Plowed: A Blue Collar Bad Boys Book

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Plowed: A Blue Collar Bad Boys Book Page 7

by Brill Harper

  “Love is dangerous to me, Boone. It means being vulnerable. But I can’t stop. And I’m so afraid of losing what we have that I’m afraid to keep it.”

  I slide to my knees in front of her. “You are my whole world. The only way you are going to lose me is if you leave me. But you’d take my heart with you. I love you. And I’ll say it as many times as you need to hear it until you believe me.”

  “I love you too.”

  “So why are you crying?”

  “I think because I’m happy. Boone, we’re going to have a baby!”

  I kiss her like my life depends on it. Because it does.

  Thinking about her body swelling with my baby has me hard and ready to practice for the next one. “Baby, I’ve never had a girl in this room before,” I tell her as I untie her shoes.


  “Let’s say we christen this bed.”

  “I’d be honored to be the first girl you have in this bed...but...”

  Please don’t let her doubt me still. “But what?”

  “I think we should turn this room into a nursery. And it feels a little weird to get it on in our baby’s room.”

  Holy fuck. We’re having a baby. It just sinks all the way in and my vision tunnels.

  “Boone? Are you okay?”

  “I think I’m going to pass out.”

  “What? Why? Put your head between your knees.”

  I breathe through it and sit up again. My wife is laughing at me.

  “You tell no one.”

  “Right. Who would believe me that Boone Barker fainted like a southern belle when he found out he was going to be a dad?” She’s still laughing.

  “I didn’t faint. I almost fainted. And men call it passing out when they do it.”

  “Right. That’s manlier.” She snorts as she laughs. Which sets her off in another fit of giggles.

  “That’s it.” I stand up and throw her over my shoulder like a fireman, swatting her ass as I carry her out of the room and into our shared bedroom. “I’ll show you manly.”

  It occurs to me that now that she’s pregnant, I can come in her and it won’t be changing the terms of our deal. All the blood rushes to my dick.

  Until I remember she might still think we’re on a trial run. “Madeline,” I slide her down my body, making sure she can feel how hard I am for her, “about the two weeks we have left...”

  She puts two fingers on my lips. “I’m sorry I ever agreed to that. I was trying to...protect my heart. It was dumb and it didn’t work anyway. I love you. I don’t want a thirty-day review. I want to give you everything I am and let you take care of my heart. I think you’ll do a better job with it than I did.” She takes a deep breath. “I want to go get the test out of the bathroom. Make sure it’s real.” She points to the bed. “You get naked. And...right back I’ll be.”



  Five Years later

  I’m wearing a hole in the carpet of the honeymoon suite as I pace. I haven’t seen my wife in two weeks. We haven’t been apart this long before, and it damn near killed me.

  I check my watch for the umpteenth fucking time. She’s about ten minutes later than we hoped, but there could have been traffic. I know her flight landed on time.

  I hear her key card in the lock, and I’m across the room and on her the second she’s inside. I push her into the door and my tongue is in her mouth. She whimpers and sags like her legs won’t hold her, but I’ve got her. I won’t let her fall. I rip my mouth away. “Never again. I can’t be without you that long. It was like being back in prison.”

  “I’m done with internships now. But if this is the homecoming I get, maybe I should go away more often.”

  I lean my forehead against hers and groan as my hand slides under her shirt, my mouth finding hers again.

  Her back is smooth and soft under my hands, driving me wild. Madeline lifts my shirt, and I hate that I have to break away from her mouth for the time it takes to pull it over my head, but I use one more precious second to remove hers too. I want to stare at her perfect tits, but she’s impatient and already back in my arms, crushing against me skin to skin. Nothing has ever made my knees as weak as the feel of her pressed against me.

  But I have to have more.

  “Sunshine, we’re going to have champagne and talk and all that stuff, I promise.” I spent an hour in this suite making it as romantic as I could. “But after.” I hope that’s okay because I can’t think. I just want inside her heat so bad. “Before you ask, Pops is fine, the kids miss you, the farm is running well, and I need to fuck you. And happy anniversary.”

  “I need you too, Boone. It was too long.” Madeline’s mouth leaves my lips and slides to my neck. I hold her there tightly, probably too tightly, as she works her familiar magic over my throat. She’s going to leave a mark. I can’t wait to see it tomorrow.

  Being without her really did bring back bad memories. I’d pushed all those years of lock-up aside, but without her next to me, every night was an eternity of remembering what it was like without her. Without love. If I didn’t have the kids, I would have gone insane, but they kept me grounded.

  Right now, I have the world in my arms, and I am going to commit to living like I’ve never done before.

  Her teeth scrape over my pulse point, and I groan, planting my legs wider so I won’t fall down. “Jesus, you’re going to kill me.”

  Her hands brush over my back and down my sides with feather-light touches that raise bumps over my flesh. She touches me with random strokes, so I can’t anticipate where her touch will land next, only that it will be like small puffs of oxygen on coals that are just ready to ignite.

  I wrap her hair around my hand and pull so that she is forced to tilt her head up and away from my neck. Her stormy eyes watch me curiously. The smattering of freckles across the bridge of her nose tugs on the strings of my heart. “You are so fucking beautiful.”

  She starts a smile that I greedily steal in a deep kiss while I pick her up and carry her to the bed. I lower her to the middle of the bed and yank her pants off. Pulling both her wrists above her head, I pin them against the mattress in one hand. “Stay,” I command.

  Because, fuck.

  Madeline responds by arching into me, brushing her damp panties against my cock still trapped in my jeans. I groan and pull away, keeping a firm grasp of her wrists. I want this to last.

  I’m eyeing her body, so tempting with all its curves and softness, and wonder where to start.

  All the words bunch up in my throat, choking me with emotion. I rest my cheek against her breast and listen to the steady beat of her heart. I press another kiss to her pebbled nipple and grin as a tremor shakes her body. The next kiss on her tit is harder, wetter, and ends with a nip so that she shudders and moans.

  “Boone, let go, I want to touch you.”

  “No,” I answer, ignoring her protest as I gather her other breast, first in my hand, and then into my mouth.

  “I love your tits, baby.”

  She arches, and her hips rub against my cock, but I pull myself away. She has the power to turn this long-waited for night into a display of me coming buckets in my own pants. I need to keep control right now, as much as I want her touch.

  My grip on her wrists tightens as she writhes under my kisses. Somehow, I manage the buttons of my fly, and I’m sure it isn’t pretty, the way I’m kicking off the jeans, socks, and shoes, but it feels a hell of a lot better to be free. My dick is pointing to her like she is the only direction my compass knows.

  “Please,” she says when she gets an eyeful of me. Male pride rushes through me. She’s always been fascinated with my cock, so I run my hand down the length of it while she squirms to be closer.

  “What’s your rush, sunshine?” I love that she wants me so much.

  I move to her side so I can access more of her body without giving her back her hands. Letting go of my dick, I lean lower, tracing the seam of her panties with my tongu
e. She smells so good. Like honeyed fruit. And home. And love.

  I need to taste her, to feel her against my tongue. I rip the scrap of fabric that separates me from my prize. She is so beautiful, glistening with feminine arousal. Dipping my mouth into her, she rewards me as she cries out a sob of relief even as she bucks against my firm hold on her wrists.

  “So sweet,” I tell her. Better than the finest wine, my girl. I want to tease and taunt this pussy, bring her to a slow-building orgasm, but her fevered pleas ringing in my ears and the incredible flavor of her against my tongue unite against me. The muscles in my arms and shoulders begin to shake in protest—I didn’t realize I’ve been clenching them so hard. Trying to keep her still below me, trying to hold myself back from plunging into her. Every nerve in my body is raw and seeking.

  And just like that, I lose control. Instead of pleasing licks and nibbles, I become an animal between her thighs. I growl like a beast and suck at her greedily, not letting up as she comes hard, crying out my name.

  “Again.” I go back down and use my tongue in her pussy like it’s my dick, avoiding her clit for now, remembering how sensitive it is right after she comes.

  “I can’t.”

  “I need more of that sweet cream, baby. I need you to come on my tongue.”

  “Yeah, well, I need you to fuck me.”

  I nip the inside of her thigh. “You want my dick, you come on my tongue.”

  I go back to licking her as she bucks against me. She’s never been this wet or this vocal. I can’t slurp her up fast enough. I’ll never get enough.

  “Oh, God,” she wails and humps against my face until I feel all the tension from her body release.

  “That’s my girl. Giving me everything. Such a sweet and tasty treat.” I move back on top of her and she wraps her legs around me, pulling me to her heat. “Please.” Her eyes convey a deeper meaning than words can say. “Please.”

  I slide into her body, still holding her down with one hand and pausing as she stretches around the head of my cock. I hold still. Very still. Looking into her eyes, seeing my own love and need reflected back at me, feeling her heat cling to me.

  “You’re so tight. Oh, baby.” Nothing has ever felt so good as being inside my wife.

  I need to slow us down or I’m going to start thrusting too hard. I pull out and we both gasp.

  “You’re such a tease, Boone.”

  “You’re just cock-hungry, Madeline. You have been since the first time, haven’t you?”

  She moans. “Please give it to me. God, I need you so much.”

  I can only agree. But teasing her is second only to coming inside her tight cunt on my list of favorite things.

  “You’re so hungry for this cock, baby, then show me.” I move up, my knees straddling her upper body and trapping her arms against her. “Have a taste of us. Show me how hungry you are.”

  She opens her mouth, and I feed her my cock that’s dripping wet and fresh out of her pussy.

  “You’re so hot. Fuck. Look at you, gobbling my cock, licking your own juice off me.”

  She pulls her mouth down until it’s just the tip in her mouth and she works her tongue over the slit on my dick, getting as much of my pre-cum as she can. Greedy girl.

  “You’re going to make me come.”

  I groan and pull out of that hot, wet mouth. I love how dirty she is with me. Dirty and sweet.

  “Give it back, Boone.”

  “I’ll give it to you, little girl. I promise.”

  But I move back down between her legs instead of her mouth. I let go of her wrists, hissing with pleasure as her nails score my back. Holding her legs open, I shove into her hard.

  “Yes,” she cries. “I’ve missed this so much.”

  I slam into her again. “You going to take it, baby? As hard as I want to give it to you?”

  “Yes. God, yes.”

  This goddamned world sometimes takes more than it gives. But not Madeline. She always gives me everything, and I am just enough of a bastard to take it all.

  We move as one, dancing closer to the edge of the cliff that calls to us. She is slick and tight and mine. I slip a hand beneath her, stilling her hips, holding her against me.

  She moans, but I need to keep this moment close, prolong the perfect feeling. Her inner muscles clench around me, and I nip her shoulder. “You want something, baby?”

  She smiles—a cat ate the canary kind of smile—and tilts her hips just a touch, grinding me against her G-spot.

  Hell with finesse. I let go of control and begin to piston in and out of her, the pleasure building as she comes, my name repeated like a prayer on her lips until I can take no more.

  I imagine putting another baby inside her. Goddamn. The thought of Madeline big with my baby again adds another layer of lust to our fucking.

  “Gonna...have to...fuck, Madeline. I’m close. I need to...”

  She digs her heels into me. “Come inside me, Boone. I want you to fill me up. Please God.” And then she is screaming and clenching her inner muscles around my cock. Draining me.

  The roar that I let out isn’t human. It’s primitive and raw.


  “DID WE DIE? I THINK we just died.”

  Boone flops over onto his back. “Nobody dies until I take you on your hands and knees tonight. Been thinking about that a lot.”

  “You need to feed me first. You promised.”

  He smiles at me and brings us a tray of chocolate-covered strawberries and champagne. I call the twins to tell them goodnight and that I’ll see them in the morning. Pops tells me not to worry, he’s got everything under control.

  After I hang up, I look for more food. “Tell me there’s dinner somewhere.” The last time I ate was...actually, I’m not sure. Time zones and travel have confused me.

  “I ordered pizza. It will be here in a few.” He kisses my shoulder. “I’m so proud of you, baby. For finishing school. This internship was the last thing, right? Now you graduate?”

  “Yep. I’m so glad to be done. I got some good ideas for marketing the farm, though.”

  He catches me up on the vegetable crop, the state of the pumpkin patch, and the idea he’s been working on for hayrides. “I think we can do them in the winter, too. Like a Christmas thing.”

  The pizza comes, gets eaten, and we make love again. Slower this time.

  It’s hard to believe how much my life has changed in five years. People did a lot of talking about us. We were never going to make it. We were going to crash and burn.

  But here we are. Stronger than ever.

  My life was hard before I met Boone, and it isn’t always sunshine and roses now. I mean, a farm, twins, and college all at the same time are challenging. But I have a family now. I know what love feels like. I give our kids all the things I didn’t get from my dad. My father-in-law is a wonderful grandpa. My husband is a huge badass with a mushy heart.

  I guess, in the end, I’m really glad that I was such a horrible waitress. Mad Maddy and the Homecoming King is a pretty good love story.

  About the Author

  Like first times? Forbidden fruit? Yes, please.

  Love a hot, dominant alpha claiming what's his? Fuck, yeah.

  Want to watch him fall hard for the sweetest fantasy he didn't know he needed? Me too!

  I'm Brill Harper and I love happily ever afters, smokin' hot bad boys, and quirky, often nerdy, heroines that I'd love to be friends with off page. These ladies are not perfect—but they're perfect for one man—and he's always sexy AF.

  Seriously—these heroes only have one weakness, and it's sticky, sweet love. They don't let anything stand in the way of taking what belongs to them. When it comes to the women they love, it's hard cocks, dirty talk, and soft, mushy heart feels.

  *Brill is a sooper sekrit penname for a better known author who just can't handle all the dirty. She can't handle it...but can you?

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  Did you love Plowed: A Blue Collar Bad Boys Book? Then you should read Drilled: A Blue Collar Bad Boys Book by Brill Harper!


  Four years ago, my buddy’s dying words to me were to watch out for his little sister.

  I did what he asked from afar, and when she graduated and got a job teaching kindergarten, I asked her to “housesit” for me since I’m hardly ever home when I’m working on the oil rig.

  But now I’m injured and have to recuperate at home, and my extra-curvy housesitter is anything but safe from me.

  She’s the homebody type. She’ll make some man an excellent wife someday, be a good mother. She likes taking care of people. It would be wrong AF to take her the way I want to, but it would feel so right.

  When she comes to me for advice about how to get a boyfriend and how to keep him, I’m done playing her silent guardian.

  I’ll teach her everything she needs to know about pleasing a man—me.

  She says all she’s ever really wanted to do was be a mama. And now I can’t stop thinking of putting my baby in her belly.

  Author’s Confession: This story is trope soup and I loved every minute of writing it. Don’t believe me? Older man/ younger woman. First time. Roommates. Older brother’s best friend. BBW heroine. Alpha real man hero. Guardian/Ward. Breeding romance.

  Read more at Brill Harper’s site.

  Also by Brill Harper

  Blue Collar Bad Boys

  Bounced: A Blue Collar Bad Boys Book

  Nailed: A Blue Collar Bad Boys Book


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