Talk a Good Game

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Talk a Good Game Page 8

by Angie Daniels

  “I like kids. I hope to have one or two before it’s too late. Do you think you’ll ever want more?” It’s crazy but I was dreaming about having this man’s baby.

  “If God blesses me with another wife, then yes. How do you feel about dating a man with kids?”

  “It’s not a problem.” Although my personal profile had said I wasn’t interested in dating a man with small children, I knew the chance of meeting a man without any was next to impossible. “I think if they lived with you it would be something I’d need to seriously think about.” Again he looked pleased by my answer. “How old are they?”

  “Eighteen, sixteen and fourteen.”

  Perfect. They were all self-sufficient. If we were to ever have a child, I wanted our child to be the only baby in the family.

  “How long you been in the military?”

  He asked a lot of questions but I didn’t see him as being nosy. I loved a man who was interested in learning about me. “Twelve years.”

  “What do you plan to do when you get out?”

  “Wow! I don’t know. I hope to retire in eight years. I have a degree in business administration and a master’s in Public Administration so I guess I’ll find a personnel position in the civilian world.”

  “That’s good stuff. I have a bachelor’s in sociology and a master’s in Criminology.”

  Educated. Yes! “That’s cool. Are you working in law enforcement?”

  “No, nothing like that.” He shook his head. “I’m working as a program manager for the department of transportation.”

  We continued to walk and talk and by the time we had circled back to my house I was feeling real good about him.

  “Thanks for inviting me over.” We were standing next to his Tahoe grinning like two nuts.

  “Thanks for coming over. I wanted to spend some time together before I leave for Salt Lake City on Sunday.”

  “What are you doing there?”

  “Training,” I murmured.

  Jeremy nodded. “Thank you for letting me put in my application. I am very interested in the job.” He then held out his hand and struggled to keep a straight face. I’m a little slow so it took me a few minutes to figure out what he was talking about. And then I was laughing like crazy and shook his hand.

  “I’ll be making my decision in a few days,” I joked and then suddenly the laughing stopped and we were staring at each other. It was something like out of a movie. Jeremy dragged me closer then waited for some type of cue. I finally gave up and leaned in and kissed him. Any other dude would have swooped in for the score. He was so damn mannerable. I was going to have to work on that.

  “And I’ll be here to pick you up on Friday for the comedy club.” Jeremy finally wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me tightly in his arms. His tongue entered my mouth and this warm feeling spread through my body. It was like I was melting or something. I’d never felt like that before and it was so overwhelming I didn’t know how to handle it. Trust me, I’ve been kissed by more men than I could count but it was just something about the way he made me feel like I was the luckiest woman in the world. And I couldn’t help wondering if maybe I had finally met the one.



  Friday night, I left my cousin April in charge of the restaurant, rushed home to let Honey out for the evening, and then headed over to Kaleb’s place. Ever since I had gotten back from Las Vegas we had been spending so much time together I practically lived at his house. Not that I was complaining. His house was amazing with wood flooring, custom molding, and five thousand square feet of living space. Kaleb had sent me a text an hour ago that he had the wine chilling. Someone please pinch my ass! Hee-Hee! I still couldn’t believe how lucky I was to meet a man like him, who showered and treated me the way a man was supposed to treat a woman—like a queen.

  When I had landed at the St. Louis International Airport, I spotted Kaleb waiting and holding a sign that said, “I’m Janelle’s Man.” That man instantly stole a piece of my heart. We went back to his place and five days later, I was still spending every second I could with him. Last night he had hinted at me moving in with him but I wasn’t sure yet if he was serious. I would do anything to make this house my permanent address. But I wasn’t accepting anything short of a ring. Sorry, boo-boo, but this pussy ain’t for free.

  I pulled into the circular drive, parked my Honda in front of the garage door and stepped out. I glanced down at my ankle length strapless sundress and simple tan BCBG sandals and grinned. I made even the simplest outfit look good.

  “What took your sexy ass so long,” Kaleb said with a playful smile as he opened the front door.

  “I had to get some orders ready for tomorrow.” I leaned over and kissed his lips and the second I stepped into the house, I gasped. You would have thought Kaleb owned a candle factory at all of the scented candles that were flickering along the long foyer. I looked over at him puzzled. “Kaleb, what’s going on?” I asked, afraid that maybe I had missed an important event.

  Kaleb smirked. “Nothing’s going on other than I wanna treat my baby to a special night. C’mon.”

  I was smiling and laughing at the same time as he extended his hand and I accept it. I followed him across the beautiful bamboo flooring his housekeeper kept shiny like a new penny. There was high ceilings and wainscoting along the walls. The house reeked of money but the cheap furnishings were another story all together. I looked into the living room where the stereo was playing soft soothing jazz music. I couldn’t have planned a more relaxing evening.

  We were walking into his dream kitchen when CJ came barreling down the back staircase followed by this big-ass wolf.

  “Oh my God! What the hell is that?” I shrieked, and jumped behind Kaleb for protection.

  “That’s Midnight. He won’t hurt you.” CJ then tried to show me how gentle his dog was but I wasn’t buying it. I usually came over when CJ was sleep, so the dog must have been in his room because this was the first time I’d ever seen that monster. He was nothing like my precious Honey.

  “Dad I’m getting ready to head over to Jordan’s.”

  I noticed the backpack on his back. We were going to have the house to ourselves. I was jumping for joy, knowing I’d have my man to myself.

  “Okay but son before you leave I’d like to say something to you.” Reaching over Kaleb took my hand and then looked so serious I held my breathing as I waited to hear what he was about to say. “Ms. Jae is really special to me.” Pausing he brought my hand to his mouth and kissed it. “What do you think about her moving in with us?”

  “No!” he yelled. “It’s too soon!”

  What the fuck!

  I kid you not, CJ was stomping his feet like a child. “Dad, it’s too soon! Why you always rushing?”

  “CJ, get the fuck outta my face!” Kaleb suddenly exploded and even I flinched.

  The kid looked crushed as he wailed, “Why you getting mad? You asked me!”

  I started popping my gum as I nodded my head and agreed, “Yeah, you did ask.”

  “Dad’s always doing that!”

  “CJ go!” he ordered.

  His son was muttering under his breath as he moved around the center island. “You’re always rushing and then you’ll break up and be back on looking for another woman.”

  No he didn’t just say that! This was better than Maury.

  “I said shut the fuck up,” Kaleb said in this eerie low voice that caused his son to tense. “Get outta here NOW!”

  CJ sulked out the room and was heading toward the stairs. Wait a minute! The front door’s that way.

  “How you gonna ask him a question and then get mad when you don’t like the answer?” I’m just keeping it real. Besides, I wanted our romantic evening alone dammit.

  Kaleb’s face cracked, and went from anger to remorse in a matter of seconds. “You’re right. Hey, son!” he called after him. “Go to Jordan’s. I’ll see you in the morning.”

“Okay,” he said in this baby voice that sounded odd coming from him. In fact there was something about him that reminded me of my brother Brice and that really bothered me.

  “I’ll be home in the morning, by ten,” he said and I could tell that was his designated time to return.

  “I’m sorry, son,” Kaleb said and looked so pathetic. Ewww! I hope I’m not going to see that look too often.

  CJ then gave his dad a kiss, which I thought was weird for a boy who was almost six feet but then he came over and kissed my cheek as well. I guess it bothered me, because my father never showed affection and the only time my mother ever dared to tell us she loved us was when he wasn’t around.

  “See you later CJ,” I replied and tried to hide my excitement that he wasn’t going to be at home and in the way. The only problem was he was leaving behind that big horse he called a dog.

  After he left, Kaleb took my hand. I walked around Midnight, who was now lying on the floor in the kitchen. He was cute—just too damn big.

  I followed him back to the family room where there were more candles, strawberries, and a bottle of wine chilling in an ice bucket. I allowed my eyes to travel around what was so far my favorite room. He had every electronic gadget imaginable and an old comfortable leather sectional sofa.

  “This is so romantic,” I cooed.

  Kaleb grinned and looked pleased by my response, then his expression became somber. “Jae… thanks so much for stepping in. You’re right. I was wrong for getting mad at CJ for expressing how he felt.”

  “You’re welcome,” I tilted my chin and met his delicious lips in a kiss. One minute he was crazy, the next minute he was the gentlest man. Damn, there was that rush again.

  “Take a seat and relax.” He tapped one of the large body-sized pillows on the floor. I flopped down, then Kaleb lowered and took my shoes off my feet. He was so gentle he brought tears to my eyes.

  My man had gone to a lot of trouble to plan the perfect night. “You’re something else.”

  He chuckled. “I told you I believe in treating a woman the way she deserved to be treated. Mom raised me to be a gentleman.”

  “I’ll have to remember to thank your mother,” I said lounging back against the pillow.

  He rose and moved over to the table, poured me a glass of wine and handed it to me. “Here you go, babe.”

  I just loved the way he called me, babe. “Thank you.”

  “How about a toast?” he suggested then lifted his glass. I nodded and kept my eyes locked on his as I raised mine.

  “Here’s to black folks meet dot com because if it wasn’t for them I never would have found you.”

  “Awww!” I was blushing now. “To black folks meet dot com,” I repeated, clicked my glass against his then brought it to my lips. “Mmmm, this tastes good.” It was a moscato that wasn’t overly sweet.

  “I had the guy at the wine store recommended a brand.”

  It was so good or maybe I was just so caught up in our romantic evening.

  I took mine to the head, and then handed him my empty glass. “Baby while you refill my glass, let me run to the bathroom real quick.”

  He winked at me. “As soon as you get back, I’m ready to go upstairs and run a bath for two.”

  I jumped up from the floor and headed through the kitchen to the half bath. I was so excited I almost peed on myself. Life with Kaleb was so good and he was good to me. I washed my hands and was heading back through the kitchen when I noticed the horse’s water bowl was empty. I stopped, rolled my eyes and reached down for it. He was lying on the floor near the back stairs and the second he saw me carry his bowl over to the sink his tail started wagging. I may not care for big dogs but one thing I’d never do is mistreat an animal. I put the bowl back onto floor and he immediately rushed over and started slurping, sending water all over my bare feet.

  I jumped back. “Stupid dog,” I mumbled under my breath then hurried back to the family room. When I spotted Kaleb holding my phone in his hand I came to a screeching halt.

  “Why is dude still calling you?”

  “What?” I was trying to stall. Damn, talk about bad timing!

  “Don’t play dumb. Your phone rang twice while you were in the bathroom so I looked down and saw that dude’s name flash across your screen.”

  “How did you know who was calling if my phone was in my purse?”

  “It wasn’t in your purse. It must have been in your pocket because you left it on the pillow.”

  I frowned. I was almost certain my phone had been in my purse.

  “Answer the question! I thought it was over between you and Q?” He was definitely pissed off.

  I shrugged. “It is.”

  “Then why the hell is he calling you?”

  I shrugged and stepped into the room. “He’s just having a hard time accepting that it’s over.”

  Kaleb paused, met my eyes then handed back my phone. “I can’t blame him. I would hate to lose you myself. But you need to handle that.”

  “What’s there to handle?”

  “Oh, I get it! You’re trying to keep him around so you can have a spare.”

  “A spare? Are you serious?” I cried.

  “Yes, a spare.” He held up his hand. “Look I already told you I’m not gonna share my woman with anyone.”

  I was quite certain he was getting tired of this and if the roles were reversed I guess I would be too. “Okay, I’ll handle it.” Oh well, so much for a romantic evening.

  “You need to handle it now! I’m trying to make you my wife and you’re still hanging on to your exe.”

  His words went straight to my head. “Make me your wife?”

  That smirk of his suddenly turned into a piercing smile. “You heard me. I want to marry you and share all this with you.” He emphasized with a sweep of his hand. “But like I said from the word go, I’m not into games. You want a good man then you got one standing right here. But I don’t have time for window shopping. Claim it and let’s build a life together.”

  Kaleb’s words were everything I had wanted to hear and more. “Yes, baby! I want that too,” I said and grinned wickedly. I practically leaped into his arms and wrapped my legs around his waist.

  My future was definitely looking up.



  “Master Sergeant.”

  I felt someone kick my boot under the table and my eyes popped open to find Timmy staring at me.

  “Wake up,” he mouthed with this amused look on his face. I grinned then shifted on the seat.

  We had been in a training class for the last two days, learning how to properly use the new defense personnel database. It was an interesting class. I was just tired as hell. Last night Timmy and I went down to the bar in our hotel and sat up drinking until we had reached our limit. I went back to my room, crashed, and slept through my alarm. Timmy and I had been carpooling since Monday. If he hadn’t called my cellphone I probably would still be laid across the bed passed out.

  I sat up straight and took a drink of the diet Coke that was now lukewarm but it still felt good going down my throat. I listened as Maria demonstrated how to generated reports using the self-service center. I scribbled notes in my binder then heard my cellphone vibrating in my purse. I reached down and discreetly noticed I had a text from Jeremy.

  Hey beautiful. Hope you’re having a blessed day. I’m thinking ahead to when u come back. What days can I plan some things with u? It could be hourly. I just want some time.

  Wow. He was already planning ahead. I smiled because it was obvious that he liked me, which was a good thing since I felt the same way about him.

  Any day you want next week. You just tell me. I’ll be working on a training class but ur worth making time for.

  I hit Send then glanced up at the projector to see if Maria noticed I was not paying attention. She hadn’t. Good, because my phone vibrated again.

  Wow! I appreciate that. I believe I am also. Lol.

  I grinned as an
other text came in.

  Hope you’re smiling. It’s pretty.

  I was really grinning now.

  I’m giving you permission to. LOL

  I texted back.

  Yes, I’m smiling.

  Timmy kicked my boot again. “Ouch!” My head whipped around and I glared at him.

  “Yo, pay attention,” he whispered. I was ready to kick him back because that shit hurt but he was so cute with those deep dimples of his.

  Timmy was a senior master sergeant so he outranked me and was assigned to the 192nd Fighter Wing in Hampton, VA. We had met years ago at the senior NCO academy and ended up sleeping together on more than one occasion. We tried the long distance thing for a while, but eventually I met Rock and the relationship tapered off. Last night we had laughed and talked for so long that it felt like old times yet instead of thinking about kicking it again with Timmy, I found myself looking forward to Jeremy’s phone calls and text messages.

  I made myself focus on class. And when it was time to break for lunch I rose and reached for my purse under the seat.

  “You wanna go and get something to eat?” Timmy suggested.

  I’m not going to lie. The brotha was gorgeous. He stood to his full six-five stance and I tilted my head and looked up into his beautiful chocolate eyes. Timmy made a military uniform look good. “Sure, what you got a taste for today?” I followed him out the room and down the hall along, with the other twenty airmen in our class.

  “I figure Wendy’s would be quick.”

  I nodded and put my hat on my head just as we stepped out the building. Tim was quiet. I could tell there was something on his mind. He waited until we got into the rental car before he said something.

  “Look, after we went back to our rooms last night I spent a lot of time thinking about us and what coulda been.”

  I looked at the glove compartment and blushed. “I was thinking the same thing.”

  His eyes lit up and he reached over for my hand and squeezed it. “I’ve missed you, Nyree. I wanna see if we can get this relationship back where it used to be.”


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