Lust Potion For the Alpha

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Lust Potion For the Alpha Page 20

by Alice Coldbreath

  He watched her struggle concentrate on his words as he plucked at her pink nipples and rolled them between finger and thumb. She was panting and making slight whimpering noises, she couldn’t help herself.

  “If that potion your sister bought had been genuine, you’d have been thrown over the table and mounted by every man there.”

  She winced at his words.


  “Yes, ‘oh’..” he agreed. “Why would it only have worked on me? It makes no sense.”

  She stared up at him in astonishment.


  “If you weren’t so blinded,” he cut her off, “with this fucking stupid idea that you’re not attractive you would be able to see the truth.”

  He grabbed one of her wrists and placed her hand on his very hard cock.

  “You’re the only one I want,” he pronounced clearly. “I want you body, mind and soul to be bound to me. Forever.”

  She sobbed, pressing her free hand to her mouth, tears spilling from her eyes.

  “So what I want, is for you to stop leading me around by my dick and make me your mate.”

  She stared up at him indignantly.

  “I do not..!” she protested hotly.

  “Yes you fucking well do.”

  “When have I ever..?”

  He snorted.

  “Stamping your foot and telling me who I can find attractive,” he reminded her.

  “Did I stamp my foot..?” she asked her voice wobbly.

  “Yes, you did and you know you did,” he said huskily as he lowered himself down on top of her. “It’s a good thing I’m in love with you, or I wouldn’t put up with it, you damn managing woman.”

  Issy gasped but his mouth was on hers, warm and wet and thorough. She could feel his sharp teeth were down but she didn’t even care if her tongue got nicked. He was rubbing himself against her now all over, his naked chest against her sensitive nipples, his erection against her cleft which had grown progressively wetter with his every word. He pulled back,

  “Now you say it,” he prompted her roughly.

  “I love you.”

  His mouth was back on hers again, hard and demanding.

  “Please,” she begged him, reaching for him and placing him at her moist entrance.

  He groaned as he sank into her willing flesh.

  “Such a willing little wife,” he moaned. “Gods, I worship this body Issy. Never doubt that.”

  She panted and arched beneath him as gave her a few good pounding thrusts.

  “When… when do I…?”

  He looked down at her, his gaze not entirely focussed.

  “Gods, I want you to bite me, like before,” he shivered.

  “Like before?”

  “You made me burn woman,” his gaze darkened. “But then you ran from me.”

  “I won’t do that again,” she promised on a whine as he slammed back into her on an upstroke.

  “Damn right you won’t,” he promised.

  “But my teeth – not sharp enough,” she pointed out panting.

  He swore and she could tell he wanted her to pierce the flesh even though he could do it himself. Suddenly she thought of the blade she had been using for the herbs. She twisted in an effort to reach for it where it had fallen from the basket she had dropped. Her fingers had just closed around it when Jorah’s hands gripped her hips even harder and he slammed into her ruthlessly to keep her where he wanted her.

  “Jorah!” she protested with a deep moan. “I was just reaching for this,” she showed him a small silver sickle knife his uncle had given her.

  “Do it,” he nodded. “But.. bite me first. Like before. You don’t know how many times I’ve thought about your bite Issy. How many times I’ve re-lived it… dreamt of it… over and over again.”

  She stared up at him, moistening her lips. Clearly he hadn’t been lying about liking it the feel of her teeth.

  “Where?” she whispered feeling pretty damn powerful right now.

  “Anywhere.” He closed his eyes to stave off the approaching bliss. “Just … Ah!”

  She sank her teeth into the flesh surrounding his left nipple and she wasn’t gentle, somehow tapping into his need for her to really bite down and stake her claim on him as Alpha of the pack. He shuddered biting back an exclamation. Quickly she jabbed the silver blade into the indents her teeth had made, puncturing him exactly where she had bitten. She felt his cock within her expand and then release hard as he threw back his head and gave a full throated howl, holding nothing back. She dropped the knife and set her mouth against the pierced flesh, suckling his nipple into her mouth, drawing the blood out of him, hollowing her cheeks as she took the steady stream into her mouth, swallowing each time her mouth became full. He shuddered as she felt his cock once again pulse hard and release another stream of cum deep within her.

  “Gods yes,” he moaned. “Suck me.”

  So she did, trying not to worry that she was taking too much and he might become faint. It was hard to be too concerned when the whole time he spurted into her as her hips undulated against his, taking every drop of his cum, every drop of his blood. She felt his hand firmly cup the back of her neck, holding her in place against his chest. “More, take more,” he urged, but she could feel he was already healing. She swirled her tongue around his erect nub lapping up the tiny drops that sprang out now from the small wounds. He groaned harshly. She felt her chest swell with exhilaration at the thought he was now her mate. He slumped forward over her breathing hard. Issy slipped her hands up and down his back, revelling in his strength and the feel of him. He placed his two hands on either side of her head, tilting her gaze to his.

  “Issy,” he whispered reverently. “My Issy.”

  She smiled happily up at him, happy tears filling her eyes.

  “Yes,” she answered. “Yes. And you’re mine too. Mine.”

  She felt his whole body shiver at her words and knew it was with pleasure.

  “Yes,” he whispered. “Always.”

  They walked back to the keep hand in hand. It had taken a while for Jorah to retrieve her shoes and for Issy to try and salvage the indecently gaping neckline of her gown. As it was she still had to hold it together with her free hand from where he’d wilfully destroyed it. They’d found a cloak one of the monks had dropped in their haste to flee the savage wolf and had managed to tie this around Jorah’s waist to conceal his nakedness. They made a ramshackle pair but their mutually blissful grins showed they really didn’t care. Every so often they stopped to exchange heated, ‘true love’ kisses as Isolde now dreamily thought of them. She couldn’t believe how her whole world had turned from bleak and guilt-ridden to dreamily perfect. Jorah wanted her and cherished her, but not only that, he thought she was his perfect woman. She kept darting glances at him to make sure it was all real and not just an idyllic dream. But no, he really and truly loved her. And not only that, she was his actual mate now and part of his pack. She felt giddy with happiness. Drunk with it. Even in her dreams she had never dared hope for such a thing. He squeezed her hand and laughed softly again.

  “An aphrodisiac,” he teased her.

  She punched him lightly in the side.

  “Well I didn’t know you were such a lusty wolf,” she protested. “On our wedding night…” she blushed in spite of the fact he’d just had her on her back in the woods.

  “What? I was a sullen, moody bastard.”

  “I thought the potion had driven you out of your mind,” she confessed biting her lip. “And driven you to perversions.”

  He gave a shout of laughter.

  “I barely touched you!”

  “Yes you did!” she lowered her voice. “Don’t you remember? With your mouth?”

  He growled softly.

  “I remember it perfectly. And I want to do it again.”

  “And to think! It had nothing to do with the lust potion at all,” she marvelled ignoring his roaming hands. “But why did you think I had douse
d myself in something to put you off?”

  He shrugged.

  “That potion smelt so vile to me. And… I thought you and that Benwick Price….”

  Issy frowned.

  “I never understood where you got that impression!”

  “I was damn jealous. And you’re the family beauty I don’t care what anyone else says.”

  Issy gurgled.

  “You’re crazed.”

  “Only where you’re concerned.” He dragged her up against him for another lingering kiss which he only broke off at the sound of an approaching cart. He swore softly.

  “Lord and Lady Mallon-Garth!” bellowed out the greeting from farmer Gideon Roper. “Steady girl!” He reigned in his old dappled grey horse and did a double-take when he took in their appearance.

  “Roper,” hailed Jorah, looking perfectly at ease in his knotted monk’s cloak and nothing else.

  “Mr Roper,” responded Isolde warmly. She smiled as Jorah kept his arm firmly around her waist.

  “Can I mebbe give the both of you a lift back to the castle?” Gideon Roper hazarded, scratching his head. “You seem a little – out of the way.”

  “That would be much appreciated,” answered Jorah surprising her. He lifted her up into the cart before him and then clambered up himself, then calmly dragging her onto his lap.

  “Happen everything’s alright now up at the Keep?” asked Gideon plainly agog at the recent turn in events. Issy beamed at him from where she sat on Jorah’s lap, his arms wrapped protectively around her, doing his best to preserve her modesty despite the ripped gown.

  “Couldn’t be better.”

  Gideon nodded.

  “If it’s not a liberty to say, I know all of your tenants will be happy about that m’Lord.”

  Jorah nodded,

  “Not as happy as me,” he admitted with a slow smile.

  Issy once again swivelled her head to look at Jorah in astonishment. It wasn’t like him to be so open in front of non-pack members! It was almost like he was ensuring Gideon knew they were back together again… Issy glanced back at Gideon who was urging his horse on. He clearly couldn’t wait to get back and tell the missus all about it! And suddenly, Issy realised that was Jorah’s intention. He wanted the human tenants to know all was right with them again. She felt a warm feeling spread over her as she shyly stroked his arm. He captured her hand and raised it for a kiss into the centre of her palm, looking every inch the doting husband. Issy could see Gideon Roper’s mouth had split into a wide grin.

  “Thank you, I hope we’ll see the boys this week!” Issy called as the farmer set them down at the Keep twenty minutes later.

  “Aye, they’ll be along mid-week as usual,” he responded, tugging his cap off as he bid them farewell.

  “Such a nice man,” murmured Issy as Jorah’s arm went round her shoulders, hugging her into his side.

  “Mmmm,” he agreed. “You realise he will be drinking for free at The Lamb & Goat all week on the strength of his tale. It would be the talk of the village before long.”

  Examining his feelings he realised with surprise he was happy about it. He wanted the whole damn world to know! They started up the wide stone steps but had got no further than the third step before an approaching cacophony of thunderous footsteps. He braced himself as Baris, Alfric, Ran, Geoffrey, Dilys and Matilda came pouring down the steps all talking at once.

  “Just wait a-“ his words were cut off as Issy was snatched from his side and embraced first by Alfric who sniffed her and then grinned.

  “Thank the gods he’s finally seen sense!” he said and then hesitantly placed a kiss on her cheek. Issy laughed and then was then seized by Baris who grabbed her shoulders and lowered his head so his eyes were level with hers.

  “Just so you know,” he said. “Cedric let me sniff that potion,” he said. “It was fucking vile. It had wolfsbane in it!”

  Issy blinked and shot a look at Jorah.


  He shrugged.

  “What did I tell you? Why else do you think I passed out and then vomited within the first two days of meeting you?”

  “Well you didn’t tell me that brother!” said Baris in disgust. “Why didn’t anyone tell me?”

  “Just apologise dung-brain,” said Geoffrey scathingly. He was stood shoulder-to-shoulder with his mother.

  “I was wrong, I’m sorry,” Baris responded looking contrite and wholly unlike his usual self. He paused. “Can we start again? Alfric tells me I’m to thank you for my current happiness.”

  Issy looked from him to Alfric. Alfric gave a slightly awkard grin and wrapped an arm about Baris’ waist.

  “But I never did anything,” she said frowning.

  “You told him I was true to my vow,” Baris pointed out. “And that we belonged together.”

  She smiled.

  “I suppose I did,” she agreed.

  “My turn!” burst in Ran, snatching her up and spinning her round. “Why did you run off to the monastry, you could have just moved into my room!” He winked at Jorah who just rolled his eyes and folded his arms. He found to his relief that he could tolerate his family showering their affection on his mate now the threefold joining was complete. His contentment suffered a jar when he saw Issy’s ample bosom bouncing under the shredded fabric but he managed to recover swiftly, consoling herself she’d soon be under him again and away from prying eyes.

  “Ran, put me down, I’m far too heavy! And I didn’t run off to the monastery, it was all a misunderstanding!”

  The others were pressing forward now, Matilda pushed her way to the front and pinned her own crisp white apron to Issy’s chest to hide her bosom. He knew he approved of that female he thought. Then they embraced laughing. Dilys the cook maid was crying into her skirts with happiness and even shy Geoffey was embracing her with gusto.

  Hearing footsteps on the gravel, Jorah glanced over his shoulders to see the stablehands Roland and Jed leaning on their pitchforks and grinning. Some of the younger cubs were with them, staring with eyes like saucers.

  “That’s more like it m’lord!” one of them shouted. He grinned back. He’d have to give some kind of pack feast to commemorate his mating he realised. Invite all the tenants and their families… everyone. So they could all see she was rightfully at his side where she should be. His wife, his mate, the centre of his universe. He looked at Issy’s flushed cheeks, her happy tears. She was surrounded by his pack who had somehow become her family long before he had made it official. He looked down startled to see his Uncle had appeared at his side with his thin smile.

  “You found her then, I see.”

  “Yes, I found her.”

  “I always knew you would.”

  Jorah realised they were neither of them talking about recent events, but rather a conversation they’d had many years before.

  “You sly old fox,” he said without heat. “You scared the life out of me.”

  ` “You needed a good sharp, shock m’boy,” Cedric chuckled. “You should have seen how fast you moved – why you were nothing more than a blur!”

  He grunted, not quite able to see the funny side yet. His uncle’s words had hurt although he realised now they had been to spur him into action.

  “You were right. About all of it,” he admitted suddenly. “Don’t go leaving us for St Anthony’s anytime soon. We need you here. Our cubs will need a grandfather.”

  Cedric started and for a second Jorah could almost have sworn his sharp eyes turned misty.

  “I think you may have burned my bridges with the monastery, son,” he chuckled. “I suspect they won’t be coming this way again anytime soon.”

  Jorah gave a small smile of acknowledgement.

  “Probably not.”

  Someone cleared their throat next to him and he turned to see Baris stood there arms folded against his chest.

  “Now that you’re sane again brother, perhaps we can discuss my mating?”

  Jorah frowned, his
eyes still on Issy who was now telling Alfric something in an animated voice.

  “What’s to discuss?”

  “Well,” Baris coughed. “I’m aware I probably should have applied for your permission before mating your beta…”

  Jorah swivelled on his heel to give him a dry look.

  “Please, I am well aware who was calling the shots with your mating.”

  Baris coloured slightly before laughing.

  “A fair point,” he acknowledged with a shrug. “Alfric’s always had me tied up in knots.”

  “I can hardly pass judgement after I made such a mess of mine,” acknowledged Jorah with a tight smile. “Alfric’s always been the only person who could keep you in line.”

  “So you’re not angry?”

  Jorah found to his surprise he wasn’t.


  Baris breathed out in relief.

  “Good.” His brother quirked his lips ruefully. “Alfric’s made it quite clear he’s been your beta much longer than my lover.”

  Jorah winced. That must be hard to take as a possessive male. His empathy surprised him, but that was no doubt due to Isolde.

  “He’s a good man. Don’t give him the run around, or you’ll have me to answer to.”

  Baris looked startled.

  “We’re mated,” he pointed out. “And I’ve been entirely faithful to my vow for the last three years.”

  “I’m glad to hear it. That’s how it should be.”

  Baris gave him a hard look.

  “You’ve really fallen haven’t you?” he chuckled. “I never thought I’d see the day!”

  Jorah nodded calmly. He hadn’t felt this calm and contented in years. In forever.

  “Everyone likes her,” his brother carried on, but Jorah wasn’t listening. Issy was looking over at him and he held his arms out to her. She came to him immediately and he folded her into his embrace, holding her close.

  “Let’s go upstairs,” he suggested. “There are too many people and I want to be alone with you.”

  She giggled.

  “Well, I feel the same way. Although it would be nice to all eat supper together.”

  “Breakfast,” he amended with a soft growl.


  “I’m having you for supper.”


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