Fulfilled [Club Pleasure 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Fulfilled [Club Pleasure 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 6

by Allyson Young


  “Tomorrow afternoon, and you can’t be there.”

  “I accept that. I’m offering to train her. I’ll just wait outside.”

  “Get in line, my friend. She’ll probably be accepted but you’re Dom number three.”

  Jon wondered if Patrick would make a satisfying thump when he hit the floor, right after he kicked the chair out from under the other man. He might not get his hands apart in time to break his fall.

  “Who the fuck else is interested?” He gritted the question out and didn’t attack his boss. He needed information first.

  “It’s like Christmas around here, and every loose Dom is looking for a toy.” Patrick sounded annoyed, although he remained in his relaxed stance. Abruptly he straightened and smacked his palms on the desktop. “You gave me the hardest time over the meet and greets, Spence. You were gracious only because I convinced you it was good for business. And now you’re sniffing around after a sweet new submissive, something that wouldn’t have happened without our tourist nights!”

  “Probably?” Jon chose to ignore some of that comment and noted Patrick hadn’t clarified who else was interested in the little sub. Patrick needed to get over himself. Was there any doubt Graham’s nanny wouldn’t be allowed to join? And what the hell was her name anyhow?

  “Her name is Lois Wright. And yes, probably. She has to pass the medical and the interview just like everyone else.”

  “I’ll train her.”

  Patrick muttered something sounding like dog with a bone. “I have no idea what she wants or needs, Jon.”

  “That’s for her Dom to sort out.”

  “That depends. She’s already figured one thing out. She wants fidelity.”

  Jon fought against the squeezing sensation in his chest. Graham said that, too, but he’d work around it. “You don’t get fidelity in training. Well, you can have sexual fidelity I suppose.” He did suppose. He couldn’t imagine getting into anyone else until he figured this thing out with Lois Wright.

  “This may be one time when your status as house Dom will go against you, Jon. I may need to place her with a single Dom. Or with two.”

  Jon ignored that last statement. Lois Wright, the nanny, was his. “I’ll take a leave of absence.”

  Silence. Jon waited it out. He’d replaced Graham because Jordan Sterling, the other house Dom, had been overburdened with work when Graham defected. Jon knew Jordan was very busy training new subs while Jon worked primarily with couples or single subs who didn’t connect with a Dom. They both took turns monitoring the scenes. Patrick probably didn’t want to stand in for him. Well, Jon had that figured out, too. He had two guys in mind, up for the idea of moving somewhere warm, settling down, and probably better versed in some of the newer BDSM toys than he was.

  “You’ve thought this through.”

  “I have. Although damned if I know how this happened.”

  Patrick laughed. It wasn’t a particularly happy sound, and Jon looked at him. His boss shrugged. “I could give you a list of other Doms who said pretty much the same thing to me. You’re all making me gray before my time.”

  “But you’re in a committed relationship. You married your sub!”

  “And she hasn’t given me a moment of difficulty, Jon. I suspect it won’t be the same in your case like it wasn’t in Graham’s or Jamison’s or Cameron’s. Although, truth to be told, most of it was on the Doms.”

  Jon shook his head. Little Lois wouldn’t give him any problems. He’d train her and stay away from other subs until such time as she was secure enough to relax her expectations. The way he felt just from laying eyes on her was enough to make him suspect he wouldn’t want sex with anyone else, at least not right away. But this was his chosen profession, and she’d have to accept it. He knew soldiering and BDSM. He couldn’t see himself doing anything else, and soldiering would take him away from her. The club it was.

  “Trevor and Maurice are going to be disappointed if she agrees.”

  What. The. Fuck. “You tell Maurice to keep his distance. He puts a hand on her, I’ll rip it off and make him eat it.”

  “You might be surprised, Jon, but there isn’t going to be any violence in Club Pleasure, at least not of that nature. I note you aren’t concerned about Trevor.”

  He was. He didn’t know what to do about Trevor. Trevor was ready to commit. Jon paid attention to what went on in the club. He knew Trevor was ready, if the other man was aware of it or not. And Lois just had to come along. Bad timing. Trevor was the type of Dom who’d probably appeal to Lois. Stable, secure, good job, well trained. Jon faltered for a moment in his resolve. He was a big, black Dom. Sure, she’d looked at him like he was lunch, but lots of women just wanted the novelty of a black stud.

  “She’s not like that, Jon. If you didn’t see it—man up or back off. You question yourself and you’ll lose the opportunity.” Patrick was enormously talented at reading people.

  Okay. Patrick was right. “You ask her then. If she’ll be formally trained by me. Exclusive.”

  “I will, but you’ll have to accept her decision.”

  “I’ll reserve the right to plead my case.” Plead? Doms didn’t plead. “I reserve the right to convince her otherwise.”

  Patrick laughed again, this time with real mirth. “Be available after two then. In the afternoon, Jon. She’s a nanny and probably has to be in bed by midnight. It’ll give you time to talk with her. Talk. Until the medical comes back. For now, tell me your plan for covering your shifts. I’m sure you have one.”

  They spent some time looking at possibilities, and Patrick agreed to meet with Owyn and Rees, the Lamont brothers, just as soon as they could get here. It was a good thing Jordan still carried a torch for Olivia. He’d be unlikely to leave Patrick in the lurch. He had a regular sub, a messed-up girl who required more work than Jon would want to put in, but the arrangement seemed to suit Jordan. He was in charge in that particular D/s relationship. Jon wondered if his own brain was on tilt or something. Maybe when he actually connected with Lois on his terms the attraction wouldn’t be there. His cock leapt to attention and saluted, calling him a dirty liar, and Jon willed it into submission. When the prick stands up brains apparently do get buried in the ground. Fuck. He decided to spend the remainder of the day cleaning his equipment. And maybe choosing a few special things for Lois. Jon was an ass man, but he liked to decorate sweet little breasts, too.

  He strode toward the stairs, relaxed and looking forward to the following day. Footsteps sounded behind him, and he turned to see Alain. He got along well with the other man, the Lois situation being a temporary aberration. Jon respected any Dom who knew what they were doing and didn’t deviate from meeting their sub’s needs.

  “You in talking to Patrick about Lois?” Maybe not so temporary an aberration.

  “I was. I’ll train her.”

  “Don’t know if that’s a foregone conclusion.”

  Jon shrugged. “It’ll be her decision, but I’m up.”

  “Rumor has it she’s looking for a committed relationship.” Maurice lounged against the wall, and Jon could feel the tamped-down aggression emanating from the other man. The man’s Cajun accent was thick enough to cut.

  “So I’ve heard. I’ll commit if need be.”

  Maurice stared at him for a ten count. “You fuck up and you won’t get a second chance. That one’s something special. I’d kill for something like that. She’s natural born submissive and more. Could be a twenty-four-seven. On her knees all the time.”

  Jon wrestled with his burgeoning rage, spawned by possessiveness and an integral concern. Maurice would break Lois and absorb her. She might need that, but he doubted it. He couldn’t accept it. He’d seen the spirit in her. She’d been amazed at her own temerity when she’d checked him out, but did it anyway. There was no way Maurice was going to have her.

  “Not fucking likely. You need to stand down.”

  Maurice smiled. The dark predator vanished, and the guardian of the
door replaced him. The smooth transition was fucking scary. Then he spoke quietly, his accent still pronounced. “You think my way is wrong. A sub in my care would serve me because it would meet her needs to make me happy. And I’d reward her handsomely for it. Sometimes having no choice is the best life of all. It eases a person.”

  Jon heard him, really listened. Maurice was alone, and lonely. He’d been searching, too, all these years. One sub, three needy Doms. It was a recipe for disaster. He walked away from the other man. He’d do whatever was in Lois’s best interest.

  Chapter Six

  “If you pass your medical, I’ll accept you as a member.”

  Lois gravely inclined her head. “Thank you, Master Patrick.”

  He’d grilled her for over an hour, hardly referencing the forms she’d filled out in advance. Asked about her childhood, her parents, lack of siblings, school experiences, future plans, the lack of past relationships. She assured him she had no dependencies on drugs or alcohol, the closest thing to an addiction her newfound fascination with sexy underwear. He quizzed her on the Lifestyle and didn’t trip her up once. She knew she was in good health, having just seen a physician, but rules were rules.

  “I have a proposition for you. One of our house Doms has offered to train you.”

  Her head was shaking no at the same time as her mouth inquired who.

  “I advised Master Jonathon you were very specific about exclusivity. As it happens, he is taking a leave from his job here and thus meets your expectation.”

  Lois couldn’t seem to utter a sound. She stared helplessly at Patrick. He stared back and waited. She dropped her gaze to the desktop and swallowed. She somehow thought Master Trevor would have asked before Master Jonathon.

  “Lois, you don’t have to accept his offer. You have other options.”

  She did? She wanted to ask if Master Trevor had—no, that wasn’t right of her. She was scared and thinking Trevor would be the easier Dom. Except she liked them both. Never a love interest in her life and now she had two. Patrick seemed possessed of bottomless patience, but he needed an answer.

  “I want to accept. He’s the most amazing man I’ve ever laid eyes on in my life. And not just his size and good looks. I’m talking about his presence, and how he’s so in tune…” She wound down like an old music box. Patrick actually blinked at her. She’d surprised the Dom.

  “But?” He was back under control.

  “I have to protect myself. If he trains me and I feel more for him than just, well, you know, more, what then? I think I need to date.” Maybe Master Trevor would date. She somehow knew for sure Master Jonathon wouldn’t. Conflicted.

  “We’ll date, Lois, if that’s what you need.”

  Her Saracen’s voice poured over her like so much smooth dark chocolate. Lois didn’t need to see him to know who spoke. She melted, seduced by his tone and understanding. Patrick rolled his eyes and threw up his hands.

  “You were supposed to wait outside, Jon. But I guess that’s settled then. I’ll have her medical results in a few days. She’ll see our usual physician.”

  Lois guessed her nonverbal communication, the part where she turned all gooey and compliant, was the answer Patrick waited for. And he’d quit talking to her anyhow, just about her. Putting her in her place, sub in training. Dating? She swiveled in her chair, and Master Jonathon gravely offered his hand. She placed her own on his palm, and his fingers closed over it, swallowing it. Their connection sparked and he felt it, too, his nostrils flaring, eyes narrowing. He urged her to her feet and through the open doorway, releasing her then placing his hand in the small of her back. It warmed like a brand. Lois went where he directed, although her limbs were unaccountably heavy and her head full of cotton wool. Pure chemistry. The words popped into her head. Attraction fuelled by pheromones and dopamine, serotonin, a touch of adrenaline, estrogen. And a ton of testosterone, not hers. She felt drunk on it, she who rarely imbibed and then only a glass or two of wine.

  Her new top was scant protection against the heat of his massive hand, and her designer jeans rubbed pleasantly and suggestively against the silken crotch of her new panties. Her breasts ached within the confines of her bra. She hesitated when they reached a junction in the hallway, and Master Jonathon’s bulk impacted her, his hand replaced with something harder and no less supportive. It grew in proportion, and she leaned back.

  “You’re telling me something, Lois. No need for words when you show me.”

  Startled, she stepped forward. He chuckled behind her, and his hand again settled on her back to guide her along.

  “Where are we going?”

  “To my quarters.”

  “Oh.” That was cutting to the chase. She quivered a little with anticipation and lust.

  “Relax, little one. I need to get my jacket and car keys. We’ll go have coffee somewhere, and then I’ll take you home.”

  Lois bit her bottom lip. Well, she wanted to date. If she really wanted to get laid, or at least find out what the whole thing was about in person, she should have asked for that. And now she couldn’t ask because she’d been so specific. Darn it. Master Jonathon knew exactly what was going on with her, and now she’d have to go along with the program. Unless she could change his mind. Nope, she wouldn’t be a slave to this insane attraction. She wanted to respect herself. If only she wasn’t so damn aroused.

  He asked her to wait outside his door for a moment while he retrieved his things. She wanted to see his place and pouted for an instant before realizing she was copying Nathan. The absurdity of that made her smile, but not before Master Jonathon fixed his gaze on her mouth. His hand flexed, and she held her breath, but he simply opened the door and vanished inside. He returned quickly, holding a black leather jacket, jingling his keys in the other hand before tucking them into his pocket. He guided her back through the building to the entrance. Maurice mustn’t work during the day because there was no sign of the man. She remarked on it and wasn’t prepared for Master Jonathon’s response.

  He whirled her around to face him with effortless strength and locked eyes with her. “Maurice plays for keeps, Lois. No compromises. Just pure submission. You think long and hard before messing with that.”

  Tears leapt unbidden to her eyes at his censure. Lois was adept at hiding her pain and emotional upset, well practiced over the years under her mother’s tutelage, harnessed by the fact no one cared enough to respond in any event. She was both surprised and humiliated to find herself wanting to cry. It was as if she’d been stripped of all emotional defenses. She wanted to play for keeps. He immediately cupped her face in his enormous hands, his face softening, warmth and gentleness now standing in his eyes.

  “Sweetheart, I’m sorry. That was my need to protect you talking. I won’t raise it again.”

  No one had ever felt the need to protect her. The tears slipped over her bottom lids and tracked down her cheeks. He drew them away with his thumbs and pressed a kiss on her hair, leaning down to do so, his bulk enveloping her. She cuddled into him, and he dropped his hands, his arms then wrapping around her to hold her close. His heart thudded beside her temple, and Lois sighed.

  “It’s nice to be protected.”

  He stiffened at her comment but relaxed almost instantly. She wondered about it but said nothing. He released her and eased her away from him. She felt chilled and shivered. He tucked her into his side and hurried her to the parking lot where he unlocked a big SUV and handed her in. Actually, he lifted her up. She wondered how they would fit together if they did come together but didn’t really concern herself. Master Jonathon hid a gentle soul, if a stubborn one. If roused, no doubt he’d be formidable, but Lois never planned to find out. She resolutely pushed Master Trevor from her mind, the pinch of her action causing her to wince physically. She hurriedly blanked her face before Master Jonathon saw it and asked her what was wrong. Be thankful for what one had.

  * * * *

  Fuck. He was dating. Jonathon Aloysius Spence was dating. His
mother would be proud. He never dated. He trained subs and fucked them from time to time. Okay, a lot. And Lois wanted him bad. That little pout made him want to paddle her, face fuck her, and kiss her all at the same time. She walked like a woman aware of herself, with grace and sensuality. Less the complete submissive from a few nights ago, the one in the hall, and more like the woman who devoured him with her eyes. A contradiction and he liked it. He’d scared her about Maurice, but she’d heard him out and accepted it. She hadn’t bratted or faked him. He cautiously considered if there might be more to this than chemistry, attraction, and the pull of a Dom to a submissive. If he was honest with himself, he thought he wanted a sub who’d cause him no trouble, one who didn’t play games and who would simply accept him. No topping from the bottom, although he knew there were depths to Lois he’d plumb only if she allowed it and boundaries he’d never be able to push. He liked that, too. He wanted some practicality because he wasn’t infallible and knew little about relationships outside of D/s and the military. He found himself anticipating, a new experience for him. Interesting. It scared the shit out of him at first, her little comment about being protected, pulling hard at the possessive side. Then he found he liked it.

  They went to a bistro providing both tables and booths. Jon needed the room to be comfortable and wanted to encroach on Lois’s personal space, get her used to his proximity because he planned to be a hell of a lot closer, very soon. He got her settled in a booth, as private as one could get in such a busy venue, and ordered two large coffees, plain, none of that boiling, frothing and stirring nonsense. He perused the display cases and chose a crème-filled pastry drizzled with chocolate. It suited his sub.

  He carried his booty back to the corner booth, ignoring speculative glances and outright blatant stares. He was used to them. Lois waited serenely and didn’t appear to notice the attention he drew. She thanked him prettily for the coffee and pastry. Watching her nibble the sweet treat, her little tongue lapping up the filling like a kitten roused his senses. He hitched his bulk a little closer, and she didn’t retreat.


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