Tempting Zander

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Tempting Zander Page 5

by Carole Mortimer

  “It does.” Zander nodded. “I’m just not sure why he would have wanted to.”

  “As a warning to me? To show he can get to me even with all the extra security. How did he get in here with all the security you have in place? Didn’t you tell me you have two men watching his apartment too, monitoring his movements?”

  “I do, yes. He somehow managed to slip past them.”

  She gave Zander a sharp glance. “Is that the reason you had to go out so urgently during the night?”

  He sighed. “Yes.”

  Well, that was something of a relief to know, at least. Kate had spent half the night thinking Zander had used the telephone call as an excuse to put an end to their lovemaking. She had spent the other half wishing Zander was in bed with her, finishing what they’d started.

  Not that her sleepless night was evident in her appearance. She paid a fortune for cosmetics to ensure that didn’t happen. Eye drops for tired eyes, a magic pencil, ditto, to erase the black circles beneath them. A foundation that made her cheeks glow with health. Natural lip gloss to give shine. She’d also had several years to perfect the deceptively energetic walk after she went home from yet another lengthy shift at the coffee shop.

  “Well?” she prompted when she realized Zander hadn’t answered her first question yet.

  Zander shrugged. “As I said, he deliberately evaded my men.”

  “You didn’t think to expect that?”

  “No, I didn’t think to expect that,” he came back tersely.

  Kate studied him through narrowed lids, an idea slowly dawning on her. “You thought Joey’s threats to me were toothless, didn’t you?” she said slowly. “Maybe even doubted they existed at all.” She stood up restlessly. “That’s it, isn’t it? Did you think I’d imagined his threatening phone calls? Or maybe that I made them up for the extra publicity at the start of my world tour? For the headline ‘Superstar Kate stalked by ex-boyfriend,’” she quoted from one of the newspapers, staring at Zander incredulously as he made no attempt to deny her accusations. “All these months, and that’s what you’ve thought of me?”


  “Don’t touch me!” She put up defensive hands to warn him off as he would have reached for her. She gave a disgusted shake of her head. “How could you possibly think I would ever want to make something like that up? Damn it to hell,” she swore vehemently. “Damn you to hell!” She turned on her heel and stalked back into her bedroom, slamming the door behind her.

  Well, that went well. Zander grimaced.

  Was Kate right? Had he doubted the necessity for the extra bodyguards, thought maybe this whole stalker-ex thing was a publicity stunt? Maybe not in the beginning, but definitely as the weeks then months passed and Joey Taylor made no effort to contact her again.

  He realized he had thought that. And by doing so, he knew he had also relaxed his vigilance. Oh, he’d done his job, ensured Kate was protected at all times, but it was done halfheartedly and not because he seriously thought Taylor was going to do anything to hurt her.

  To such a degree he had allowed his men to take on the same attitude to her protection.

  Lead by example. It was something Gabriel had taught when he was Zander’s commanding officer in the army, and a rule Gabriel lived by.

  What example had Zander been giving his men the past four months? His instant attraction to Kate had resulted in constant sniping between the two of them, which had surely implied a lack of belief in her stalker, if not outright disrespect. Disappearing for four days on a more “urgent” mission, without putting any extra security in place, would only have added to that impression.


  “I owe you an apology.”

  Kate, having called out for the person—Zander—knocking on her bedroom door to come in, now glanced up from the book she was reading as she lay on her bed. She was so glad she hadn’t given in to her initial instinct once in the privacy of her room, which had been to burst into tears. She felt humiliated enough without Zander seeing how much he had hurt her.

  “For what?” If he apologized for what had happened between the two of them during the night, then she really was going to lose it.

  Last night with Zander had been…amazing. Kate hadn’t had many lovers, maybe half a dozen or so in seven years. She had very quickly learned her lifestyle didn’t allow for relationships, and one-night stands weren’t her thing. She and Joey had dated for only a month before Kate accepted she was wasting her time with him. They weren’t compatible at all. Even in bed.

  Even half a dozen failed relationships was enough for her to know to be wary of getting involved with anyone again. For her, last night with Zander had been off-the-charts exciting and erotic. If he now apologized for their lovemaking—

  “I should have listened to you when you said Taylor was dangerous,” he answered her question.

  “Rather than dismissed me as a hysterical woman at best and a publicity seeker at worst, you mean?”

  He shifted uncomfortably at the taunt. “Yes.”

  “Not if it’s what you truly think.”

  “I don’t.”

  Her smile lacked sincerity. “Why don’t I believe you?”

  He sighed. “Possibly because I’ve behaved like a complete dickhead for the past four months.”

  “Well, miracle of miracles, for once we agree on something,” she drawled.

  He grimaced at her sarcasm. “I thought we might.”

  Kate placed her open book on the bed beside her as she gave him a searching glance. “What changed your mind? You have changed your mind, haven’t you,” she said knowingly. She could see that change in the grimness of his expression. “Why?”

  “Taylor changed it for me,” he supplied economically.


  Zander’s jaw tightened. “We… There was a moment last night when I saw exactly what he’s capable of.”

  “Which is?”

  “Whatever the hell he feels like doing and gives him the biggest thrill.”

  She frowned. “You saw Joey last night?”

  He nodded. “I met up with my men at the nightclub he was in. Taylor was drinking champagne by the crate-load and was surrounded by at least half a dozen beautiful women.”

  “Is that supposed to bother me?” Kate challenged.

  “No,” he sighed. “My point is, he was surrounded by all these eager women vying for his attention and to share his bed for the night, and yet he took a moment to stare across the room at me. Once he knew he had my attention, he raised his champagne glass in a mocking salute.”

  “He knew who you were?”


  She sighed. “Joey is yet another example of my terrible taste in men,” she mocked in an effort to conceal the shiver of revulsion running the length of her spine at the thought of Joey deliberately challenging the men he seemed to know were some of her bodyguards.

  “I deserved that.” Zander grimaced.

  “Yes, you did,” she confirmed without mercy. It was the least he deserved after doubting her for the past four months. “So what happens now?” she prompted briskly.

  Zander shrugged. “I think that’s up to you. Gabriel Knight runs Knight Security, and I’m sure he will be happy to oblige if you or Bernie Cook contact him and ask to have someone else head up your security detail.”

  Kate looked at him searchingly. “Is that what you want me to do?”

  His expression gave away none of what he was thinking or feeling. “I think that has to be your decision, not mine.”

  Did Kate want that? To have someone she didn’t know in charge of her security?

  She hadn’t known Zander four months ago either.

  No, but she knew him now. She also knew she felt safe when he was around. She was disappointed he’d had his doubts about the validity of her claim of being threatened by Joey, was hurt by it, but did she really want to have someone else take over as head of her security for the last two months of her tour?

/>   The answer to that was a resounding no.

  Even if Zander had thought the risks to her were minimal, Kate believed he had still done his job of protecting her. Besides, they would be going back to Europe after Canada and hopefully leaving Joey here in New York.

  And even if last night never happens again, I’m not ready to say good-bye to Zander just yet.

  That was perhaps the main reason she wouldn’t be speaking to Gabriel Knight. She agreed with Zander. Last night’s intimacy had been a mistake, but that didn’t mean she wanted him to leave. No, talking to Gabriel Knight could be put on hold. For the moment.

  She picked up her book. “I’ll think about it.” She wasn’t about to let Zander completely off the hook. “Are you still here?” she prompted as Zander made no move to leave her bedroom. “Oh, and don’t forget I’m going shopping this afternoon after the sound check,” she added as he turned toward the door.

  Zander bit back his frustration. “I think you should stay in your suite today.”

  “I’m going to the sound check and then shopping,” she maintained stubbornly.

  “I doubt Mrs. Cook is going to want to leave her kids with the nanny and go with you.”

  “I’m not completely stupid,” Kate snapped. “I’m perfectly capable of going shopping on my own, and we only have today and tomorrow left in New York.”

  “I consider it too much of a risk, in the circumstances.”

  She arched blonde brows. “If I know Joey, he will spend all day in bed with whatever woman he took home with him last night.”

  “Women, plural.”

  Kate gave a rueful shake of her head. “Some things never change.”

  Zander blinked. “You mean that you… You and he…”

  “No, Joey and I did not have a threesome with another woman. Or another man either, before you even go there,” she warned. “He suggested it. I declined.”

  “Right.” Zander felt pretty stupid for having jumped to yet another conclusion where Kate was concerned. His reaction to the thought of her in bed with Taylor and another man—blind fucking jealousy—was even more stupid. The two of them had had a moment last night, one that was clearly over as far as Kate was concerned.

  “So I can go shopping later?”

  His mouth tightened. “Against my advice, yes.”

  “Your objection is duly noted.” She lifted her book, effectively dismissing him.

  “Duly noting” his objection wasn’t going to mean a whole damn lot if something happened to Kate while she was out shopping later today.

  So it was up to him to ensure that it didn’t.

  But before that, he had to pay a visit to the Cooks’ suite. Without any real proof that someone had broken in there last night, he didn’t really have a lot to report. But he owed it to Sophie Cook to reassure her she and her children would be well protected today.

  Unfortunately, he was invited to enter their suite while an argument ensued between husband and wife. One that seemed to have been raging for some time, if Sophie’s tear-streaked cheeks and Bernie’s bloodshot eyes were any indication. Thankfully, the two kids were somewhere else with their nanny, and so weren’t here to witness their parents’ rancor toward each other.

  Sophie turned pleadingly to Zander the moment he walked into the room. “Perhaps you can talk some sense into him.”

  Zander felt a stabbing pain behind his eyes. Mainly from lack of sleep, but also because he was the last person anyone should ask to intervene between husband and wife. From what he’d observed of his married friends, it was best to stay out of their arguments and not take sides; otherwise, once the dust settled, one or both of them were likely to end up hating you. He had enough to cope with right now knowing Kate hated him.

  “I think it would be best if Sophie and the kids went back to England today.” It was Bernie’s turn to appeal to him.

  Zander couldn’t disagree with that argument or the reason Bernie felt that way. The other man wanted his wife and kids to be safe. It would be something of a logistical nightmare for Zander to organize Sophie and the children returning to England today on such short notice, but it was definitely doable.

  “And I told you, I’m not going anywhere without you,” Sophie stated stubbornly.

  “I can’t just up and leave in the middle of a tour, I have to work—”

  “You always have to work,” the redhead snapped angrily. “It’s time you realized you have a family now.”

  “And it’s time you realized it’s because I work so hard, you all have a huge house to live in, a nanny to take care of the kids, a cook-housekeeper—”

  “Oh yes, throw all that up at me, why don’t you?” Sophie choked emotionally. “Maybe if you had been around a bit more, instead of pandering to every whim of your clients, I wouldn’t have suffered with postnatal depression after having Ben in the first place!”

  Bernie threw his hands up in defeat, obviously at the end of his patience with this argument.

  Zander wasn’t quite sure where the couple were going with this argument either, except round and round in the same circles they had obviously been going round in for some time before he arrived.

  The only advice he could give was of a practical nature. The Cooks’ marital problems were something they would have to sort out for themselves. “I can make arrangements for Sophie and the kids to go back to England later today, or alternatively have more men flown here specifically to guard the three of them.”

  “If I go home, I want you to come home with me, Bernie.” Sophie spoke as if she hadn’t heard Zander. “Kate has almost a dozen bodyguards watching over her. She doesn’t need you here doing it too.”

  “I’m her fucking manager—”

  “Don’t you swear at me!”

  Bernie drew in a deep, controlling breath. No doubt counted to ten too. “I apologize for swearing at you. How about we take Zander’s advice about more bodyguards for you and the kids until we get to Canada in a couple of days, and see how you feel then?” he cajoled. “We’re going to Paris next, and you know how much you loved our honeymoon there.”

  Sophie sniffed. “It won’t be the same if I’m not sharing it with you.”

  “I’ll make the time for us to go out to dinner together,” Bernie promised.

  A promise that seemed to mollify Sophie. For the moment.

  Zander called Gabriel as soon as he left the couple’s suite, explaining the need for more men to fly out to New York. As expected, Gabriel agreed with that decision. He also asked a few piercing questions that succeeded in making Zander squirm.

  After which, Zander made his way to Jeff Saunders’s office. He wanted to take a look at those surveillance discs of the penthouse floor from last night for himself.

  Chapter 5

  “I really don’t think Joey is going to follow me in here!”

  Zander shot Kate an irritated glance, wishing he hadn’t had to follow her in here either. So far this afternoon, Kate had visited a toy store to buy presents for Maggie and Ben, and a jewelry store to buy a pair of earrings for Sophie. Now, much to Zander’s discomfort, Kate had walked into the lingerie section of one of the biggest department stores in New York.

  As payback for his having doubted her?

  Probably, he accepted.

  No, definitely, he decided as Kate passed several mannequin modeling ultra-sexy underwear, to walk across to where the colorful satin and lace panty and bra sets were on display. He instantly conjured up images of Kate wearing the black or red lace set she was now perusing.

  “Wait here by the entrance,” he instructed Ian.

  The other man looked disappointed. “I was going to look around and maybe pick out a present for someone back home.”

  Zander’s eyes narrowed. “Do it in your own time and stay here. And take these.” He gave the other man the shopping bags Kate had handed to him to carry for her earlier.

  “You’re no fun at all, Zander.”

  That complaint had been leveled at
him before. “Just do it.” His jaw was clenched as he crossed the store to join Kate.

  “Which do you think?” She held up both the black and red bra and panty sets for him to look at. “Sorry?” she prompted with what Zander was sure was feigned innocence as he almost choked on his own tongue as those previous erotic images returned with a vengeance.

  Now that he knew exactly what Kate looked like in her underwear—although she hadn’t been wearing a bra at all last night—and out of it, it was all too easy to imagine her in either of these colorful scraps. The bra had half cups of lace, and the thong was no more than two strips of the same lace, one about her hips, the other one between her—

  “Both,” he bit out between clenched teeth.

  “Really?” She held those scraps of material up in front of her as if undecided.

  Zander was pretty sure he heard a snort of repressed laughter behind him as he gave another choking sound. Damn Ian.

  Kate glanced across to where the other man stood guard. “Maybe I should ask Ian—”

  Zander grasped hold of her arm as she would have walked past him. “Over my dead fucking body!”

  Kate looked up at him with those innocent gray eyes. “Is there a problem?”

  A nerve pulsed in his jaw. “You are my problem. Fuck with me by all means, I probably deserve it, but don’t use any of my men against me to do it.”

  Kate met Zander’s furious gaze for several seconds. She had enjoyed her shopping trip this afternoon. She was enjoying Zander’s obvious discomfort now even more. “Maybe I should go and try these on? Make sure they both fit before buying them?” She shook off Zander’s hold on her arm and walked over to where the sales assistant waited attentively. “Do you have changing rooms…Melody?” she prompted after reading the name tag attached to the other woman’s cream silk blouse.

  “Of course, Ms. Stewart.” She warmly revealed she was aware of Kate’s identity. “All the fitting rooms are completely private, if the gentleman would care to join you…?” she prompted as Zander came to stand next to Kate.


  “I would, thanks.” Zander took a firm hold of Kate’s arm once more. “I can’t wait to see how sexy you look in those,” he challenged.


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