Death Waxed Over (Book 3 in the Candlemaking Mysteries)

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Death Waxed Over (Book 3 in the Candlemaking Mysteries) Page 20

by Tim Myers

  My name is Harrison Black, and my Great-Aunt Belle had left me the entire place, including At Wick’s End, along with a hefty mortgage and a caveat not to sell the place for five years, not that I had any intention of ever parting with it. The people of River’s Edge had become family to me.

  I could hardly bear to bring myself to look. “There’s a body floating in the water,” I shouted inanely. “She’s dead. What should I do?”

  Markum considered it for a moment, then said, “I could call the sheriff, but it’s hard to tell how far the body will drift by the time he gets here. Do you have any rope with you?”

  “Yes,” I admitted reluctantly, understanding instantly what he had in mind. I was a candlemaker by trade, so the worst things I had to deal with in my business were wax bums and nasty customers; nothing in my life had prepared me for what I was facing. Markum-was a self-proclaimed expert in salvage and recovery, though I’d never been able to pin him down much more than that on what he did from day to day. He didn’t sound at all panicked by the situation, but then again, he was standing safely on shore while I was the one drifting six inches from the lifeless body.

  “Harrison, you’ve got to bring her in,” he said.

  “I know that,” I shouted a little harsher than I meant to. I wasn’t sure if I was up to the task, but I didn’t really have a choice. I couldn’t exactly ask Markum to swim out there and get her himself.

  I reached behind me and retrieved the rope I kept on board to tie the kayak up while I went exploring some of the Gunpowder River’s coves. I was going to have to get a new tether after this. There was no way I’d ever be able to use it again once this was over. After I had the rope in my hand, I wondered how I was going to tie it to the body securely enough to pull her to shore.

  Markum called out, “I hate to bring this up, but you’re drifting away at a pretty good clip. You can stare at it all you want to, but it’s not going to get any easier.”

  I hated it, but I knew he was right. Judging from the general area where I’d found her, if I waited much longer, I might not be able to pull her weight through the water back upstream. And if she got away from me and drifted swiftly down the river, I’d be haunted by the memory that I’d let it happen. Where could I attach the rope, though? Should I tie it to her hand? I shuddered at the thought. No way. How about her leg? That was too gruesome to even consider. There was a belt on her dress, maybe it would hold until I got her to shore. I hastily pulled my rope through it and tied it off. My hand had brushed against her waist by accident, and I nearly dropped the rope as the body bobbed gently from my touch. With a grim determination, I started paddling backward toward the steps of the complex.

  I’d covered less than a dozen feet when my load suddenly got lighter, Blast it all. The belt had come off and I could see the woman drifting downstream again. I paddled back toward her, not daring to look at Markum.

  For some reason I was furious with him, probably because he was safely on land and I was wrestling with this body.

  I approached her again, then I saw to my horror that when the belt had come loose, it had somehow flipped her over in the water.

  Staring down at a stranger would have been bad enough, but I knew this woman and knew her all too well.

  It was Becka Lane, my ex-girlfriend. Her lustrous blonde hair was fanned out around her head in the water like a halo, and the peaceful expression on her face looked more like she was sleeping than dead. Her dress had bunched up near her waist when the belt had come loose, and I had to fight the urge to pull the errant material back down over her legs.

  “Harrison,” Markum yelled from the shore. “You have to get moving.”

  I ignored him.

  Poor Becka. What had led her to this? I hadn’t seen her in nearly a month, but I still felt as though she were a part of my life. We’d gone from dating to animosity to friendship, and I was going to miss not having her around. She had become a presence in my life, and her death was going to leave a hole that might never be filled. In my mind, I could suddenly hear the essence of her laughter and feel the soft tenderness in her touch as I stared down at her.

  I did my best to choke back my emotions. I couldn’t grieve yet. I had a job to do. Trying not to think about what I was doing, I tied the tope around Becka’s chest I nearly fell in as I pushed the rope under her shoulder blades, but I managed to steady myself at the last second.

  It was miserable towing her back to the steps, but somehow I managed it. I didn’t even realize I was crying until I tried to speak to Markum.

  “It’s Becka,” I managed between sobs as I climbed out of the kayak and slumped onto the lowest exposed step just above the waterline. Becka’s body was tugging insistently against my boat in the current, and I had to hold onto the kayak to keep everything from drifting downriver. I knew I should pull Becka in, but I didn’t have the heart to touch her.

  Markum patted my shoulder and said, “Harrison, I’m sorry.” He hesitated, then added, “Millie came out while you were paddling in. She called the police, so they should be on their way.” Millie Nelson, a plus-sized woman with brown hair and soft gray eyes, ran The Crocked Pot Cafe, a place where I took most of my meals.

  True to the promise, I heard sirens in the distance. I started tugging on the rope to pull Becka out of the water when Markum said, “You’d better leave her there and let the police handle it.”

  I nodded numbly, and he started to stand when I grabbed his shoulder. “Don’t go. Please.”

  Markum settled back down beside me on the step. “Don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere,”

  Sheriff Morton, a tall man with a ruddy complexion and a mop of brown hair, came rushing down the steps toward us a minute later. “What happened?’

  Markum said softly, “She was in the water. It’s Becka Lane. Harrison used to date her, so take it easy on him.”

  Morton’s face softened. “I know. Sony, I didn’t know who it was.” Two of his men arrived just behind him, and they carefully pulled the body out of the water and onto the bottom step. What happened after that was lost to me. I felt the sheriff grab one arm and Markum the other as they pulled me to my feet. I didn’t care if the kayak drifted away. The way I felt at the moment, I was never going out on the water again.

  The sheriff shouted to one of his men to pull the kayak up onto the steps as Markum led me to Millie’s place.

  Morton released my arm and asked, “Are you all right?”

  I managed to nod, but I couldn’t bring myself to make eye contact. It must have satisfied him, though, because he left me to rejoin his deputies.

  Millie stepped in as she wrapped an arm around my shoulder. “Come on, Harrison, let’s get you upstairs.”

  Markum took a step back, deferring to her.

  “Could I have some coffee first?” I asked. “I need something strong.” The truth was that I didn’t want to be alone, but the coffee would be welcome as well.

  “Of course,” she said, “Come into the cafe I’ll fix you right up.”

  I walked inside, nearly stumbling as I crossed the threshold. I was surprised by Millie’s strength in righting me. She led me to a table near the back, and Markum joined me. Millie returned in a minute with three cups of coffee and I felt the liquid burn as I gulped it down. We sat in silence, each of my friends giving me space, but staying close by in case I needed either one of them.

  After a while, Markum looked outside toward the river and said, “It looks like they’re finally finished out there. Are you ready to go upstairs now?”

  “I’m feeling better” I said as I stared into the last dregs of my cup. As I pushed it away, I added, “I have to open the candleshop.”

  Markum said, “Harrison, you’ve just had a tremendous shock. Close the blasted place up for a day, or a week if you need to. Your customers will understand.”

  “And what do I do in the meantime? Should I hang around my apartment feeling bad about what happened to her?” I asked him. “Becka was my frien
d. Who am I trying to kid? She was a lot more than that to me, at least at one time. I’m sorry she’s gone, but there’s nothing I can do for her anymore.” I was surprised to find myself crying again as I spoke.

  Markum looked surprised by my outburst, but Millie just patted my shoulder with a comforting touch. “Why don’t you at least let Eve handle things this morning? You can work after lunch if you feel up to it.”

  I shook my head, wiping at the tears that betrayed my words. “I can’t. She’s not coming in until this afternoon.”

  Millie wasn’t about to let it go, though. “So we’ll call her at home. You know she’ll pitch in if you ask her to help you.”

  I started to protest when Millie added, “Please, will you do it for me? You need to take some time to accept this.”

  I was still struggling with the suggestion when the sheriff walked in and sat down heavily at our table, blowing out a bellow of air as he did.

  Millie asked him, “Can I get you something?”

  “I wouldn’t say no to a cup of coffee. I’ve been up all night, and I’m starting to feel it”

  She left to get his coffee, and Markum said to me,

  “Harrison, if you need me, I’ll be over there.” He and the sheriff had a heavy dose of natural animosity between them, and they would never willingly be together anywhere, not even to support me.

  After the sheriff and I were alone, Morton asked gently, “Are you up to talking about this?”

  I nodded. “We might as well get it over with. I was kayaking this morning before I had to open the candleshop. It was a good day to be out; the rain had finally broken, and the sun was coming out There was a lot of junk that had been washed into the water, though. At first I thought I’d hit a log, but then I saw it was a woman’s body. I didn’t realize it was Becka until she flipped over. I managed to tow her to shore. That’s when Millie called you.” I stared down into my empty coffee mug, then asked, “Do you have any idea what happened to her?”

  He shook his head as he played with the sugar dispenser in front of him. “There were no obvious signs of trauma, so they’re going to have to look harder. She hasn’t been in the water long, maybe an hour or two at the most, from the look of her.”

  “So you don’t have any idea at all what could have happened?” I asked.

  Morton said, “That’s right I don’t know, and I’m not about to start guessing. I’ll let the coroner figure it out, and then we’ll go from there.” He paused, then asked gently, “When’s the last time you saw her, Harrison?”

  “Are you honestly looking for an alibi?” I asked, letting my words bite, not caring if he felt my hostility in them.

  “Take it easy, I have to ask.” When I saw the softness in his gaze, I knew he hadn’t wanted to ask me that question, but I also realized that he didn’t have any choice, either.

  Fighting to keep my temper in check, I said, “We went out for pizza at A Slice of Heaven last month.”

  “So then you two were dating again?”

  Millie brought him his coffee as I said, “No, we were just two friends going out together for a meal. There was nothing happening between us, at least not romantically. What about the guy who was stalking her a few months ago? Is he still in jail?”

  Millie hesitated at the table and frowned at Morton— no doubt hovering nearby to offer me her support—when the sheriff said, “As of ten minutes ago he was. Listen, I’m not accusing you of anything, Harrison, I’m just trying to collect information. I know finding her like that had to be hard on you. How are you holding up?”

  “I’m not afraid to admit that I’ve been better,” I said. Millie must have been satisfied with the sheriff’s softened tone, because she left us and went back to her register.

  I told Sheriff Morton, “Everybody thinks I should hide in my apartment upstairs, but I want to get back to work. I need to keep busy.”

  He nodded. “If it matters to you what I think, I believe it’s the best thing you could do. It will help take your mind off what happened.”

  He threw a dollar on the table and said, “Listen, I’ll let you know as soon as I hear anything, okay?”

  “I’d appreciate that,” I said.

  After the sheriff was gone, Markum came back to the table. “What did he want? Did I hear him right? Did he actually ask you for an alibi?”

  “Don’t start,” I said. “He’s just doing his job.”

  Markum held his palms up. “Sorry, I know I shouldn’t push you right now. Listen, do you want to get out of Micah’s Ridge? It’s a beautiful day. We could drive up to Boone, cruise around on the Blue Ridge Parkway, and then have lunch.”

  “Thanks, I appreciate the offer, but I want to work. The truth is, I need to keep busy. It’s the only thing that’s going to help right now.”

  He nodded. “Say no more. Why don’t I hang around though, just in case you change your mind? There’s plenty of stuff I can do up in my office, and that way I’ll be close by.”

  “Markum, I don’t need a baby-sitter. I’ll be okay.”

  He said, “Of course you will.” As the big, burly man stood, he added, “Just in case, remember, I’ll be upstairs in my office if you need me.”

  “Listen, I shouldn’t have yelled at you before. It’s just—”

  He interrupted. “You don’t have to apologize for anything. I’m just sorry you had to be the one to find her.”

  “Me, too,” I said, “Hang on a second; I’ll walk out with you.”

  Before I left, I walked behind the counter and hugged Millie, maybe a little harder than I needed to. “Thank you.”

  She smiled when I pulled away. “You’re most welcome. If you need me, I’m right here.”

  “I know that, and I appreciate it, honestly I do.”

  Markum and I walked outside, and I saw that the kayak was still perched on the lowest step near the water.

  He followed my gaze and said, “Don’t worry, I’ll take care of that for you.”

  “Don’t bother. I can’t see myself ever using it again.”

  He said, “You never know.”

  Pearly Gray, the handyman to all of River’s Edge, joined us and said, “What happened? I was just getting out of my barber’s chair when I heard there was some excitement out here.”

  I started to explain when Markum said, “Pearly, if you’ll help me carry the kayak up, I’ll fill you in.” The kayak had handles on both ends for easy portage, but I normally just threw it over one shoulder. Markum was a lot stronger than I was, but I realized he was deflecting attention away from me by enlisting Pearly’s aid, and I appreciated it.

  Pearly nodded to Markum after catching the expression on my face. He had a full head of white hair that was nearly luminescent and an IQ that was off the charts. Pearly had been a psychologist in an earlier life, but he’d come to River’s Edge to work with his hands a few years before I’d inherited the place.

  I said, “Thanks guys, I appreciate the help.”

  “It’s our pleasure, Harrison,” Pearly said.

  I left them with the kayak and walked to At Wick’s End. Maybe it was a good thing that Eve Pleasants—my lone employee and candlemaking mentor—wasn’t scheduled to come in until noon. I was glad for the respite, and for the first time since I’d taken over the candle-shop, I found myself hoping that no customers came in. It was a shock realizing that Becka was really dead, compounded astronomically by being the one who had found her body. Becka’s sister had died a few months earlier in a car accident and I had helped her get over her grief. Suzanne had been her last close relative, and now I had no one from her immediate family to share my own grief with. I needed some time to come to grips with what had happened, but I couldn’t think of a better place to do that than inside my candleshop.

  I was there twenty minutes when Eve joined me. Her normally dour expression had been replaced by one of genuine concern. “Harrison, I came as soon as I heard.”

  “You’re not scheduled to work until noon,” I
said. “Let me guess. Millie called you.”

  “She was worried about you,” Eve said.

  “She shouldn’t be,” I said, “And neither should you. Go,” I insisted.

  “Harrison, I’m already here. What sense does it make for me to leave and just have to come back in three hours.”

  I shrugged. “Go shopping, go back to bed, I don’t care. Eve, thanks for coming in, but I’m going to be okay.”

  She took it better than I had any right to expect. As she started putting her coat back on, she said, “You’re sure about this?”

  “Absolutely. Don’t worry, I’ll tell Millie that you tried.”

  She was shaking her head as she left, but I was glad she hadn’t put up a fight Eve still knew more about candle-making than I did, but I was starting to catch up, and after all, it was my name on the mortgage now, and she knew it.

  I was waiting on my second customer of the day when the telephone rang.

  It was Morton, and he had news for me about what had ended Becka Lane’s life.

  Table of Contents

  Death Waxed Over (Book 3 in the Candlemaking Mysteries)




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