All of Me (Compass Cove Book 3)

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All of Me (Compass Cove Book 3) Page 24

by Jeannie Moon

  Natalie sipped her sangria and shrugged. “Two. She’s a total lightweight.”

  It took all Adam’s will power not to laugh. Mia was toasted.

  “Let me take you home.”

  “Nooo. Oh, wait. Will you raaaaavish me?” Mia looked into her betrothed’s eyes hopefully, and Adam leaned in for a kiss. It was adorable.

  “Come on. Let’s see how you feel when we get home.”

  “I’mma gonna feel like ripping your clothes off.” Mia stumbled as she eased her way off the stool. Luckily, Adam caught her.

  “Yeah, you’re not walking.” In one smooth motion, just like a romance hero, he lifted her into his arms. Mia let out a little squeal, while everyone on the deck cheered. They were gorgeous and romantic. The love Adam had for her friend was the stuff dreams were made of, and it made Lilly’s heart happy. She didn’t even realize Jack was standing next to her.

  “You guys want to bring your drinks and snacks over to our table for a while? The guest of honor has taken his bride, so we’re just going to hang out.”

  Maddie and Nat nodded at the invitation. Jack waved over the server and told the college kid to add the checks together.

  “You don’t have to do that,” Maddie said. “We’ve got it.”

  Jack, in the way only he could get away with, waved his hand. “You ladies are doing all the heavy lifting for this wedding. Please, let me.”

  Once she sat in the chair next to Jack, Lilly leaned in. “You’re bossy.”

  “Sometimes, but so are you.”

  Lilly thought about the comment for a second before leveling her gaze at him. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  God, he was fun. Sure, being close to the man who made her toes curl was always a good time, but it wasn’t just the flirtatiousness of the words between them that made it special. It was the truth in them, and that Jack appreciated her just the way she was.

  The café lights strung across the deck reflected in his eyes like tiny stars. Lilly felt herself being drawn in, launched into the space they occupied together. There was magic between them, and Lilly could feel the heat starting to rise low in her belly. While she wasn’t even a little drunk, Lilly was thinking Mia had the right idea. She wanted to Jack to ravish her as many ways as he knew how.

  The air was warm and sticky, and Lilly’s skin tingled when his hand settled on her back, out of sight of the rest of the people at the table. The intimacy, public as it was, was theirs alone. Special.

  “You are a thousand miles away,” he said so only she could hear it.

  “I’m just thinking. I like being home. Coming back here was the right thing to do.”

  Jack smiled and his eyes crinkled at the corners. “How would you feel if I was around more? Would you mind?”

  “What do you mean ‘around more’? Are you transferring? Changing jobs?”

  “Not exactly. I requested a leave to go back to school. I got into a Ph.D program.”

  Lilly took in what he said, not quite sure what to think. “A Ph.D.? What do you want to do with that?”

  “My hope is to become a profiler. I don’t need the degree for it, but I can also teach, or do research. It gives me some options. And I won’t have to go undercover, or travel. I’ll be around. What do you think?”

  Years unfolded right before her eyes. Lilly did her best to keep her poker face, but she didn’t know how to contain the joy bubbling up inside. If she was reading this right, Jack was giving them a real chance.

  “I think that’s amazing. I’d love to have you around more. And I know your family would. What did your mom say?”

  He hesitated and then nailed her with a look that went deep. “I haven’t told her. I wanted to tell you first.”

  “Would you live at home, or… how does it work?”

  “I was accepted to two programs; one is in the city. So I would stay there during the week, but on weekends I could come out. Or you could come in on your days off. I looked at an apartment in the West Village. It’s a great street, and I can walk to campus.”

  He was laying out a path for them to be together, and Lilly’s heart almost burst. She didn’t know what to say. It was overwhelming and wonderful and confusing all at the same time.

  “Lilly, please tell me you’re down with this plan. I mean, I don’t want to rush you, but—”

  Grabbing his cheeks in her hands, Lilly kissed him. She kissed him hard and long, her mouth and tongue going all in. After the initial surprise, Jack responded, pulling her close and kissing her back with all he had.

  Behind her she heard a hoot, a cheer, a couple of random comments, but none of it penetrated the gossamer haze that surrounded her when they touched. She didn’t care what anyone thought—about her, about him, or about them.

  “I approve,” she whispered when they broke the kiss. “I definitely approve.”

  “Okay. Good. That’s really good.” Jack touched his forehead to hers, also drowning out the background noise.

  “Let’s go.” She whispered it in his ear. “Take me home.”

  “Yeah. Okay.”

  “So, did I miss something?” Doug threw up his hands as Jack and Lilly rose to leave.

  “So much, big brother. I’ll fill you in.” Natalie patted his hand, grinning the whole time.

  Jack dropped some bills on the table near Liam. Lilly wondered what their friend thought about what was happening between them. There was no doubt that the Jennings family had some secrets. They were powerful ones, too, involving romance, soul mates, the compass that pointed you toward your true north… Lilly had never put much stock in any of them.

  Until now.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Lilly smiled as Jack pulled her down the street toward her apartment. He was single-minded, and she liked nothing better than knowing wanting to be with her got him to this state. But he was moving a little fast, and she was doing her best not to lose her footing.

  Now that they’d slept together, and they weren’t as skittish around each other, she hoped Jack would take her for the ride of her life. Every part of her was on fire, the tension screaming for release.

  But when she almost lost one of her wedges to a groove in the cobblestone path, she tugged him back.

  “Jack. Jack!” She was out of breath and needed to slow down just a little. He was the one in top physical condition, and she wasn’t going to be able to keep up. “Jack, come on.” He looked over his shoulder and must have realized he was going too fast. “Take it easy. If I pull a muscle, it will spoil everything.”

  Stopping under one of the large arching streetlights at the edge of the harbor walk, he spun her into him. His hands settled on her hips and he held her tight against him. She was so close there wasn’t room for a wisp of air between them.

  “I guess I’m a little overenthusiastic.”

  “And I’m flattered,” she said. “But you want me in one piece, don’t you? I won’t be much fun if I break an ankle.”

  His laugh was low and steady. “That’s true. I’m sorry. Did I hurt you?”

  “No. Not at all.” Lilly wrapped her arms around his waist and Jack pulled her close. “I have a question for you.”

  “Okay. Shoot.”

  “Are you sure about this career move? It’s what you want?”

  Slowly, thoughtfully, he nodded. “Yeah, I’m sure. It’s been on my mind for a while.”

  “Really? You’re so invested in your work.”

  Jack looked away, casting his eyes toward the water. Looking for answers maybe? “I’ve been on the move for over fifteen years. Between the Army and the Bureau, I haven’t had much of a life.”

  “So, you’re in the market for a life? Something normal, mundane?”

  His hands moved up and down over her hips. “I don’t know about mundane, and normal is relative, but yeah. I’m ready.”

  Ready. Talk about a loaded word. What did it mean? Lilly went up on her toes and let a soft kiss drop on his collarbone. Asking
was the only way to find out. “What are you ready for?”

  This time, Jack didn’t hesitate. “You, Lilly. I’m ready for you.” When he smiled, the dimple on his left cheek made an appearance. It was one of his most adorable features. Everything about this night, as confusing as it had been, came bubbling together with those words.

  This time when she rose up, Lilly kissed him on the lips. It was soft and sweet, and Jack let her take her take the lead. The heat was already building between them, but this kiss was a promise, a pact. They were in this together, and unlike any other time in her life, she didn’t feel like less of herself, but more. Jack made her better. Stronger.

  “It took you long enough.”

  Sipping at her lips, she could feel his smile. “I’m a little slow on the uptake.”

  “Well, it’s good you finally figured it out.”

  “Can we go now?” His hands hadn’t stopped moving. His touch was gentle, teasing. Coupled with the breeze off the cove that cooled her heated skin, Lilly had a mind to let it go on forever.

  With a nod, Lilly took his hand, and this time she led him. The rush, the crazy heat, had mellowed a bit to a steady, sultry warmth. But still, she’d never wanted like this before. Her body was screaming for him, but it was Lilly’s heart that bloomed open.

  Life had a funny way of fixing things, and love had the power to help you heal. Nothing was better than feeling whole again.

  As they rounded the corner of the building by her apartment, Jack pulled to a stop.

  “Hold up. Is that…”

  Across the courtyard she saw a tall man. He was standing near a bench, and while there was a tall light nearby, he wasn’t clearly illuminated. But even dimly lit, she could see it was Gio.

  “It’s him.” Lilly was calmer than she expected. Maybe because Jack was with her, or maybe because time had dulled the effect he had on her. Still, she felt her heart start to race as he straightened and picked his hand up in greeting.

  “Is that son of a bitch waving at you?” Jack’s arm looped around her shoulder.

  “He is. And I’m not surprised.” She really wasn’t. Gio didn’t think he’d done anything wrong. They were simply a couple that didn’t work out. That’s what he told the police, the DA, and anyone else who would listen. Lilly was just upset, according to him. ‘Distraught’ was also thrown around.

  Lilly was frozen in place, wondering why she wasn’t turning her back on him and all he represented.

  Gio must have taken that as an invitation, because he started walking toward them.

  “Yeah, that’s not happening.” Jack stepped away, but Lilly held his hand tightly.

  “Stay with me. I know you want to do… whatever it is you want to do, but just stick close, okay?”

  Squeezing her hand, Jack nodded, but she could feel the tension rolling off him as Gio got closer. When her ex was finally just a few feet away, he smiled.

  The bastard smiled at her.

  “What do you want, Gio?”

  Lilly didn’t wait for him to speak, and she wasn’t going to feign politeness.

  He chuckled and shuffled his feet. Such a phony. “Nice to see you too, Lilly. You look beautiful.” Extending his hand, he looked at Jack. “And you’re Jack, right? We met the other day.”

  Jack, to his credit, didn’t budge. His patrician good manners were probably having a lock-jawed meltdown, but he wasn’t going to pretend either.

  Sensing the mood, Gio dropped his hand. “Right. So, still pissed about the break-up? I really hoped we could be friends.”

  A burning red haze clouded her vision. Damn. Anger really did have a color. “Friends? Are you kidding? I have no interest in being your friend.”

  He glanced at Jack and shrugged in the way that suggested he’d understand, ’cause—you know—they were both guys. Lilly fumed, but felt Jack’s hand stay firmly on her back.

  “Yep,” Gio said. “She’s still mad.”

  “You need to leave.” Jack’s words were few, but his voice was low and guttural. Fierce. Dangerous. Lilly never imagined how safe it could make her feel.

  “Wow. Okay. I just thought since you’re going to be on the set for a couple of days, we could bury the hatchet.”

  “How did you hear that?”

  “Come on, Lilly. You know how gossip spreads. One person overhears something, and the next thing you know it’s on the front page of The Hollywood Reporter.”

  He was right. Her presence had to be cleared up the chain of command, even if Kat had asked for her to be there. It was only a matter of time before Gio found out she’d said yes to Kat’s request.

  The unknown here was Jack. She hadn’t told him she was going to take the job, that she was going to put herself back into her old life, or in Gio’s path. Glancing up, she saw his jaw was rock hard. If he’d tensed any more, he would have broken teeth.

  Gio took a step back, nodded at Jack and smiled again at Lilly. “We’ll talk tomorrow, LillyVee. You can’t stay mad at me forever.”

  Oh, yes she could. “Just leave, Gio. Don’t bother me on set. And don’t call me that name.”

  Turning her back to him, she walked toward her apartment. Jack reached out and stopped her. Leaning in, he spoke so only she could hear. “Wait until he’s gone. Don’t let him see where you go in.”

  The breath left Lilly’s lungs. It was such a small thing, but she never considered how important it was to keep information from him. Storming off and slamming a door might be great to make a point, but Gio thrived on knowing things, on details. The location of her door was the kind of detail that could make a big difference.

  “I don’t know how he found me. I mean, I guess someone could have told him, but I didn’t think he’d have the nerve to show up!”

  “I have a theory.” Jack was dead calm.

  Jack watched Gio make his way toward Main Street, while keeping Lilly pressed against him. He didn’t say anything, but when Lilly looked over her shoulder, it was like a hawk was keeping watch. Jack stood very still, focused on one thing, Gio’s movements.

  Fortunately, the courtyard was open and well lit, so Gio couldn’t slip into a shadow anywhere nearby. Once Jack was satisfied he’d moved on, he guided her toward her apartment. Once inside, he set the security code.

  She’d never seen Jack so serious. It was more than a little unnerving. His body was tight, his expression stone cold. He didn’t say a word.

  Lilly wondered if he was just as freaked out as she was that Gio had the gall to show up at her apartment. Or if it was something else.

  Something she said.

  He poked his head into each room, even though they had most assuredly left Gio on the street. It had become his habit to check out every space. Comforting, but unnecessary.

  “I need all your devices. Tablet, phone, laptop. Whatever you have that could connect to GPS.”

  “Um. I don’t understand.”

  “Please, just get the devices.”

  He pulled out his phone and hit a couple of buttons.

  “Hey, it’s Miller.” She heard the conversation from her bedroom as she grabbed her tablet and laptop. “Sorry to bother you at home. You know that cyber investigation? I may have another link.”

  He paused, listening to the person on the other end. When Lilly reentered the room, he had his back to her, his shoulders hunched, tense.

  “Yeah. I’ll have some electronics to scan tomorrow. And advice?”

  He nodded. Turning, he indicated that she should put the devices on the island.

  “Right. Got it. Thanks. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “Why do you need my tech?” Lilly put it on the counter.

  “Tell me how long you’ve had these.”

  “Um, the laptop is new. I got it a few months ago.”

  “Are these all connected?”

  “You mean through the cloud? Yes.”

  “How long have you had the other devices?”

  “I’ve had them a couple of years… why?

  “Since California?”


  “Shit. He bought these for you, didn’t he?”

  “I… ah…”

  “Didn’t he?!?” His voice was sharp, angry.

  Lilly went to the big chair in the living room and curled into it. Her stomach clenched at the tone he was taking. Her heart hammered in her chest; Lilly felt like she was being interrogated.

  “I didn’t do anything wrong.” Her voice cracked on the last word. She saw the color drain from his face.

  “Aw, crap.” Jack’s head dropped, before he blew out a long breath. “I’m sorry. Of course you didn’t. Seeing him here caught me off guard.”

  “What’s going on?”

  “First things first. We turn off the WiFi, sharing, and Bluetooth on all of these. The likelihood is that you’ve been hacked. Your movements tracked.”

  “Tracked? You mean stalked? Stalked. That son of a bitch has been stalking me?”

  Jack crouched down in front of her and took her hands. “More than likely, yes.”

  “And you knew this, and didn’t tell me? He—he—I—” Lilly couldn’t catch her breath. Thinking about what could have happened, that all this time he knew exactly where she was, brought the terror she’d been fighting right to the surface. “He knew my movements? Knew everything I did? You talk about my safety, but you didn’t tell me?”

  “For the past ten days, there’s been a team assigned to watch you. They’ve been tasked with monitoring Gio’s movements and making sure you were safe.”

  “Wait. A team?”

  He sat on the couch and motioned for her to come over. “Come here. I’ll explain.”

  “That will be a nice change.” Lilly grabbed a tissue from the box on the end table and dabbed her eyes before scooting over next to him on the couch. “Tell me everything.”

  Jack took her hands and locked eyes with her. His baby blues sparked in the light and he smiled nervously. Lilly understood he was trying to put her at ease, but it wasn’t working. Not even a little.

  “When I read your case file, there were a lot of holes. The investigating officer dropped the ball. I don’t want to throw a hard-working cop under the bus, but it was brushed off. I followed some leads, like three, and we were able to establish that Gio had installed tracking software on his ex-girlfriends’ cell phones. You included. Once that was established, it was a slam dunk. The cyber division has built a case in record time. He’s violated at least half a dozen federal statutes from privacy to stalking.”


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