The Problem With Jordan

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The Problem With Jordan Page 9

by Joannie Kay

  “We want that cabin. Heard tell it was abandoned.”

  “You heard wrong. That is my place and it’s not abandoned, and even if it was, it doesn’t give you the right to move in.”

  “Girl, you got to get help for me. You knifed me and I cain’t feel nothin’ at all! I cain’t move.”

  “Missy, you go on home. This is man’s bizness.

  “Cray should be on his way home. Meet him and send him for the doctor.”

  “You go on to home and bar the doors and the windows, Missy. Hear now?”

  “Yes, Otis.”

  “No, don’t leave me here alone!” the big man begged and sobbed.

  “She ain’t stayin’ here. I don’t trust you, and Mister Cray wouldn’t want her in danger. You’d best stay down iffen you don’t want Mister Cray to finish you off for tryin’ to hurt Missy.” He looked at Jordan. “Go on now and do whats I done tole you to.”

  “No! Don’t leave me, girl. I’m white, and he’s a—”

  “I’s the man who’s gonna finish you.”

  Jordan ran on home, and for once in her life, she obeyed. She barred the doors and closed and barred the windows. Then she prayed that Cray would come soon. She wasn’t foolish; there were some who would automatically blame Otis and hang him before she could explain. It was a few minutes before someone banged on her door. “Missy, it be me, Otis.”

  Jordan recognized his voice and instantly opened the door. He stumbled inside and said, “Bar the door, fast.” Jordan did so at once.

  “You’re hurt,” she said calmly, going over and dipping some water from the stove’s reservoir into a basin. She got a cloth and approached him, trying to wipe away the blood so she could see where he was bleeding.

  “The second man come to and is screamin’ I did for his partner.”

  “I’ll tell the truth.”

  “I cain’t let you, Missy. He’ll say something crude. I cain’t let that happen.”

  “Cray will be here soon.”

  The door suddenly rattled. “I know you done hid in there. Come out or I’ll burn you out.”

  “My husband will kill you if you attack us.”

  “You been doin’ the dirty with that one, girl. We done saw you, and he done killed my partner.”

  “No he didn’t. I used my Pa’s knife on him.”

  “That don’t matter none to me. He’s gonna die, and so are you.”


  Cray wanted to hurry and get home and show sweet Jordan the present he bought for her. He was almost to his house when he saw some idiot running toward the house with a torch in his hand. Cray gave his stallion his head and got there in time to stop the man. He jumped on him and knocked him to the ground. It didn’t take him long to pin the small bastard. “Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t kill you!”

  “Your man and your woman were makin’ it, and they done killed my partner for watchin’ ’em!”

  “That is nothing but a pack of lies. My wife is a new bride as of today, and she wouldn’t do that with anyone else. Want to try again?”

  “We done seen ’em together!” he lied.

  “She went there to apologize to Otis for something that happened earlier. Who the hell are you, and where is your dead partner?”

  “He’s layin’ over thataway!”

  “You stay where you are. Jordan? Otis? It’s safe now.”

  “Oh, Cray! I’m so glad you’re here. That man and his partner attacked me, and if not for Otis, I would be dead or raped! Otis is hurt. They beat him while I was unconscious. I used Pa’s knife and I hope he is dead. I will have bruises from where he squeezed me so tight.”

  “Mister Cray, I done tried to keep Missy safe, but she saved me,” Otis tried to chuckle, but it caused him pain.”

  Cray turned on the other man. “You can be glad they aren’t hurt badly and you didn’t get to set that fire, bastard, or I would kill you with my bare hands.”

  “Cray, he said the other one is dead, but he was alive when we left him there.”

  “I’m going to tie you and if you know what’s good for you, you’ll stay put. I’ll go and check on the other man.”

  “I’ll show you where, Cray.”

  “No. Missy, you best stay to the house and lock them doors tight,” Otis bossed.

  “I agree, honey. Please obey me. I surely don’t want to spank you again today.”

  “Cray!” Jordan declared in embarrassment.

  “She be a good girl, Mister Cray. Done what I tole her to.”

  “She’s smart, Otis, and if she didn’t trust you, she wouldn’t have listened. Honey, this one is tied tight, but if he gets free and moves, use my shotgun on him. I know you know how to shoot it.”

  “She’ll kill me!” the man screamed hysterically.

  “Yes, with pleasure.”

  Cray pointed toward the door. “Just in case they aren’t alone, honey.”

  “Be careful, Cray. Take it easy with Otis. They beat him pretty badly before I woke up enough to stop them.”

  “You did just fine, Missy.”

  “I am proud of you, sweet wife.”

  They hurried off and the scrawny man threatened her the entire time they were gone. It was all that Jordan could do to keep from going outside to confront him. Thankfully, Cray and Otis weren’t gone long. Cray walked over to the tied man and said, “You killed your own partner.”

  “No, I didn’t!” he denied.

  “Missy’s knife hit him in the back. You pulled it out and stabbed his heart. You murdered a helpless man.”

  “You goin’ to believe a woman and a slave over a white man?” he sneered.

  “Yes, and there are no more slaves,” Cray answered without hesitation. “I’m takin’ you to the sheriff. He can figure out the why of this.” He turned to Otis. “Would you stay here with my wife, friend, until I can get back? I’m not convinced these two were alone.”

  “I’d be proud to stay with Missy, Mister Cray.”

  “Thanks, Otis.”

  Cray tied the man to the wagon, and then he drove around to pick up the other man’s body. He drove straight to the sheriff’s office and the man listened to every word Cray said, in spite of the fact the little man kept trying to interrupt.

  “Looks like they picked on the wrong gal, don’t it, son?”

  “Yes, sir,” Cray answered.

  “Did you search this one’s pockets?”

  “No, I figured that was your business.”

  The sheriff nodded, and it didn’t take him long to find all the proof he needed. He’d robbed the big man while he lay dying, and then took the knife and stabbed him. His pockets were full of money that they’d earned mining. “You go on home, and tell that Otis that I’d be proud to meet him, and I’ll make sure he’s treated fair in this town.”

  “I’ll let him know, Sheriff.” Cray left and headed home. He was anxious to give his wife her gift.


  “Missy, why don’t you sit down? Pacin’ the floor won’t bring Mister Cray home faster.”

  “I can’t sit down, Otis,” she replied truthfully, blushing. “My husband spanked me for behaving badly earlier.”

  “ ‘Cause of me?” Otis asked in dismay.

  “A bit, but mostly because I was in a temper over something I shouldn’t have been angry over. I learned that I need to discuss things with Cray, and I shouldn’t just assume things that aren’t true. We both realized that we wanted our marriage to be a real one, but we didn’t think the other one wanted the same thing.” She went on and told of how the town forced them into a marriage and Otis was shocked. “Everything is good between us now, Otis, and I was horrified when I realized how mean I was to you.”

  “You saved my life, Missy. I’d say you ain’t a bit mean to me.”

  “You came to save my life from those two. We’ll always be good friends, don’t you agree?”

  “I reckon I sure do. Am I goin’ to have to give that man of yours a whippin’?” he asked w
ith a smile, but Jordan knew she was being tested.

  “Only if he spanks me and I don’t deserve it, Otis. I can’t tell you that right now, however. I earned it, and probably more, if you want the truth.”

  “He still loves you.”

  “I know he does.” She felt confident of that.

  “He didn’t believe that boy for one second, did he?”

  “No. We just were truly married, Otis. Cray knows I wouldn’t be ready for that again so soon.” She was blushing so much her face was burning.

  “I guess not. Don’t you worry none. I know you’s a lady.”

  “Thank you, Otis.” Jordan went ahead and started supper. She needed to keep busy, and she was nervous that another man could come along hunting for the other two. She didn’t feel like fighting yet again today.

  “I don’t think there’s another one, Missy.” Otis seemed to read her mind yet again. “You’re safe; I won’t let no one hurt you.”

  “I don’t want you hurt again, either,” Jordan insisted.

  “Thank you.”

  Cray soon returned and called out for Jordan to let him inside. “Did you have any trouble?” she asked him when he came inside.

  “No. The sheriff found the other man’s possessions on the little guy. He killed him to get the money. Did you two have any trouble?”

  “No, Mister Cray. Quiet as could be.”

  “Good. I didn’t think they had anyone with them, but you just never know. Is supper almost ready?”

  “Almost,” she answered. “I’ve invited Otis to stay.”

  “That ain’t necessary, you know,” Otis stated.

  “I know it isn’t necessary, but I would like for our friend to join us at the table.”

  Cray smiled. “I told you that my Jordan is a sweet girl, Otis.”

  “Yes, sir, you sure did, and she is that for sure.”

  They discussed plans for Jordan’s small place, and Jordan was surprised at how extensive they were. “Do you understand horses, Otis?”

  “Not like Mister Cray do,” he replied.

  “But you do understand building and the need for the colts to have good fences and a nice place to stay in the barn. I’m impressed, and if you are interested in staying on when the barns are ready, we would love to have you.”

  “Now, Missy, your man might have a thing or two to say about that.”

  “I agree with my wife, Otis. I want a good man on her place. One we can trust, and I think you are that man.”

  “Why, thank you. Thank you, both. I ain’t used to white folks takin’ to me. But, I’m grateful, and I would like to stay.”

  “Oh good! Thank you so much, Otis.”

  They finished up their meal, and then Cray loaned Otis a horse to ride home the long way around. “Thank you again, Otis. I also wanted to tell you that the sheriff said to welcome you and tell you to stop by and shake his hand. He promised that no one will treat you bad in this town, or he will deal with them.”

  “I appreciate that.”

  “You are a good man.”

  “The Lord done saw fit to free me, Mister Cray. I’m trying to be good in His name.”


  Cray carried the package inside and laid it on the table, and then he picked up a dishcloth and helped dry the dishes while she washed.

  “What is this?” she asked when she spotted the parcels.

  “These are for you, honey, and I hope they make you smile.” He chuckled as she curiously opened the paper and then went “Ooh, so pretty!”

  “You like it?” he asked.

  “Yes, of course. You picked these out yourself?” she asked.

  “I did.”

  “You did well. I love the skirt fabric.”

  “There were also two pieces to make shirtwaists to wear with the dark fabric.”

  “You have wonderful taste, husband. Thank you so much, Cray!”

  Chapter Eight

  “The problem with Jordy McCormick is that she won’t listen to anyone but that husband of hers!”

  “Mrs. Fairchild, with all due respect, who would you have Jordy listen to, if not her own husband?” Alice Evans asked pointedly, never mind the fact that her husband had warned her before church services that morning to behave herself. Jordy was her friend and she wasn’t about to let the old biddies of the town say nasty things about Jordy.

  “Why, Alice, I am surprised at you! You know perfectly well that Jordy is out of line to spend so much time alone with that former slave!”

  “Jordy is working, Mrs. Fairchild. The colts are on her property, so it is natural that she goes over there to work.”

  “Her husband should insist she stay away from that man!”

  “That man’s name is Otis Brown, Mrs. Fairchild, and he is a good, Christian man. He wouldn’t dream of standing on the church steps to criticize you; he has more manners.” Alice was positive that her husband wouldn’t approve of her stand against the town gossip, but she simply couldn’t stand by and let Vickie Fairchild trash poor Jordy.

  “Well, I never! Did you hear that?” Mrs. Fairchild complained to all who would listen, but they were her daughters and wouldn’t dream of turning on their mother.

  “Sweetheart, was that really necessary?” Jim Evans asked his wife as he transferred their baby to his arm and took Alice by the elbow to lead her away from the church and the aggravating woman.

  “Oh yes, my darling; it was very necessary. That old gossip was accusing Jordy of making love with Otis! Can you believe the nerve of that woman?”

  “Good Lord!” Jim exclaimed. “Would you and the boys like to take a ride? I think that we need to let Cray know what is transpiring before a group of self-righteous men put on hoods and go after Otis.”

  “I would love to go along,” Alice said happily.

  “Don’t think I intend to let you get away with tearing a strip off of that woman, either. And, I am going to have a talk with Ferd. He needs to be aware that his wife is trying to cause trouble with her wicked tongue.”

  “She’s been doing that ever since I’ve known her and he simply ignores her.”

  “Once Cray hears what she’s been saying, he’ll see to giving her a lesson if her husband doesn’t step in. Cray McCormick isn’t a man to mess with. You saw how he dealt with those two men who tried to hurt Jordy and Otis.”

  “He can’t do that to Mrs. Fairchild!” Alice said as he helped her up into the wagon, and then handed her the baby before lifting the boys one at a time to put in the back with orders to sit down. They knew that tone of voice well, and they quickly obeyed their Pa.

  “He will take her to task and it won’t be pleasant. And, you, Mrs. Evans, are to keep your nose out of things. Hear?”

  “Yes, my darling.”

  “Maybe you’ll really mean that later today.”

  Alice knew that he was referring to the promised spanking, but she pretended ignorance and smiled sweetly at her husband. “I already mean it, Jim. I’m not going to upset you. I’m sure that Cray will stick up for Jordy and Otis.”

  “He will.”

  “And you will help him if it comes down to it, right?” she asked innocently.

  “He is a good friend, Alice. Of course I will stand with him.”

  “That is what matters.”

  They were almost to the McCormick ranch and Jim was wondering how best to tell his friend what was going on when his thoughts were interrupted by his son. “Pa, what is that?” Timmy asked excitedly, pointing in the distance.

  Jim turned to look and his face blanched. “Boys, put your heads down and cover your eyes until I say different.”

  “What?” Alice whispered, trying to look.

  “Alice, look straight ahead, and no arguments!” Jim didn’t realize his voice was so sharp until tears formed in Alice’s pretty blue eyes. “I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings, but please, honey, trust me. It’s not a sight for your eyes, either,” he said softly, not wanting his boys to hear.

  “I w
ill obey you, darling.”

  “Please,” he whispered, and she knew then that he was terribly upset and trying to protect her. “Will you please sing Amazing Grace?” he asked of her.

  Alice did not question him, but instead, starting singing in her clear, sweet soprano voice. She held baby Bethie close, and took her husband’s free hand in hers, offering him her support and strength. He squeezed her hand, and listened to the words, and moved his family away from the grotesque sight of a naked man hanging in the tree.

  They arrived at the McCormick Ranch, and Cray came outside to greet them, a worried expression on his handsome face. “Alice, I’m glad you’re here. Jordan is ill, but she won’t go and see Doc. Maybe you can talk some sense into her?”

  “What’s wrong, Cray?” Alice asked, concerned that her children would get sick if Jordy was contagious.

  “She gets up feeling sick every day, and then she starts throwing up. By tonight, she will be fine again.”

  “How long has this been going on?” Alice asked, pretty certain of what he was going to say.

  “For over a week now!” he admitted. “Should I ignore her and ride for Doc?”

  “No, Cray. Just let me talk to her, and I’m sure we’ll figure it out.”

  “Cray, I need your help,” Jim said. “Alice, you go on inside and keep company with Jordy. Boys, you play right here in the yard, but if you notice anyone coming by, you skedaddle into the house and tell Mama to bar the doors. Hear me?”

  “Yes, Pa,” little Timmy answered solemnly.

  “Thank you, son. Keep an eye on your brothers, please.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  He lifted the boys out of the wagon, and then helped his wife down, mindful of Bethie so he didn’t squeeze her too tightly between them. “We’ll be back as soon as we can, honey.” He kissed her lightly.

  “Do I need my guns?” Cray asked, and when Jim nodded, he hurried inside and got them, telling Jordan he would be back soon. Cray couldn’t help but notice that she looked relieved to see Alice, and he thought it best to give them some time alone to talk.

  “What is going on?” he asked when he was sure that he couldn’t be overheard by the boys or the women. Cray saw Jim put his shovels in the back of the wagon, and he was pretty sure that meant a dead body.


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