Restoration & Forgiveness (Renovate Book 2)

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Restoration & Forgiveness (Renovate Book 2) Page 12

by Mindy Carter

  "Kaleb told me."

  "Just now?" I ask

  "A few days ago."

  "You have to be kidding me," I spit.

  "Aimee, I can't control what she does," he says, reaching for my hand. I back away.

  "Keegan, you have to understand why I'm upset. She's been manipulating you for years. Does she walk on water? Because everyone acts like she can do no wrong. The James brothers I know wouldn't allow themselves to be controlled and walked all over."

  He goes to say something and I beat him to it.

  'I know it's complicated." I hold up my hand, warning him to choose his next words wisely.

  "Aimee." My name escapes his lips in a whisper. I now am aware of how upset I am. I take a few deep breaths to calm myself down.

  "Keegan, I'm sorry. I know this isn't your fault. I'm trying to be mature here, but it's difficult. I wanted to come back here and be blissfully happy with you."

  He looks at me with understanding. I never claimed to be perfect.

  "My best friend is crying because of something Gretchen said to her; she's broken down the strongest person I know. How is that acceptable?"

  I'm painfully aware of our reality.

  "Aimee, I told you we would figure this all out together," he pleads.

  "We shouldn't have let this go unresolved before this." I hold up my hand, showing him my engagement ring.

  Hurt flashes across his face, and I immediately regret what I just said.

  "What do you want, Aimee? I'm doing my best here, this situation is complicated."

  There's that word, and I'm sick and tired of hearing it.

  "Ignoring it isn't going to make it go away, and if you think for one second this ring on my finger is going to be acceptable to her…"

  He takes a few strides toward me, and this time I don't move. I hate arguing with him, and I really don't want to forget about the last few days we've had.

  I look away, holding my tears at bay. I don't want to taint this with an argument over Gretchen. I'm sure she would be plenty happy to watch this all unfold. She's the rift in our happiness.

  "I promise you, I won't let anything come between us. I told you this is forever, unbreakable. I thought you understood, but it looks like I failed."

  "Keegan, I'm scared. Of losing you. What if she does something to take it all away? She's already done it once. She almost had your baby, Keegan. Do you know how awful I feel for being relieved that she lost your baby? What kind of person does that make me?"

  He pulls me in to him, wrapping his arms protectively around me. I hadn't noticed my body shaking. Keegan holds me tight, and I'm taken to my safe place, my haven from this shit storm.

  "Nothing can break the unbreakable, Aimee, not Gretchen, or years apart. Do you get that? I'm not saying it's going to be a walk in the park, but nothing with us has ever been easy."

  I wrap my arms around him, accepting his words, and he's right; the things you want most you have to work for.

  "Keegan, I love you, more than I think you could ever know."

  He goes to speak and stops.

  "The thought of losing this scares me. How could I survive that, after everything?" I continue.

  He delicately grips my chin and looks into my eyes so deeply that I know he is looking directly into my soul.

  "You don't ever have to worry about that. We are more than a love story, we are the love story." He places a soft kiss on my lips that has more meaning than any other kiss we have ever shared. He's promising to protect my heart, and I just hope he is prepared with enough armor.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Despite the bump in our happy celebration, the four of us sit down to a nice dinner. The guys ended up getting Chinese takeout from Chinatown. Kaleb promised that they made the best dim sum, and you heard no arguments while we ate.

  Kaleb, Keegan, and I toasted with champagne, while Reese guzzled down her sparkling grape juice.

  Reese didn't seem to be bothered by whatever Gretchen said to her anymore, and even joked about her so-called shotgun wedding. Her way of dealing with the situation, I guess.

  "So, Reese and I would like to officially ask you two to be our maid of honor and best man," Kaleb says.

  Like there was ever another choice.

  "Yes, on one condition. That you two do the same for us," Keegan answers.

  "So now that's settled, what are we going to do about the elephant in the room?" Reese directs her question at Keegan.

  "What elephant might that be, Reese?"

  "Five feet eight inches, blonde, and bitchtastic," she says. She's not done; after a short pause she continues, "We heard you both arguing, and I'm sorry that I caused it. I'm a little more sensitive these days. I feel like someone's taken over my brain and replaced it with a wimp's."

  "You have nothing to apologize for," I tell her.

  Both Kaleb and Reese look at us with concern.

  "This isn't just about you two, we are family, and no matter what, we face this together," Kaleb says, suddenly the voice of reason.

  Keegan grabs my hand, pulling it to his lips. He looks at me before he opens his mouth to speak.

  "We have options, and right now, they are limited. Kaleb and I have discussed this. We both own a quarter of the firm, but we signed a partnership agreement with her. Each of us would run different aspects of the business. Gretchen's father didn't want her to be the face of the company, but wanted her to be involved in the everyday running and decision making. She worked with me. She called herself an assistant, but at the time, we were a couple, and well, she just called herself an assistant so we could work together closely.

  "We were both young, and when someone offers you that kind of start up, well, you don't think twice about it. One option is to sell our shares. Gretchen can't buy them. We are able to purchase hers, but we know she will never agree to that. Her father wanted to guarantee that if the business failed that she wouldn't be stuck."

  My stomach drops; this is so much worse than I anticipated. They can lose everything they worked for.

  "Now, the good news is there is an exit clause, but we would all have to agree to dissolve the company. The original agreement is ironclad; Gretchen won't want that. She's all about winning." Kaleb jumps in.

  "So what, there is no way you can dissolve your partnership without giving it all up?" I say, looking straight at Keegan. "So, either way Gretchen wins: She gets her share of the company or you have to walk away."

  "I know it seems unfair, but after everything Gretchen has orchestrated, it's best to just walk away. I know you may think I don't see her for what she is, but I'm not completely blind. I know she manipulates situations, and has wanted full control for years," Keegan admits.

  I'm almost relieved that he hasn't been unaware of her agenda. She's like a shark that lures its prey just to attack at the last possible second. What would she do to get full control?

  "The last possible scenario would be if Gretchen was convicted of a crime. Then hopefully, she would rot in jail. Problem solved," I state.

  Keegan shakes his head at my spiteful remark.

  "Look, Aimee, it doesn't mean I can't do what I love. We could work privately, and consult, but won't be able to contact any of our previous clients for at the least a year."

  That's like forever. This is one long, never-ending nightmare.

  "So she wins, she gets it all. What about our house, Keegan?"

  Keegan brushes his thumb along my cheek, and he inches his face closer so that we are nose to nose.

  "She can't do anything about the house, it's ours. My designs, our home I made them in college. She has no legal right to the designs. Those belong to the clients."

  My shoulders suddenly relax, and I pray he's just not trying to appease me.

  "Promise? No loopholes?"

  Keegan kisses me on the lips. "Yes, and none."

  "Aimee, trust him with this, okay? We have gone over this at length with our lawyers. No solution is perfect, but it's what
's best for the four of us," Kaleb adds.

  "This may be a stupid question, but is there any way to reason with her?" Reese asks.

  It's not a stupid question, but wishful thinking that she would give up her partnership so easily. Where would that leave her? She'd have no control, and no one to manipulate. I know one thing for sure: Whatever choice they decide on, she's not going to be happy. I'm the whole issue. She wants Keegan to bow down to her, cater to her needs. I have no doubt that she'll try and convince him that I'm not worth it. A part of me wonders if I truly am.

  "I don't want you to lose everything because of me."

  "Do you think you're not important, Aimee? You're my sister, his damn soul mate, and if it weren't for you I wouldn't have found mine. You are worth so much more than our company, you have to realize that."

  When he puts it that way, I think I do get it, and I know that no matter what I say, they have already decided. It's us against her, and I hope that four against one will be enough.

  "So now that this is all settled, how about we talk about important stuff, like our weddings," Reese cuts in with a happy glow on her face. She jumps up and grabs me, and now we are jumping together like idiots, and behind us looking at us with goofy grins on their faces are our fiancés. I can't wait to use that word till it's worn out.

  Keegan and I settle into bed after we clean up dinner dishes. Both of us are getting back to reality and work in the morning. I'm terrified of what's going to happen when he returns to work after blowing it off. We don't want to make any official wedding plans until the dust settles, but I know for sure that it will be at our home, in a garden of roses with my dad giving me away.

  Cuddling up with Keegan is the perfect nighttime ritual. I'm going to miss my apartment when we move in together. Kaleb has decided to give up his place, since he's hardly ever there anymore.

  I love Keegan's penthouse, it's a beautiful home, and I know how very extraordinary it will be to live in. But if we have to leave the city, the only place I'm going to want to be is back home.

  "I know we said we weren't going to make any plans with everything in limbo with James Architecture, but I'd like to say our vows in the rose garden with the stars shining down on us at night. It may sound silly, but I always thought that my mom was a star watching down on me, and I want her there with us."

  Keegan runs his fingers through my hair, listening to my every word.

  "That's not silly at all. I know she sees what an amazing and beautiful woman you have turned into."

  We are silent, and the only noise we hear is the traffic outside my window: The city sounds I've taken for granted in the past. They've soothed me so many lonely nights.

  "You haven't given up on us yet?"

  Have I acted like I haven't been all in? Is he afraid I'm going to change my mind?

  "Of course not, never, ever." I lift myself up to look at him.

  "Good. I wouldn't let you anyway. You already know I get what I want."

  "You do, don't you?" He's referring to us, and I'm sure he plans on getting his way for a very long time.

  He kisses his way down my neck, causing tingly sensations to erupt down to my toes.

  "Are you trying to get what you want right now, Mr. James?"

  He doesn't answer at first, just continues to kiss me and run his hands down my body. I was gone the minute we crawled into my bed next to each other.

  "You know we want the same thing, Aimee," he whispers.

  "So, a win-win." I smile.

  "Exactly, now you're finally getting it."

  His lips find mine, and our conversation ceases. The kiss is slow and sensual. The kind that tells me he plans on taking his time. Who am I to deny this man what he wants?

  He hovers over me and relaxes his body on top of mine. I feel the evidence of his arousal, and push myself against him. He lets out a painful moan, rock hard as we grind into each other.

  I begin removing Keegan's clothes quickly. Running my hand down his smooth, hard, warm chest.

  Keegan has moved his kissing behind my ear while I undress him. It drives my need for him even more. He removes my clothes as quickly as I did his. Our warm naked bodies collide with the force of our lust, but we both know that every time we make love we are trading pieces of our souls.

  He rubs his cock between my wet folds, and it's my turn to let out a painful moan. When he hits the spot on top of my clit, I hold back the orgasm. I don't want this to be over before it begins; I want to feel it when we are apart tomorrow, and I want him to feel the same way.

  I hold back as much as possible, but when he whispers how much he needs me, and can't live another minute without being inside of me, Keegan removes himself from me, and pulls open my nightstand drawer. He grabs a square foil package. He must have bought some earlier and stashed them in my drawer. He looks at me with lust-filled eyes as he slowly rolls it down his length. He returns and covers my body with his own. I spread my legs so he can enter. When he pushes inside, it's like the world has ceased to exist and we are floating together. I open my eyes that have been closed, and he's smiling down at me. I smile back and lift to kiss his lips that I can't get enough of. Every part of him is addictive, and I never want to quit him. I wrap my legs around his hips so he can dive deeper inside of me. The feeling is unlike any other.

  "There it is," he whispers after moaning his desire.

  "The best," I whisper back.

  He must hear my thoughts because he pushes into me harder. Before I know it my back has arched and I'm screaming his name over and over. My orgasm is still releasing in waves.

  When I reach my climax, something takes over and he's like an animal claiming it all. He can't get to the finish line fast enough, but when he does, I start to tremble. His orgasm hits, and he stiffens, and I welcome his release.

  He collapses on top of me. We both are breathing hard as our hearts beat wildly.

  "To the stars," Keegan mumbles.

  "Ditto. I think I'm seeing stars," I say.

  He slowly pulls out of me and falls to my side. I'm suddenly empty without him. He throws his leg and arm over me, so that he's blanketing me. It's the perfect end to the day. If only my dreams are this good.

  As I drift to sleep, I realize how amazing we are together. I don't want any barriers between us, but I need to remind Keegan, we need to make a conscious effort to practice safe sex. I'm not worried about it now, but being in the moment makes it difficult to think clearly. I'm not ready for a baby, and even though I know Keegan would jump at the chance. I'm happy he wore a condom, but first thing in the morning, I'm going to make an appointment with my doctor. I should have been on the pill all along.

  Chapter Sixteen

  I love my job. I don't dread waking up for it, and it's not only challenging, it gives me the opportunity to express myself. Working closely with my best friends doesn't suck either.

  Sitting at my desk, I stare at my computer and think about the last couple weeks. I'd like to think I take the good with the bad, but I find myself extremely lucky. I'm fortunate to have been one of those people who are able to follow their dreams and make it in this city. I could easily be working somewhere I hate with people I can't stand, but I'm not.

  A permanent smile on my face isn't a problem. I'm happy, completely and utterly content. I woke up wrapped in Keegan and woke him up with kisses. I tried to convince him to stay in bed all day. I almost had him too, but when it's all said and done, we need to face our real lives head-on. So, he and Kaleb went into the office to work on things. I'm worried, of course, about him and Gretchen. This situation is difficult, and I hurt for him. He's worked so hard, and now his only option may be to give it all up, for me.

  My phone dings, alerting me to another message from Keegan. I've received several since he kissed me goodbye this morning.

  Keegan: Do your feet hurt?

  Me: No???

  Keegan: Because you have been running through my mind all day

  Me: Wow!
r />   Keegan: Like that one? I've got plenty more.

  Me: How did I ever get so lucky?

  Keegan: Believe me I'm the lucky one.

  Me: Miss your kisses

  Keegan: Me too can't wait to taste them later

  Me: Counting the minutes

  Keegan: Andrew will pick you up and bring you to my place. Sorry, our place.

  Me: How about we just meet at my place?

  Keegan: I want to be alone with my fiancé can't do that with my brother there. Plus I want to watch the sunset with you.

  Me: OK

  Keegan: Smart girl. Love you!!!

  Me: To the stars….

  I'm nervous about going to his apartment. I guess it's silly; it's just a place. I can't help but think of how I felt the last time I was there, but how can I pass up an evening watching the sunset over the city with him?

  I smile while reading through our messages; he really is adorable. He's been so flirty today, and it's just so him to be so sweet with me.

  I'm taken out of my thoughts when there is a knock at my door. Standing in the doorway is my boss and close friend Olivia. She's dressed in a gray pantsuit, and her hair is secured in a bun at the top of her head with two pencils. I could never figure how to do that with my unruly hair.

  She leans on the doorframe, eying me. "Happy looks good on you, really good, Aimee."

  I blush a little, embarrassed by her observance. Was I never happy before?

  "I'm always happy," I tell her.

  "Yes, but have you looked in a mirror lately? You are positively glowing, and I have a suspicion it's because of the new jewelry on your left ring finger." I look down at my engagement ring and hold my hand up. Olivia has been in a meeting all morning, and I wasn't able to speak with her about Keegan's proposal.

  "You mean this old thing," I joke.

  Olivia closes my door and makes her way over to my desk, sitting in one of my chairs.

  "So where did you find that, a cereal box?"

  I know she's dying to know, and I'm surprised Reese hasn't told her already.

  "Keegan gave it to me. It's actually a family heirloom."


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