Defiant Ecstasy

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Defiant Ecstasy Page 11

by Janelle Taylor

  Could it be the Great Spirit has protected her because of who she is? Could Matu be right? I have heard many stories about this girl who is the captive of Wanmdi Hota. I see they did not lie. If she is who Matu says, then she will soon be mine! Wanmdi Hota was indeed lucky to have found such a rare, beautiful flower among the wasichu. Whether she is wasichu or Indian, she is a prize worth taking. It is easy to see why he so fiercely resists Mahpiya Sapa’s demands. He does not wish to lose her again, and so very soon. But, she will be mine! He will indeed have to fight a challenge to keep her if she is Shalee. I will slay the great warrior before I will allow him to keep what rightly belongs to me and Mahpiya Sapa. It might be the Great Spirit has sent her here for me and has protected her until I could find her and come for her.

  Alisha watched the possessive look which was rapidly growing in the eyes of the younger warrior and wondered at it. His look was one of bold scrutiny.

  Brave Bear noted the fear and suffering in Alisha’s large, green eyes fringed with thick, dark lashes. Her skin looked as soft and white as the clouds. He wanted to reach out and touch and caress it. He watched her intently as he listened to the words between the other two , men. He read the terror and panic in her eyes, but also something else. Was it a suspicion or instinctive knowing of who they were and why they had come here? Had she guessed who she was? Had the Great Spirit told her He would send them to find and rescue her? There had been such a strange expression in her eyes when she had looked at his wanapin. It was as if she knew who he was and had been expecting him to come. No, she could not know anything for certain. He saw her tense at his scrutiny. He flashed her a secretive half-smile. She pinkened shyly and lowered her gaze and he broadened his smile.

  Black Cloud had related his story outside to Gray Eagle and they had argued bitterly. Gray Eagle insisted that Alisha had been through enough lately and he refused to subject her to more. He had tried every reason and argument he knew, but Black Cloud would not be dissuaded. The standoff ended when he demanded proof that Wanmdi Hota did not speak with a double tongue. Gray Eagle’s back was to that treacherous wall again and he had no choice but to prove his word and honor.

  How could he put her through this new shame? Today was the day for all things to be out in the open. How could he explain what he was about to do to her? Later, when they were gone, he would make her understand. Once more, their talk must wait until later ...

  Black Cloud had told him many, many winters ago he had taken a white squaw himself and he had loved her dearly. She had long, dark hair which glowed in the sun like fire. She had eyes the color of grass and skin the color of snow. She had lived with him as his woman for three winters and had given him a daughter who resembled her.

  When the child had been two winters old, she had been kidnapped in a raid on his camp and taken away. His woman had been killed in that same raid and he had never seen or heard of his daughter again. He related how Matu had come to him the day before and spoken of the white girl who was the captive of Wanmdi Hota. She told him of the beating the white girl had received many moons ago and of how she had been left to tend the girl while Wanmdi Hota came to the war council. She said she saw the akito of Mahpiya Sapa on her buttock while she was tending her injuries.

  She had spoken of the girl’s fiery hair and green eyes, of who the girl looked like. Gray Eagle’s blood chilled at these words. He knew now Matu had lied before. She had not come to warn him that day, but to see Black Cloud about Lese. The raid and Lese’s capture had prevented her from speaking to him that day. This was the meaning of her strange actions yesterday which White Arrow had related to him. This was why she did not bring the food and water to him. He vowed she would pay for her lies.

  Black Cloud was holding up his right hand for Gray Eagle to view. He was saying Matu had told him the white girl had one to match it on her left buttock. It was well-known in these parts that the Si-ha Sapa used tattooing for family member recognition. Each man had his own symbol. All members of his family carried that same mark for identification in times of raids and accidents.

  Gray Eagle looked at the akito, a half moon with one star high on the left and another star low on the right. He studied the pattern and said the white girl had no such akito on her body.

  But Mahpiya Sapa insisted on seeing for himself she did not bear his akito, especially after seeing her appearance and likeness to Jenny. Gray Eagle had told him Alisha had come here only a few moons ago from a strange land far, far away, but Black Cloud still would not be deterred. He said she could have been sent there to live with the wasichu after her capture long ago. Once more, he demanded to see the akito for himself!

  Gray Eagle coldly stated, “She is not the cunwintke of Mahpiya Sapa! She is mine! She was sent to me by the Great Spirit. You know of the vision He sent to us about her. She will be shamed and hurt by this. I do not like being forced to make her endure this. Wanmdi Hota is a man of truth and honor. If she carried the akito, I would have seen it before. I also doctored her that day. Matu lies!”

  Black Cloud calmly retorted, “Maybe the Great Spirit placed her in your safekeeping until I could learn of her return and come for her. The vision told you to rescue her and bring her here for protection and to kill the bluecoats. I say He told you nothing more, did He?” He saw the look confirming his words cross Gray Eagle’s face before the brave could hide it. He continued, “She will soon forget the hurt and shame of this day if she is truly my daughter. I, too, do not like to force Wanmdi Hota to do this. You are the son of my koda. But you make this necessary. Perhaps Wanmdi Hota’s heart has blinded his eyes to the akito of Mahpiya Sapa on his winyan! I hear and see your actions do not speak of love or concern for this girl. Your resistance is only false pride. Matu has told us of her treatment at your hands. If you have gone to such bold lengths to take and keep her, then why do you treat her as such?

  “Does Wanmdi Hota fear the voices and taunts of other warriors? Did it take this much cruelty to save face? Could you not teach her obedience and respect with a little kindness? Hatred is a two-sided knife, Wanmdi Hota. It cuts the one who holds and uses it, as well as the one it touches.”

  Black Cloud did not realize his vision and thoughts were colored by the girl who sat before him, the very image of his beloved Jenny. He should have recalled things were different when he captured Jenny. The hating and killing had just begun and they had not had many years to fester and grow. Only the women had resisted his taking a white squaw. Jenny’s treatment had been very unlike Alisha’s. The times and emotions back then were different. Then, too, no one dared to question the deeds or words of the great chief Mahpiya Sapa of the Blackfoot tribe.

  Gray Eagle reasoned, if by some quirk of fate Mahpiya Sapa believes Lese is his daughter, then I will accept her as such and join with her. With Lese as his mate, no one would dare to argue his claim on her ever again. I will never give her up! But when he spoke his offer to Black Cloud, he flatly refused.

  “I have no sons and have chosen Mato Waditaka as my successor. If she is my daughter, she will be joined to him and live with her people. I will not allow her to be joined with another, one who has abused her so brutally! She will leave with us today. My heart is closed to your pleas. It is settled.”

  Gray Eagle angrily exclaimed, “Hiya! She is mine! I have captured her two times. She has lived with me as my winyan and she will remain so! I have taken her many times and will allow no other man to take her as mate. I would accept her as your daughter, but she will remain mine!”

  Alisha watched wide-eyed, listening for any words she knew or understood. Gray Eagle’s muscles were taut in fury. His voice was low and threatening. His eyes burned like two, hot coals. They flashed in warning, but why?

  The other warrior stiffened at his words and his eyes also narrowed in rage. Alisha could not figure out what was going on. Were these men friends or enemies? Surely not enemies, for they carried weapons and were in here alone with him.

  Brave Bear stepped forward an
d spoke to Gray Eagle. “We cannot change what you have done to her, but if she is Shalee, I will take her! She is not to blame for your actions and abuses. Matu has told us of her great strength and courage. She has told us of her kindness and friendship to the Indians. She has told us everything about her!”

  Brave Bear went and knelt before her on one knee. He placed his finger under her chin and raised her head to face him. Her eyes met his and she gazed into the depths of them. It was as if he sought to view her very soul. His eyes roamed her features, then returned to meet her steady, curious gaze. A look of desire was clearly evident upon his face and in his eyes, but there was something else there. Was it tenderness or gentleness? No matter, his look and closeness made her uneasy. She flushed pink at his continued, bold scrutiny. She quickly lowered her eyes to his wanapin.

  Pleased with what he saw in her eyes, he stood up and said to the others, “She is very beautiful. Even if you have taken her first, she is more than acceptable to me. She still retains an air of innocence and purity. I would still wish to trade for her, Shalee or not. The things I read in her eyes make your cruelty even harder to understand. If all I see and hear are true, she is a prize to treasure and protect. We will look for the akito!”

  Brave Bear leaned over, took Alisha by her forearms, and pulled her to her feet. His strong hands slid down her arms to her wrists and gently, but firmly, gripped them in a steel vise. Alisha stared at his hold on her wrists, and a look of panic flashed across her face. Her eyes frantically went up to his to read his intentions, but she could discern nothing. The easy, half-smile was playing on his lips once more.

  Suddenly terrified, she tried to yank free, but Brave Bear did not give an inch. She cried out in fear, “Wanmdi Hota! What do they want? Why are they here? Who are they? I do not understand what’s going on.”

  No answers came. She observed Gray Eagle and the chief move behind her. She tried to turn around to see them and what was happening, but the brave’s hold on her made any movement of her body impossible.

  A feeling of impending doom chilled her to the bone and she shuddered. She paled, dread filling her bright eyes.

  Alisha strained to. peer over her shoulder, to see the chief lift her dress-tail, to watch and feel him touch her derrière. Her face burned in humiliation. She struggled to fight the panic which rose in her chest and battered her heart. She squeezed her eyes tightly shut as if to block out her shame. Her lips and chin began to tremble and she clenched them together to still them. She could hear the old man speaking to Gray Eagle. Their voices carried a different tone, but she could not tell what this meant. This is an outrage! she fumed. It is too much! How dare he do this to me! Anger began to surge and grow in her at this wicked insult.

  She struggled furiously against Brave Bear’s hold. She cried out, “Let me go! Stop this instantly! Release me, I tell you!”

  Her resistance had absolutely no effect on the Indian’s grip at all. His strength was even greater than Jeffery’s had been. She was completely under his control and power until he chose to free her. Alarmed, she pleaded, “Please, Wanmdi Hota! Hiya, hiya ...”

  She saw he made no attempt to stop them and what they did. He did not try to help her or prevent their actions. His full attention was on the old chief as he spoke with him. There was something new and strange in his voice and expression which frightened her immensely: a deadly calm.

  He dropped to one knee behind her and looked at her derrière as the chief had done. She pleaded again, “Hiya, hiya ...” Now she could make no sense of the Indians’ strange actions and expressions.

  Why wouldn’t he listen to her and help her? Why did he permit these men to treat and touch her in this manner? They acted as if they were examining a piece of merchandise to buy ... no! Surely not that! Alisha blanched and shook violently at this idea. Was he going to sell or trade her to these men? Hadn’t Powchutu said they either killed or traded slaves when they no longer wanted them? He had not killed her last night. Was this the new torture he had decided on? Was this to be her punishment for her defiance last night? She wept silently, Does he wish to be rid of me and marry Chela? Perhaps he had planned this all along! , Her broken heart cried out, betrayal... deceit ... lies, all of it was only lies...

  Powchutu had warned her before she left the fort not to openly defy and show disrespect for Gray Eagle again. Would he go this far to be certain she would never shame or resist him ever again? Were these past two days a cruel joke on her? Did he want to prove his contempt and hate for her by selling her like some animal? Had he sensed her love for him and mocked her with his tender response? He had wanted to show her his power over her body and life. Could he be that brutal and heartless, to play with her emotions so cruelly? Could he? There was no other answer or explanation for what was going on.

  Brave Bear was acutely aware of Alisha’s ever-growing terror, but he was also reading anguish and betrayal in her eyes. Why? he wondered. She fought him again to break free. She leaned forward and bit his hand. When she heard deep, rumbling laughter coming from his chest, she stopped and looked up at him. He was laughing at her feeble attempt to hurt him! Tears began to flow down her rosy cheeks from her lucid, grassy eyes. Her chin and lips quivered as more tears flooded down her flaming cheeks. She lowered her forehead to their locked hands and wept. She knew it was futile to resist them.

  Brave Bear retained his grip on her wrists, but he lifted their hands to pull her face to rest on his bare chest. She did not resist, but instead lay her face against him and relaxed her body limply against his. He released his hold on her and put his arms around her. His embrace was imprisoning, but gentle.

  “Why, Wanmdi Hota? Why?” she whispered sadly.

  Gray Eagle burned with jealousy and rage at the sight before him. Why did it always have to be someone else who comforted her in her pain and suffering? First it was Wanhinkpe Ska, then Powchutu, and now Mato Waditakal It is my turn to comfort and protect her. I am the one she loves and needs, not them!

  Alisha sank deeper and deeper into her thoughts, trying to block out the scene surrounding her. This was what the warning had been about. Powchutu had been correct. Gray Eagle is tired of me and wishes to sell me. Why couldn’t he trade me to Powchutu or Wanhinkpe Ska? No, that would be too kindl Could the council have demanded he send me away and marry Chela? Do they blame me for what happened last night? Do they want me out of the teepee and life of their beloved warrior? If this were true, would he say no to their demands? He is to be their next chief and would surely possess this power. No, he would not refuse their command even if he wanted to.

  Perhaps he would change his mind if she begged, promised to be good, and told him she would never defy him again. She spoke to him, “Please, Wanmdi Hota, I’ll never, never defy you again. I promise. Please don’t sell me to them. I’ll be your slave, and I’ll do anything you command. Please don’t send me away. Let me stay here with you. I love you. Hiyal Don’t do this. I beg you. Anything, anything but this...”

  Alisha’s pleas seemed to fall on deaf ears and a cold, hardened heart. But in truth, they cut and ripped at the warrior’s heart. Little did Alisha know of the pain which tore at Gray Eagle’s heart, of the anger which flooded him at his lack of power to help her.

  Alisha grasped the reality that Gray Eagle was not going to help her. He would not heed her pleas or promises. They were all too busy bargaining for her. She silently prayed this new warrior and chief would not want her. This warrior appeared to be kind and gentle, and he certainly was attractive. And, at times there seemed to be a kindness written in the old man’s face. But Alisha feared to go to another village, to be without her Wanmdi Hota.

  Alisha mournfully reflected, yesterday was he only teasing me? Was he trying to trick me? He’s probably laughing at the way I behaved to him, thinking I am a slut. To think I even seduced him! It was all a joke, a cruel joke ...

  I should have known him by now. How many times did I have to be shown the truth before I accepted it?
I am his enemy! I should look at him and see him for what he is, not for the illusive lover I dreamed up. He is a demon, a killer...

  If this is how it must be, I shall not beg or plead with him. I shall not give him the pleasure of my tears. As before, I must find the courage to remain silent and dry-eyed. If I could do this during a flogging, then surely I can do this while he sells me!

  Brave Bear felt the stiffening of Alisha’s body and pulled back to peer into her face and eyes. She no longer cried or pleaded with Wanmdi Hota. She had a look of fierce determination and pride on her lovely face. The empty, sad expression in her emerald eyes tugged at his heart. They screamed anguish, betrayal and sadness, but also acceptance of this situation. He noted her inner strength and courage and secretly beamed with pride at this girl who would soon be his.

  Gray Eagle had stared in utter disbelief at the matching akito. How could this be? Lese was not this missing daughter of Mahpiya Sapa’s. How did the akito get there? Did Cinstinna know of its presence? Did Powchutu? Was this some kind of trick to free her from him? Was it some new deceit on her part? Had she merely fooled him for the past two days, giving Mahpiya Sapa time to get a message? Had she been toying with his emotions, teasing him with her body and love? Did the wasichus do this to protect her when I took her back? Is this the true reason they gave her up so easily? Does she mock me? Wanhinkpe Ska told me of the strange looks which passed between Matu and Lese yesterday. What trickery do they seek to pull on me?

  Gray Eagle’s mind was in chaos until he suddenly realized, Matu said she had seen the akito while she tended her after the icapsinte. That was before Alisha went to the fort. The wasichu could not have placed it there, nor had they guessed the meaning and importance of it.

  This information was even more confusing. I am not even sure it, was not there when I captured her. How could I have not seen it?


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