Jack McDevitt - Eternity Road (v1) [rtf]

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Jack McDevitt - Eternity Road (v1) [rtf] Page 4

by Emily

  Brandel shrugged. "Okay," he said. "I just thought you'd be interested."

  The tables and benches that had been set out for the funeral rite were still in place. Silas tied his horse to the hitching rail. The ground where the pyre had stood was charred. The ashes of his old friend, in accordance with tradition, had been given to the river by Flojian at sunrise.

  He knocked on the front door. Toko answered. He was tall and thin, white-haired, ancient, the soul of dignity. "I expect my master shortly, sir," he said. "If you care to wait." He showed Silas into a side parlor, and placed a glass of wine before him.

  Brandel was wrong, of course. There was simply no ques­tion about that. Karik would have judged his life spectacularly successful had he been able to find a copy of Connecticut Yankee. If he'd owned one, he would have given it to the world. Still, Silas needed to pin down the reason for the mis­understanding.

  Dusk had set in. From the window he could watch the first lamps being lit across the river. It was a curiously restful sight and he was enjoying it when he heard the sound of an approaching horse. Flojian rode into the front yard on a dusky mare. Several minutes later Toko opened a door and Flojian strode into the sitting room carrying a glass of wine and a candle.

  "Good to see you again, Silas," he said, falling into a chair. "I thought the ceremony went well yesterday. Thank you for your help."

  "I thought so, too. We'll miss him." Actually, no one would miss him, and they both knew it. "I wanted to be sure you were all right."

  "I'm okay," said Flojian. He tried to smile, but there was an element of pain in the expression. "My father and I weren't really that close. I don't find myself regretting what I've lost so much as what I never had." He used the candle to light the lamps in the room, and then set it in a holder. "But I don't guess there's much help for that now."

  "I heard an odd story today," said Silas, rearranging himself in his chair. "One of my students thought your father owned a Mark Twain."

  I Flojian sipped his wine. "I'm surprised you know about

  that," he said. "But yes, it's true."

  The room chilled. Silas stared at the younger man. It was a

  moment before he found his voice again. "How long did he

  have it?"

  "I don't know."

  "You don't know." Whatever his drawbacks, Flojian was

  not stupid. "How could you not know?"

  "It's easy. He didn't tell me. Refused to talk about it. You

  know how he was."

  "May I ask where he got it?"

  "I don't know that either. I asked my father that question and

  he said it was of no moment, and that's all he would say. Listen,

  Silas, I only found out about this a couple of days before he died. I

  didn't know there was anything like that around the house."

  "It's Connecticut Yankee, I understand."

  "That's right."

  Silas was essentially a patient man and had never been

  given to violence. But on that occasion he wanted to seize his

  host and shake the answers from him. "Where is it now?" he


  Flojian stiffened. "Your tone almost suggests that you have

  a proprietary interest."

  "Damn it, Flojian. Everybody has a proprietary interest in

  something like that. You can't keep it to yourself."

  "As a matter of fact, I didn't." The comment hammered

  down on the still evening air. "Father bequeathed it to Chaka Milana. The young woman you were talking with yesterday." "Why on earth would he do that?" "I'm sure I do not know. She was Arin's sister. You remember. Ann was the artist who was lost on the expedition."

  "I remember."

  Flojian's features clouded. "So he gave her the book. I don't

  know why. Guilt, probably, or something like that." "Did he know her well?"

  "Oh, I don't think so. In fact, he hardly knew her at all." "What did she do with it?"

  "Took it home, I guess."

  "I don't believe this. I hope she knows enough to take care of it." Silas glared at Flojian. "At least, he should have given it to us. Did she know about it in advance?"

  "No. In fact, she couldn't have been more surprised."

  Silas wanted to flee the room, to begin tracking the book down before the poor woman used it to light her fire. But the story didn't make sense. "Karik had a Mark Twain novel and he didn't tell anybody? Why?"

  "I don't know."

  "Did he expect that Chaka was just going to take it home and throw it into her hope chest?"

  "He really didn't tell me what he thought, Silas."

  Morinda lifted the amulet and examined it in the candlelight. Chaka watched the amethyst crescent glitter against its silver setting. It was exquisite. "Yes," she said.

  A bow was engraved on the reverse, Lyka's device, the sign of the moon goddess. "It does look very nice on you," said Chaka.

  Morinda put the chain around her neck, and unclasped the top of her knit blouse so that the amulet hung between her breasts. "Thank you." She shook her hair out and smiled allur­ingly. "Yes," she said again.

  Hoofbeats outside. "I'm glad you like it."

  They were in her workroom, in the rear of the villa. Morinda produced two gold pieces from a black purse. "My husband told me he saw you yesterday at Endine's service."

  Chaka nodded. "It was a painful afternoon."

  "I'm not surprised. I intend no disrespect to the dead, but a man like that—" She shook her head.

  "It was a long time ago." Chaka closed the box that she had fashioned to house the amulet and handed it to Morinda. "There was no one you knew on that expedition, was there?"

  "No," Morinda said. "But that's not the point, is it?"

  Probably not.

  Morinda smiled again, wished the silversmith a pleasant evening, and opened the door to reveal an older man just preparing to knock. "Good evening, ladies," he said.

  The man from the funeral service. "Silas Glote," he said quickly.

  Morinda took her farewell while Chaka gestured Silas into the shop. "I didn't forget you. Master Glote," she said. "How good to see you again."

  He smiled and gazed at the items on the display shelves.

  There was an array of bracelets, rings, anklets, urns, goblets,

  and pins. He seemed particularly drawn to a set of silver clasps

  designed to secure a man's shirt. "These are quite nice," he


  She offered one for his inspection. "They'd look pretty good down at the Imperium," she said.

  He held it under a lamp. "Philosophically, we're opposed to such baubles. We seek the inner realities." He smiled. "The inner realities are more within the reach of my pocketbook." "For you," she said, "I can offer a special price." She named an amount which really was quite reasonable. The clasps would contrast very nicely with the dark vest he was wearing. "Done," he said, and then laughed when he saw

  he'd surprised her. "One should not be a slave to any code."

  "A wise choice. Master Glote."

  He folded his arms and the smile faded. "Chaka, I wanted to

  talk with you."

  "Please," she said. She offered him a chair and sat down

  beside him. "What can I do for you?"

  "I understand you received a legacy from Karik Endine."

  "Yes," she said. He was direct, this one. "I was surprised. I'd

  seen him only once to talk with, and that was years ago. It's

  really very odd."

  "Is it true it's a book?"

  "I suspect you know very well what it is, Master Glote."

  "Please call me Silas. May I see it?"

  She was annoyed at Flojian's lack of discretion. Still, she

  wanted to show it to someone who would appreciate it. "Of course." She locked the workshop and led the way through a

  connecting door into the house.

  A fire b
urned low in the living room. She walked past a fabric sofa and a long table whose top was littered with pieces of

  jewelry. Twin cabinets framed a window that looked out onto a row of moonlit hills.

  Silas's gaze fell on the rifles that were mounted over the fireplace. "Family of hunters," she said.

  She took him to the left-hand cabinet and lit a taper. In the flickering light, Silas's features seemed rigid. The cabinet was cunningly made, designed so that the top unfolded, revealing a series of narrow compartments and a drawer. She opened the drawer, and the light from the taper fell on the book.

  Mark Twain. Silas's breathing became audible. "May I?" he asked at last. "Of course."

  He touched the cover cautiously, reverently. The title was written in gold script across soft leather. He pulled the taper closer, but was careful not to get it too near to the volume. He opened it and turned over the title page. The text was in black ink, the letters skillfully executed. He studied the one-page preface. Two paragraphs, followed by the writer's name. Writ­ten at Hartford, July 21, 1889. "How long ago was that?" "Nobody knows." "Where was Hartford?"

  "We think it's where he was born. But nobody's sure where it was."

  He leafed through it cautiously. Was this what it purported to be? That would be the next question, and it might be hard to answer definitively without knowing the source of the book. He turned more pages, lingered over chapter headings, nodded at the precise lines. She watched his lips move, saw a smile appear, saw his eyes glow. "Yes," he said. "It sounds right." Good. "Silas. Are you satisfied this is really Mark Twain?" He gazed very hard at her. "I know what I want it to be. It seems very much like his style, the little I've seen of it." He took a deep breath. "Do you have reason to doubt its authenticity?"

  "Why did Endine keep it secret? Why didn't he tell anyone he had this?"

  Silas carried the book over to the table, set it down in the

  light of the lamp, and lowered himself into a chair. The burn­ing oil smelled sweet. "I don't know, Chaka." "It makes no sense." "I agree. Still, I think this is exactly what it looks like." He

  turned more leaves, nodding and smiling until he was barely able to contain himself. "Oh, yes," he said. He began reading lines to her, stopping occasionally to chuckle. "I've been advised to sell it," she said, breaking the mood.

  He looked up, suddenly worried. "I'd recommend you not do that. This is priceless."

  "But what else can I do with it? It won't be safe here. I have no servants. I'd have to hire a guard."

  Silas grew thoughtful. She understood he would prefer she sell it to the Imperium. In no case did he want it auctioned off, because the scholars could not compete with wealthy collec­tors, and the book would ultimately godnto a rich man's draw­ing room and become generally inaccessible. "Lend it to the Senatorial Library," he suggested. "It will be locked away, kept secure, but made available to scholars. Meantime, we can set people to making copies." "What do I get out of it?"

  "You'll get payment for the sale of copies. It won't be a lot of money, but it will be reasonable. Moreover, I'll arrange suitable recognition." He smiled. "We'll have you out regularly for lunch, the finest people in the Republic will feel indebted to you, and you can stop worrying about thieves. If at some future date you wish to sell it, you'll be free to do so."

  A long silence settled between them. "Silas," she said at last, "why did he give it to me?"

  "I thought you would know the answer to that." "I barely knew him."

  Silas was trying to keep eye contact with her, but his atten­tion kept drifting back to the book. "There must be a reason he settled on you."

  One of Arin's sketches, a waterfall, hung on the wall. It was one of the group Karik had given her in that long-ago meeting. "I recognize this," he said.

  That couldn't be. Silas had not been in her home before. He saw her confusion. "The style." He went over to it. "Not the picture itself. Karik had one very much like this."

  "I know. There were twelve altogether. Ann made them during the expedition. That's why he was invited, because Karik wanted a visual record." She shook her head. "I wish he'd been more like me."

  "Beg pardon?"

  "I can't draw a stick." The old sense of helplessness and anger seeped through her. "When I went to see Karik, after he came back, he gave me the sketches. And then he asked whether he might keep one. It was a river scene. Very quiet, very peaceful. That's the one you saw, I'm sure."

  The waterfall was very wide. The sketch was titled Nyagra. Ann had included a tiny human to suggest the enormous scale. "May I see the others?"

  She brought them from another room. They were sepa­rately wrapped in soft cloth. She uncovered them one by one and placed them on the table. They pictured the expedition variously fording rivers, looking down from bridges, moving along ancient highways in the setting sun. All were dated, so it was possible to set them in sequence. Three particularly drew Silas's attention.

  One, titled Dragon, showed a set of glowing eyes set above a dark forest. Another, dated the following day, depicted a spec­tral city apparently afloat in a misty sea. It was close to sunset, and enormous dark towers rose in the gathering gloom. This was The City.

  "Even for the Roadmakers," she said, "It looks incredible."

  He nodded and returned to the preceding sketch. "If we can believe this," he said, "It's guarded by a dragon."

  She shrugged. "It does look like it."

  "Wasn't this supposed to be a literal record?"

  "I would have thought so."

  The shop bell rang. Chaka got to her feet and went off to take care of a customer. When she came back, Silas was once again poring over the book. "I wonder," he said, "if you'd trust me with this for a while?"

  "Yes," she said. "If the library would make a copy for me."

  "Of course. That will be easy to arrange." She could see he was relieved. "Would you want me to take it now? Tonight?"

  "Please," she said.

  He smiled, dosed and rewrapped the book.

  "Not that I don't trust you," she said. "But I wonder if you could give me a receipt?"

  "Of course." There were several stacks of paper sheets on the table. She gave him a bottle of ink and took a pen down from a shelf. He wrote:




  Thank you," she said. "And I've got one other question for you."

  Silas picked up the book and cradled it. "Yes?" "Where do you suppose he got it?"


  Silas should have been delighted with the find. He kept the book in his bedroom that night, leafing through it and reading passages aloud until the first gray streaks appeared in the sky. But he could not shake a sense of foreboding. Karik's footprints had made it clear he'd walked into the river. Drowned himself.

  Now there was this strange business of the book.

  Why had he kept such a secret?

  In the morning Silas reluctantly turned the book over to the library. In a society that lacks the printing press, a library is necessarily a facility whose primary concern is security. Users are permitted access to books only under close supervision, and nobody ever takes one home.

  The custodians thanked him effusively, gushed and burbled as he must have to Chaka Milana the previous evening. The Director came out and assured Silas that the board would not forget his services, and they were all still poring over the vol­ume when he left.

  His morning was free and he was still too excited to sleep, so he paid a second visit to Flojian, finding him at his water­front shipping dock. He was supervising a half-dozen workmen who were constructing a new ferry. He wore a yellow cotton shirt and gray workpants. "They don't get anything right unless you watch them every minute," he told Silas. "When we started this business, you could trust people to do an honest day's work for a day's pay." He sq
uinted, shook his head, and sighed. "What can I do for you?"

  The ferry was going to be a large double-deck barge. When finished, it would use sail, poles, and a bank of oarsmen to cross the river to Westlok. After unloading, it would be hauled upstream by a team of horses to a dock almost two miles north of its east bank point of departure. There it would reload and begin its return voyage cross-river.

  Silas expressed his admiration for the vessel, and switched quickly to the subject at hand. "Flojian, I can't imagine why your father never told anyone about the Mark Twain." "Let's go inside," said Flojian. He led the way into a battered cubicle piled high with ledgers, and pointed Silas to a chair. "When he showed it to me, I pleaded with him to make it pub­lic. For one thing, it would have gone a long way to restoring his reputation."

  "What did he say?"

  "He said no. Then he said the only reason he was showing it to me was to make sure I understood the bequest: that the book was to be given to the woman, no questions asked." "Which means that he wanted it out, but he didn't want to do it himself."

  "Didn't want it done during his lifetime, I'd say." "But why?"

  Flojian shrugged. "Wish I knew." There was pain in his eyes. "It hurts to have been locked out like that. I was his son, Silas. I never did anything to cause him grief. Or to give him reason not to trust me." He looked tired. "Look, I thought I'd find out what was going on in due time. Just be patient and wait for him to tell me. It never occurred to me he was getting ready to take his life." "I'm sorry."

  "Maybe I could have helped if he'd said something." They were seated in worn but comfortable fabric chairs. looking at each other across a table. Silas pressed his fingers against his temples. "Was there anything unusual in the anuma?" he asked.

  "No. Just personal items. Clothes, his pen, his hourglass, Things like that." "No map?" "No." "No journal? Notebooks? Diary? Records of any kind?"

  "No. Just mundane stuff."

  "You're sure?"

  Flojian hesitated. His eyes glanced momentarily away. "I'm sure. I packed it myself."

  Silas looked at him.

  Flojian squirmed. "Okay. There was a copy of something purporting to be The Notebooks of Showron Voyager. But it was a fake."


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