The Girls Club

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The Girls Club Page 19

by Jackie Coupe

“Sarah” her smile at its zenith, “Lets make a deal, I won’t tell anyone you had Denise silenced, in exchange for that secret we won’t be helping any more dealers out of the slam. You know I hate junk freaks”

  Sarah’s face had dropped like a stone. No one was ever supposed to call Sarah out, when she wanted something doing it got done, no question about it. There was no recollection in her mind of telling Charlotte what she’d done. No sense in denying it though. She’d enjoyed it.

  The deal had been struck. The only thing she had ever gotten Sarah to agree to.

  Charlotte wasn’t worried at all. The hours she had spent, applying careful planning, getting just the right people involved. It was just for security’s sake that’s all.

  She shut off lights as she left, there were a few left on, her own, the canteen, the reception. In the reception area she came over goosebumps. Like someone was watching.

  “Come on” she whispered to the elevator. Never before had the sound of the lift arriving sounded so much like heaven. She leapt in and bashed the ground floor key, down the near pitch black corridor she could see the outline of a person, and it started to move!

  “EH!” she slammed the keypad, a sob escaped her, she slunk against the back of the elevator as the doors slid shut.

  “Ha,hahahaahaaha. HA! Yar bitch!” she high-fived the mirror wall of the lift. It had been a close call. How long had that person been in there? And who was it? She’d see the doorman on the way out. She reached the ground floor and the door whooshed open. A light tremble remained with her, she straightened her suit jacket and walked across to the front desk. Looking back over her shoulder she saw the lift had been called back up. Well, whoever it was, they were going to be in for shock, the night watchman had a gun.

  She arrived at the lobby desk and her face twitched. The night man might well have already met her unknown visitor it seemed. She didn’t know where the rest of him was, but the top half of his head was perched in front of the security monitors. Someone had cut it from in between his upper and lower gums. His hat was still on his head, his black skin grey from blood loss, a puddle of icor and gore on his signing in book. She looked back over her shoulder and saw the lift had started to descend, she also noticed a large runner of gore that led around the corner at the bottom of the hall.

  Charlotte lost all composure and ditched her briefcase, Fuck Huntington-Wolfe, Mondays case was no longer top priority, but saving her own skin was. Her sensible flats saved her from a tumble, she skidded on the moist surface and just managed to keep her balance. As she was at the door she heard the elevator boing its insanely normal tone but never spared it a look back.

  The visitor watched her leave from behind a rubber mask fashioned like a vampire with sloping black hairline and porcelain skin tone.

  Charlotte wasn’t going to sleep very well tonight, maybe not ever again.

  The visitor took the briefcase and looked through the contents. Black leather gloves making rasping noises on the buff material. The visitor lovingly traced a fingers through the blood around the night watchman’s severed head. His gun tucked into the waistband of her pants, the shells from his drawer in her pocket.


  Then the visitor emptied the case and left. The work at the office done for the day.

  When morning came for Rochelle she felt like she hadn’t slept enough. But in her gut she knew today was going to be a very big day. Important. The percussions of which would be felt from the bottom of the Chain to the very top. She wasn’t overly worried. Rather sanguine. Her place was with Karen. There was no saving Sarah and her possessive behaviour had cost her one partner. Forgiveness had been hard fought, Rochelle believed in loyalty and her heartbreak taken as a lesson to be learned. There had been a day when she had thought she could help Sarah. By being loving and supportive, always there, if not for Sarah’s sake than for anyone else who she would ever come into contact with.

  She was a genius in the courtroom. Flamboyant and gutsy she had won over 90% of all cases she had argued. But the genius was tainted with something a great deal more sinister. Her narcissistic side taking over, making her feel above the law, of men, the land, and the Chain. The laws of men and the land hadn’t so far ensnared her, but it looked like the Chain was apt to.

  When the hard thumps came at just after 7 am she felt calm. She let her soul fill will clear blue water. She could do this. Karen had told her so.

  Through the peephole she saw three goons. One she recognised and the other two, well, meat heads. Rochelle mustered her courage, of which she had in abundance, and opened the door.

  “Morning girls” she went back into the apartment and sipped her coffee.

  The lead meat head, a blonde with a neck wider than her head shook her head.

  “No time for that”

  “Oh. Right. Why exactly? Has Sarah been found? Does she want to see me?”

  “No. But you do need to come with us”

  The other two meat heads went round the corner into the bedroom. They had instructions to subdue the other, the British lass. They returned after 30 seconds and looked at the blonde, “Casey, she’s not there”

  Rochelle looked at her coffee cup.

  “Whaddya mean she ain’t there? Look again, check the wardrobe and under the fucking bed! Do I have to do everything?”

  The two women exchanged an ‘oh shit’ glance and went back through.

  There were clattering sounds, stuff being knocked over, a banged door.

  “Well?” meat head Casey called to them.

  “Nothing, really nothing!” came the reply.

  “Where is she?” she gripped Rochelle on the forearm.

  “I don’t know. When I woke up she was gone. Just gone”

  “Really?” she shook her arm a little.

  “Really! Now get off! Sarah’ll get to hear about it if you hurt me.”

  Casey lost her composure a little at this. She didn’t want to upset Sarah Steiger, she’d heard what had happened to the last person who’d upset her. Little itsy pieces. Not a happy thought.

  “You have to come with us” she crossed her arms, her buddies bringing up the rear.

  “Fine. Just fine. I’m going to pack a bag”

  “Why?” Casey the meat head asked.

  “Well, I don’t know how long I’ll be wherever it is, so I might need some stuff”

  “Go with her” she nodded to the goon on her left.

  When Rochelle went to the bedroom to waste some minutes packing a change of clothes and a few hygiene essentials Casey took out her cell, she dialled Charlotte Toulouse’s number.


  “Yeah. Its me.”

  “What the fuck you ringing me for you steroid baited bitch?” panic in Charlotte’s voice.

  “Listen, the Brit ain’t here”

  “I don’t give a good God damn! Leave me out of it, whatever you have to do regarding the Brit, within reason!” and she rang off. As if talking to someone in the process of an abduction would be irrevocably tattooed across her face for the whole world to see.

  Casey squinched her eyes against the shrill tones from the lawyer. She turned to her other colleague.

  “There aren’t many places for this Brit to go. She’s not been here long. Start at the offices where she works in case she’s being fucking cute, then the office bar and from there I want the employee list from Tarkingtons because we’re going to go visiting.”

  “Sure thing”

  “And Sheila?”

  “Yeah Case”

  “Don’t, fuck, up! I want a call from you when you find her, do NOT take her alone”

  They exchanged a solemn stare.


  Rochelle came back with the third of the trio, a rucksack with some bits rammed into it.

  It’s alright. Karen has made you a promise. To keep her head down. To not play the hero. Lets see how much she really does love you.

  As Rochelle was being packed up against the Chain
goon and driven to the chosen place where she was to be stashed, across town Karen was making a phone call.

  “Answer dammit!” she told the mobile. It rang and rang and rang.

  “Hi!” the exorbitant reply came.


  “Yeah. How’d it go?”

  “Well they don’t know where I am. Just. Are you sure you wanna help me do this?”

  “Yeah, of course I am. I’ll text you the address. Miss Heidi is out cold.”

  Karen felt simple love for Sky, ready to put her neck on the line for all of them.

  “Ok, how long do you think she’ll be out?”

  “I’m not sure. The packet said take two, I’ve given her six”

  “Fuck shit! Make sure she’s breathing and I’ll be there soon.”

  “Karen. BE CAREFUL! Those goons are going to be on the look out for you now, they already have Rochelle”

  God keep her safe.

  “It’s taken care of. I’m going to stay off the streets, grab a cab.”

  “Wise choice”

  “Oh and Sky?”


  “You better not still have bar-b-que between your teeth when I get there”

  Sky rang off laughing. It hadn’t been so cut and dried up to that point though as she reflected on the evening she’d just had, it hadn’t been all bad though. It could have run very differently.

  Miss Toulouse had rang in to check with Miss Huntington-Wolfe that she was adhering to her bail conditions, as well as enjoying their bright and bubbly employee.

  “I haven’t skipped bail yet have I? Lighten up Snow Queen.”

  Charlotte had done a very bad job of trying to make it sound like a garden variety courtesy call, when Miss Huntington-Wolfe was asked by Charlotte if she had any idea as to the whereabouts of Sarah Steiger, Heidi had laughed.

  “Like I’d tell you”

  Charlotte had proceeded to mention that Rochelle was ready for bolting, in a feint attempt to illicit information from Miss Huntington-Wolfe about her wayward missing sib.

  “Sarah’s gonna fuck you up if she goes, ow, you know they have some sick weird relationship that Sarah can’t live without. Uhhh. I’ve heard about it enough. You figured out where you gonna put her?”

  Miss Toulouse had then told Miss Huntington-Wolfe that she had made arrangements for Rochelle not to leave, if she was in contact with Sarah she should be advised not to worry. She indeed had a plan.

  Sky had been sat on the dilapidated couch in Heidi’s front room, Heidi had been sat on Sky’s lap whilst Sky fingered her from underneath.

  Sky had stopped when the cell had rang but was immediately instructed to carry on. Miss Toulouse wasn’t a prude as such, but she detested trying to hold a conversation with someone mid coitus.

  Sky heard everything. Heidi finished her call by groaning loudly down the phone at Miss Toulouse and telling her to ‘go get a fucking blowjob’. She had then started hopping up and down with her thighs in order that she get the full benefit of Sky’s ministrations.

  Sky had gone cold. Dead cold. She was kissing Heidi’s naked back, she set about finishing the job in hand so that she could call and warn her friends.

  Heidi had been insatiable. After the finger fuck she demanded oral, after the oral she demanded Sky take the case out from under her bed, where she kept ‘Steve’. After bringing her to climax again Sky was exhausted, and she hadn’t had one orgasm all weekend so far. Her ‘star struck’ behaviour was wearing off, Heidi was a selfish bitch when it came to getting off.

  Leaving Heidi on the floor of the shower stall, half out of her gourd and creamed to fuck she went into Heidi’s bedroom. In the second drawer down in the bedside cabinet she found some standard sleeping aid stuff. Reading the packet she thought maybe horse tranquillisers wouldn’t even be enough given the amount of beer she’d had and remained upright, ish. But she had to try and put Heidi out for a while.

  “Oy! Hey! Get in here, I need a wash” Heidi called, then she started laughing to herself. Sky shuddered and popped three pills from the blister pack. She then opened a bud, swallowed two gulps and then popped in the pills. She swilled the beer round and watched as they broke up and dissolved.

  “Coming Heidi my love” an unusually detached smile had spread across her face.

  She took the bottle and waved it under Heidi’s nose, Heidi had snatched it and drank half of it in one go.

  Sky started the water and poured shower gel over Heidi’s shoulders. She had an amazingly sleek body, just a shame it came with such a rancid mouth. She took the shower sponge and started rubbing Heidi all over as she sat there. Heidi finished the beer and turned so Sky could soap her front, it wasn’t a bad job all told. Sky was aroused just watched the soap run around Heidi pert nipples and down the front of her stomach into her cleft.

  “Hey” Heidi called her eyes from their wanderings.

  “Nearly done”

  “You’re, you’re alright.” Heidi grinned ear to ear.

  Sky smiled. “Thanks” and she started to rub harder with the sponge, Heidi’s skin was covered in suds now and Sky wondered what it would feel like to lick them all off. Sky was only human after all.

  Heidi smiled and her eyes fluttered a little, Sky thought perhaps the pills were staring to have an effect, but awake she remained. She held her hand out to Sky and she helped her get up, she rinsed the soap off and without warning she was hauled into the shower too.

  Shit! No change of clothes. Well. When in Rome.

  She peeled her wet layers off and Heidi came to life, right about the horse tranquillisers I guess, this was the first time she had reciprocated with any form of touching, Sky felt honoured as Heidi crudely gripped her entire pussy in one hand. Grunting and pushing she had Sky against the wall of the shower cubicle and she was squeezing and releasing her with insane pace, it was a toss up between pain and pleasure, Heidi was nipping her skin in places. Her neck, her shoulder, her chin. In less than three minutes Sky had collapsed into a quivering heap after an orgasm of mass proportions. Never before had anyone been so brutal, but damn, it had happened so fast! Heidi smiled down at her, “That’s what you get for messing with me!” she laughed and then slipped.

  “Owww, my ass bone” that got them both to laughing.

  She’s just a hardass because she has to be.

  Still. The plan to knock her out hadn’t worked as of yet. Sky went to get them each another beer, she had Heidi left playing with the bubbles in the bottom of the shower stall, dumping four more pills into Heidi’s beer she checked the time. It was getting so late! She had to call the girls.

  The second beer did the trick. 6 sleeping pills and two more orgasms later Huntington-Wolfe finally gave up. Sky got her under her arms and hauled her into the bedroom. She put her dressing gown on her and put her in bed. Then she’d made her call to Rochelle to warn her what had been planned.

  Rochelle had at first been unable to answer, it sounded, well, surreal. Then she remembered who they were talking about, and it was the very fact that she was related to Sarah that would cause people to do such horrible things.

  Rochelle had woken Karen up, Karen had thought at first Rochelle had been ready for seconds but the deathly serious look on her face changed all that. Within an hour of Sky’s call, Karen had absconded and Rochelle had been drinking her first of many coffees that night. There would be no more sleep. Not until all this was over.

  Karen had her mobile and promised Rochelle she would message when they had what they needed. Rochelle told Karen about Sarah having her passport, “Must have always thought of me as a flight risk eh?”

  “Me too then I ‘spose”

  Rochelle had rolled her eyes. Trapped. Neatly wrapped up. Tagged.

  Karen had put her arms around Rochelle and pulled her as close as she could. Head to shoulder each of them breathed deeply of each other. Hard times were ahead. As ridiculous and impossible as things had become they knew that sitting by and waiting for the end wou
ld only bring more miserly. When Karen had said she had a plan, Rochelle hadn’t questioned. Denise had never mentioned a plan so perhaps Karen having one was a good thing.

  Rochelle had held Karen’s face for one last moment, tracing the lines and etching them into her mind. They didn’t know how long this foolishness would take and Karen had kissed her only to taste tears on her partners face.

  This is what’s real. This is what’s mine. Love my friends. The Chain. The best club I’ve ever been in. Ruined. Ruined by madness.

  Before she got excited and nervous she left, it wouldn’t do either of them any good if they lost their resolve now. Sky had risked a lot by giving them the heads up. Karen had set off into the night, the last time she had seen Rochelle was at the apartment door, looking lost and small.

  Karen was headed into the office to reclaim her passport first, then, if all went well she’d have a bargaining chip to get Rochelle back with later on that day in the form of a reality TV slut.

  Rochelle had gotten her promise.

  Don’t be a hero Karen!

  Rosh, I’m only gonna do what I have to, I love you too much.

  But her heart felt heavy all the same.

  Chapter 13

  “Morning Princess!”

  “I don’t think she’s gonna wake up”

  “She’s gonna be fine, you did good Sky”

  Heidi’s eyes were rolled up to the whites.

  “If she doesn’t wake up soon its gonna be a bottle of water over her head. How’s that rope round there”

  Sky went round to check.

  The sleeping princess made a guttural noise that sounded very uncomplimentary.

  “Its good, I’ve taken the slack up”

  “What’s the view to the road like from there?”


  “Come on Princess. Come for me bitch” Karen gave her a slap across the face.

  Sky frowned down the tableau. This was indeed a serious business now they had embarked on.

  “Gimme that water”

  Sky handed Karen the bottle which she promptly upended over Miss Huntington-Wolfe’s head.

  “Oh, psst, psssst, pssssttttttt” water spray flew from her lips as the coldness shocked her fully awake.


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