affection. It might have been the sight of her smoking a cigar. She would go to sleep tonight thinking of that cigar, and the way she had her lips around it.

  Shiver me timbers!

  “Celebration time” Minnie announced, and just when the day couldn’t get any stranger, everyone packed up and Karen was escorted down to a bar at the lobby level of the building. It was called ’Office Relations’. Aptly named so she thought.

  Rochelle asked her what she would like to drink, Rochelle turned out to be quite the comedienne and asked her if she’d like tea, Karen said tea wasn’t going to cut it, she’d have a beer.

  She was shredding snippets of paper from her beer bottle, penned in by Carolyn on one side, Minnie on the other and across from her a lass she guessed had been under the desk before based on the fact that the footwear was the same. She was a very pretty girl. Her was called Skylar.

  “Its sooo exciting! We’ve never had a Brit work here before” Minnie squealed, Skylar looked a little downtrodden by this. Karen could have told her not to worry. Minnie wasn’t her type. But on the Chain, what did that count for? Not only would she be sleeping with women, but some of them wouldn’t be to her taste.

  Ah-ha! So you HAVE decided to go through with it.

  Yes. Yes she had. It was a gift. The freedom to expand her horizons, meet new people, touch willing flesh.


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