The Hacker

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The Hacker Page 28

by Leslie Georgeson

  “He’ll never find you there. You almost look like part of the bushes.” He chuckled softly. “Stay here, my beauty. I have a dreg to kill. But I’ll be back.” Hughes shoved the box of items under the bushes next to me. He blew me a kiss, then strode away, quickly disappearing into the darkness.

  Leaving me alone in the hidden passageway.

  Bound and gagged.

  And completely helpless.



  Hughes’ response came in just as I reached the entrance to the maze. I paused and read his message.

  Perfect! It’s time for a treasure hunt. You know what the treasure is. If you find her and manage to kill me before sunrise, then she’s yours. But when the sun comes up, the game is over, and you lose. So hurry the fuck up, dreg. Time’s a-wasting! When you reach the first T in the maze, stop. Email me and let me know you’re there. I will send you instructions. Come on in, Noah! Let’s play!

  Hughes might be deranged, but he was also smart. I had to remember that in order to beat him, I had to outwit him. In order to outwit him, I would have to think like him. Try to understand him. But how could I understand an insane person?

  He craves the control. The power he feels when he’s in charge.

  So I would let him think he was in charge.

  Ellington’s soldiers had escorted me across the yard to the maze to make sure I didn’t attempt to escape. They wouldn’t let me have a gun, but they’d given me back my knife. Ellington informed me that was the only weapon he was giving me. Prick.

  But I would take it. It was better than nothing.

  They’d all waited while I’d activated the drone and flew it overhead, searching once more for any sign of Hughes or Shannon in the maze. After several minutes, it became apparent that Hughes and Shannon either weren’t in the maze, or Hughes had become invisible and somehow made Shannon disappear, too. Or they were hiding somewhere that the camera couldn’t detect them, like underneath the shrubs.

  I landed the drone on the lawn and moved into the maze, leaving the soldiers behind. I had no doubt they would be waiting for me to exit the maze, and that they would kill me as soon as Shannon was safe. I would have to find a way to get her to safety and sneak away before they killed me.

  When we’d first arrived at Shannon’s house, Luke, Ryan and I had scouted the entire property, familiarizing ourselves with the layout of it all, the maze in particular. I knew my way around in here, my problem-solving brain picking up the way fairly quickly. We had discovered the secret passageways, and I remembered where each one was. It was possible Hughes was hiding Shannon in one of those secret tunnels. I just had to find her, and kill Hughes, before the sun came up.

  Sure. No problem.

  I gripped my knife in one hand and spread my fingers out in the other, testing the air as I walked forward, feeling for the slightest change in temperature that might indicate Hughes was close. Several minutes later, I reached the first T in the maze. I stopped at the bench, and emailed Hughes.

  I’m here.

  This is so much fun! came his response. Now take the left turn of the T and walk ten paces. When you’ve done that, email me back.

  I did as he instructed. Ten paces brought me to another T. So far I had sensed no increases in temperature that might signal Hughes’ presence close by. I emailed him that I was here.

  Perfect! Now take a right at the T and walk fifteen paces.

  I started to do what he said, then paused. He thought he knew exactly where I was. And if I continued to do what he said, he would have the advantage. He would know right where I was. If I followed his instructions, I would be walking right into my own death. Right where he wanted me. He was just fucking with me. Leading me on. So he could kill me. He would never lead me to Shannon. I needed to think like a dreg, not like a man trying to save his woman. Before I’d met Shannon, I hadn’t really had a true weakness, other than my dreg brothers. Now I understood true weakness. Because I would gladly kill for Shannon. I would die for her if I had to. That’s what love did to a man. I wasn’t just a dreg anymore. Now I was a man in love. I had to push the man in love aside and let the dreg take charge or I’d never beat Hughes.

  I had to use Hughes’ weakness against him.

  I wasn’t playing the game his way. I was playing it mine.

  I would let him think he was in charge. But in actuality, I was in charge. I was calling the shots.

  Instead of following his instructions, I went the opposite way, moving slowly, cautiously through the maze, letting my acute senses and my sensitive fingertips test for Hughes’ presence. I stopped at the next T, in the opposite direction from where Hughes had sent me. He had no idea where I was right now. Which was the way I wanted it. He wasn’t going to win this game. I was.

  I’m here, I emailed back. I didn’t know how long before he figured out what I’d done, so I had to move quickly, stay alert, and search for Shannon. As soon as he figured out I wasn’t following his orders, he might hurt her.

  I had to find her. And get her the hell out of the maze.

  Now turn right and walk twenty paces before texting me back.

  Ignoring his instructions, I continued on my secret exploration. The first secret passageway was up ahead to my right. It was possible Hughes was hiding in there, watching. Since that was on my blind side, I kept my head turned to the right as I approached cautiously, and held my hand out, letting my fingertips test the air.

  I reached the secret passage and slipped inside. Pausing, I again let my senses scan for any other presence and my fingers sense for changes in temperature that might indicate something there.

  I got nothing. I was alone right now. Hughes and Shannon weren’t in this secret passage. I crossed through the secret passage and back out into the maze, which brought me into a totally different section of the maze.

  I paused again and sent Hughes an email.

  I’m here.

  You’re getting warmer, he responded. She’s not far. But you don’t know where I am, do you? Be careful, Noah. If I find you before you find Shannon, I win, and you’re dead. Now take fifteen paces to the left. Let me know when you’re there.

  Shit. Had I screwed up? Should I have followed his instructions? If I had, would I be close to Shannon right now? Or was he just messing with me?

  My confidence was rapidly fading. Tension settled heavily into my body. I didn’t know if I was capable of saving Shannon. I didn’t know if I could beat Hughes.

  You’re thinking like a man in love, not a dreg! Snap out of it, man! Focus! Think like a fucking dreg!

  I breathed in deeply, then slowly exhaled.

  Think like a dreg.

  Be a dreg.

  I headed toward the next secret passage.

  A night animal shrieked from the trees nearby.

  I halted. That was no animal. It was Luke. He was somewhere close, which meant he and Ryan had managed to sneak back onto the property and into the maze. They were letting me know they were here.

  Relief swept through me. I wouldn’t have to do this alone. My dreg brothers had come back for me.

  But if I’d heard the animal call, then Hughes had, too. Would he suspect they were here? Or would he simply think it was a bird or some night creature? Luke was really good at mimicking animal sounds. I prayed he fooled Hughes. But I couldn’t bet on it.

  I moved forward again, pausing when I reached the next secret passageway. I emailed Hughes that I was where he’d sent me, hoping he’d believe me. Had he figured out that I wasn’t following his instructions?

  His response was fairly quick: You’ve been a very bad boy, Noah. You didn’t follow my instructions. That’s against the rules. So now, the game is over, and you lose. I’m taking Shannon and leaving. And you will never see her again. Bye, bye.

  Shit. I stuffed my iPad back in my coat, letting my senses scan for danger.

  Then my fingertips sensed heat, coming down the tunnel toward me in a swift rush.

>   I leapt sideways into the secret passageway, my coat snagging and tearing on a branch, as I crashed to my hands and knees in the dirt. I scrambled to my feet, cautiously lifting my gaze and letting my fingertips search…

  Heat. Directly ahead. About ten feet away. Since Hughes was behind me, on the other side of the hedge row, this could only be Shannon.

  Why couldn’t I see her?

  Then the hedge moved in front of me with a rustling sound. Hughes had stuffed her into the bushes, making her nearly invisible. She was struggling and fighting against the duct tape securing her to the branch.

  Before I could get to her to free her, the air shifted in front of me, something dark moving forward like fog rolling in off the coast.




  Noah was here!

  He lunged into the secret passageway, landing about ten feet away from me.

  Relief swept through me. He was here. He was alive! Somehow he’d gotten away.

  I pulled vigorously at my bonds. I was going to escape, dammit.

  Then Hughes appeared, rolling in like a dark fog.


  Run, Noah, run!

  I resumed my fight, yanking harder with my wrists, trying to break the thick branch I was secured to.

  The fog swirled around Noah, and then I couldn’t see him anymore. The fog wrapped around him like a tornado, swirling, twisting, spinning…


  I pulled harder at the tape, over and over and over, as desperation swept through me. My heart was racing so fast I swear it was about to leap right out of my chest.

  Still, I yanked and pulled, twisting my wrists until pain shot into my hands.

  Don’t give up, Shannon. Get free! Hurry!

  Ignoring the pain, I determinedly pulled and yanked and struggled against the branch.

  Until finally, the wood snapped in half, breaking off from the rest of the shrub.

  I jerked and pulled, breaking it all the way through, and yanked my wrists free. Rolling out of the shrubs, I hit the ground. I immediately reached for the tape over my mouth and yanked it free.

  Ouch. My skin stung. I moved my lips, ensuring myself they were still attached to my face.

  Though I was free from the bushes, my wrists were still taped together, and so were my ankles. If I could find something sharp, I could cut through my bonds.

  I eyed the box Hughes had stuffed under the bushes next to me. Scooting toward the box, I lifted my bound hands to pull it out of the shrubs.

  The light of the full moon enabled me to make out the items inside. Duct tape. Tree pruners. A long screwdriver that was probably used to dig up deep-rooted weeds. Plyers. A roll of wire. Another roll of fencing. A tape measure. A box of fertilizer stakes. Gardening gloves. A hand trowel. A small shovel. Drip system hoses and connections…

  Dammit. I had assumed it would be filled with weapons, but it was nothing but garden tools. The tree pruners were too long to be able to hold with my bound wrists and try to cut through the tape at my wrists, but I might be able to use them to cut through the tape at my ankles.

  Removing the pruners from the box, I angled them around the tape at my feet. Then I awkwardly walked my hands up the handles to the end, using my knees to help anchor the handles in place, and pressed down, trying to cut through the tape.

  The angle was off from the awkward way I held the ends of the pruners, and the scissors end slid sideways when I pressed down. The pruners snapped closed but didn’t cut through the tape.


  I tried again.

  And again the scissors slipped sideways instead of cutting through the tape.

  Noah groaned from somewhere inside the swirl of fog. Then he let out a sharp grunt of pain.

  My breath hitched. Hughes was killing him. I knew he was.

  Hurry, Shannon! You have to help him!

  I tried again, focusing hard to hold the pruners steady so they wouldn’t slip. Again using both knees to anchor the handles still, I slowly, deliberately, pressed the handles closed.

  This time, the pruners cut through the tape, and my feet were free.

  I bent back over the box, contemplating the items. Nothing would be useful for freeing my wrists, but the screwdriver could become a weapon. I plunged my bound wrists into the box and yanked out the screwdriver, gripping it in my hands.

  More grunts and groans and hisses came from where Hughes was fighting with Noah. Then Hughes made himself visible and stalked toward me, a murderous gleam in his eyes.

  I froze in terror. My hands shook and I dropped the screwdriver.

  Idiot! Pick it up, Shannon!

  Spying the screwdriver at my feet, I dived for it, snatching it up and wielding it awkwardly between my bound hands.

  Then Noah tackled Hughes from behind.

  “Run, Shannon!” he shouted. “Get out of here!”

  I hesitated, clutching the screwdriver in my hands.

  Hughes spun around, tossing Noah off of him. Noah crashed into the shrubs, branches breaking beneath his weight.

  My lungs seized. Oh Noah. Oh God. Get up!

  Then Hughes strode toward me again.

  My heart in my throat, I dove out of the secret tunnel and into the main section of the maze, crashing violently through the branches. The screwdriver catapulted from my hands, landing in the dirt in front of me. I snatched it up, clutching it between my bound hands.

  Armed with my screwdriver, I scrambled to my feet.

  And fled as fast as I could toward the exit.



  The fog swirled around me, closing in, then suffocating me as Hughes’ large hands wrapped around my throat and squeezed, lifting me up in the air. I yanked my knife free and swung out at him, the blade meeting with something solid. His side? I pressed it in as deep as it would go.

  He grunted. But it didn’t stop him.

  He reciprocated by sinking something sharp into my left kidney.

  I hissed at the pain, groaning as he twisted the knife deep inside me, then yanked it back out.

  “It’s time to die, dreg. I’m the winner. I won the prize. Now she’s mine.”

  A warm sensation spread down my hip and onto my thigh. Blood. Seeping out of me like a flowing river.

  Hughes’ face appeared in front of me then. He smirked, before stabbing the knife into me again. And once more. Stab. Stab.

  As a dreg, I’d been taught to endure extreme torture. To block out the pain. So endure, I would. Block out the pain, I would. But if I didn’t get away from him, he would kill me. The sharp, insistent pain in my side told me he’d stuck me deep, and that the wound could life threatening.

  I had to get away from him. Before he killed me.

  Before he hurt Shannon.

  Summoning all my strength, I yanked my own blade back out of his side and struck again. And again. And once more. Stab. Stab. Stab. Each one struck home, sinking deep into his flesh. But how much would it take to kill him? He was a living Frankenstein. Would he be impossible to kill?

  I lifted the blade one last time, aiming for his throat.

  He lifted an arm to block me, releasing me in the process.

  The blade sank into his forearm, and I dropped to the ground.

  He let out a roar, pulling the knife free and tossing it aside, before striding toward Shannon.


  I rolled to my feet, the pain from the injuries making my movements slow and clumsy. I retrieved my knife from where it lay on the ground, then followed after him.

  Shannon had somehow freed herself from the bushes and was now on her feet, frozen with terror as Hughes marched toward her. Her hands were still bound with duct tape, but she’d somehow freed her feet.

  She bent and snatched a screwdriver from the ground.

  I tackled Hughes from behind before he reached her, wrapping my arm around his neck, and stabbing him once more, this time in the neck.

sp; “Run Shannon! Get out of here!”

  Hughes flipped around, knocking me off him, and I slammed into the bushes. My head spun, dizziness swirling around.

  Hughes shook his head, lifting a hand against the gushing wound in his neck. He glowered at me, then took another step toward Shannon.

  Her eyes widened, then she dived into the bushes, disappearing into the maze.

  Good girl! Run!

  Hughes burst through the shrubs after her, hot on her tail.

  I struggled to get up, but I couldn’t seem to get my limbs to cooperate. Shit. I was losing too much blood. My eyelids drifted closed. Exhaustion settled in, weighing me down. Tired. So tired.

  I drew in a deep breath, trying to summon up enough strength to get up and go after Hughes before he caught Shannon.

  I forced my eyes to open, then pushed myself up into a sitting position.

  I am a dreg. A warrior. A rare breed.

  I wouldn’t let Hughes beat me.

  I wouldn’t let him hurt Shannon.

  Lunging to my feet, sheer determination urging me on, I burst through the bushes and rolled out into the main section of the maze.

  Hang on, Shannon. I’m coming for you.



  Hughes was right behind me. I felt his giant presence moving in closer. Closer. Breathing down my neck.

  His beefy arm snaked around my waist, hauling me against him. No! I squirmed and fought, but he was too strong. With his body at my back, I had no easy way to wound him with the screwdriver.

  Then my gaze landed on his beefy thigh that was within reach.

  Do it, Shannon! Stab him in the leg!

  Oh God!

  Using all my strength, I thrust the screwdriver into his thigh muscle.

  Hughes let out a roar of rage and flung me away. I crashed to the ground with a painful thud.

  He yanked the screwdriver free, tossing it aside.

  “I will have none of that, you stupid woman!” He yanked me up and backhanded me across the face. Gasping, I stumbled back, again tripping and falling. I scrambled away from him, my face stinging from the blow, moving backward as fast as I could. Then my foot collided with the fallen screwdriver. I moved my bound hands and wrapped my fingers around the screwdriver, hoping Hughes wouldn’t notice.


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