Book Read Free


Page 14

by Rebekah Turner

  Aaron points out the window at the scenery below. ‘This is the Blackwood reserve. It has incredible waterfalls. Absolutely breathtaking to hike to and watch.’

  Peering out the window, all I see is rolling treetops. ‘Sounds beautiful.’

  ‘Have you ever been in a forest?’

  ‘When I was young. We lived in a small cabin by a lake.’ Unbidden, fond memories of the past surface: fishing on the lake in summer; throwing snowballs in winter. I shove the memory aside as Aaron shifts to the front of the car and talks to the driver.

  ‘I want to show you something.’ He turns back to me. ‘I promise we won’t be late.’

  The car turns and descends, so slow I barely notice, rocking gently when the wheels touch the ground. Aaron gets out and holds a hand to me. Smiling at the mischievous look on his face, I take it and he helps me out.

  The air outside is shockingly brisk and I fold my arms, wishing I had a wrap of some sort. Even one of Cora’s cardigans would do.

  ‘Here.’ Aaron takes off his jacket and settles it on my shoulders. ‘Just until we’re back in the car.’

  Looking around at the breathtaking view, the open air smell takes me back to my childhood. I remember chasing lizards along the damp forest floor and rough bark scraping my knees as I climbed the nearest tree, just to see how high I could get.

  I take in a good lungful of the bracing air. The sheer sense of space and freedom chases away all the dark thoughts I’ve been having about my session with Vogel. On the horizon, the sun is setting, smearing rich orange and purple across the sky. In this moment, I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything so beautiful. Aaron points to the left.

  ‘Our family has a holiday home over that way, on the Helios grounds,’ he says. ‘Sometimes I go there in the spring.’

  ‘That must be nice.’

  ‘It is. Maybe you could come along sometime.’

  It’s not that I don’t believe him, but I suddenly wish he’d stop trying so hard. Promises of becoming close friends and visiting holiday homes just don’t seem real to me. It’s hard enough to process the fact that I’ve been invited to the fundraiser event in the first place.

  ‘Did the consultant give any indication of how long breaking the lock might take?’ Aaron asks smoothly, like we’re discussing the weather and not how my future hangs in the balance.

  ‘She’s confident it can be broken soon.’

  ‘Wonderful.’ He grins. ‘There’ll be plenty of board members at the fundraiser tonight, wanting to meet you. Being who and what you are.’

  Staring at the gorgeous sprawling view of treetops, I ask, ‘Do you know anything about what my parents did at Helios?’

  Aaron turns to me with a careless grin. ‘Bit before my time, I’m afraid. Eckhart hasn’t told you anything?’

  ‘He just starts talking about how the projects they worked on are classified,’ I say. ‘Guess I’ll have to work up the ranks to find out.’

  ‘And you will.’ Aaron laughs. ‘But I’ll see what I can find out for you.’

  I glance at him, wondering if he knows why I’m so keen to understand this piece of my past. But Aaron has already changed the subject.

  ‘Let me just warn you about tonight: there’s a good chance you’ll be bored stupid. These fundraisers can be trying. It’s Olivia’s first one, and I’ve got to keep an eye on her. Make sure she doesn’t get drunk and needle Blake so he loses his temper.’

  ‘That shouldn’t take long,’ I mutter, Blake’s brooding face appearing in my mind’s eye. I’m suddenly anxious at the thought of seeing him again. Then I remember I’ll also be seeing Olivia, and my anxiety cranks up another notch. My fingers brush the silky fabric of my dress, wondering what kind of revenge she has planned against Archer and what part she thinks I’m going to play.

  ‘Guess you’d know all about Blake’s temper then, wouldn’t you?’ Aaron chuckles and it’s an infectious sound. I’m almost tempted to join in. Almost.

  ‘He does seem to have a high opinion of himself,’ I say.

  Aaron’s laugh fades, though amusement still twinkles in his eyes. ‘He’s only three years older than me, but you’d think the gap was fifty, the way he acts sometimes.’

  ‘Not to mention the anger management issues,’ I say.

  Aaron shrugs. ‘Blake was eight when our mother died and it hit him the hardest. I was young, so I barely remember her. Both Blake and I shielded Olivia from the worst of it. Father just retreated into his work. We barely saw him.’ Aaron’s smile is sad. ‘When she was alive, I remember she used to try and read to us all the time, but only Blake had the patience to sit still and listen. After she died, he became withdrawn and angry. As soon as he was old enough, he enlisted in the army.’

  ‘I know what it’s like to lose a parent,’ I murmur.

  ‘You were raised by your uncle, weren’t you?’ Aaron asks.

  ‘Bobby,’ I tell him. ‘He took me in when I was six. He was in the army most of his life, until they had to amputate his leg.’

  ‘Blake never really talks about his time with the army. I think he saw some terrible things.’ Aaron touches my hand. ‘If he does anything to make you feel uncomfortable because of the lock, let me know.’

  ‘Okay.’ I find myself warming to him, touched by his concern and flattered by his questions.

  His fingers curl around mine, squeezing. ‘You know, your tests indicate you’ve got a magnificent threading capacity. Combined with my talents, there’d be no limits to what we could do. I want you to remember, if you need anything, come to me or call me anytime. I’ll always be available for you.’

  He sounds so earnest that I believe him. The offer to be part of a powerful partnership with a technopath is more than I ever expected. As Eckhart had pointed out, the academy had little use for a threader locked with a slider.

  I’m so elated at the possibility I almost feel dizzy. But instead of grinning like a lunatic, I give him a small smile. ‘I’d like that as well.’

  I pass back his coat and he slides his arms into it. ‘If Blake behaves hostile towards you, try to remember that this whole episode has been difficult for him. He’s a very private person. The fact that someone intruded into his mind the way you did probably shook him up.’

  Guilt worms through me as we climb into the air-car. The engine hums and inertia pushes me against the seat as the beautiful scenery falls away. I know Aaron’s right about what happened with Blake. Even though locking with him was an accident. Even though I’d hidden deep the images my TP had glimpsed in his mind. It was still a violation. As I watch the distant rolling forest under us, I firm up my resolve to work harder with Vogel to break the lock and become the cadet Director Eckhart wants me to be.


  Eckhart’s country house is a massive white mansion nestled in a small valley. A demure maid greets us and then Aaron escorts me into an enormous room with vaulted ceilings and a fireplace. People mill around, eyes sliding over me before settling on Aaron.

  He scans the room and I know it’s only a matter of time before he heads off to talk to more important people. Instead, he touches my arm and indicates that I follow him.

  ‘I’ve got a surprise for you,’ he tells me.

  We walk outside where tall heaters warm a large paved area. Soft lights twinkle all around us and a lagoon pool lies in the distance, surrounded by light and people. Aaron walks with a confident stride and the crowd parts easily for us. We approach a table with exotic-looking food and I gasp when I recognise Bobby beside a bowl of tropical fruit. He’s wearing his best suit, which still looks pretty shabby in this crowd, and his plate is piled high with seafood and juicy chunks of fresh pineapple. When he sees me, his face breaks into a smile and he drops his plate on a nearby table.

  ‘Josie.’ He grabs me in a rough hug.

  My eyes begin to water and it doesn’t matter that my uncle stands out like a rough cut diamond; he’s my entire world. Reminding myself I’m wearing make-up, I blink back t
he tears. Right now, I don’t care that neither of us belong in this crowd of Citizens, I’m just relieved to see him.

  Aaron looks pleased with himself and I realise he’s really gone to some lengths to impress me.

  Bobby takes in the dress and gives a low whistle. ‘You borrow that get-up from someone?’

  ‘Something like that,’ I say, mentally reminding myself to be careful during the night. I doubt the fancy store it comes from will let me return an item with pineapple stains. And the plan is to return it. No way am I going to be in Olivia’s debt if I can help it.

  ‘There you are.’

  As if my thoughts have summoned her, I turn to see her behind me. She’s dressed in a stunning gold dress that sweeps to the floor, hair carefully curled. She holds a bottle of liquor in one hand and a full glass of amber liquid in the other.

  ‘Aaron, darling.’ She air-kisses her brother.

  ‘Olivia.’ Aaron frowns pointedly at the bottle in her hand.

  ‘And who is this dashing gentleman you’re with, Josie?’ Olivia’s liquor-infused breath washes over me.

  ‘This is my uncle,’ I say. ‘Bobby Ryder.’

  ‘Pleasure to meet you, sir.’ She hands Bobby the bottle of liquor. ‘Would you like to try some? It’s eighty-year-old cognac.’

  Bobby takes the bottle, almost licking his lips. ‘I probably shouldn’t drink the heavy stuff. Being on good behaviour tonight and all.’

  I quietly second that idea and take the bottle from him, handing it back to Olivia.

  ‘Good behaviour is so overrated,’ she purrs.

  I try to change the subject. ‘Is Director Eckhart around?’

  ‘He is, and he sent me to find my darling brother.’ Olivia winks at me. ‘I suspect they’re going to talk about you behind your back, Josie. Must be nice to be so popular.’

  ‘Stop it, Olivia.’ Aaron takes his sister’s arm and pulls her towards the house. He glances back. ‘I won’t be long, Josie.’

  ‘Sure.’ I smile, but my face feels tight. Olivia is being a bitch, but she’s probably right about people talking about me. The idea makes me uncomfortable and I wonder why Eckhart doesn’t want to see me yet.

  Bobby glances at the bottle Olivia left behind with a hungry look. He catches me watching him and straightens, clearing his throat. ‘I’m a tad thirsty. Might rustle up a glass of champagne for us both.’ He pauses, then asks, ‘I can have bubbly, right?’

  ‘Of course.’ I point to the drinks table, glimpsed between the crowds of perfumed dresses and clean-cut suits.

  ‘Don’t be a wallflower on my account,’ Bobby grunts, then makes a beeline towards it. ‘Go press some palms. I’ll find you later.’

  My stomach rumbles and I eye the table of rich food, wondering how risky it would be to grab a bite to eat. Snagging up a small tasty looking pancake topped with bright herbs, I pop it in my mouth and wander to the side of the crowd and into the garden. The lawn stretches out, illuminated by soft lanterns, and beyond that, pure darkness meets a star-studded sky. It’s almost impossible to see the stars back home, but as a little girl, I’d fall asleep watching them from my window, hedged by ancient pine trees. Seeing the stars now is a kind of reassurance, and calm brushes over my shoulders, settling like a warm shawl. I step into a grove of black walnut trees, enjoying being this close to nature again, enjoying the peace.


  Blake’s voice comes from behind me. I turn and watch him approach, thankful we’re shielded from the party by trees and carefully manicured hedges.

  He’s wearing a dark blue suit that fits him perfectly, though he’s forgone a tie and the top button of his shirt is undone. With a start, I see he’s clean shaven, the sideburns and stubble gone. He comes close enough that I can smell his cologne like a brief whiff of the ocean. Blake takes in my dress and his mouth tightens.

  ‘That dress looks expensive.’

  My eyebrows snap together. ‘So? You think I can’t afford my own dress?’

  ‘Sorry.’ He shoves a hand through his neatly combed hair. ‘I meant to say, you look nice.’ He sounds sincere and I mentally raise my shields against the tide of warmth his words create inside me. While my brain understands the danger of this lock, my body doesn’t care and it just wants him. Craves him.

  ‘Thanks,’ I say. ‘You look nice as well.’

  Blake indicates his immaculate suit. ‘This old thing?’

  Nerves push a giggle past my throat before I can choke it off, and Blake grins, erasing the tension in his face.

  ‘How are your sessions with Vogel going?’ he asks.

  My eyes drop, because I instinctively know he’ll see the lie in them. ‘Really good.’

  An awkward silence descends and suddenly I’m too conscious of his presence. Too aware of him. My heart starts to gallop.

  ‘Look, Josie,’ Blake begins awkwardly. ‘I wanted you to know … back when we were in slipstream … when I came to, you were falling unconscious.’ He sucks in a quick breath, then says, ‘In that moment, while we threaded, I could feel your heartbeat like a second pulse. The damage that happened to you, it was all during the first few minutes. After I came to, though, it was like I could share what made me a slider with you. It protected you against the atmosphere.’ His brow creases. ‘I just wanted you to know that. That somehow, I knew you were safe with me.’

  I give him a tentative smile. I want to tell him I believe him. That even though I’ve stashed the memories my TP read of him away, it left an imprint of familiarity with him on me and I know he’s telling the truth, because I know the kind of man he is. But I can’t find the right words, so I just step forward, closing the distance between us, and brush a soft kiss on his cheek.

  ‘Son of a bitch.’

  Blake is pulled back with a violent jerk. Aaron stands behind him, face thunderous. He drops Blake’s arm, then shoves his older brother in the shoulder, pushing him back a step. ‘Are you trying to ruin everything?’

  ‘Nothing was happening,’ Blake tells him calmly.

  ‘Liar!’ The calm, cool demeanour I associated with Aaron is gone. His neck flushes dark red and he shoves Blake again.

  Blake raises his hands. ‘I’m not going to fight you, Aaron.’

  ‘You think I can’t take you?’ Aaron lunges forward, catching Blake around the waist, and they fall heavily to the ground, grappling to get the upper hand.

  I hop from one foot to the other, no idea what to do. Two guys fighting over you is supposed to be a girl’s dream come true, but it just makes me feel ill. Both come up for air, neat suits rumpled as they glare at each other.

  ‘We were just talking,’ I try to explain to Aaron. ‘Nothing more.’

  He glares at me. ‘Is that how you talk to everyone? I guess I shouldn’t expect manners from a dead-end third striker.’

  ‘Don’t speak to her like that,’ Blake growls. ‘She’s telling you the truth.’

  ‘I’ll talk to her how I please,’ Aaron snaps. ‘And I suspect you’d say anything to cover for her, wouldn’t you?’

  Blake shakes his head. ‘Please, Aaron. Just drop this.’

  Aaron thrusts a finger at him. ‘I’m not going to warn you again. Next time, keep away. Don’t ruin this for me.’

  ‘Everything alright, Josie?’

  Turning, I see Bobby limping over with two champagne glasses. He glares at the two brothers. ‘You two fellas wouldn’t be bothering my niece, would you?’

  ‘Of course not.’ Aaron straightens his suit, while Blake smooths back his dark hair. ‘We were just sorting an issue out.’

  Bobby hands me a glass, squinting at Blake. ‘Do I know you?’

  ‘My name is Blake Galloway, sir.’ He steps forward, holding out a hand. ‘I visited your shop a few times.’

  Bobby’s eyes go wide. ‘You.’

  ‘No!’ I try to grab Bobby’s arm, but he’s already tossed his drink aside and is swinging at Blake, managing to land a heavy fist against his nose.

’s head snaps back and when Bobby goes to follow up with a right hook, Blake has just enough time to duck.

  ‘I’m gonna bust your teeth in,’ Bobby snarls.

  I step in front of him, stopping him. ‘You’re making a scene. You said you were on your best behaviour.’ I drop my voice. ‘This is my big chance, remember?’

  My uncle blinks a few times before focusing on me.

  ‘Blake already apologised for what happened,’ I say quickly. ‘And it kind of wasn’t his fault. It was an accident.’

  Bobby says nothing as he lowers his fists, eyes pinned on Blake, who’s wiping a bloody nose.

  ‘Why don’t we refresh our drinks?’ Aaron suggests, indicating he’d escort Bobby and myself.

  I force a smile on my face, and try to push aside his earlier words. They’d been spoken in the heat of the moment, so I was prepared to forgive him. Just. Bobby takes my arm and propels me away. I glance back at Blake watching me leave him, face blank.


  Olivia stands at the drinks table, draining a glass of champagne. When she sees us, she picks up a fresh glass and tilts it at Aaron.

  ‘You found the wayward damsel,’ she says. ‘Wonderful.’

  Aaron doesn’t reply, just picks up a glass for himself and throws it back in a single gulp. Olivia arches an eyebrow at me.

  ‘Did I miss something?’ she asks.

  I shake my head and put down the champagne Bobby gave me. Aaron throws Bobby a tight smile and begins to talk to him in a low voice. I hear Blake’s name a few times, but I can’t quite hear what they’re saying. Olivia links her arm through mine.

  ‘If you’re free, my dear, Director Eckhart has asked for a word with you.’

  ‘Where is he?’ I search the crowds, resisting as she tries to pull me along with her.

  ‘Upstairs in his office, with all the other VIPs.’

  ‘I can’t leave my uncle here.’ I turn to see Bobby and Aaron watching us.

  ‘I’ll be fine, Josie.’ Bobby waves me off. ‘You go and talk to people. I saw a table with a pile of lobsters before. Might go and shake hands with a claw or two.’


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