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by Unknown

  “I don’t think there is anything that amazing about me,” Alice said quickly as her face burned with embarrassment.

  “You might not see it,” Eleanor smiled. “But we all do. Alice, I don’t know how much you know about Parker’s past.”

  “Not a lot,” Alice admitted, looking into Eleanor’s eyes. “I mean, I know something hurt him. I know it was something that made him shut his heart away for a very long time. But I don’t know what that something is.”

  “He will tell you,” Eleanor assured her. “Once he is ready, he will let you in. What I will say is, Parker was once a sweet, caring and very loving boy. Then he changed, and I thought we had lost that part of him forever. But you have brought my sweet, caring boy back to me. Since he met you, I see in him the boy I once loved with all my heart. You did that.”

  Alice just smiled, unsure of how she should respond to what Eleanor had said.

  “So yes,” Eleanor continued. “I think you’re pretty amazing.”

  “Thank you,” Alice smiled, but was relieved that the waitress returned with their lunch right at that moment and put an end to the conversation.

  “So, Parker suggested that we go see your grandmother this afternoon,” Eleanor said to Alice as they walked back to the car after lunch. “If that’s okay with you?”

  “You want to go visit Gram today?” Alice asked, completely stunned by her suggestion.

  “Yes,” Eleanor replied, with a smile. “Is that okay?”

  “Sure,” Alice smiled back. “I know Gram will be thrilled to finally get to meet you.”

  “Then that’s what we should do,” Eleanor said as she climbed into the car. “I told Parker we would stop by the office and pick him up.”

  “Pick him up?” Alice asked, surprised by Eleanor’s statement.

  “Parker said he would like to come too,” Eleanor explained giving Alice a surprised look. “That’s okay, isn’t it?”

  “Sure,” Alice replied. “It’s just…he is so busy, now that he has taken over from Robert.”

  “He will never be too busy for you,” Eleanor assured her and gave her a warm smile.

  When they reached Parker’s office, Eleanor insisted that they go up into the building, instead of waiting in the car so she could show Alice around.

  “This building has been in the family for over fifty years now,” Eleanor explained as they both made their way along the corridor. “It was the first thing Parker’s grandfather did when he took over from his father. He said that they needed premises that reflected their ambition. So he leased the whole top floor. He said if they were to reach for the stars, they should be among them. Ten years later he bought the whole building.”

  “Wow,” Alice said as she took in her surroundings. For an older building, it had a very modern feel to it. It had clearly been renovated, and giving the muted tones and colours, Alice assumed that Eleanor had a say in the design. She didn’t know why, but this made Alice smile. She liked to think that Robert valued his wife’s opinion so much. Alice hoped that one day, Parker would value hers as much.

  “Eleanor!” A man exclaimed as he emerged from one of the offices. “What a wonderful surprise.”

  “Gregory,” Eleanor greeted the man warmly. “How lovely to see you.”

  “How is the boss man?” He asked giving Eleanor a look of concern.

  “Hating the new diet,” Eleanor laughed. “But loving being on the golf course.”

  The man threw his head back with a deep laugh before his eyes fell to Alice.

  “Gregory, this is Alice,” Eleanor said introducing them. “Alice is Parker’s wife.”

  “So you’re the famous Alice,” Gregory said, offering Alice, his hand. “It’s lovely to meet you finally.”

  “You too,” Alice replied as she shook his hand.

  “Parker never stops talking about you,” the man added with a warm smile.

  “Speaking of Parker,” Eleanor said. “Where is my darling son?”

  “I think he is down in his office,” Gregory replied and pointed to the door at the end of the hallway.

  “Thank you, Gregory,” Eleanor said as she turned to make her way to the office.

  “Actually, Eleanor,” the man said suddenly, and Alice couldn’t help but notice the happy demeanour he had moments before seemed to have disappeared. “Could I have a quick word?”

  “Certainly,” Eleanor said, and Alice knew from the look on Eleanor’s face, she knew something was wrong.

  “Maybe I should go find Parker,” Alice suggested, knowing she needed to give them some privacy to talk.

  “That’s a great idea, Sweetie,” Eleanor said, giving Alice a grateful smile. “His office is the one at the very end.”

  “It was lovely to meet you, Gregory,” Alice said as she looked at the man once more.

  “The pleasure was all mine,” he replied, giving Alice a genuinely warm smile.

  As Alice made her way down the hallway, she couldn’t help but notice people staring at her. She knew they probably already knew who she was. Most likely they had seen the pictures in the newspapers. She tried not to think about what they must have thought of her. Instead, Alice just focused on the door, knowing Parker was on the other side of it.

  “When she reached the door, she knocked on it softly, before she pushed it open and stepped inside.

  Alice was surprised to find herself standing in a small office, where there was a woman sitting behind the desk, staring at her expectantly.

  “I’m sorry,” Alice said. “I was told this was my husband’s office. I’m not sure how I got it mixed up.”

  “You must be Alice,” the older lady said as she stood up and greeted Alice with a warm smile. “You have the right office. Mr. O’Neill is just with someone at the moment, but he won’t be long.”

  “Oh, okay,” Alice replied as she breathed a sigh of relief.

  “I’m Zelda,” the woman continued as she walked around the desk and offered Alice her hand. “I’m Mr. O’Neill’s assistant. It’s lovely to meet you.”

  “Lovely to meet you too,” Alice replied, but before she could say another word, the door that was behind Zelda’s desk swung open abruptly.

  “This is far from over, O’Neill,” an angry looking man snarled as he appeared in the doorway. “If you think I am taking this lying down, you can think again.”

  “You will do as you’re told,” Parker’s calm voice floated out from the office. This only seemed to rile the man even further.

  “We will see about that!” The man spat back before he turned and stormed out of the outer office.

  “Zelda,” Parker said as he appeared at the door looking angrier than hell, but the moment he saw Alice, the biggest smile lit up his face. “Now this is a surprise I could get used to.”

  He closed the distance between him and Alice, and instantly wrapped her in his arms and pressed his lips to hers.

  “Is everything okay?” Alice asked when Parker finally released her lips.

  “You mean Lewis?” Parker asked with a laugh. “Don’t let him worry you. He is nobody that matters.”

  He took hold of her hand, and led her into his office, closing the door behind them.

  Before Alice had time to take in her surroundings, Parker pulled her into his arms once more, and this time his kiss was deeper and filled with passion.

  “Do you know how much I want you,” Parker breathed against her lips. “The things I could do to you right now.”

  He dropped his hands and cupped her backside, pulling her closer to him. Alice groaned with longing when she felt his arousal pressed against her. Why was this man so addictive?

  “Parker,” she whispered as she fought the desire that was consuming her. “Your mother is just down the hall. She will be here any moment.”

  “Damn,” Parker groaned as he pressed his forehead against hers. “Later then. You’re all mine.”

  “Later,” Alice repeated just as the door opened and Eleanor came walking in.

  “Sorry about that,” she said, clearly unaware she had walked in on them having a moment. “Gregory caught me in the corridor, and you know what he’s like.”

  “What did he want?” Parker said, and Alice heard an edge in his voice.

  “Nothing that matters right now,” Eleanor said giving Parker a strange look, and Alice knew there was something she wasn’t telling them. “Are you ready to go see Alice’s grandmother?”

  “I am,” Parker said as he turned to Alice and gave her a nervous smile. “Is that okay?

  “Sure,” Alice smiled deciding whatever was going on, was clearly nothing to do with her.

  “Then let’s do this,” Eleanor said as she turned and headed towards the door.

  Parker held out his hand to Alice, and she slipped her hand into his before he led her to the door too.

  Chapter 25


  When they reached the nursing home, Parker glanced back at Alice, who was sitting in the back of the car with his mother. She smiled at him, but he could see the worry in her eyes. He knew she was a little nervous about taking them to see her grandmother.

  If he was honest, he wasn’t one hundred percent sure that bringing his mother here was the right thing to do. The last couple of times he visited, he could see that Gram was getting weaker and weaker. He knew Alice was beyond terrified that she was going to lose her, and Parker wished there was something he could do to help, but in his heart, he knew that Gram was living on borrowed time.

  That’s why he suggested they came that day. He didn’t see the point of putting it off until another day. He knew what it meant to Alice, and to Gram to have his mother come to see her, and there was nothing he wouldn’t do to make Alice happy.

  When they climbed out of the car, Parker made his way straight over to Alice and took hold of her hand.

  “Are you ready for this?” Parker asked, giving her an encouraging smile.

  “As I’ll ever be,” Alice replied before she turned and led Parker, followed by his mother, up the steps of the nursing home. As they made their way through the entrance hallway, Parker spotted Annie, the head nurse who seemed to have taken a personal interest in Gram.

  Parker remembered the first day he came to the nursing home. Annie had looked at him in a way that told him she knew exactly who he was, and that she didn’t have a very high opinion of him. He remembered how Alice had instinctively tried to protect him. She had slipped her hand into his and held it tight, and Parker knew she was sending a message loud and clear.

  Since then, he had gotten to know Annie better and did in fact like the woman. He knew she cared about Gram, and Alice too, for that matter. That made Parker like her despite everything else.

  When she saw them walking in, she gave them a warm smile,

  “Hi Alice,” she said as they walked towards the front desk. “Hey, Parker.”

  “Hi Annie,” they both said in unison before Alice added. “How’s Gram doing today?”

  “She’s in good form,” Annie replied with a smile. “She ate her breakfast this morning.”

  “That’s good news,” Alice said, and Parker could hear the relief in her voice.

  “She is down in her room reading,” Annie told her.

  “Thanks, Annie,” Alice said as she turned and headed down the corridor, followed closely by Parker and Eleanor.

  Alice paused when she reached the door before she walked into the room.

  “Hey Gram,” Alice said brightly as she stepped through the door, and headed straight towards her grandmother. Parker noticed that no matter how Alice was feeling, she was always bubbly and upbeat when she came to see her grandmother. And he knew the smile she received from her grandmother each time, made everything else bearable.

  “Peanut,” Gram said, and her face lit up the moment she saw her granddaughter. “You are spoiling me, coming to see me like you do.”

  “Well, this time I brought you a visitor,” Alice replied as she kissed her grandmother’s forehead.

  Sophia looked past her granddaughter, and her smile widened when she saw Parker standing there.

  “Parker, Sweetheart,” Gram said, her face lighting up with happiness. “What brings you here on a work day? I would have thought you were too busy to come see a silly old lady like me.”

  “I’m never too busy to come and see one of my favourite people in the world,” Parker said as he moved closer to Sophia and kissed her on the cheek. Parker was surprised by how fond he was of this sweet woman. There was something so kind and caring, yet sad about her.

  He liked to come and listen to her stories. Some were about Alice, which Parker liked, but some were about when Sophia herself was younger, and she was still just dating Alice’s grandfather. He could hear how much in love she still was with him, even after all these years without him.

  Parker hoped that one day he and Alice would have a relationship just like her grandparents.

  “Gram,” Alice said as she sat down next to her grandmother. “I would like you to meet Eleanor O’Neill, Parker’s mom.”

  “Oh, my,” Sophia said sitting up straight in her seat. She looked up at Eleanor and greeted her with a warm smile. “I wish I had known you were coming; I would have dressed better.”

  “You look beautiful as you are,” Eleanor said as she moved towards Sophia and kissed her on both cheeks. “I am delighted to meet you finally. Alice and Parker never stop talking about you. And I just had to meet the person who raised such a wonderful girl like Alice.”

  “Thank you,” Sophia said proudly as she looked over at Alice. “She is the best granddaughter anyone could wish for. I am very proud of her.”

  Alice blushed, and Parker couldn’t help but smile.

  “Maybe we should go get some drinks for everyone?” He quickly suggested knowing that Alice would be grateful for the chance to get out of the room.

  “I think that sounds like a marvellous idea, Sweetheart,” Eleanor said, giving her son a warm smile.

  “I won’t be long,” Alice said as she gave her grandmother a worried look. Parker quickly took hold of her hand and led her from the room.

  “Breathe,” Parker said as he pulled Alice into his embrace. “Everything is going to be fine.”

  “Is it?” Alice asked and Parker could hear the concern in her voice. “What if they figure out the truth?”

  “And what truth is that?” Parker asked with a cheeky grin. “That I am crazy about my wife?”

  Alice smiled as she leaned into him, and hugged him tightly.

  “Promise me that everything will be okay,” Alice whispered.

  “I promise,” Parker assured her, as he pressed his lips to her head.

  Something told Parker that she was worried more than just their secret being found out. He knew she was worried about Gram, and he also knew that she was right to be worried. Gram was not doing so good.

  Parker wished he could protect Alice from the hurt she would feel when she had to say goodbye to her grandmother. He knew how devastated she would be.

  He held her tighter, knowing that there was nothing he could do other than love her.

  “So are we going for these drinks?” Parker said, holding Alice at arm’s length.

  “Sure,” she replied as she smiled up at him.

  They went and got two coffees and two teas before they headed back to Gram’s room. By the time they got back, they found Gram and Eleanor deep in conversation, laughing and joking like old friends.

  “We thought you got lost,” Gram said when she looked up and saw Alice and Parker standing in the doorway.

  “We just wanted to give you two a little time to chat,” Alice said as she walked to her grandmother and gave her a cup of tea. “But we are back now.”

  Parker remained by the door and watched quietly as the three women chatted happily for the next hour. He watched Alice, as she watched her grandmother. Every movement, every sound Sophia made Alice noticed. He could see the now familiar v form above he
r nose, and he knew she was worried.

  By the time they had to leave, Parker’s mind was racing as to how he could help Alice, and more importantly, her grandmother more.

  When they finally left the nursing home, they dropped Eleanor back to her house first, before finally, they headed back to their own place.

  “I was thinking,” Parker said as they rode side by side in the back of the car.

  “Oh?” Alice said as she looked at him expectantly.

  “Once the party is over,” he continued as he took hold of her hand. “What would you think about taking Gram to live with us?”

  “Are you serious?” Alice asked, clearly stunned by what he said.

  “We have all those spare rooms,” Parker shrugged. “And I could hire a nurse to take care of her. She would be with you all the time, just like she used to be. I think it makes sense.”

  “You would do that?” Alice asked as her eyes glistened with unshed tears.

  “Of course I would,” Parker replied. “I know you’re worried about her, and I know that each day that passes, she is getting weaker. There is no reason for her to stay in that place anymore. She should be home with family.”

  “I…I don’t know what to say,” Alice said as tears spilled down her face.

  “You don’t have to say a word, Sweet Girl,” Parker said as he leaned forward and kissed her on the forehead. “I just want you to be happy.”

  “I am,” Alice replied as she rested her head against his chest.

  When they got back to their home, Parker said that he needed to check his emails before he disappeared down the hallway. He wanted to get through the work he had to do as quickly as possible so he could get back to Alice.

  He thought about their kiss in his office, and he was desperate to pick things back up, just as he promised her he would.

  Parker tried to push that thought from his mind. If he was going to get through his work quickly, he couldn’t think about all the things he was planning to do to Alice later. He adjusted his pants, trying to accommodate his growing arousal, while he powered up his laptop.


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