Dear Dumb Diary #3: Am I the Princess or the Frog?

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Dear Dumb Diary #3: Am I the Princess or the Frog? Page 3

by Jim Benton

many other less inky pies to enjoy.)

  Also, Isabella has very strong powers of



  I asked Isabella if she wanted to go to the

  mall with me this weekend, but she said she was

  going with her dad again. I quizzed her on this —

  complete with gagging noises — and she refused to

  talk about it. Isabella is up to something, Dumb

  Diary. I can tell.


  I made another little garbage sculpture for

  Mr. Prince today. This one was a wadded -up lump of

  cheeseburger with some fries stuck in it to resemble

  the Statue of Liberty’s head (in keeping with our

  cute French thing). Before I slid it into the trash

  can, I tried to direct Mr. Prince’s attention to it with

  head nods and eyebrow twitches until I saw Mr.

  Evans coming at me with that You’re-Having-

  Another-Seizure look in his eyes and I had to

  dump and run.


  Mr. Prince and I are practically like Cinderella

  and Prince Charming except that, in our case,

  Cinderella is mutilating her food for attention and

  exhibits false seizure symptoms, and Prince

  Charming isn’t all obsessed with footwear. But

  other than that . . .


  I gave some more thought to helping Stinker

  run away from home this afternoon. After school, I

  made him watch a show on wolves on The Discovery

  Channel, hoping that maybe it would make him

  want to run wild and perhaps haul his chubby rump

  up some mountain and howl at the moon. But I

  don’t think he understood .

  Not even when I got a big round pillow and

  tried to make him howl at it by holding it over his

  face. I was only playing, but Stinker seemed to get

  a little panicky, and his wolf howl sounded a little

  like a whine.

  He was so upset afterward that it took him,

  like, thirty minutes of constant gnawing on his chew

  toy (which I have named Grossnasty) to


  I have no idea how I’m going to avoid giving

  Isabella a photo of Stinker.


  Late -Breaking News: Carryout tacos

  for dinner. Get this: Mom didn’t have time to make

  dinner because she went to Miss Bruntford’s house

  for a visit. MISS BRUNTFORD’S HOUSE!

  Surprised, Dumb Diary? Me, too. I mean: A

  house?? I always assumed Miss Bruntford lived

  under a bridge, where she asked travelers riddles

  before she’d let them pass.

  Since when would Mom visit Miss Bruntford?


  Who cares. Dad and I don’t want to ask too

  many questions. I ate so many tacos, my neck

  hurts. Note to Taco Company: Invent a taco

  that one may consume without suffering head


  Seriously, can you imagine trying to invent

  a brand-new food nowadays and telling people

  that there’s one catch: You have to be sideways to

  eat it?


  Saturday 14

  Dear Dumb Diary,

  It’s amazing. On school days, when I get up

  early, I’m so exhausted I can hardly walk, but when I

  get up early on a Saturday, I’m not even tired. How

  do your muscles know what day it is?

  I walked over to Isabella’s this morning. I

  figured that if I just happenedto be there when

  she and her dad went to the mall, they’d have to

  take me along.

  When I got to Isabella’s house, unbelievably,

  right in the middle of her front lawn was this

  incredibly cute puffball of a kitten. I scooped it up

  and knocked on her door. When Isabella answered, I

  thought her eyes were going to pop out of her head.


  “Where’d you get that cat?” she said, in one

  of those whispers where you’re kind of yelling and

  whispering at the same time. I told her I found it on

  her lawn. She said that it belonged to one of the

  neighbors and they were looking for it and I had to

  give it to her to return to them. That was all fine

  with me, but I couldn’t help noticing that Isabella

  was breathing just like Stinker did when I had him

  under the pillow during his wolf training.

  Then she took the kitten and said the mall

  trip was cancelled, she’d call me later, and then

  SLAM. Just that fast, I had been de- kittened,

  de - malled, and blown off by my best friend.


  When I was walking home, thinking about

  things I’d like to happen to Isabella, and trying to

  look sad (I’m rather pretty when I’m sad), I had

  that feeling you get when you’re being watched. I

  looked up, and there, in a minivan —which was not

  the giant golden carriage drawn by the perfect

  white horses you might expect— was Angeline. And

  when we locked eyes, she waved. Not a big You’re -

  My-Best-Friend wave, but not one of those weird

  upright rotations that the girls on parade floats do,


  This in itself was odd, as Angeline and I are

  not friends because she is too beautiful and stuck-

  up to be a friend, but what was reallyodd was

  her mom . . .


  I think this was the first time I had ever seen

  Angeline’s mom, and I don’t know what I would have

  expected, but it was not at all what I saw.

  You know when a movie star brings one of her

  parents to an awards ceremony and you always

  think: Wow. Her parents are as ugly as mine. How

  did THAT happen?

  That’s kind of what it was like with Angeline’s

  mom. Except not in the face.

  Years ago, my folks and I were at the zoo, and

  a three- year- old, thinking he was looking at a

  porcupine or a sloth or something, tried to feed a

  peanut to the back of my head. It was at that

  moment that I knew I had The World’s Worst

  Hair. That is, until now.


  Angeline’s mom had Angeline’s beautiful

  face, but growing out in curly shiny sprouts here,

  and straight dry wisps there, her hair looked as

  though the stylist had misplaced her scissors and

  just tried chewing it off.

  A handful of clips and ties and barrettes did

  nothing to improve things. It only made it look like

  she had stumbled into the display rack on her way

  out of the salon.

  I believe that, somehow, while she was

  pregnant, the tiny, evil, infant Angeline spawn had

  totally sucked all the quality out of her mother’s

  hair. I mean, what else could it be? Unless . . .


  Unless this means that Angeline is going to

  grow up that way! Of course! Angeline is using up

  all of her hairpretty too soon. She’s going to


  As Angeline and her mom pulled away in their

  white minivan, I just stood there for a Moment,

  confused and stunned . . . and happy. All I could

  think was that maybe, just like in fairy tales,
r />   Dreams Really Do Come True. Maybe there

  IS an Ugly Fairy, and one day, she will visit



  Sunday 15

  Dear Dumb Diary,

  It’s Sunday and I figured I should start

  thinking about my fairy- tale report.

  I’ve ruled out The Pied Piper since I don’t buy

  kids following a flute player. A guitar, maybe, but

  not a flute.

  I’ve also ruled out The Emperor’s New Clothes

  because, well, simply put: Ick.


  So I’ve decided to do my report on The Frog

  Prince. The story really speaks to me, because I’m

  practically identical to the Princess in the story

  except that I don’t have a frog to kiss and make

  into a Prince, but I do have a Prince (Mr. Prince)

  who loves a place where they eat frogs (France).


  Okay, okay. Strictly speaking, not everybody

  in France eats frogs. And they only eat the legs,

  anyway. And lots of gross people everywhere eat

  frog legs, not just gross French people. Leave me

  alone. It’s a good comparison.


  I’m sure that Angeline is doing her report on

  Rapunzel. I mean, how could she NOTdo it on

  Rapunzel? Here are a few versions of Rapunzel I’d

  like to see Angeline star in:


  Monday 16

  Dear Dumb Diary,

  Another poem today from You-know-



  Can you believe the pain he’s in? His suffering?

  The crushing heartache he endures every time he

  sees me?

  God, it just makes me so happy!

  Also, it’s like a totally amazing coincidence

  that he wrote about me as a blossom after I did the

  same thing in my poem to my mom. It’s like we

  share a common head. Isn’t that sweet?

  I showed this one to Isabella, and I think she

  may be even a little jealouser. Yeah, I’m pretty sure

  he’ll wait for me to grow up.


  Tuesday 17

  Dear Dumb Diary,

  Today Mr. Evans told us that fairy tales were

  sometimes used to teach a lesson. He asked for

  examples and I said Rumplestiltskin taught an

  important lesson. (Rumplestiltskin, Dumb Diary, is

  the one about the creepy little guy who helps the

  imprisoned maiden spin gold from straw so she can

  escape a lifetime in jail, in exchange for her first -

  born baby.)


  I said it taught us that pretty young maidens

  break deals all the time, even if you give them a

  mountain of gold and get them out of jail. If

  anything, I said, these pretty young maidens are

  the cause of all the trouble in the world, breaking

  into bears’ houses and busting up their junk,

  antagonizing wolves, getting lost in the woods,

  making their stepmothers crazy. It goes on and on.

  Mr. Evans’s vein throbbed, and he said I was

  the first student that he had ever heard of rooting

  for Rumplestiltskin and against Red Riding

  Hood,which I thought might mean I was a genius.


  But failing to cheer for the Goldilocks type is

  evidently a symptom of seizurism in Mr. Evans’s

  book. So he sent me down to the nurse’s office

  AGAIN for a little cot time. It’s not a big deal

  anymore. The office ladies know me now and they

  just wave me in and I make myself comfortable.

  They even gave me my own key to the cot room this

  time and said that if I want different drapes in

  there or something, I can decorate it any way I want

  since I am the only one using it. This made them

  laugh at me a little, which made me say something

  like “old bats” or “old hags” or something like that.

  Anyway, I had to give the key back, and probably

  the drapes are out.


  Wednesday 18

  Dear Dumb Diary,

  I found another poem in my locker

  this morning! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

  ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

  ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

  ! ! !

  Okay. So maybe it’s not his best work. Even

  Shakespeare probably had some off days.

  But let’s not forget the yearning. It probably

  hurts when he yearns, and that’s probably throwing

  off his poetry. Shut up. He’s calling himself an

  admirer now.


  I returned his sentiments with a token of my

  affection that I presented in the form of artistically

  fingered food at lunch. I had captured The Sphinx

  quite well, considering how infrequently The Ancient

  Egyptians sculpted in spaghetti and Jell-O. Even

  Isabella agreed, and she says that since she is

  Italian, she is an expert on pasta.


  As I slid my love tribute into the garbage with

  a sad, slippery smush, Mr. Prince said that I had

  done a fabulous job and that, even covered in

  spaghetti sauce, my hands still looked like beautiful

  petite little doves that were bleeding badly (and at

  which somebody had thrown Jell-O).

  He didn’t exactly say that mouthfully. He

  said it more with his eyes. Or maybe I read his mind.

  I don’t know. Anyway, when I turned around,

  Hudson was right behind me in line and he said “Hi,”

  but since I’m sort of involved with Mr. Prince right

  now, I had taken a few steps before I even realized

  that Hudson had been speaking to me, so I didn’t



  Angeline was right there, too, and she

  seemed a bit surprised. Maybe she was surprised by

  Mr. Prince’s yearning. Or maybe she was surprised

  that I had blown off Hudson. Or maybe she was

  surprised to learn that The Sphinx would have

  looked better with a big meatball nose.

  In any event, I’m sure I noticed her give her

  head a little forward flip, casting her hair fumes at

  poor unsuspecting Hudson, who I now think of as a

  child compared to my charming Mr. Prince.


  Thursday 19

  Dear Dumb Diary,

  First thing this morning, I took another shot

  at Isabella. I tried to get her to let me say that I

  didn’t have a pet, but she said that would

  undermine her integrity as an artist. I reminded her

  that last month she turned in a drawing she had

  done of Angelina Jolie for her self-portrait


  I asked her if I could just use a picture of a

  different beagle, like, one that was less of a

  disgusting slobber-mouthed odor museum than

  Stinker, but she said that would be dishonest. Then

  I reminded her that two months ago, she had drawn

  on her glasses with a marker in order to make

  everybody think she had blue eyes.


  I asked her if she really believed that people

  look like their pets, and she said that it was not her

  but Science that had made this dec
ision. I then

  reminded her that judging by the shape of her head,

  she must have a balloon for a pet.

  Which meant, of course, that we did not eat

  lunch together today.


  At least there was no meat loaf for the

  second Thursday in a row, and no Miss Bruntford,

  either. I wonder if they’ve just decided to keep Mr.

  Prince on permanently. That would be excellently

  awesome, of course, although I suppose I should

  consider Mr. Prince’s pain.

  Okay, I considered it. It would still be

  excellently awesome.


  Friday 20

  Dear Dumb Diary,

  Angeline stopped by my locker this morning,

  and she had “our” art project almost completely

  finished, except that she wanted me to apply the

  glitter. No surprise, really. I’m known widely for my

  skills with glue and glitter, or Glittifying, as

  those of us in the biz like to callit.


  Angeline had pictures of all the teachers

  when they were younger. Some were babies, some

  were teens. I have to admit, for a minute, it seemed

  like this WAS a pretty good idea.

  But then I saw the picture labeled


  It looked like a kindergarten photo of a

  plain-looking little girl . . . who looked like me. And

  not just a little bit like me, Dumb Diary. She looked

  totally exactly precisely like me.



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