Boss Me Dirty (Billionaire Boss Romance Book 2)

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Boss Me Dirty (Billionaire Boss Romance Book 2) Page 9

by R. R. Banks

  “Believe it,” said Mina from the couch behind him. “The work the two of you have done to make this company seem reputable, stable, and potentially profitable in two days is mind boggling and something that the COT appreciates. Though Robert’s reputation is a stumbling block, his actions have shown that he is prepared to dedicate himself to the success of his company, as well as the success of the Consortium. My mother said that anyone on the board would be foolish to deny the company entrance.”

  “So, what did you tell your mother?” asked Dillon, trying his best to get to the bottom of what all happened.

  Mina grinned as she adjusted her position on the couch. “I told her what our conversation was like on the train from Milan and how the two of you really impressed me with your vision of stability and professional control,” she began. “We spoke about what was best for the COT and what was best for the region, and even though you carry a bit of a negative stigma, it was easy enough for her to look over once she knew the direction of the company and could see that it would be beneficial to let you in.”

  “Right, and you get a pretty important position it sounds like,” quipped Dillon, prodding a bit.

  “I did get something out of it, but mother and I have been discussing ways of getting me involved with a company for the past few years and making sure we waited to find the right opportunity,” she explained cordially. “She feels that it will be beneficial for me to work with two smart and aggressive businessmen, and that I could potentially learn a great deal to help further my career, assuming I ever need to.”

  Robert smirked. “Dillon, she’s a part of the team now, and she’ll be one of the many reasons we are going to succeed. We’re going to embrace this right now and not look back.”

  “Oh, I’m not fighting this appointment,” he defended himself. “I fully support it, one hundred percent. I think she is and will be an incredible asset to us.”

  Mina smiled as a light knock from the suite door emitted through the room. “Who the hell could that be?” asked an annoyed Robert, who immediately turned and walked to the door. He placed his hand on the door knob and opened it up, swinging the door open quickly and preparing to berate whoever was on the other end for disturbing him when the ‘do not disturb’ sign was clearly posted on the door. “Oh,” he said softly, changing his entire demeanor once he saw who was on the other side of the door.

  “I’ve heard you’ve had a rough go of it, love,” said an energetic Camille with her thick accent, standing in front of a bundled-up Marisol. “Dillon wanted this to be a surprise.”

  Robert smiled as he held the door open, motioning for the two ladies to walk in with both immediately walking toward Dillon and hugging him. “Glad to see you two made it to Zurich in one piece,” he stated joyfully. “I was worried the airstrip was going to freeze over and they were going to have to divert the flight.”

  “Well it was an interesting landing, but we’re here,” said Marisol with a sense of relief. “I didn’t know what room you were in, so Camille and I left our luggage with the concierge.”

  “That’s fine, we can ring for it in the next few minutes if need be so you can get ready for dinner,” replied Dillon. “It will be in about an hour, so you should have enough time to get ready.”

  Camille laughed heartily as she slapped Dillon on the shoulder before walking over to the chair he previously occupied and sat down. “I’m sure it’ll take the two of us at least an hour and a half to get ready after that flight,” she joked. “I do appreciate the charter service, Dillon, but did you really have to put the two of us next to livestock?”

  “Excuse me?” asked Dillon. “Livestock?”

  “Yes, dear, there happened to be a man with a chicken in a kennel on the plane with us,” explained Marisol. “It was an awkward experience.”

  Robert and Mina both laughed as Dillon tried his best to suppress it. “Camille, Marisol, I’d like for the two of you to meet Mina Patel, our new…whatever her title is.”

  “Executive Director of International Relations,” she finished for him again. “I swear, eventually you will get that right.”

  Camille smirked as she shook her head at Robert, stretching her hand out to shake Mina’s. “Pleasure to meet you,” she said with Marisol walking up and doing the same.

  “So, what exactly will you be doing?” asked Marisol, getting straight to the point and avoiding any awkward conversations.

  “I am the direct liaison with the COT and its members,” she explained. “My position will involve the procurement of supplies, transfer of materials, and overall relationship management within the Consortium.”

  Marisol nodded slowly. “Isn’t it a bit premature to bring her on board?” she asked. “You have your meeting in an hour to discuss even getting in. Isn’t this getting a bit ahead?”

  Dillon and Robert both chuckled as Mina shook her head. “Marisol, we were accepted in right before you got here,” stated Robert, prompting a look of genuine surprise from both Camille and Marisol. “Our dinner tonight is more of a welcome dinner where we will meet everyone and discuss policies, procedures, to start building and crafting relationships within the organization.”

  “That’s incredible!” exclaimed Camille as she leapt up to hug Robert. “So tonight is more of a celebration?”

  “Absolutely,” he replied. “Tonight, we meet the members of the Consortium, schmooze with them a bit, and then perhaps enjoy our next couple of days here in Zurich before we get to work.”

  “That would be amazing,” said Mina. “The executive committee will be here for a few days anyway, so that will give me enough time to get some networking in before I head to Dubai and get set up there. Robert, Dillon, the two of you may want to consider making an appearance there before long.”

  The two men nodded. “I’ve always hated Dubai,” said Dillon.

  “Why? It’s an amazing place,” retorted Mina. “It is one of the most fabulous places in the world.”

  “Mina, no disrespect, but if I want amazing beaches and a great night life, I can just go home to Miami,” he replied. “Dubai offers nothing that I cannot get back home.”

  “That’s fair,” she replied as she stood up from the couch and walked toward the doorway. “I will see the four of you in about an hour for the dinner. I can’t wait to get started.”

  “Neither can we,” replied Robert. “We’ll see you soon.”

  Chapter 7

  Everyone at the table was laughing and overjoyed as they completed their dinner. Robert and Camille sat together, holding hands under the table as they sipped on their drinks while Dillon kept his arm around Marisol, holding her shoulder with his arm draped around her back. Both new couples were happy and enjoying the time they were able to spend together. Sitting at the table with them was Sulagna Patel and her daughter, Mina, who was now an executive in their company. With the conversations stemming from Sulagna and Mina’s love of football to Robert’s brash antics to get into the Consortium, the table enjoyed each other’s company as they all got to meet the various heads of the Consortium.

  “So how are you enjoying your impromptu acceptance dinner?” asked Sulagna.

  “It’s wonderful,” said Dillon as he sipped on his glass of wine. “The food is second to none, and clearly you all know how to throw a party.”

  Sulagna smirked. “Well, the staff here knows what we like and knows what we want to do, so it’s not much of a struggle to get something thrown together at the last minute.”

  “Don’t let her fool you. A lot of work goes into planning these events, and to throw one together at the last minute places a lot of stress on my mother,” explained Mina. “She likes to pretend like it’s not any trouble, but in reality, she stresses about every detail because she wants you all to have a great impression of her and the rest of the Consortium.”

  Sulagna grumbled sarcastically as Mina smirked at her mother. “It’s not always like that,” she snapped. “Just sometimes.”

es is usually all the time,” continued Mina.

  “Tonight was perfect,” interjected Robert, motioning to Sulagna. “Thank you for your hospitality. Everyone has been very welcoming, and I’m glad we are all on the same page.”

  “It’s been wonderful to meet everyone,” said Dillon. “I feel that we are incredibly welcomed by everyone here. I hope we live up to the high standards and make this profitable for everyone.”

  Sulagna smiled earnestly. “We firmly believe that it will be. The work that you all have done so far is incredible, and I think it will only get better from here with our resources and networks pushing you along, helping you to grow and become more successful.”

  A tall man hailing from Nigeria walked up to the table and shook Robert’s hand, followed by Dillon’s. “Gentleman, welcome to the Consortium,” he said in a deep voice. “My first name is Kossi. My last name you will never be able to pronounce,” he joked, prompting the table to laugh heartily. “I will be personally guiding you through your transition into this organization over the next two weeks, making sure all of your guidelines are sufficient with the global trade and that all of your profits, prices, and other deals are adequate.”

  “Great,” replied Robert as he stood up from the table and placed his hand on Kossi’s shoulder, standing eye-to-eye with him. “I’m glad I’m finally getting to meet the man who’s going to guide us to the Promised Land.”

  Kossi smiled mightily as he looked over the table. “Well, I will be overseeing it,” he explained. “There are two women in our command who will finalize everything and make sure you all are operating on the same level we are.”

  “Oh, wonderful,” said Robert. “Are they here tonight? I’d absolutely love to meet them!”

  “Well, they’re actually in Australia right now, but I have arranged for a personal conference call with them,” he replied. “If you and your partners would like, we can head there now and start the quick meeting.”

  Robert smiled as Dillon and Mina stood up from the table. “Ladies, we’ll be right back,” said Dillon as he stepped around the table with Mina in tow. “We’ll make sure to keep this brief.”

  “Oh, it will be,” stated Kossi. “It’s early in the morning for them, and I can promise you the blonde doesn’t want to speak.”

  Camille and Marisol looked on confused as Sulagna patted Marisol on the forearm. “I’ll make sure to keep the two of you company,” she said with a genuine smile. “They’re going to meet the big bad wolves.”

  “Is it that bad?” asked Camille.

  “No, not at all,” replied Sulagna. “They’re going to meet the two women who saved the Australian company. It will be a quick meeting.”

  Robert, Mina, and Dillon followed Kossi down a hallway into a small room holding a computer with a camera connected to it and a projector. Kossi stood at the computer and pressed a few buttons, initiating the call and displaying two young women on the wall from the projector. Both women looked tired, appearing as if they just got out of bed. The first woman was slender with her hair pulled back in a ponytail, a tanned complexion, well-manicured eyebrows, and a gorgeous, soft face. The other woman looked angry, almost bothered from having to get up so early. Her skin was much paler and her hair was blonde, also pulled back in a ponytail. She appeared to be athletic, but wore a baggy sweatshirt that covered the shape of her body.

  “Am I disturbing you?” asked Kossi with a smile. “I didn’t mean to wake you up so early.”

  “Yeah, kind of,” said the angry looking woman. “It’s just now seven.”

  Kossi laughed as the other three in the room looked on with an awkward gaze. “Well, I won’t keep you long, but it’s only nine o’clock here.”

  “You don’t have to be at work in an hour and a half,” continued the angry woman. “I have to help the Chinese today, and I can’t stand my interpreter.”

  “Kossi, don’t mind Hannah. She’s just not a morning person,” said the other woman.

  “I’ve realized that if I ever need to talk to one of you before noon, always go to Alexis,” continued Kossi. “You are clearly the much more pleasant person in the morning.”

  Hannah leaned up in her chair and stared directly into the lens. “Are you saying I’m not pleasant?”

  “Yes, that is exactly what I’m saying,” joked Kossi, prompting a laugh from the entire room. Hannah stepped back from the camera lens and shrugged her shoulders with Alexis turning to face her while holding back a laugh.

  “You are a bit angry in the mornings,” stated Alexis. “I love you, but you are.”

  “Sleeping is my second-best attribute,” continued Hannah.

  “What’s your first best?” asked Dillon, inserting himself into the conversation and prompting Hannah to tilt her head to see who said that.

  “We’re not that close yet for you to find out,” she answered in a rude tone. “Who are you, by the way?”

  Kossi stepped in before Hannah lashed out any further, looking at the other three in the room with a subtle glare and motioning for them to stay focused. “Hannah, Alexis, I would like you to meet the current board members of the New Zealand Oil Company. The tall man is Robert Acostis, the principal owner. The other man is Dillon Flannigan, the acting president. The beautiful lady to his side is Mina Patel, the daughter of Sulagna, who will be serving as the liaison with the COT.”

  “Oh, wonderful,” said Alexis with a smile. “It’s nice to meet the three of you, but before we continue, Dillon, where are you from?”

  “Miami,” he replied.

  “So, another American,” she smiled. “Hannah and I are from New York.”

  Robert looked at the screen in bemusement and assumed these were the two women who single-handedly saved the Australian Oil and Trade Refiners and derailed his plans for the distribution take over. However, with his plan remade and complete, he dismissed any ideas of holding a grudge and surrendered to the idea of working with them for the betterment of his own company. “Ladies, it is a pleasure to meet you,” he began. “I hope that, for the extended future, we will all be able to work together and do what is best for the COT and for all of the companies involved. If you happen to have any ideas, suggestions, complaints, concerns, or just simply want to have a conversation, do feel free to contact me.”

  “Thank you, Mr. Acostis,” answered Alexis. “The same invitation applies.”

  “Robert,” he replied, alerting them to call him by his first name. “Mr. Acostis runs the family winery.”

  “Wine?” asked Hannah, sitting up with the mention of one of her favorite beverages. “I love wine.”

  Robert chuckled as Hannah moved closer to the lens. “Your family has a winery.”

  “In Athens,” he replied. “I also make my own at my home in Monte Carlo in case you are curious.”

  “Is it any good?” asked Hannah bluntly, prying for information regarding his hobbies and passions.”

  “I can promise you that it is,” inserted Mina. “I had some a few hours ago, and it was perfect.”

  Hannah smiled as she moved Alexis away from the camera. “We might end up being friends after all.”

  Dillon laughed. “I think our first meeting with these ladies may have to take place at your apartment or your family’s winery.”

  “Or I could just bring several bottles with me to wherever we plan to meet up,” stated Robert.

  “I’m okay with any of those options,” stated Hannah as Alexis slowly pushed her out of the way to take over the screen.

  “Alright, really fast so we can start getting ready for our day,” stated Alexis. “I’m going to need to see your books to analyze your distribution network, along with the supply lines so that I can see what your balance of excess is.”

  Robert nodded. “Will you be brokering the deals with the other companies, or will we have to negotiate with them?”

  “I will handle most of the negotiations, as I have all of the information about inventory at my disposal for everyone in the compa
ny,” answered Alexis. “There is nothing I don’t have at my disposal.”

  “Perfect,” replied Robert. “I look forward to talking to you within the next few days.”

  “As do I,” she said politely.

  “So I will let the two of you get ready for your busy day. Take care now,” stated Kossi as he hung up the conference call and turned off the projector. “If you all want to head back to the party, it’s right down the hallway. I will join you shortly.”

  Robert, Mina, and Dillon all thanked Kossi in unison before walking out of the room and headed back to the party. They walked down the hallway and into the ballroom to see Sulagna, Camille, and Marisol waiting for them at the table. With a quick tap on the shoulder, Robert alerted his date that they had arrived. “Well, how was that?”

  “I think it went well,” said Robert as he pulled Camille’s chair back. “I think everything will end well for us.”

  “I hope so,” replied Camille.

  Chapter 8

  Camille and Robert ultimately decided to call it a night after all the travel and the late night the day before. With hugs goodbye to Marisol, Mina, and Dillon, Camille and Robert traversed up to his suite to spend the rest of the evening in a quiet manner. With their plans to stay in Zurich for the next few days while the company gets set up inside the Consortium’s network, Camille cleared her schedule with FC Monaco for the week so that she could spend more time getting to know Robert without having the confines of work hanging over her.

  She walked into his suite and kicked off her black heals that matched her black cocktail dress. Her hair was still beautifully sculpted like the day she and Robert met, and her makeup brought out her stunning eyes. Robert walked in behind her and kicked off his shoes, landing in nearly the same spot as Camille’s. “Great minds think alike,” she quipped as she walked past the couch and turned the corner into the small bedroom with Robert slowly trailing behind her.


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