Seducing Peaches

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Seducing Peaches Page 10

by Smith, Crystal

  They were seated and he ordered for them both. Lois drank the glass of red wine in one gulp. She felt uncomfortable and irritated. He knew something was wrong. Twenty minutes later and two glasses of wine the food arrived. Silence annoyed her throughout the dinner but she didn’t offer to end it either. When they finished he handed her the bag.

  “You want me to change now?”

  “Yes.” She didn’t say a word. She stood and went to the restroom.

  When she unzipped the bag and seen what was covered one thought came to mind. Oh my god. Long red, very elegant gown. Shoes to match. In the shoe box there was another small box with a note.


  These are almost as beautiful as you. I look forward to seeing you wear only them.


  The lid to the jewelry box said Winston. HARRY WINSTON!

  She opened and OH MY GOD!!!!! Large ruby circled by diamond earrings. The necklace, single row of diamonds with a single ruby dangling. She closed the lid immediately.

  I can’t do this. I can’t. There is no way I can wear these. She opened the box again.

  She dressed and for a moment she felt happy. She held the jewelry box in her hand.

  Just put them on Lois. He’s got it. So what if something happens. I hope it does. She was angry with him.

  She didn’t want all the finer things in life that clearly he was giving her. She wanted his attention. She wanted his touch. She wanted to at least feel that he cared more for her than the appearance of her.

  She walked out and he was standing there in his black tux waiting for her. He looked so damn sexy. She could take him right back into the bathroom and have her way with him. Or he could have his way with her. She didn’t care either way.

  “You look exquisite, stunning. Never seen anyone or anything more beautiful than you. Shall we go?”

  “Yes Sir.” His compliments did the trick. She felt happy and finally comfortable. Relaxed.

  They arrived at the theater and everyone was dressed so lovely. They found their seats and when the music began, she got all cheerful inside.

  When it was over some two hours later, again her mouth got the best of her. “Thank God.” Oh shit. He laughed.

  “I take it you didn’t like it?”

  “Well, it wasn’t that I didn’t like it. The costumes were gorgeous. The voices were beautiful. But I didn’t understand anything they were saying.”

  “Hmm. Well I guess next time, we will just have to get all dressed up and then we’ll get all undressed.” He raised one side of his mouth into a smile. Now that she understood completely.

  She fell asleep in the helicopter on the way back. She remembered getting in it, didn’t remember taking off, didn’t remember landing, just his sweet touch caressing her face and saying her name.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to crash the lovely evening by falling asleep.”

  “It’s ok. Did you know you talk in your sleep?”

  “What did I say?”

  “Well, I don’t know if I want you to know just yet.”

  “Come on tell me. No one has ever told me I talked in my sleep before.”

  “Later. Let’s get you home.”

  He held her hand as he escorted her to her door and gently kissed her goodnight. As he turned away she couldn’t help it. She wasn’t ready for the night to be through.

  “Do you want to come in? Maybe a nightcap?” He stopped and waited a moment before turning around to look at her.


  He slowly walked in and followed her to the little bar that was full of little bottles of everything.

  “What will it be?”

  “Shot of tequila and a beer, please.”


  She poured his shot, got out 2 beers. She watched as he took the shot and chased it with his beer. So what is gonna happen now? She went to the balcony and walked out. He followed closely behind.

  “It’s a beautiful night.”

  “That it is.”

  She had to ask him. “I don’t understand what it is you want with me. I can’t keep doing this emotional roller coaster that you’re on.”

  “I think you know what I want with you Lois. That I believe I have been perfectly clear on.” She blushed turning looking out. He placed one finger on her chin and turned her head.

  She wanted to ask him what exactly he meant by that, but he kissed her sweetly and said goodnight. She watched him leave. Wow.

  She didn’t wanna change out of the gown that she was wearing. She felt like a princess in it. But she couldn’t exactly sleep in it. She got comfy and settled into watch some T.V. Falling asleep was easy.

  The next day was hard to concentrate. She wanted answers. She wanted to be alone with him. She took the jewelry to the office with her knowing that they were on loan to her, and if they weren’t she wouldn’t keep them. She didn’t say anything only lay them on his desk so he would get them when he arrived.

  Where had the morning gone. Lunch already. “Hey Lois, I’m picking up Chinese, you want anything?”

  “Thank You Mark, but I don’t think so.”

  If she couldn’t continue what he had started last night, then all she wanted to do for the next hour was take a nap. When the door opened she slipped out of her shoes and collapsed on the couch. She set an alarm for forty five minutes on her cell and lay back.

  When she woke, the aroma that was filling the air was mouthwatering. She lay there taking in the smell. Her eyes popped open. Who’s here and who’s cooking? It sure the hell isn’t Michelle. She raised looking towards the kitchen.

  “Tom, what are you doing?”

  “Well, now that I know you’re ok and not dead, I’m cooking for you, well us supper. I got hungry watching you sleep.”

  “You watched me sleep, again? Why?”

  “Because I thought something like you were sick, when you didn’t come back after lunch I got worried. So here I am.”

  She looked at her watch 8:20pm. “Holy hell. Why didn’t you wake me?”

  “Let’s just say, I enjoyed your words. Tell me about that dream. What exactly was I doing to you again?” She watched him raise an eyebrow and devilish smile.

  “If it was meant for you to know, you would have dreamed it yourself. Anyways, I don’t remember.” The look on his face told her he knew she was lying. She didn’t care, she was annoyed and she wasn’t going to tell him they were making slow, passionate love on her desk and he was making quite the use of her peach. Besides, she thought office sex was heated and fast, not that she would know. It was just as she imagined it.

  “What are you thinking about?”

  “Nothing!” She stood and walked to the bedroom and closed the door. She grabbed a t-shirt, some comfy stretch pants changed and returned to the kitchen to find him setting the table.

  “Sit, you must be hungry.”

  “Starving, I haven’t eaten all day. What did you make?”

  “An omelet. That pretty much sums up my cooking abilities.”

  “Omelet sounds good.” Smells delicious, so do you.

  She was so hungry it didn’t take long at all for her to eat it all to the point of almost misery. The last noise made other than from breathing was his fork slamming into his plate, his chair sliding back and her back slamming into the wall.

  His mouth was on hers, not gentle. Rough, hot, driving his tongue into her mouth. She kissed him back. Tasted his mouth. Used her tongue to jest with his tongue. He grabbed her wrist and shoved them above her head pinning them with one hand while his other hand pulled at her nipple causing pain and excitement all at one time.

  He let her wrist go grabbing her thighs and lifting her up on him. She felt his erection hard pushing against her as he moved his hip in a globular back motion. He moved them to the couch and crashed down on top of her almost crushing her, but she didn’t care because his hands were stroking her body. His hands were wild, he kept moving them lower and lower and just before reaching the place
her body wished for his touch the most he’d move his hands back up.

  He snatched her again pulling her up off the couch carrying her towards the bedroom, slamming her back into the door frame causing her to wince in pain and arousing her even further. Then he headed for the bed.

  This is happening, finally happening. She thought he was going to lay her down and claim her once and for all as his but instead he simply let go and she fell to the bed.

  “Sweet dreams Lois.” He smiled at her and then he was gone. That son of a bitch. How can he just walk away like that? She heard a text message on her phone and pulled herself together.

  Until next time! ; )-

  He is playing with me. That mother fucker. I’ll show him. He even comes within five feet of me I will move another ten away from him. I will act like he doesn’t even faze me. That I grew tired of his games and they no longer work on me. I so have grown tired of waiting.

  No, that’s not enough but it sure the hell is a start. She dressed quickly and left in a hurried manner. She didn’t have much time to get to the toy shop that Michelle had taken her in.

  She found several items that she thought she might enjoy, paid and left.

  She opened each one and lay them on the bed. She looked at the packages trying to figure out what each were and what the hell she was supposed to do with them. The next time he attempted to leave her like this, she would show him she didn’t need him at all.

  It was the longest night ever. The last time she looked at her clock it was 4:30am. Why do I let him do this to me? He was right, I am thinking of him almost constantly, dreaming of him every time I close my eyes. What the hell. Bastard. Oh well, he’s in for a surprise today.

  Chapter Nine

  The dark tint L&M did was wonderful. She even held her hand on the glass while standing half out the door trying to see her hand. It was perfect. She couldn’t even see the image on the glass.

  Same as yesterday, she put his coffee on his desk and then sat down at hers waiting. The look on his face should be priceless.

  Right on time. As usual straight to his office never looking in her direction. His door closed and then quickly opened. He walked to the glass, looked around it and then right at her smiled, then returned to his office. She knew he didn’t see her.

  Just as expected.



  It has come to my attention you have given me something to think about. Today, I was thinking of having my way with you on my desk, but beings that you have now blocked the outside view to yours, I ask yours or mine?



  Not a chance. Neither. I have grown tired of your games.



  I had no idea you were a comedian. The thought that you will not let me do as I wish is hilarious. I have already proven to you on more than one occasion I can make your body beg for my touch. Therefore, you will do anything I want you to even if that means me doing as I wish. You haven’t even begun to play my games yet.



  Comedy has never crossed my mind. I’m sorry to hear that honesty is hilarious to you.

  P.S. You had the chance to do as you wished last night and bleeeewwwww it. Your loss.



  Blowing, you exceeded all expectations there. I will have my way anytime, anywhere, and anyway I want with you. You’re not a fighter. And the last time I checked, you liked it when I blew.



  I can honestly say you’re demanding and saying things that will not happen. I have never lost a fight yet and I do not tend to do so now. You have on many occasions proven your point. Now I am proving mine. I will not be left in the shape that you like to leave me in. If I wanted to continue pleasuring myself. I wouldn’t have went to dinner with you.

  P.S. But I do like your breath. Should have used it last night. On second thought, I do like how I can make myself come in little to no time. I like the way I know exactly where to place my friends and feel wonderful minutes later.



  What are you doing?



  Finishing what you started and didn’t finish, leave me alone. I’m almost done.

  Suddenly her door flew open. He locked the door behind him. “Doesn’t look like it, and I always finish what I start.” He began not so slowly walking towards her. She stood and moved to the opposite side of the desk from him.

  “Lois, why are you running away from me? You accused me of not finishing what I start, well here I am. I don’t have a problem with finishing.” He was serious. Right here right now. Don’t give into him. Teach him a lesson. Drive him just as crazy as he has you.

  “I was talking about the merger documents.”

  “Sure you were.”

  He moved quickly toward her but again she moved. “Look at my computer.” He glanced down quickly and back to her.

  “Huh, you were working on them.” And he simply walked away.

  She didn’t get a lot of work done. She couldn’t stop looking towards his door hoping to get a glimpse of him. But she didn’t. Just as she sat back down his voice startled her.

  “Lois, can you come here please?”

  “Not a chance.”

  “Work related unless you want to mix them?”

  “Mix what?” His laugh was irritating. “Mix what damn it, don’t laugh at me?”

  “Work and pleasure Lois.”

  “No, work only. I have learned pleasure only came twice with you!”

  “Ok then, work.” His voice sounded angry very quickly. She walked into his office anxious as to what was about to happen.

  “I have a business meeting at 7pm at Alpenoes. I will need you to accompany me. I will pick you up at 6:30pm.”

  “What makes you think I even want to go?”

  “What makes you think you have a choice?”

  “I always have a choice Tom. Always.” She turned and walked out.


  True to his word, it really was a business dinner. She hadn’t expected it to be. Or maybe she was hoping it wasn’t. He sat next to her at the table. He never touched her. She was so exhausted that she didn’t even want to tease or egg it on. She just wanted sleep again. Which is what she was beginning to become quite fond of.

  Chapter Ten

  Tom wasn’t at work all day. She found herself missing him. No emails. No texting. No flirting and torturing each other. She was going to call him or text him and ask if everything was ok, but she didn’t. She didn’t know if she had the right to ask that yet. Although, he had let himself into her place and helped himself to the kitchen when she didn’t return to work.

  Instead she asked Mark. All he would tell her was today was a day that they didn’t talk about. She didn’t question it further with him, but it did cause her curiosity to spike. Someday maybe he would tell me.

  After quite the exhausting day, and then dancing with Michelle at the club for a couple of hours. She was done. She wanted to sleep. She thought quitting her second job would allow her more time to get rest. Tonight she was getting it. By the time she got in bed, it was 8:30pm. Considerably early for her, but she had so hoped for sooner. Going to sleep was easy. Almost instant.

  Suddenly there was an arm over her. She couldn’t move, she couldn’t talk, she couldn’t do anything. She felt the shifting of a body behind her. His breath on her ear. It’s Tom. I know the smell. The wonderful smell. What is he doing in my bed? Still, she couldn’t move.

  His hand was grazing her arm, up and down gently. She couldn’t take it. “Tom, what are you doing?” He didn’t answer right away. He continued to caress her. She felt her insides stirring with a craving she was becoming all too familiar with. His touch only made her want him in places she didn’t even know she had feeling in.

  His hand traveled to her neck. She battled to breath. His hand lightly touching her neck, her ch
est. Disappointment when his fingertip disappeared from her bare skin to the touch her t shirt. She wanted to feel him on her naked skin.

  He continued his cruelty. Torture that was causing her body to immerse into flames. She hungered for him now. She tried to turn over to face him but he stopped her. He finger tipped his way to her breast causing her nipple to stand vertical begging for more of his touch. He pulled and coiled at it sending shocks through her body.

  His hand moved lower to her sweats. To her thighs. To the center of her fire. He rubbed softly and she found herself opening her legs to him giving him more access. He circled and rounded. She whimpered and felt his breathing becoming just as tachypneic as hers.

  Something was building in her. She wanted him in her. She wanted his touch deeper inside her. Now!!!!!!! She stirred to meet his hand, to feel his touch harder. He breaks. What!!!!! No, don’t stop.

  She scuffled to turn over. But again he stopped. She felt him shifting and then his touch. His fingers were moving down below, under her sweats, to her clitoris. She moaned again and heard him groan. She struggled for relief. She wanted, no needed to feel release.

  Tingling took ownership of her body and with one dominant mind gusting explosive release, tingles rushed through her body. She lay there in his arms and relished the feeling of ecstasy.

  His body shifted again, this time he was on top of her. His lips found hers. He moved his mouth from hers and she urged for them to return. He kissed neck, ear, down chest to the bottom of her t shirt and then back up kissing her unembellished skin. He sat up pulling her up with him and lifted her shirt up but keeping it around her arms. Unclipping her bra releasing her breast there for his mouth to taunt.

  The feeling of something soft and cold suddenly made her stiffen. “Do you trust me Lois?”

  “Yes, I trust you.” Words came out of her mouth easily as he relaxed and let her body feel the new exotic touch. He rubbed the cool object over each nipple and then down her abdomen to her very sensitive nub that jerked when he touched.


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