The Girls Club

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The Girls Club Page 5

by Jackie Coupe


  “That bitch!” Sky spat.

  “Who’s Demi and why would she do this?” Karen dabbed at the blood on Rochelle’s face with the damp cotton wool.

  Sky stomped down the other corridor, the one that led past the execs to Miss Steiger’s office. She guessed it was time to let the boss know what had happened.

  “Who is Demi?” she asked again.

  “She’s the PA to Miss Smythe. Over at Prestons”

  She looked at Karen with an expression on her face that said that should explain everything.

  “Elaborate. I’m British” she got a smile out of her for that one.

  “Preston’s, they have a few girls on the Chain, Demi, well, she’s such a fucking hard ass, she hasn’t ever much liked me.”


  “Because my report kept from going any further. I mean, that was months ago! And the rules of the Chain are love your friends! If you don’t progress you can always try again, there are always other people to meet. Other ways to get by. She doesn’t play by the rules. Swore she’d get me” A tear rolled down her face.

  “Oh Rochelle! I knew I shouldn’t have sent you” Miss Steiger was stood there in her bare feet, hands on hips, shaking her head. Her eyes were alive with fury, her neck was red.

  “She got me in the car park” Rochelle spoke quietly, as if she was ashamed that she’d had such a thing happen to her.

  “Demi?” Sarah didn’t speak the word, she growled it.

  Sky clapped her hands to her mouth. This was faux pas. You DID NOT touch someone on the Chain without going through the proper channels. Things like this were settled officially. You wanted to beat a broads brains out - you did it fair and square. This was something Karen had never suspected. But she was learning fast.

  Sarah Steiger bent down in front of Rochelle and maternally rubbed her chin, Rochelle’s eyes shone down at her and told her all that she needed to know.

  “Sky?” she asked softly, “Yes Ma’am” Sky stood to attention.

  “Get me Smythe on the phone. Now” And off Sky went like a shot.

  Karen’s head was spinning by this point. She kept staring at the split on Rochelle’s lip, it was going to be very sore when the whelk finally stopped growing.


  Yes Ma’am!

  “Yes Miss Steiger?”

  “Take Rochelle down to the bar. Put six drinks in her and take her home”

  “What about the police, she knows who did it” Karen felt that this was being ignored, that the police should be sent round there to ‘apprehend’ this Demi and her swinging fists.

  Sarah Steiger looked back at her over her shoulder.

  “We take care of our own business. Don’t we Rochelle?”

  And Rochelle nodded in the affirmative.

  “Ok then.” This went against the way things were supposed to, but rules and the people who made them did as they saw best she presumed.

  Just before she stepped round the corner to walk her ‘corridor of power’ she turned back to the pair, “Karen, I want you to stay with Rochelle tonight. I don’t think she’s concussed but you never can be too careful”

  “Yes Miss Steiger”

  “It’s Sarah when you’re doing me a favour”

  Was that an electric shock down your spine just then?

  “OK, we’ll see you tomorrow, Sarah” Their eyes locked.

  She smiled and went off down to get the call Sky had placed for her. Miss Steiger looked ready to kick ass and chew bubble gum.

  “You heard the boss” she hauled Rochelle to her feet. The tidying up had gone well, with the dried blood gone you could see she was going to be badly bruised tomorrow but other than that the girl didn’t seem in too bad shape.

  A few of the women watched them leave, she grabbed Rochelle’s coat, Minnie hopped round the corner and looked at them both. Her face fell.

  “You alright Rosh?”

  “Yeah. Demi”

  “Fucking hag.”

  “Night Minnie”

  “Night Karen. Love your friends.” She hugged them both and straightened her face. Karen hoped Minnie wasn’t getting too hung up about their one night together because she quite frankly wasn’t arsed in the slightest if they did it again, beer might make magic happen, but it took sobriety to remove the curse.

  It was a little easier after they’d each had a beer. Karen wouldn’t drink any more. She’d be driving them home and she hoped to God above that the other drivers would sense her alien attitude to their driving here. It would be a first for her. She wasn’t looking forward to it at all.

  The chap behind the bar motioned to her and she went over.

  “Call for you”

  Taking the cordless handset from him she hoped against hope this wasn’t dire news. But then again, she was getting a call in a bar.


  “Hiya Karen, just checking you guys are still downstairs”

  “Yes Sarah. We are”

  Have you got anything on your feet missy?

  She wanted to make small talk and curl the telephone cord round her finger.

  “Good. Stay there. We have a bit if situation now. I’m sure you’ve heard the name ‘Demi’ mentioned?”

  A pit in her stomach was rolling now.

  “Yeah. Some bad blood was mentioned”

  Turning to look at Rochelle her heart went out to the lass, she looked all forlorn in the dim light with her half empty bottle of beer and bruising cheek.

  “Well. I will schedule a meeting to explain the greater intricacies of how we deal with things but for now I have to mention this. When someone beats on someone in the Chain it’s a very serious matter. Smythe, her superior, is obligated to send Demi here to apologise, escort her if necessary”

  This is the wrong thing you’ve been looking for.

  Nah. There was Chain ’etiquette’, that was all. There was certainly no need for people to go round smacking each other. It riled her badly.

  “The penalty is loss of standing on the Chain. I don’t need to tell you how mad this Demi is going to be. After all, this all started with the Chain. Now she’ll be off it”

  Oh happy horse shit.

  She was potentially babysitting a homing device for an angry lesbian who had now had her sex supply cut off.

  Fucking fantastic.

  “I get it.”

  There was quiet on the line for a moment.

  “I hope so. Because they can’t find Demi.”


  Her heart rose to her throat. Oh Good Lord! Karen wondered how much of the karate she did at 13 would be usable now and felt that off-balance sense of vertigo. With a brisk mental fore hand and back hand she set her jaw straight and turned to smile at Rochelle. She looked very sleepy now.

  “Ok Miss Steiger. I’m going to take her home now”

  A sigh on the line. “Ok. Get a pen and paper.” She motioned to the bar tender and he slid a place mat in front of her and a ball point.

  “This is my number” Karen jotted it down as Sarah gave it.

  “Straight home. Any trouble you ring me. Immediately.”

  “Sure thing”

  “Are you up to this?”

  In her heart she found no fear, only disquiet.

  “You bet.”

  “Good fucking job girlie! Ok. I’ve got your cell number. I’ll let you know when we have Demi under wraps”

  Under wraps?

  Must just be an expression.

  “Stay with her! And if she’s up to it I’ll see you both in the morning.”

  “No problem”

  She heard a smile in Sarah’s voice as she wished her good night. Karen gave the phone back to the bar tender and looked over at her first LA friend.

  “Come on tinker. Lets get you home”

  “You talk funny” Rochelle grinned around her swollen lips.

  “That makes us equal.” They strolled to the under ground car park and Karen instant
ly went to get in the wrong side.

  Other side pillock.

  They might just end the night in an emergency room. Opposite side of the car. Opposite side of the road. Opposite side of the world. She couldn’t fault the excitement levels of her life since coming here.

  Rochelle poured into the seat beside her. She was nearly dozing when they left the carpark, “Oy, I don’t know where you live mate” I also don’t really know how to drive you there either but I gotta start somewhere.

  So she got directions. This way. That way. Left here. Left after that sign. Her mind was ultra alert, not one inch of concentration diverted from driving. The office gopher was smiling quite largely at her, the crazy Brit, all but hanging over the wheel craning to see every inch of tarmac like it could fly away at any moment.

  Giggling from the seat beside her.

  “What’s so bloody funny?” Karen asked through her smile.

  “You drive funny too!” and then she was laughing, making ouch noises because her split lips were pulling wider.

  They were still both giggling when she pulled into the basement car park of the block where Rochelle lived.

  Her companion moved on auto pilot and took Karen’s arm.

  Here we go again.

  How easily she went from leader to led.

  Its because she knows the way stupid.

  In the lift Rochelle was touching her lip lightly and making ‘hiss’ noises, “Thanks” she said finally.

  “No problem” Karen liked the way those words made her feel, like a good job well done. Saying them made her feel courageous.

  “Ok” she opened her apartment door and led Karen inside.

  “You want me to make something to eat?”

  “You sure? You don’t have to”

  “You kidding? You’ve never had my cooking before, you’ll love it! Brit food coming up”

  Karen dug through the fridge and found eggs, ham and cheese and set to make an omelette.

  What a strange arse day. Again! Is this your life now. Lesbian sex. Office politics and back room bonks. Car park brawls. Under wraps?

  A frown passed across her face. There and gone again. Her life was suddenly full of difference and interest. Whatever came her way she’d deal with it. A ‘can do’ kinda person was Karen.

  Rochelle came back through to the living area dressed in flannel pj’s.

  “Veeeeeeeery nice” Karen advised, a chefs hat perched jauntily on her head, spatula in hand.

  “At least I got pj’s”


  “What bag?”

  Karen burst out laughing.

  “No. Bag! Like baggage, nasty bag, horrible bag. It’s a name you call someone like ‘cow’ where I come from.”

  “Funny, funny, funny”

  “It’s a term of affection” and she instantly regretted putting it that way. She hardly knew the girl, she went back to her eggs and Rochelle went to put the TV on.

  When she was done they ate the eggs and Rochelle yawned expansively.

  “You going to sleep on the couch” more statement than question again.

  “Yeah. Try and get a good nights sleep eh?”

  “Night Karen”

  And then Rochelle bent over to kiss her goodnight. As naturally as she had often seen her dad kiss her mum goodbye when he went off at night to drive his taxi. She accepted the kiss, love your friends, wasn’t such a bad credo to live by.

  TV had gone a long way to further exasperate Karen. A lot of it was satirical. It didn’t make sense to her. When she found a channel playing Futurama for the next three hours she was in hog heaven. Sleep was far from coming. It felt like that would be a failing in duty. It wouldn’t do. As absurd as it sounded.

  At 4:20 am there was a thump, thump, thump at the door. Her nerves were red alert in a nanosecond. No friend thumped like that in the middle of the night.

  Call Sarah!

  At this time?

  She’d said hadn’t she?

  But what if it wasn’t Demi? What if was a totally different kind of visitor?

  You mean Minnie perhaps?

  She went to peek through the spy hole. Instantly a fist flew into her line of sight. An angry looking brunette with bloody knuckles was popping away at the door.

  “Karen?” Rochelle called from her room.

  No problem?

  Fucking too right there was no problem.

  “Call Sarah. I got this” anger that she’d felt all day began to re-surface at this small hour in the middle of the night. The split lip. How mad had it really made her?

  She felt like she had to tell Demi that she had done a cowardly thing slapping Rochelle around. Rochelle wasn’t the size of a bag of chips and this grated on her. Bullies were cowards. Karen had slung a few punches in her time. Maybe she could make her mark right here and now by cleaning this Demi’s clock.

  She opened the door.

  “What the fuck bitch? Where is the little skank!” and she was pushed to one side.

  Oh you stupid cow, if she messes with Rosh after you’re ‘sposed to be looking after her you’re going to look like a proper let down to the guys.

  She grabbed after her and caught the cloth of her jacket. The woman was like a viper, she turned to throw a punch at Karen, she ducked and double pumped a fist into her ribs. Demi woofed air appreciably and Rosh stared wide eyed from the doorway of her room.

  Get her out!

  That sounded like a good idea. She had an arm, unfortunately not the right one, a fist crashed into the side of her head. Stars bloomed and she could hear ringing.

  Open the door. Let her in. Master plan anyone?

  Karen never lost her grip, she still had two fingers in the fabric of her jacket, Demi hissed like a scalded cat and flailed an arm at Rosh.

  “Shut your door!”


  It sounded like someone was in the corridor dialling the police. Karen made her mission of the next few minutes just to hang on to this she-devil.

  Using her body weight she slung Demi back against the wall, Demi spat in her face, on instinct Karen butted her. Had she known the outcome of such an action she would have done it sooner. Demi slumped down to the floor, blood flowing from both nostrils.

  Her head still ringing she stuck her head into the other room to see if her new found colleague was ok, “Sarah’s on her way. She’s bringing the girls”

  Oh-er. Bringing the girls eh?

  What where they, gangsters or fucking lawyers? She found she didn’t care at this point, she dragged Demi into the living area.

  Rosh stepped out into the hallway and Karen heard murmured words, ‘its ok’, ‘thanks for your concern’, ‘night now’.

  She had dispatched the onlooker back to their apartment, she left the apartment door ajar when she came back in. Karen was hunting through drawers for some kind of binding material.

  “OHH! You’re bleeding!” Rochelle exclaimed.

  She touched her head, blood on her fingers. This bitch had swung hard! She had fucked her chance now with the Chain altogether though. Of that Karen was deadly sure.

  “Its alright. Got anything I can take care of this with?”

  She handed her some strapping tape from the cupboard under the sink.

  Why didn’t I think of that?

  She flipped Demi over. She was a pretty girl indeed. Rugged. Dark hair. Frightful shame she was an utter bitch. Hooking her wrists together she ran the tape round them a few times. As an after thought she ran it round her ankles as well.

  “You done this before?”

  Karen laughed, “No. Never. But I’m doing a lot just lately I’ve never done before”

  Karen went into the kitchen area and wet a dishcloth to put on the bump she felt rising. Rochelle put a mirror under Demi’s face to see if she was still breathing.

  “I didn’t hit her that hard!” Karen grinned, how silly did Rochelle look, like a vet in
a field trying to determine if a sheep was dead or not.

  “Girls” In molten tones came from the doorway.

  They both turned to regard their boss. Resplendent regardless of the hour, they responded to her presence with an deep ache in their hearts. Flanking her where three decidedly ‘beefy’ girls. Without a word they came in, picked the unconscious Demi up from the floor and carted her off. Sarah stepped the rest of the way in and closed the door behind her.

  “Well. Busy night girls”

  “Yeah” Rochelle looked haggard in the lamp light thrown from her bedroom.

  “Lumps for you?” she asked Karen. Her head had been forgotten for the minute. She had been quite distracted. In her mind there was only the two of them. She was asking Sarah just how much she’d like to be her more permanent companion.


  “Er. Yeah.” grinning like an idiot.

  “Why in the blue blazes did you open the door?”

  Tell her the truth.

  “I wanted to smack her. She’s nothing better than a bully, she was bashing the door up, drawing attention”

  Sarah smiled approvingly at this.

  “Karen was like, pow! Take that, and that! Pow!” Rosh was giving a caricature play by play. Giddy by the man-handling and the late hour no doubt.

  Maybe she’s just glad Demi didn’t get her hands on her, which could have happened by the way seeing as you let her in.

  “Well it was foolish. You were both at risk then, we have ways of dealing with these things, it doesn’t include going it alone. Why should you when you have your friends?”

  And she felt stupid then. Part of being in a club meant having your buddies back you up. Karen was going to have to learn to rely on the network.

  “Well girls. The hour runneth late. Get some shut-eye. It’ll be time to get to work soon enough” Both girls groaned at this.

  Sarah smiled at them both, “You didn’t think you’d get more time off did you? I’m still a blood sucking lawyer with a planet to run”

  They were still laughing when she let herself out.

  “Nice lady” Karen said.

  “Yeah” Rosh sighed.

  “Listen. Come sleep in the bed. I promise I won’t get up to dickens.”

  And Karen didn’t think she was lying. That was how for the second time in her life she ended up in bed next to a hot woman. Just before her wandering mind let go entirely she laughed. ‘Only in LA’ had flashed through her mind.


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