Talk a Good Game

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Talk a Good Game Page 5

by Angie Daniels

  “What happened?”

  As far as I knew the man had gone straight to hell. “He was a cop. He died while investigating a burglary.” Remembering his hat falling onto the floor flooded my mind and actually gave me goose bumps. “What about you?”

  Kaleb took a sip from his straw as he spoke. “My parents live in Houston. Them, my sister… we all have our own lives so we don’t really talk much.”

  I wondered which was worse, his family or mine?

  “It’s just me and my son. Right CJ?”

  His eyes shifted to the table before he nodded. “Yes sir.”

  “He’s quiet, isn’t he?” Except for that damn tapping. I don’t know why the sound didn’t bother his father because it sure annoyed the hell out of me.

  “Dad, may I be excused to the restroom?”

  Kaleb nodded, and he sprang from the seat, hitting his knee on the table.

  “Slow down!” he scolded a little too loudly. I noticed the couple at the next table looking at us.

  CJ looked so embarrassed I almost felt sorry for him. “Yes sir,” he mumbled then hurried off toward the restroom.

  When I turned on the seat, I could tell Kaleb was waiting for me to say something about his kid. “How old is he?” That was the best I could come up with.

  “Going on thirteen.”

  “Goodness, he’s tall!” CJ had to be about six feet.

  Kaleb gave me a sexy smirk. And to think I thought he looked mean. “Yeah, I guess he takes that after my side of the family.”

  I shifted on the seat to make sure he saw my good side. Oh hell, either one was my good side. “Where’s his mother?”

  His face suddenly became very serious. “Dead.”

  “Dead,” I mocked. “I’m sorry. What happened?”

  “She was shot.” Kaleb leaned in close and lowered his voice so no one else would overhear us. “She had dropped by the grocery store on her way home from work. Someone shot her in the parking lot and took her purse.” He shook his head and there was no mistaking the despair. “My wife never carried more than twenty bucks.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that. Did they ever catch the person who did it?”

  “Hell no.” He shifted on the seat and I could tell this was hard for him to talk about. “The camera in the parking lot was a piece of shit. No leads. Nothing.”

  I raised an eyebrow. “How old was CJ at that time?”

  “He was three. He doesn’t even remember his mother. Sometimes I wonder if that’s a good or a bad thing.”

  I placed a hand on his forearm. “It’s up to you to keep the memories alive.”

  “Anyway, that was almost ten years ago.” He reached down and squeezed my knee again. “I have finally come to terms with what happened and let go because I know her memory will always be with me. But right now I want to focus on this beautiful… sexy woman sitting beside me.”

  I was cheesing. So much for playing it cool. “I have no problem with that.”

  CJ returned around the same time the food arrived. We joined hands and while their heads were bowed I peeked out the slits of my eyes and glanced at them. Kaleb was praying while CJ was fidgeting on the seat. Dammit. I needed to pray for patience. Something I’ve never had.



  I glanced down at my phone. Rock’s lying ass had been calling me for the past week trying to get me to listen to him. The last thing I wanted was to hear his excuses.

  I tried watching the basketball game. The Oklahoma Thunders was my team and they were beating the Boston Celtics, but I just wasn’t hyped like I was used to. I decided to call Janelle. She answered but I could barely hear her.

  “Why are you whispering?” Damn, now she had me doing it.

  “Because I’m in the bathroom taking a bath, tryna get this kitty-kat smelling fresh to death and nothing less.”

  “I was calling to see if you wanted to go and see a movie this evening.”

  “Nah, I’m hoping to have my legs up in the air,” she said and I giggled loudly. Janelle had the nerve to start hushing me like that dude could really hear me. “Rock still blowing up your phone?” she asked, suspiciously.

  I sucked my teeth for great measure. “You know he is.”

  She tsked in the phone. “I told you that man wasn’t leaving his wife.”

  “Yeah, yeah.” I don’t know why I had even told her except I needed to talk to someone. Veronica was out of town and Gloria was too busy with her new husband, besides I had to admit Janelle really is a good listener. I just wished I hadn’t told my mother about having a new man in my life. I’ll never hear the end of it.

  “Listen Ree, I gotta go. But, I’ll call you later.”

  I hung up feeling a little disappointed. Ever since she started dating Kaleb, Janelle barely had time for me. Not that I was hating. I was happy she had found someone she really liked. I just wished it was me.

  I was watching the second quarter when I logged onto, and scanned my Flirts then decided to upload a photo to my profile during the half-time show. I then answered a few random questions that were pretty standard, and when it came to what I was looking for in a man, I decided to change it up and just keep it real.

  I’m looking for a Christian man who will keep it 100 with me. No head games. No married men. Serious inquiries only.

  I hoped that would help to weed out the ones who were strictly window-shopping. I had heard the rumor about men joining these sites just for something to do because they were unhappy with their marriages. I wasn’t going there. Not anymore. Rock made me feel like a fool and I couldn’t blame anyone but myself.

  I posted two of my favorite photos, one I had taken at Gloria’s wedding and one while clowning with some girls in my unit, then I republished my profile.

  Feeling slightly hopeful, I sprung from the couch and grabbed some snacks. I was munching on cheese puffs and watching the second half of the game while I surfed for a potential match. Veronica wasn’t lying. There were some fine men on there, which made me wonder if they’re really single or just running game. Like Rock’s tired ass.

  Derek Fisher had landed a three pointer when I noticed an instant message on my screen from a SanMan29.

  How are you doing?

  Before responding, I clicked on his photo to get a closer look and frowned. He wasn’t bad looking although his bald head was like a honeydew melon. But I had to admit as I scrolled through all his photos, he wasn’t half bad. Dark skin, big eyes, and there was a cute, boyish look about him.

  Me: Hey. You watching the game?

  I figured that would be a good way to get the conversation going. I hadn’t met a man yet who didn’t like sports.

  SANMAN: Most definitely. Let me guess, you’re a Celtic fan?

  Me: Nope. OKC all day long.

  We went back and forth and in the meantime I received a few messages and Flirts from some other members, but nobody worth striking up a conversation. I had just returned from a bathroom break when I noticed another message from SanMan.

  SANMAN: I read your profile. Are you bitter?

  Bitter? I guess I never thought about it like that.

  ME: No. I’m not bitter. Just wiser. I deserve nothing less than love and respect.

  Both were things that bastard, Rock, didn’t know the first thing about.

  SANMAN: Just make sure you don’t take your anger out on every man you meet. You might miss out on your soul-mate.

  I had to smile at his comment. He was right. I couldn’t blame everyone else for Rock taking my kindness for weakness.

  ME: Thanks for the advice.

  He immediately messaged me back.

  SANMAN: If you feel like it, give me a call

  I waited until after I made dinner and then I called the number he had messaged me. I couldn’t believe the way my hands were shaking. He answered after the first ring.


  I turned up my nose. Eww! I didn’t like his voice. I
t was all squeaky and soft like a little boy.

  “Hey this is Nyree.”

  “Hi Nyree. My name is Jeremy Anthony Lee Samuels, Jr.”

  “Damn, you have a long name!” I said, trying to break the ice and expected him to laugh but I guess he didn’t think it was funny. “What should I call you?”

  “My friends call me Jeremy.”

  “Hmmm, maybe I can call you Tony.”

  There was a slight pause. “I don’t know if my father will like that.”


  “He’s never liked that name. He’s Jeremy Lee Samuels, Sr,” he said by way of an explanation.

  He was so damn serious. “Okay then how about I call you Jeremy?”


  After a long pause, I was so through with this conversation. “Well, it was nice talking to you.”

  “Same here.”

  Goodness talking to him was like pulling teeth. I hung up and went back to surf the website. So far I was striking out.



  I was strapping my stilettos when I heard Kaleb pulling into my driveway. I moved over to my bedroom window, peeked outside and smiled with satisfaction when I spotted a charcoal gray Range Rover with that fine-ass mothafucka sitting behind the wheel.

  “Cha-ching bitches,” I murmured under my breath. Kaleb was everything I had ever wanted and thought I’d never find and I planned to have him and every perk that came with being his woman. We’d been dating for almost three weeks and I still hadn’t given him my goodies. There’s power in pussy and Kaleb had been working so hard to romance me, I was almost ready to at least give the brotha a sniff of my va-jay-jay.

  I grabbed my purse and hurried down the stairs and out onto the porch just as Kaleb came up the walkway with swag that was all his own. Honey followed at my feet.

  “Hey,” I said and grinned as I took in his relaxed blue jeans, the gray running shoes on his feet and a blue Michigan jersey. My man was so sexy.

  “Whassup beautiful?”

  Tilting my head, I stared up into Kaleb’s eyes as he leaned down to kiss my lips. “Who do we have here?”

  I stepped away and beamed down at my baby. “This is Honey.”

  “Hey Honey! C’mere boy.”

  Honey started jumping up and down. Kaleb smiled while he rubbed him behind his ears. “He’s a cute little dog.”

  “Thanks. He’s my baby.” You can tell a lot about a man when it comes to your dog. Like I had placed in my personal ad, Honey and I were a package deal.

  “Where are you taking me?” I asked for the thousandth time, and hated he still hadn’t told me where we were going.

  “Damn, you don’t believe in surprises, do you?” he teased.

  “I just like to know.” Kaleb said clear my schedule for the entire afternoon. Hell, I don’t do that for just anybody.

  “We aren’t going anywhere.”

  I frowned. “What do you mean, we aren’t going anywhere?” Hell, I didn’t spend all morning getting ready for nothing.

  “We’re not going anywhere until you go back upstairs and put on something comfortable.”

  I glanced down at the blue sundress and four inch sandals. “This is comfortable.”

  “No it isn’t. I said wear jeans and tennis shoes. Now get back inside and change.” He swatted me playfully on the butt then pointed toward the door.

  It sounded like a command and after a controlling father, I normally didn’t take too well to a man telling me what to do. But for some reason, I actually enjoyed it when Kaleb did it.

  I invited him inside and he played with Honey, while I disappeared upstairs and frantically searched my closet for my favorite skinny jeans. I slipped on a fitted Mizzou t-shirt and a brand new pair of white Nike sneakers. “How is this?” I said as I stepped back into my living room to find Kaleb looking at the photographs I had displayed on my book shelves.

  He swung around, and his approval shone in his eyes. “Good job.”

  I don’t know why his approval was so important. I guess I just didn’t want to miss out on what could possibly be my life.

  “Who is this?”

  I looked over to see which photograph he was referring to. “That’s my brother Brice.”

  He glanced at me skeptically. “You sure he isn’t one of your men?”

  It took everything I had not to roll my eyes. Men can be so damn territorial. “No, that’s my younger brother. And I don’t have a man.”

  “Really? Then what am I? Chopped liver?” He stood there with this serious look waiting for a response.

  Grinning, I stepped over to the bookshelf. “I don’t remember you saying anything about being exclusive.” Trust me. I wouldn’t forget something like that.

  Kaleb returned the picture frame to the shelf, then faced me as he said, “Does it have to be spelled out? I could be out there spending my time with someone else. Instead, I’m here with you. I’m crazy about you. You can’t tell?”

  His declaration was like music to my ears. I had to do everything I could not to jump for joy. “And I’m crazy about you.”

  Kaleb dragged me into his arms and kissed me hard. Lips, tongue, deep moans. I got it all.

  “C’mon. Let’s get out of here before we miss our balloon.”

  I couldn’t possibly have heard him right. “Balloon?”

  Kaleb just winked and headed out the door.

  We arrived at a small field south of town and within minutes we were boarding a large red hot air balloon.

  “I’m so excited! I’ve never had a man do anything like this for me.”

  “Hopefully this will be the first of several new experiences.”

  My cellphone vibrated in my pocket and I reached inside then glanced down at the screen. It was Q. He’d been texting all morning about our weekend and I had yet to respond. Of course he would pick now to decide to call. I quickly swiped Decline on my phone.

  “Is that your man calling you?”

  I groaned then pressed the button silencing my ringer. “Nope, just my girl Janelle checking to see what I got planned.”

  “Then why don’t you answer it?” Something in his eyes said he didn’t believe me.

  I forced a smile. “Because I’m with you and I don’t want any distraction. When I call her later I’ll have something to talk about.” It was obvious, Kaleb was no fool. I was used to dudes taking what I said at face value but, Kaleb was definitely different from the others I’ve dated. I’d be lying if I didn’t say I was intrigued.

  We were hundreds of feet in the air when Kaleb came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my middle section. “What are you thinking about?”

  I leaned into his embrace. Man I could get used to this. “I’m thinking this is one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. When I was younger, I used to sit on my grandmother’s front porch and watch all the balloons go by. I always wondered what it would feel like to be up this high in the air looking down on the entire city.”

  “Now you know longer have to wonder.”

  I shook my head as I continued to gaze down at my city. “No, I don’t.”

  We stood there, with his arms wrapped around me, until I felt Kaleb reach down for my hand. “C’mon.”

  I swung around and followed Kaleb to the other side of the balloon where I noticed for the first time a large wicker picnic basket. “What’s this?”


  He reached inside and removed a large blue blanket and spread it onto the floor and took a seat. I lowered beside him and watched as he removed subs, potato salad, and sodas. The whole time I was grinning. This man was impressing me more and more by the second.

  “You are full of surprises.”

  He winked. “Baby, this is only the beginning.”

  That’s exactly what a sistah wanted to hear.

  We were almost to my house, when I pulled out my cell phone and turned it back on. I quickly scrolled through my voicemail messages. Q had called twice a
nd so had Janelle. I caught Kaleb giving me a strange look. That dude seriously believed in having your full attention. I put the phone back in my purse.

  “You’re sure you don’t have a man in your life?” he asked impatiently.

  My head whipped around. “Why you say that?”

  “Because you spend a lotta time checking your phone.”

  He was right. I do, but so what? I liked staying connected. Besides, I paid the bill not him.

  “I’ve had a wonderful last few weeks. I’m really looking forward to getting to know you better but like I said before I don’t believe in sharing.”

  I had never been one for playing games or putting all my cards on the table but there was something about Kaleb. I guess I just really liked him or maybe it was knowing he was seasoned that made me want to go about this relationship differently from all the others in the past. Really, it wasn’t just about the money. Despite being a ready-made family, this man had almost every quality I wanted in a man and because of that I didn’t want to bullshit him.

  “Look, I gotta be honest with you,” I said and he nodded and waited.

  “I’m listening.”

  I couldn’t believe I was about to say this. “I’ve been seeing someone.”

  Kaleb gave me this look like he had known all along I had been lying. “Where is he?”

  “He moved to Dallas. We fly and see each other once a month.”

  There was no mistaking the disappointment on his face. “I appreciate you being honest but I don’t believe in stepping on another brotha’s toes.” He held up his hands in surrender. “So I’m gonna tap out.”

  “Tap out? I don’t want you to do that. I like you and I just felt like I needed to be honest.”

  “How long y’all been together?”

  “Off and on, for about three years.”

  “So if you gotta man then what were you doing on the dating site?”

  I took a deep breath. “What’s the best way to explain it? He is a good guy. What you see is what you get. I never felt compelled to be exclusive with him because I’ve always believed there was something missing in our relationship.”


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