Scott's Dominant Fantasy

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Scott's Dominant Fantasy Page 13

by Jennifer Campbell

  On the way to April's office, I could feel her eyes all over me, scrutinizing me head to toe, but then she smiled and I knew she must not have found any flaws in my appearance.

  "What have you been doing with Greg? He looks like a lovesick puppy.” April burst out after she closed her office door, but then she smiled and added. “You look amazing and it appears no one recognizes you."

  Happy to hear her compliment my appearance, I was nevertheless feeling a bit guilty over what I'd done with Greg. “I'm sorry, but when I realized her didn't recognize me and he gave me that look. I just couldn't help flirting with him. It was like I wanted to.” I did feel ashamed in one way, but empowered in another.

  "Oh, so my naughty sissy bitch has discovered flirting already. Hummm, do you like teasing men, Stacy?” April's question made me stop and think.

  Do I? It was a revelation I felt somewhat ashamed of because if I was teasing men, didn't that mean I wanted them, in a sexual way?

  Feeling defensive, I tried to explain to Lady April my excitement over this new and utterly fascinating power I had. “Well, when he saw me I was terrified because I was sure he'd recognize me, but when he didn't it passed and . . . well Greg and I have talked about women before and it sorta appealed to me to see what I could get him to do now that I was this gorgeous blonde.” I paused and then some of April's words came back to me. “Didn't you say you wanted me to become a blue-eyed, blonde bimbo? Isn't teasing men what they do?"

  April laughed. “Yes, of course it is. I'm just shocked at how quickly you took to it. You must be a natural flirt and perhaps if last night and this morning are any evidence, a natural slut. Do you want cock, Stacy?"

  I was momentarily struck dumb by her question, but I realized it was justified. My mind scrambled to defend my flirting, but try to deny I had a desire for a real man's cock. Now understand I wasn't considered whether or not I did want cock, I was still in denial of that possibility. “I don't think so, My Lady. I think I'm just attracted to flirting. See when Scott would flirt it wasn't productive; in fact it usually ended in frustration when he got blown off. I'd get aroused by her beauty and the verbal interplay, but I had no control of the situation. When you think about it, women have the control when it comes to flirting. They usually decide if it goes any further or not. I think that's why I like it as Stacy because I feel in control. It's like playing with a guy, but if it becomes too serious you can pull back, or if you're getting aroused you can press forward. The bottom line is; it's a whole new game and I like it better as a woman."

  "I see, but remember, sweet Stacy, you're not really a woman. You're merely dressed as a woman. A sissy slave feminized and dressed up like a pretty doll. You're my Barbie.” April laughed, but her point was well made.

  I might be fascinated by flirting, but men were men and they wanted sex. Dare I play with Greg and get him all sexed up only to leave him frustrated? Even what I had done already could anger him when he found out the hot, new blonde in the office was really his boss, Scott. Then the shit would hit the proverbial fan.

  I got pensive, my feminine side feeling guilty as my male side reminded her men had a name for women who shamelessly flirted and it wasn't very complimentary. Am I a cockteaser?

  "I guess I do need to be more careful. I'm sorry, My Lady.” I hung my head and felt like a disobedient child.

  April could have shamed me further, but she chose to take pity. “You're beginning to see how truly difficult this is going to be for you. Living halfway between genders isn't easy, that's why I broached the subject of gender reassignment surgery last night. You need to seriously think about it."

  Now I understood, April had been steering me when she grilled me last night. “I guess I do need to think about it and I will. I promise.” I knew it would take a lot of thought and perhaps some sort of revelation because I feared I wasn't ready for it yet.

  April hugged me, but when she spoke I knew she'd shifted gears. “Okay, but what about today, Stacy? Are you ready for today's test? Everyone in this office has to know eventually and so there is no reason to delay. I intend they should know today if you think you can deal with that."

  Too stunned to speak and thankfully we were interrupted by a knock on April's door. When I opened it, it was Anita with the most stunned look I'd ever seen on her face.

  "Stacy? Is that you? Oh my god, you look amazing. If I didn't know, I never would have . . .” Anita didn't get to finish as a low squeal of delight came from the open doorway.

  "Stac . . .oh my god . . . you're to die for, girl.” It was of course Laura and she ran to me and hugged me.

  When the hug ended I informed them of the most amazing thing. “No one but you recognizes me. It's incredible."

  "Have they all seen you?” Anita asked.

  April realized not all of them had, but she had a solution. “No, not while we're in here, but Scott's office has that glass front wall. Let's take a walk, ladies."

  Anita seemed worried about all of us going to my office. “Won't they get suspicious if we all go to Scott's office?"

  April was unfazed. “Let them, they have to know sometime and besides, it's about to become Stacy's office."

  So we made the journey and with all eyes upon us I sensed but one issue.

  As soon as April shut the door to my office, I told them. “Karen, she's looking at me funny. She may not know, but I think she senses something."

  Again April was cool, calm, and collected and right then I felt strongly she should be managing this office, not me. “That's all the more reason to tell them, so they don't figure it out first. Some of them will accept it and some won't, but I already talked with Human Resources at the New York office and both the law and company policy allow Stacy to do this."

  Anita sighed, but Laura spoke up. “Then let's tell them. I'm behind Stacy one hundred percent."

  April looked at Anita for confirmation. “Are you okay with this?"

  Anita paused and looked unsure. “It's gonna be difficult, especially for the guys. They aren't going to understand, but yes I'm with you."

  My emotions welled up inside me and I was suddenly terrified I'd freeze up and not be able to say anything. I didn't want to let my friends down, but how could I stand in the middle of the office and say this? My fear led my eyes to April. “My Lady, I'm going to need your help because I'm not sure I can do this. I mean I'll try to answer whatever questions they have, but I'm scared and I'm afraid I'll freeze up at the moment of truth.” Part of me felt sure April intended for me to announce this because it would contribute to my humiliation as her slave.

  "Yes, I intended to make the announcement. In a way I sort of pushed woke up your suppressed desires so I'm responsible to see you through this. You may not believe it, but both Paulo and I want Stacy to be happy.” April reached out her arms to me and we hugged and I finally understood how while April had let me go years ago as a romantic lover, she still loved me.

  From the moment my embrace with April everything took on the quality of a dream, a sort of strange and surreal new reality I would now live in. We left my office and stood in front of the glass wall while April called all the employees together. As I watched them gather, I looked at the faces with particular interest to the men because due to Anita's comment I knew they were most likely to judge my actions harshly. After all, I was abandoning their gender so what could they think?

  Another impulse I had was to stand behind April for shelter, but I fought to ignore that desire. When I spotted Greg I regretted my ill-advised, flirty escapade with him this morning, but there was no way to take it back.

  "Can I have your attention, everyone? Please settle down as I have an important announcement to make.” April's opening words made me think of the times I'd said those same words to these people in other impromptu meetings on this very spot where I'd told them of some change in company policy or a new twist to the company's profit-sharing plan. Somehow the news we had today seemed to make that rather trivial.

/>   "What I'm about to tell you may shock some of you and some of you may have trouble accepting it. You all need to understand this is all within the law and Benson & Forbes Human Resources policy so it's going to happen whether you accept it or not.” April paused and looked at me before whispering. “Ready, Scott, once we step down this path we're, as Dorothy said, off to see the wizard.” Her Wizard of Oz reference calmed me a bit and I nodded.

  "There's no easy way to say this, so I'll just tell you straight out. No doubt you're wondering where Scott Gammons, our senior accountant and office manager, is. Well the truth is he is standing right here beside me. Scott Gammons is beginning a transition to a new gender and . . .” April was interrupted by a gasps and a loud shriek from Karen.

  "Oh my god, I knew I recognized her! It is Scott.” Karen's outburst was followed by more gasps and an increase in the noise level as everyone started talking at once. I braced myself to hear Greg's angry voice, but it didn't come.

  Instead April raised her voice and demanded their attention before continuing. “As I was saying, Scott is transitioning from male to female and from now on he will dress in feminine attire here at work and go by the name of Stacy. This is a personal decision, but because it effects all of you Stacy will now answer questions if you have them. I hope you can all accept Stacy's decision and accept her as a person, but remember, she is still your boss.” April turned to me, but before she even said anything there was an angry voice raised from the back of the room.

  "What the fuck? What sort of game were you playing this morning, Stacy? Why didn't you tell me then? You come here in drag and flirt with me. Did you have fun?” Greg didn't sound like he was in the mood to accept me, but I had done the damage and now I had to face the music.

  "Greg, I'm sorry about this morning. It was a bad mistake in judgment by me and I apologize.” There was a gasp because I spoke in my normal male voice without trying to change pitch or go falsetto. I thought it would convince anyone who still doubted what they saw.

  "Oh, you're sorry. I suppose you think that makes it alright to humiliate me. Well it doesn't.” Greg was still angry and I understood because he must feel doubly betrayed.

  "Greg, you're right it doesn't make it alright, but I have no way to take it back. The emotional part of this is new to me and sometimes when I really feel femme I get swept away in it. It was unprofessional and it will never happen again, but the truth is you were sweet. What you did moved me.” This emotional confession was all I had to offer Greg.

  Greg's face seemed to get less tense looking and I felt like the anger might be draining out of him. He seemed somewhat mollified, but when he spoke I saw it was not a complete transformation. “Okay, enough about this morning. I accept your apology, but what about trust? Can I trust you as a boss now?"

  This surprised me because Greg had never been insecure, but I realized he might be feeling what all the guys were feeling. After all, I had defected and abandoned the masculine principles they lived by. “Yes, of course you can. I'm not changed as a boss just because I want to be a woman. As far as I know none of the women here ever had issues with me as a boss, so why should the men now that the situation is reversed?"

  Greg's face didn't show any agreement, but I saw three other guys nod their heads at what I said.

  "Okay, well put, but I have one last question. What's the end result, Stacy? Are you going all the way, hormones, breasts, and getting your balls cut off. Inquiring people want to know, is Stacy committed?” Greg's question provoked some gasps and looks of disgust from the other employees and April stepped forward like she was going to reject his question, but I stopped her. What I realized which April perhaps didn't was even the people who acted disgusted did want to know this detail even if they would never admit it.

  I took a moment to try to carefully word my response. “As you might imagine I'm still exploring my femininity and each step is a powerful new experience for me. That includes this morning, when I let some of my female desires get the best of my judgment. To change my appearance so thoroughly you all don't recognize me is powerful and for me it's freeing. For a long time now I had these desires and suppressed them and if you don't believe me you can ask April. After having denied my true nature for so long, the one thing I know for sure is this feels right and I'm going to follow where it leads. I'll make all those bodily changes as I'm ready for them and as long as I'm still feeling comfortable with my femininity I don't think I'll have a problem with the final step. The bottom line is anything that makes me feel like what I am will be done. Does that answer your question, Greg?” I paused there knowing there should be a reaction, but I never expected what I got.

  It started with Laura, perhaps I should have expected that, but slowly the utter silence was broken with controlled applause. I noted it was most, but not all, of the women and only one man, but to me it sounded like sweet music.

  In the middle of it all the phone rang and Anita rushed back into my office, closing the door behind her, to answer it. I didn't pay much attention to her as I was focused on what might be said by my employees.

  Laura stepped forward and stood right beside me. “I think what Stacy's doing is brave. To go looking for what you really are beyond the boundaries of where nature and society has placed you, it takes true courage. Stacy wasn't born female, but she's choosing to be one anyway.” Laura turned to me and hugged me and there were smiles on the faces of almost all the female employees. I had won them over.

  None of the men said anything and it didn't surprise me as to stand up and accept what I'd done would in many ways be seen as traitorous to the gender by other men. If they accepted me they would do it alone, never acknowledging it to their peers. I suddenly felt how restrictive in a sense it was to be male. There were so many unwritten rules and age old ways to be observed and not trodden upon.

  April, Laura, and I returned to my office after I had spoken briefly with a group of five women headed by Karen who wanted to say outright that I had their support. I thanked them and Laura felt good that her best friend in the office, Gabrielle was amongst them.

  I heard Anita give two, “Yes, sir,” responses before she hung up the phone and the look on her face spelled trouble.

  "What the hell is wrong, Anita, you look scared.” April inquired in a concerned tone.

  Anita seemed to have to pull herself together. “Wow, ladies, it really is gonna be a long, hard day. That was Mr. Benson and he told me he and Ned Forbes just landed at the Logan. He says they'll be here in fifteen minutes and he wants to meet this office's new female manager. He didn't sound very happy about the prospect.” Anita paused and turned to April. “How did he find out so quickly?"

  Immediately Laura fired a more important question. “He can't fire Stacy, can he?"

  I was stunned, but my first thought was I would just lay it out for him just like I had with the employees, the only thing was he was male and from what I'd heard he was old school which didn't sound good."

  "As far as finding out, he probably has a spy in New York's Human Resources department. Now as far as firing Stacy, I suppose he could, but we'd have a case against him. It would come down to our resolve against his lawyers. Personally, I've never met him, but if what they say about him is true we may have a problem.” April sounded as bleak as I felt.

  We all knew Ned Forbes, he was the managing partner of our firm, but he only owned forty-nine percent of the stock. Only one of us knew the man who owned the controlling fifty-one percent, Karl Benson. Benson was mostly unknown because he preferred it that way and he was seemingly happy with Forbes management and the firm's outstanding profits.

  Anita cleared her throat and began. “He's from old New England money with old school sensibilities like men are men and women are women. My guess is he isn't too happy about the gender of the manager of his Boston office suddenly changing, without his permission or knowledge, but if you can show him your still a good manager I suspect he'll respect you and go away happy. To him th
e bottom line is running the business."

  As soon as Anita finished I looked at April and she seemed to know what was on my mind. “There's nothing else to do but talk to him, Stacy. We can try to show him you're the right woman to manage this office."

  What April said made my decision so much easier because she perhaps didn't know it, but she hit the nail on the head. I turned to Anita and Laura. “Could you give April and I some time alone?"

  They graciously left my office as I fortified myself. I had to be assertive because this was the only way. “You're right, My Lady, we do need to show Mr. Benson the right woman to manage his Boston office. The only thing is, it isn't me."

  April looked at me with the confused look I expected because being a submissive at heart she didn't see what I'd seen. “What are you saying?"

  "Just what's obvious to me. You stepped out of your role with Paulo into an entirely opposite role to help me and you did so with courage, skill, and the ability to take charge. I see it and Paulo must have seen it or he wouldn't have asked it from you. I know him well enough to know that now. April, you're the best woman to manage this office and that's what I intend to tell Karl Benson.” When I finished I saw the complete surprise with which this truth caught April. She was uncertain then, but the idea must have grown on her because a half hour later when we both stood in my office and I presented the best woman to run the office to him, she was magnificent.

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  Chapter 9

  When I think back to that day I sometimes laugh about how uptight I was, but I'm glad my first day dressed as a woman was my last as boss. April manages the office now and I no longer work at Benson & Forbes, but the bottom line is I'm happy to be on the path I'm following.

  Two years have passed since that momentous day and I have a new job. It's not anything like the old job, in fact it's better. I'm cleaning the house I used to own, but don't any longer. I struggled on at Benson & Forbes for six more months before I decided to accept Paulo and April's offer. After selling my home to Master Paulo and Lady April, I accepted their offer to become their sissy maid and the three of us now live here, but they sleep in the master bedroom while I have a small maid's bedroom off the kitchen.


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