Plowed: A Blue Collar Bad Boys Book

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Plowed: A Blue Collar Bad Boys Book Page 4

by Brill Harper

  “You felt how hard I was. You know how much I want you.”

  I push her legs apart gently. Her pubic hair is glistening. Fuck. She’s wet. So wet. My mouth is watering. I run my thumb gently through her slit and she bucks her hips. I can’t wait until she’s bucking underneath me, but we’ll take our time right now. I bring my thumb to my nose, inhale her sweet scent, and then lick the juices. “So sweet.”

  She ignores my comment. “You still have all your clothes on.”

  “Yeah. I’m keeping them on for now. Once I take my dick out, I don’t think I’ll be able to control myself, and I want to savor you from head to toe.

  She pinkens, the color crawling down her face to her chest. Her tits are going to be my new religion—so much better than even my imagination. I take the globes in hand and they spill out, generous and full. Her eyes close and she arches into my hold. “You’re perfect. Look at you.” I take one berried nip in my mouth, and she gasps as I suck it hard. “You like that, sunshine?” I do it again, this time to the other.

  I’m going to fuck those tits. I’ve dreamed about it. I want to oil them up and slide my dick between them. I want to cover them with my come. Not until I know she’s pregnant, though. I won’t waste a drop of come anywhere but inside that pussy until I know she’s bred.

  She grasps the back of my head and holds me to her chest. The feral noise I make should scare her, but it doesn’t, and I nurse on her, sucking and biting as much of her into my mouth as I can. The way she’s bucking and arching is frenzied, out of control. I palm her juicy pussy with one hand, and she grinds into my palm. She might be untried, but my little virgin is into what we’re doing.

  I move down her body, my stubble scraping across that soft belly. I place a kiss there, knowing the gift she’ll give me someday. “Mmmm, you’ve got the perfect belly for babies. It’s going to be so beautiful, so hot swelling with my child.”

  “Oh, God. Boone—”

  When I get my face near her perfect pussy, she tenses up. I breathe her in, rubbing my nose gently against the curly hair between her legs. I part her pussy lips with my tongue, lavishing her with a long, slow lick. The sweet, smooth flesh is glistening with her pleasure. Pleasure I’m giving her. I’ve never felt more like a real man.

  My dick is leaking in my pants. Patience, asshole.

  I rub the flat of my tongue over her clit repeatedly. Broad strokes over that sweet little pearl. Her legs tremble and my patience is snapping. I need inside her body. I need it now.

  Fuck her with your tongue.

  I spread those lips with my fingers and slide my tongue right into heaven. Her juices are dripping down my chin and she’s crying out my name. Over and over. I’m lost in her. I’m dry humping the mattress, pushing the headboard into the wall and thrusting my tongue into her sweet flesh. She’s drowning me, but I don’t need air. Just Madeline. I just need Madeline.

  Her whole body tenses and shudders violently as she comes hard, grinding on my face. I feel like a king. A god. It was worth every minute in that cell if she is my reward.

  My cock is straining against my pants, aching to get out. To plunder her the way my tongue did.

  “I think you killed me,” she says, moaning. “That was the best way to go, though.”

  She rises up on her elbows and blushes.

  “What is it?”


  Soaked. My face is soaked. “And that embarrasses you?”

  She nods. “Is that... am I normal?”

  “Sunshine, nothing we do together in our bed will ever be wrong or abnormal. I love that you are so wet for me. I love the way you smell and taste and it turns me on.”

  “Really? You swear?”

  “I told you I would never lie to you.”

  “Show me, then. Show me how turned on you are. I want to see you.”


  HE WHIPS HIS SHIRT off and I’m mesmerized by the dips and valleys of his chest and abs. Of his tanned skin pulled tautly over sinewy muscles. He’s a giant...a giant made of granite. So virile and strong. I can’t believe I’m here with him. In bed. Married.

  When he shucks his pants and underwear in one swoop, all I see now is the monster between his legs.

  It looks...angry. Purple and veined and dripping. There is no way it’s real. Below the glistening beast, his balls are gloriously heavy and large. Of course, he’s big there. I just never realized how big big could look.

  “That’s it, sweetheart. Look at my cock. Your eyes are so big right now. It’s making me harder.” As if to punctuate his words, the monster twitches. “You don’t need to be scared, though. Baby, you were meant for this cock. For the things I’m going to do to you. There’s not a doubt in my mind you can take it. That you’ll take it all and beg me to give it to you harder. I’m a lucky man. To be your first. Your only.”

  If he fits, sure. “How do you looks so big.”

  He fists it, jacking it slow, and my pussy contracts around the hollow feeling inside me. I want to be filled. With him. But he’ll cleave me in two with that thing.

  “I was made for you. I was made to fit inside you. To fill you. To give you pleasure.”

  I want to believe him so badly. “Come hold me again?” I ask. And he’s on the bed a second later, pulling me into his arms tightly. All the chatter in my head dies down as we spoon. His protective embrace holding my doubts at bay. I inhale deeply. I don’t know if it’s pheromones, but his scent affects me. Settles me. “I feel so safe right now.”

  “I’ll always keep you safe.”

  I wiggle against his erection. God, there is no way that thing is going to fit inside me. But, no. He said it will and I choose to believe him. I trust him.

  Oh my God. I trust him.

  I’ve never trusted anyone before. Not really. I’ve always felt so alone.

  I turn so we’re facing each other. I want to please him. If I can give him even a little bit back of what he’s given me. The way he makes me feel.

  With both hands, I reach for his hard cock. It’s velvety and heavy. As I move my hands up and down its length, Boone gasps, the tendons in his neck standing out as he grunts loudly.

  “Easy, baby. You’ll make me come too fast.”

  I meet his eyes. “And you want to come inside me.”

  “Yeah, I want to come in your pussy. So bad.”

  “And make a baby. Tonight?”

  “I’m going to fuck a baby into you. Tonight. Is that what you want?”

  I want to make up for all the things he’s lost. Make him feel like he made the right choice making me his wife.

  “Yes.” I squeeze him, and he swears. “I want you to. Tonight. Now.”

  He rolls us over and lays his hard, weighty cock on my stomach, his plump balls rubbing on my mound. “I’m going to pump every drop right up inside your little balls are aching and full right now. It’s been so long, baby. I’m ...gonna drain them as deep as possible inside you.” He’s using his cock to massage my clit, and he’s looking deeply into my eyes. “Once I get inside you, I won’t let up until I flood you with my come. Is that what you want?”

  I raise my hips so I can slide myself against him, his dick making a path between the lips of my sex. I’m so slick and hot and achy for him. “Yes. Yes. Please.”

  “Good girl.” He pushes his fat cock into me slowly. It burns a bit, and I pull back instinctively, but I have nowhere to go. “Shh. Relax, sunshine. Let it happen. You want my baby in you, don’t you?” I nod. “Take a deep breath.”

  He pushes in further, and I force myself to relax as he glides into me slowly, inch by inch. My pussy is wrapping around him, so wet. I’m full. Too full. I grasp his shoulders, and my nails sink into his skin.

  “Breathe, Madeline.” He holds still, and I know that must be torture for him. I stretch around him, feeling every quake and pulse of his cock deep inside me. “Oh fuck, baby, you’re so fuckin’ tight,” he groans.

stinging sensation lessens, and I look up, into his intense gaze. He’s watching me so closely. His whole body is taut like elastic about to snap, but he’s waiting. Waiting for me to be okay.

  “Okay, more?” I say, framing his concerned face in my hands. “I’m ready.”

  “Are you sure?”

  I nod.

  He pulls back several inches then surges forward. The further into my tight pussy he goes, the more I want to feel him pulsing deep inside me. He’s awakened something in me. Something instinctual. His cock feels so good in me, hard and hot and filling me up as he glides slowly at first, and then faster and harder. The pleasure is overwhelming, building. He’s going to make me come again.

  He has a good rhythm going now, sliding his cock in and out quickly, grinding up against my clit with every inward stroke. He kisses me passionately, desperately, before resting his face against my cheek, breathing hotly and moaning in my ear as he pumps into me. “You’re everything I dreamed you were,” he whispers.

  I cling to him on every outward stroke, not wanting to be separated. I have a frantic need to be filled. I don’t care if it’s biology tricking me into feeling things that aren’t true. He may not love me, but he married me. He wants to give me a baby. That’s got to be enough, right?

  He braces my knees back, thrusting in deep, and I feel his cock start to twitch and throb “Oh, yeah, baby, I can tell you like that. The way your pussy is squeezing me. You love me taking your pussy like this, don’t you?”

  “Yes!” I cry. “I didn’t know it could be like this.”

  He uses one of his giant hands to gently swipe the hair off my face. “I didn’t know either, sunshine. It’s never been like this for me before either.”

  I don’t question him. He told me he wouldn’t lie to me. Something about the two of us together is different, better than anything else. I feel...special. And I feel something else. Something I never thought I’d feel. A special kind of peace I know I’ll only find in his arms, in his bed, in his life.

  “Madeline, I’m on the edge. I don’t think I can hold out much longer. I want to fuck you all night, I swear, but I’m desperate to come right now.”

  A wave of womanly instinct crashes over me. I want him to come. I want to make him come—harder than he ever thought possible. “Look at me, Boone.” He looks me in the eye. “Don’t hold back. Make me yours. I’ve been waiting my whole life for you to make me your woman.”

  His nostrils flare. “Everyone is going to know you’re mine when you’re waddling around with my baby inside you, aren’t they?”

  I nod and his hands grip my ass so tight he’s going to leave marks.

  “Are you claiming me as your man, sunshine? They’re all going to know. You sure? I can pull out. It’ll kill me, but I can do it. For you. If you need more time.”

  I grasp his biceps tightly. “I’m proud to be your wife, Boone Barker. Come inside me. I need to feel you come.”

  There is an intimacy that emerges between us that is unlike anything I have ever felt. We connect on every possible level. Physically. Mentally. Emotionally. Spiritually. Like we are one. At that moment, he groans, and I feel his seed spurt into me in long, drawn-out pulses. My pussy contracts around him as I join his orgasm.

  “God, you’re milking it right out of me. I’m never leaving this fucking bed.”

  He doesn’t pull out of me when he’s done. He lays his head on my chest and rolls his hips, keeping a gentle rhythm that feels like an ancient heartbeat. He’s getting thick again as he pushes his leaking seed back into me. We keep rocking and he starts sucking my breast until I arch and throb everywhere with another powerful orgasm.

  “That’s it. God, you’re so beautiful. Going to make me come again.”

  We’re sticky and messy, and by the end of the night, I don’t think there’s a chance we didn’t make a baby.

  Chapter Four


  It feels like we had sex more last night than I would have in the last five years combined if I’d been free.

  My dick aches. I’ve got scratches up and down my back from Madeline’s fingernails. Every muscle I have is sore, and I can’t drink enough water today.

  Life is fucking good.

  I look over at my wife snoozing in the passenger seat. She looks well-fucked and fertile. I want her again, despite knowing it’s probably physically impossible for me to ejaculate another time today.

  But she’s got to be sore. I pounded that poor pussy of hers too hard, too many times. Not one complaint from her though. Not one.

  Now I’m getting hard. Her plump body, her juicy pussy, her enthusiasm for everything we did last night was more than a dream come true for me. We hardly know each other, but she’s taking a chance on me. She’s believing in me the way few people did when the chips were down. I knew I liked her—but it’s more now. I have a strong sense of loyalty to her, but more than that, I feel like maybe we’re meant to be.

  If you’d have told me two months ago I’d live to see the day that I didn’t believe that Amy was the woman for me, I’d have never believed it. I don’t blame Amy for carrying on with her life. I’d have told her to do it if she’d ever come to see me. But I thought I would mourn that lost love for the rest of my life.

  I guess I don’t know how my little Madeline would have reacted if she’d been my girl five years ago. But something tells me, something I feel bone-deep, that she’d have stood by me. That she’ll stand by me for the rest of our days. All I have to do is believe in her the way she believes in me.

  It’s not easy to trust. But I know if I treat her like she might betray me at any time, I’ll be setting myself up for failure. I need to put all my efforts into making this marriage work. That means trusting her. That means treating her like a queen. That means my life suddenly feels limitless again. Like it did when I graduated from the university.

  One night changed my life back then. One night just put me on a better path today.

  We pull into the backside of Big Mac’s where she told me she lived. “Hey, sunshine.”

  She blinks awake and sits up like the seat just burned her ass. “Why are we here?”

  Her voice is tight, and my protective instincts rise. “Hey, it’s okay.”

  She bites her lip then turns her head away from me. “I should have known. I’m so stupid.”

  “Known what, sweetheart?”

  “It’s okay, Boone. I’ll be fine.”

  “Baby, what are you talking about?”

  “You changed your mind. You’re leaving me here. I mean, I get it. It was a crazy night. I just...I just didn’t even hint...”

  I reach over and push her hair away from her face so I can look at her. Fuck me, she’s crying. “Madeline, sweetheart. I’m not leaving you here.” I unbuckle her seatbelt and then my own so I can slide across the bench seat and get an arm around her. “Why would you think I’m leaving you here? I thought you might want to pick up your things before we go home.”

  She does that little shudder thing that happens when you’re trying to hold in a sob. “Home?”

  I cradle her to my chest. “Home, honey. I swear. You don’t ever have to worry about me leaving you. I’m fucking crazy about you.”

  “You are?”

  “Insanely. You’re stuck with this big oaf till death do us part, remember?”

  She wipes tears onto her sleeve. “I just saw where we were and figured you came to your senses while I was napping.”

  I kiss her sweetly because she needs some sweetness. And so do I. “You and me. From now on, I promise. We face everything together and you never have to worry again about being left.”

  “You’re a good man, Boone. I don’t know what I did to deserve you, but I really thought I just woke up and discovered it was all a dream.”

  For five years, I’ve been cultivating meanness. I had to learn to leave that All-American kid I used to be in the past so I could get hard and cruel in order to survive. Now, I need to r
elearn tenderness. This sweet woman in my arms had a life of pain, and I need to show her something new. “My mom would have really loved you, Madeline. She’d be so happy I met a girl who could wrap me around her little finger so easily.”

  “I’m still not convinced this isn’t a dream.”

  “Let’s go get your stuff.”

  We climb rickety steps with at least one rotting board to get to her room. The door is a piece of shit with no deadbolt. The room we step into is musty. She’s got it as clean as it can get, but my cell was homier than her lodgings. Anger bubbles inside me. It takes every ounce of control I have to not punch a hole in the wall and then go find Mac and punch a hole in his throat. God damn it. They didn’t pay her wages so she could live in this shithole?

  She looks around and shrinks visibly. “It’s not very nice.”

  Now I understand why she was so excited about our suite last night.

  Moving behind her, I lay my hands on her tense shoulders and rub them until she loosens up some. Pressing a kiss to her temple, I tell her, “You’re going to have a home. A nice one. You’ll be safe and happy there. I’ll make sure of it.”

  She turns and presses her cheek to my chest. “I’m afraid to want it too badly, Boone. I’ve never let myself really want anything. My dad showed me how hopeless that was, and it didn’t get better after he was gone.”

  “Did he hurt you?”

  “Not like you’re thinking. He didn’t hit me. Hell, he couldn’t bring himself to touch me. Said girls were sinful. That I was his cross to bear.”

  This woman is making it difficult for me to work on my anger management skills. “He was wrong. You’re not a sin or a burden. You’re this ray of sunshine that reminded me I could be human again. I’m going to take you home, Madeline. We’re going to make a life.”

  She nods, but she’s still unsure.

  There isn’t much she wants to take. Mostly school stuff and some clothes. We’re putting the last of it in my truck when Big Mac comes barreling out of the back of the diner to us. I stand in front of her and cross my arms.


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