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by Unknown

  Holding her eyes with his, he allowed his hand to travel further down her body until he reached the apex of her legs. As he ran his fingertips across her pubic bone, Alice’s breath hitched in her throat, as her hips tilted up from the bed to meet his fingers. Parker smiled but didn’t say a word. Instead he just held her gaze as his fingers dipped down between her thighs.

  “Parker, please,” she cried as his fingers softly caressed her sensitive folds. Her hips lifted up from the bed once more and Parker knew she was ready for him. He leaned down and claimed her mouth, just as his fingers slipped deep inside her.

  Alice cried out, but Parker swallowed the sound before it left her mouth. Over and over he plunged his fingers into her soft centre, as his thumb circled her clit, sending her body into a spiral.

  “OH GOD!” She cried over and over as his fingers relentlessly drove her higher until finally, she came apart, calling out his name.

  It was almost too much for Parker. Watching her come apart almost undone him too. He needed to be inside her. He needed to feel her body against his.

  Parker made short work of his clothes, and before Alice had time to catch her breath, he was climbing over her and settling between her legs. Leaning down to claim her mouth once more, Parker pushed into Alice with one fluid movement, filling her completely.

  She reached up and wrapped her arms around his broad shoulders and pulled him even deeper into her. Parker knew he was ready to explode, so he needed to move slowly if he wanted to make this last.

  “Alice,” he breathed against her mouth. “I fucking love you, Baby.”

  “Parker,” was all she could say, but it was enough. Parker crashed his mouth to hers once more and began to move. Each thrust brought him closer to the edge.

  “YES! YES!” Alice cried out as once more her body shook from the orgasm that was thundering through her entire being. Parker slammed into her once more, before he too found his release and erupted inside her.

  They both lay down on the bed, as they tried to calm their ragged breathing.

  “Tell me we can stay like this forever,” Parker finally said, as he lifted his head and looked down at Alice. “Tell me we will always be this happy.”

  “I don’t know if we can always be this happy,” Alice said as she reached up and softly touched his face. “But I can promise that I will always love you this much.”

  Parker smiled before he kissed her once more. That was all he needed to hear.

  Alice released a contented sigh as she snuggled into Parker’s chest. They were sitting on the decking, side by side on a large wicker chair, curled up together, looking out at the sea just as the sun was going down.

  Parker had lit a fire in the grate on the decking, and they were now snuggled together, drinking a glass of wine.

  “Are you happy, Alice?” Parker asked as he pulled her closer to him.

  “Yes,” Alice sighed once more. “I would love to stay here forever.”

  “Then why don’t we,” Parker asked as he kissed the top of Alice’s head.

  “As lovely as that sounds,” Alice laughed as she leaned up and looked down at Parker. “I don’t think the real world would leave us alone for very long.”

  “Yeah,” Parker said as he reached up and softly touched her cheek. “But you have no idea how much I want to take you somewhere where no one could ever find us. Just you and me for the rest of our lives.”

  “And what about O’Neill’s?” Alice asked as she gave Parker a surprised look. “I thought taking over from your dad was all you have dreamed about?”

  “It was,” Parker shrugged. “It is…it’s just…It’s just things change. I’ve changed.”

  “You’ve changed?” Alice asked with a curious smile.

  “You’ve changed me,” Parker admitted. “You have shown me there is more in this world than profit margins and power. Now I can see a future that involves you and me, kids, a house…”

  “You want kids?” Alice asked, and Parker could hear the shock in her voice.

  “Yes,” Parker replied with a nervous grin. “I would, someday.”

  “I see,” Alice said before she snuggled back against Parker’s chest.

  “Alice,” Parker said confused by her reaction. “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah,” she replied, but there was an edge in her voice.

  “No,” Parker said as he sat up and looked down at Alice. “You’re not. Talk to me.”

  “It’s nothing, honestly,” Alice replied, but Parker knew she was lying.

  “It’s because I said I wanted kids?” Parker said and knew by the look on her face that he was right. “Isn’t it?”

  “I…I just never considered that kids were an option,” Alice sighed, suddenly unable to look at Parker. “I just assumed…”

  “You assumed that I wouldn’t want kids,” Parker said knowing that she was never going to admit that to him.

  “I guess I’m just surprised,” Alice admitted as her face flushed a little.

  “What about you?” Parker asked, and he could see his question unsettled her. She shifted nervously in her seat before she turned and looked back out over the sea. “Do you want children?”

  “I haven’t really thought about it,” Alice replied, and Parker knew he had hit a nerve. He had assumed someone like Alice would love kids. He believed that one day she would truly make an amazing mother. But there was something about the look on her face, something that he hadn’t seen in her before. It was a sadness that almost broke his heart.

  “Alice,” he said as he reached out and took hold of her chin, then turned her back to face him. “What is it?”

  “My parents left me,” Alice said as her eyes glazed over with unshed tears. “I know it wasn’t their fault, but they left me. What if I have a baby, and something happens to me?”

  “Alice, what happened to you…it was the worst thing that could ever happen to anyone,” Parker began cautiously. “But it was an accident. A terrible accident, but still just an accident. You can’t let that stop you from living your own life. It’s not what your parents would have wanted.”

  “I know, but…” Alice said as she looked up into Parker’s face.

  “Look,” Parker said giving her a reassuring smile. “I’m not asking for kids now. I am not ready to share you just yet. But I believe that when the time comes…”

  He leaned forward and kissed her on the forehead.

  “You will be the most beautiful…” he kissed her nose. “Amazing mother in the world.

  He kissed her on the lips then smiled, before he kissed her again, this time a little deeper.

  “But in the meantime,” Parker continued as he broke his lips from hers and he slowly eased her back on the chair before he kissed her again. “Practising is going to be so much fun.”

  Chapter 30


  Alice sat on the white sand and looked out over the glistening sea. The only sound she could hear was the waves crashing before they came rushing up onto the sand.

  She had woken about an hour before in a cold sweat. She had dreamed about Gram. She dreamt that she had gone to visit her in the nursing home, but even though Alice searched everywhere, she couldn’t seem to find her. While she ran along never ending corridors, she could hear Gram calling out her name, but she just couldn’t find where she was.

  When she woke, and found Parker still sound asleep, she quietly slipped out of bed and pulled on a summer dress before she quietly made her way out onto the decking and down onto the beach.

  As much as she had enjoyed the last two days, she was glad to be going back to the city. She hated that she was so far away from Gram, and the fact that there was no way anyone could contact them only made her more worried.

  Alice had thought Parker was kidding when he said no phones, but sure enough, he meant it. Still, it was lovely having him all to herself. She loved every minute she spent with him.

  The night before, Parker had brought a blanket and some pillows down
from the house, onto the beach. He then built a small fire, and they lay on the blanket, looking up at the crystal clear, night sky. Alice had never seen so many stars in her life.

  Parker told her that he wanted to look for a new house. One that would belong to them, and somewhere they could grow old together, maybe even raise a family.

  Alice had to admit, as much as the thought of having a child terrified her, the idea of making a baby with Parker filled her with excitement too.

  She thought about how they had made love on the blanket, beneath the stars and Alice smiled. Maybe making a baby with Parker wouldn’t be such a terrible idea after all.

  “There you are!” Parker said as he sat down next to her on the sand. “When I woke, and you were gone, I was worried.”

  “I’m sorry,” Alice said as she looked at Parker and gave him a smile. “I had a bad dream, and I just needed to clear my mind.”

  “Why didn’t you wake me?” Parker asked as he reached out and took hold of her hand. “I don’t like to think of you upset and alone out here.”

  “You were fast asleep,” Alice shrugged and smiled. “I didn’t want to disturb you. Besides, I am okay now. I was just sitting here enjoying the peace before we head back to the city.”

  “We don’t have to go if you don’t want to,” Parker suggested with a big grin. “We could stay for a few more days.”

  “I think people will miss us if we don’t,” Alice laughed as she leaned in and kissed him softly on the lips. “But thank you for this weekend. It was perfect, just like you.”

  “It was truly my pleasure,” Parker replied, as he slipped his arms around her and eased her back down onto the sand. “Maybe we could wait till later to go home. I was thinking we could do a little bit more of that practising we were talking about.”

  “Parker O’Neill,” Alice laughed. “Is that all you think about?”

  “Pretty much,” Parker nodded before he claimed her mouth and kissed her hard. When he released her lips, he looked down at her and laughed. “Well, that and pancakes.”

  Alice laughed out loud as well, as Parker climbed up from the sand, then reached out a hand to her, and pulled her up too.

  “Come on, Casanova,” Alice giggled, as she brushed the sand from her clothes. “I’ll make you some pancakes before we head back; how does that sound?”

  “I knew there was a good reason why I married you,” Parker laughed as he took hold of Alice's hand and led her back up the steps into the beach house.

  “I’m tired,” Alice said, leaning her head against Parker’s shoulder as they rode up in the elevator together. She was glad to finally be back home. Alice smiled at that thought. She couldn’t remember when it had happened exactly, but she finally felt like Parker’s penthouse was her home. She felt like she belonged there, and being back after the weekend was a good feeling.

  “Maybe you should leave going to visit Gram until tomorrow,” Parker suggested as he kissed Alice on the top of her head. “I don’t think Gram will mind this once.”

  “I know she won’t,” Alice sighed as the elevator came to a stop. “But I want to see her. I want to be sure she’s okay.”

  “That dream really bothered you,” Parker said as he looked down at Alice. “Didn’t it.”

  “I just want to see her for myself,” Alice replied with a smile. She leaned up on her tippy toes and pressed her lips to Parker’s just at the elevator doors slid open.

  “Maybe I will come with you,” Parker suggested as he walked across the hallway to the front door of their apartment. He was just about to slip his key into the lock when the door opened, and Eleanor appeared in front of them.

  “What are you doing here?” Parker asked with a smile, as he leaned in and kissed his mother on the cheek. “Don’t tell me you missed us already. It’s only been two days.”

  Eleanor smiled, but she didn’t respond.

  The first thing that struck Alice was, Eleanor wasn’t her usual happy self. She seemed distracted, upset almost. The first thought that came to her mind was, something was wrong with Robert. She knew Parker thought that too because his whole body went rigid and she could feel the fear emanate from him.

  “What’s wrong?” He asked as Alice slipped her hand into his. “Something has happened.”

  “Why don’t you come into the living room?” Eleanor said as she stepped back into the hallway to let them come in. “We can talk in there.”

  “Okay,” Parker said as he held Alice’s hand tighter. While they walked into the living room, Alice’s heart hammered in her chest. She knew if something had happened to Robert, it would devastate Parker. She closed her eyes and prayed that Robert was okay.

  “Dad,” Parker said as they reached the living room, and Alice instantly opened her eyes, as relief washed over her to see Robert sitting there on the sofa. Parker let go of Alice’s hand, hurried to his father, and hugged him tightly. “Shit, I was so scared. The look on Mom’s face when she opened the door, I was sure something was wrong.”

  “Parker,” Eleanor said, stopping Parker mid-sentence, and Alice froze as Eleanor finally let her eyes meet hers. Eleanor gave her a sad smile and took a step towards her, but Alice stepped back from her. She knew what Eleanor was going to say before she even said the words, and she didn’t want to hear it.

  “Mom,” Parker said, as he gave his mother a questioning look. “What is it? What’s happened?”

  “Alice, Sweetheart,” Eleanor said, her focus remaining solely on Alice. “I’m so sorry.”

  “No,” Alice said, shaking her head as hot tears suddenly burned her eyes, and her chest ached with grief. “No, this is wrong. Please don’t say it.”

  “It happened last night,” Eleanor continued as Parker just stood there, rooted to the spot still not fully following what his mother was talking about. “I was with her yesterday, and she seemed a little confused. She was talking about you and your parents, but what she was saying made no sense. Annie said, she would have a doctor come and check her over but it was just too late, it happened so fast.”

  “NO!” Alice cried as she took another step back. Tears spilled down her face, but she rubbed them away abruptly, refusing to give into her grief. “You’re wrong. I need to go. I need to see my grandmother. She will be waiting for me.”

  She turned around and headed back towards the door, her heart hammering so fast in her chest, she could barely catch her breath.

  “Alice,” Parker called as he followed her out. He reached her just as she reached the door, and pressed his hand against the door to stop her from leaving.

  “Let me go,” Alice demanded without turning to face him. “I need to go see her. Please, Parker; please let me go.”

  “Alice, Baby, it’s too late,” Parker said as he placed his hand on her shoulder. “I’m so sorry.”

  “No,” she cried as she pressed her head to the door. “I need to go see her; I need to go…”

  “Alice, she’s gone,” Parker said softly as he wrapped his arms around her and drew her into his embrace. “She’s gone.”

  “NOOOO!” Alice sobbed as her legs buckled and she collapsed into Parker’s arms.

  Alice couldn’t think, much less breathe. She knew this day was coming; she had known it for a while, but that didn’t make the pain she felt inside her any less. Her mind raced with so many thoughts; she could barely focus on any one thing.

  “It’s okay, Alice,” Parker whispered as he held her tight. “I’ve got you. You’re going to be okay.”

  “I should have been here with her,” Alice sobbed sadly as she tried to make sense of what was happening. “If I had been there, I could have helped her. I could have asked for the doctor to come earlier…”

  “You don’t know that,” Parker tried to reason with her. “Gram was old, and she was sick; you don’t know if there was anything you could have done.”

  “But I should have been there,” Alice insisted. “I was all she had, and she died alone. She needed me, and I let her
down, and now I can never make it right.”

  “Alice, Sweetheart,” Eleanor said from the doorway of the living room. “There was nothing you could have done, Darling. It just happened so fast.”

  “But I could have been there,” Alice insisted as she sobbed harder. “I should have been there. She was all I had left, and I let her down. Now I have no one.”

  “You have me,” Parker whispered as he kissed the side of her head and held her tighter. “You’ll always have me.”

  “I should have been there,” Alice repeated once more as a sudden wave of anger washed over her. She was hurting so much inside; she just wanted to make it stop. She wanted to scream and yell, and make every ounce of pain disappear. She was just so confused.

  Why did she agree to go to the beach? Why did she let Parker convince her that she didn’t need to bring her phone? There were so many questions spinning around her head, and she just couldn’t think straight.

  My grandmother was dying, while I was having sex on a beach. She thought to herself bitterly. This was all my fault. I chose Parker over my grandmother, and now she is dead. This is all my fault.

  “I need to go,” Alice said as she abruptly pulled away from Parker, a strange calmness settling over her. She wiped away the tears with the back of her hand, then walked towards the door. “I need to go see her. I need to go to the nursing home.”

  “I will take you,” Parker said as he took a step closer to her.

  “I don’t want you there,” Alice said coldly surprising Parker. “I can do this myself.”

  “I know you can, Alice,” Parker said as he stopped her from opening the door once more. “But I want to do this with you. Please don’t push me away.”

  Parker pulled Alice into his arms and held her tight.

  “Let me help you,” he pleaded, but Alice could just feel the anger that was inside her, bubble to the top.


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