Red Hot Games: A Steamy Older Man Office Romance

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Red Hot Games: A Steamy Older Man Office Romance Page 9

by Madison, Mia

  Ian pulled back from the kiss, and his pace changed. He pushed into me with deep, purposeful strokes that made me feel every inch of his hard length. My moans deepened, and I realized that all my wild desperation had melted away. In its place, I found myself reveling in the intensity of our connection.

  Something about the way he looked at told me he felt it, too. All of this had started with a game, one that would likely continue after this. But right at this moment, we were as close, as in sync, and two people could be.

  All I wanted was to be with him, to do this with him, and to make him feel as good as he’d made me feel. Seeing the content smile pulling at his lips drew one from me. I knew just how to show him how good it was.

  With a gentle push at his side, I urged him over onto his back. He nodded, sliding his hands under my back and pulling me over with him. As I rolled over on top of him, his cocked pressed even deeper inside me, making me squeal.

  Straddling him, I looked down at his gorgeous face, his hard pecs, and his flat abs. He smiled up at me, an eyebrow raised, inviting me to ride him. Slowly I began to move, squeezing myself around his cock, but it somehow still felt like he was the one in control. His strong hands guided my hips in slow gyrations, hitting spots I hardly knew I had. My legs trembled and tightened around his hips, and every time I got close, he seemed to sense it and slow everything down to keep me riding an unbelievable wave of euphoria.

  I could see that he was getting closer by the moment, too. His chest rose and fell just as quickly as mine, his hips rising to meet mine more firmly each time. All at once, we seemed to move as one, the pace increasing, both of us ready to explode.

  Ian slipped his hand between my thighs, stimulating me hard and fast. He held me in place, pounding wildly up into me, our eyes locked. A primal cry escaped my lips as I arched my back, screaming in pleasure. Ian thrust once more and then held himself there, pulsing deep inside of me as he groaned with pleasure. The world itself seemed to pull inward as we crested that wave together. Nothing else mattered but this—this pleasure. This joining. This connection.

  It was perfect.

  Gasping for air, I collapsed on his chest, his arms sheltering me. One of his huge hands stroked my hair, burrowing into it. His broad chest rose under my cheek as I tried to recover. I felt deeply satisfied in a way I’d never felt before. He’d been right when he’d taunted me before. None of the guys I’d been with before could hold a candle to him.

  He was in an entirely different league, and I felt incredibly grateful to be in his arms. As he stroked my back and brushed my hair out of my eyes, I felt cherished. Comforted. And save. My eyes fluttered closed as the blissful exhaustion of it all descended on me.



  It felt strange returning to work on Monday. I’d spent most of Sunday lounging around the house, reading, snacking, taking it easy. Of course, my roommates hadn’t respected my need to vegetate. They’d asked me endless questions about my night with Ian. All I told him was that we’d been on a proper date, that I’d gotten to know a lot more about him, and that I’d had a good time.

  All of which was true—and all of which was an understatement. By the looks I’d caught Gabi and Kait exchanging, I suspected they knew I was withholding juicy details.

  My fellow employees said hello as they filed in, none of us looking very alert. Monday mornings were like that. I studied them as they went past, wondering if any of them had experienced the kind of pleasure I had over the weekend. And wondering what they’d think if they knew who had given me that pleasure.

  That thought gave pause. What would happen if they found out? Ian was the CEO—it wasn’t like anyone could fire him. And he wouldn’t fire me. Besides, there wasn’t much to find out. It’s not like we were headed toward a walk down the aisle. It was just a game… a wonderful game that had advanced a few levels over the weekend. At least that was how I viewed things. I was fairly certain Ian did, too. At least I think he did.

  His text came mid-morning. Might want to check the locker.

  Me: What’s down there?

  Ian: Just a little something.

  Me: My panties? I’d somehow made it home with just my dress, shoes, and bra after our night of passion.

  Ian: Hell no. I have two pairs of those now and I’m not giving them back.

  Me: Pervert.

  Ian: Damn right I am. Be good or I’ll make you take yours off again today.

  Since I was wearing a skirt, it didn’t seem smart to tempt him… though just texting him was making me squirm.

  Me: I’ll go check now.

  Ian: Walk slowly down the stairs. Squeeze your thighs together and make that cute ass of yours wiggle. And with every step, think about how hard I made you come on Saturday.

  Wow… he was good to get me this aroused on a Monday morning.

  I did as he ordered, and by the time I reached the basement, I was aching for his touch. Opening the door of the locker, I expected something naughty, but instead, a pleasant scent filled the air.

  Propped up against the corner was a bouquet of wild flowers. I pulled the bundle out, examining it in the light. The flowers were different lengths and sizes… mismatched though they looked good together. Wryly, I wondered if that was some kind of commentary about the differences between Ian and me.

  I inhaled deeply, enjoying the scent. They were the perfect flowers for a workplace. Roses would’ve attracted questions. But these… they were light and pretty and looked like they could’ve been a gift or could’ve been bought by someone who wanted to brighten up her workspace.

  I texted Ian to say thank you and then headed to the break room. I couldn’t find a vase, but in a back cabinet, there was a small white pitcher that seemed like it might work.

  Liz entered when I’d arranged the flower and was cleaning up the stray leaves that had fallen in the sink. “Those are lovely. From a secret admirer?”

  “I just think they’re pretty,” I said, which was true but side-stepped her question. “Did you have a nice weekend?”

  “I spent about half of it at the library.”

  “Why?” I said without thinking. I hadn’t been to a library since I graduated last year. Whenever I needed something to read, I downloaded something on my eReader.

  “Just to get out of the house.” She leaned against the counter next to me. “Brett and I were living together, and after we broke up, I moved back in with my parents.”

  “Oh. Ouch. I’m sorry to hear that.”

  She laughed. “It’s not that bad. Well, okay, it is. But I’m saving for a deposit on an apartment.”

  “Good luck with that.” If I didn’t share a house with Gabi and Kait, I didn’t know how I could afford a decent place to live. My mom lived fifty minutes away, and a visit or two a month was enough for me. She’d divorced my dad a decade ago, and I didn’t have much contact with him.

  Back at my desk, I struggled to focus on the copy I was supposed to be writing, but kept returning to the flowers. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d gotten anything like that from a man. Had Joe brought me flowers? Probably in the beginning. Maybe.

  It didn’t mean anything though. Ian and I were just playing naughty games. Still… I couldn’t stop my gaze from settling on the delicate little wild flowers again and again.

  When my phone chimed. I grabbed for the screen eagerly, thinking it was Ian. Instead, it was a text from my mom. You haven’t forgotten about Aunt Margaret’s birthday party Friday night, have you?

  Me: No, I haven’t.

  Mom: It’s her fiftieth.

  Me: I’ve got it on my calendar. I’ll be there.

  Mom: Will Joe be coming with you?

  My heart sank. We hadn’t spoken in a few weeks, and evidently, I’d forgotten to tell her that Joe and I broke up. I’d texted her about the new job several times, but my relationship status never came up. Shit.

  Mom misunderstood my hesitation. It’s perfectly okay if you want to bring him, Sierra.
He’s your boyfriend and I respect that.

  Oh crap. A flood of memories came back to me. The times Joe and I had argued at a family event. The times he’d had too much to drink. The dismissive way he’d spoken to my mom on several occasions. And each time, I’d defended that asshole. I’d told my mom he was stressed out from work and under a lot of pressure.

  That’s what made me feel crappiest of all… not that Joe had treated me and my family like that, but that I’d defended him. I’d enabled him. How the hell had I ever let that happen? The woman who’d done that was nothing like the woman who was currently locked in a sexy battle of wills with a strong, powerful CEO.

  Mom: Are you still there, honey?

  Me: Yeah. Joe won’t be coming. We broke up.

  Even from miles away, I could sense her relief. But she was cautious when she spoke. I’m sorry to hear that. Are you okay?

  Me: Yes, I’m good.

  Mom: If you want me to come down there some night this week, I can.

  Me: No, I’m okay. In fact, I went on a date with someone over the weekend.

  Damnit. Why had I mentioned that?

  Mom: That’s wonderful. You’re welcome to bring him to the party.

  What? Invite Ian to a family event? That wasn’t the kind of relationship we had—not at all. I told my mom that it would just be me, and I was grateful to put my phone down and concentrate on work again.

  Except I couldn’t focus.

  My mom’s words echoed in my brain. I couldn’t bring Ian to something like that. We’d just started dating. If we even were dating. We’d been on one date. Who knew if we’d go on another—not unless Gabi, Kait, and Tyler intervened again.

  Then again, if I invited Ian to go with me on Friday, they wouldn’t be able to claim that we were rushing into things.

  I sighed. By now, Mom and Aunt Margaret were probably on the phone, discussing my love life. Aunt Margaret, I was sure, would be as thrilled as mom that Joe was out of the picture. It was likely Friday evening was going to be a series of endless questions from my mom, my aunt, and her friends about my relationship status. It didn’t sound like fun.

  On a late lunch break, I called Gabi.

  “Hey, Sierra, how’s it going?” Her voice almost drowned out by the background noise. Was I hearing some kind of shouting?

  “Where are you?”

  “At the park.”

  I frowned. “Your job’s done for the day already?”

  “They only needed me for a few hours.”

  “Gabi, you’ve got to find another job.”

  “I know,” she said. “I’m trying.” There was the sound of the phone jostling and then I heard her say, “I’m talking to my friend Sierra.”

  “Who was that?”

  “Ava. You met her and her brother that one time, remember? The twins?”

  “Right. Did you bring them cookies?”


  I sighed. Of course she did. Her desire to nurture obviously extended beyond her roommates, beyond her family, and all the way to other people’s kids.

  But that wasn’t why I was calling. I told her about the family event on Friday.

  “Ask Ian to go with you,” she said, and I frowned again. I hadn’t even told her yet that I expected an interrogation about Joe the minute I set foot in the place.

  “It’s not really like that between us. He’s not my boyfriend.”

  “He’s your friend,” Gabi said, and I thought about it. Was he? I didn’t really know what he was. “Just ask him. What have you got to lose?”

  “Nothing, I suppose.” Though I wasn’t entirely sure on that point.

  * * *

  I’d never been to Ian’s office before. An administrative assistant said I could go right in, but I hesitated at the door. The office was large with gray walls, heavy bookcases, and a huge desk. Ian was frowning at something on his laptop, obviously concentrating.

  Maybe this wasn’t a good idea.

  Just as I was about to turn to go, he looked up and spotted me. “Sierra. Come in.”

  He stood as I neared, looking surprised but not displeased to see me. “Have a seat.” He gestured at a chair opposite his desk, but I remained standing.

  “Umm, thank you for the flowers.”

  “You’re welcome.” His hazel eyes were steady on mine. Today he had on a crisp white shirt rolled up at the sleeves.

  “I, uh… I was wondering…” Shit. Why was this so hard? “Umm… do you have any plans for Friday night?”

  He shook his head slowly back and forth. “I was afraid of this.”


  He shot me a direct glance and then winked. “You’ve become addicted to the jet on the hot tub.”

  Oh. He was teasing. I’d been too nervous to pick up on the playfulness of his tone. “No, that’s not it,” I said, blushing. Though I had to admit, that had been an amazing sensation. “I… you see, my aunt… it’s her fiftieth birthday party. I was going to go, and I thought maybe if you weren’t busy… you might like to come. You don’t have to, though,” I added hurriedly. “It’s just a boring party at a restaurant. No big deal.”

  Ian leaned across his desk and tapped something on his keyboard—a calendar, perhaps? “What time?”

  “It starts at six, but you don’t have to be there that early.”

  “I probably won’t be able to get there then,” he said, still studying his computer. “I’ve got a half-day meeting across town with an advertising firm we’re partnering with on a new account. But I should be able to head over after that. Can you text me the directions?”

  “Sure,” I said. A strange combination of relief and nervousness filled me. “And thanks.”

  “No problem,” he said, flashing me his devastatingly handsome smile.



  “Sierra, you look so lovely tonight!”

  “Thanks, Aunt Margaret.” I kissed her on the cheek. “Happy Birthday.”

  “Thanks, honey. So, a little bird told me that there’s a new man in your life.”

  “Umm, yeah. He’ll be here a bit later.” I took a sip of my drink to hide my discomfort. Ian wasn’t my man, and I wasn’t sure how much he was in my life. This past week, we’d resumed our naughty games, leaving things for each other in the locker in the basement and exchanging flirty texts. Nothing much had changed except now we were even more daring than before.

  But tonight was the first time I’d seen him out of the office since I left his penthouse last weekend. Gabi had suggested inviting him out to dinner, but, well, he liked to be in charge, as he’d so sexily demonstrated in his penthouse. If he wanted to go to dinner with me, I’m sure he would’ve asked.

  I wouldn’t have even invited him to this if my mom hadn’t asked about Joe. But all in all, I was glad I did. It would be good to see him tonight. And who knew… maybe we could stay for a little while and then go find a different restaurant, some place quieter and more intimate, and have dinner together. It was a nice thought.

  Aunt Margaret was talking to people I didn’t know, so I went to check out the buffet. Mom had rented the back room at an Italian place for her only sister’s birthday. The food didn’t look bad. I picked up a thick breadstick that smelled of butter and garlic. As I raised it to my lips, I grinned. It was a long, wide breadstick and the shape of it reminded me of something else. Something I might possibly get to see again tonight if I played my cards right. If Ian ever got here.

  My mom appeared at my side, and all naughty thoughts vanished in an instant. “Is your new friend here yet?”

  Irritated, I fought back a snarky comment. Did she see any hot-as-hell CEOs standing next to me? But all I said was, “Not yet.”

  “It’s after seven,” she said. “Do you think he could’ve gotten lost?” My mom refused to recognize that GPS was a thing now.

  “I’m sure he’ll be here. He had a meeting today. It probably ran late.”

  “I’m looking forward to meeting him.

  “Me, too,” I said absently, looking at the top of my mom’s graying hair. She was a half foot shorter than me—I’d gotten my height from my dad.

  Mom cocked her head, looking at me oddly. “You’re looking forward to meeting him, too?”

  “No, I mean seeing him,” I corrected. “Things were pretty busy all week, and we didn’t get much time to talk.”

  “I see.” We found a table and sat down. A passing waiter brought us wine. “But you work together, right?”

  “Yes.” I hadn’t mentioned that he was the boss or that he was older than me. Both seemed too complicated to get into this early in our relationship.

  My hand stilled, the wineglass halfway to my lips. Relationship? I was getting way ahead of myself.

  Mom was still hung up on the fact that Ian and I worked together. “It must be romantic. Eating lunch together in the break room. Smiling at each other at meetings. Oh honey, I’m so happy for you.”

  I kept a pleasant expression plastered on my face, but inside, my mind was whirling. Ian and I didn’t eat lunch together. Or even see each other most days. We did text every day. That had to count for something… right?

  Mom put her hand on my arm. “Was it hard? The breakup?”

  “Yes. It really was.”

  “I’m sorry, Sierra. But… maybe I’m not supposed to say this, but I never thought he was right for you.”

  I nodded dully. Funny how everyone had seemed to know that except me.

  “If this Ian makes you happy, then I’m truly happy for you.”

  “He does,” I said, somewhat automatically, but then I realized it was true. He pushed me—that much was true. But I liked how he seemed to think that I was up to the challenge. At the end of my former relationship, Joe had me pretty much convinced that I was worthless. That the only things I deserved were him and that crappy job I’d been in. But with Ian… his default setting seemed to be that I was an equal. Even though I was younger. Even though I was his employee. He respected me in a way that no man ever had before.


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