Alpha's Destiny: An M/M Shifter MPreg Romance (Texas Heat Book 1)

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Alpha's Destiny: An M/M Shifter MPreg Romance (Texas Heat Book 1) Page 9

by Aspen Grey

  Frank grumbled something to himself and shuffled his feet like he was uncomfortable. He knew what I was saying, the poor guy just didn’t see any other options.

  “Listen, Frank,” I told him, stepping closer so the others couldn’t hear what I was saying. This was personal, and I didn’t want to embarrass the guy. “Sell us the land. I’ll handle Jasper and his goons if anybody comes to give you trouble. Chuck will fight with me if it comes to that – and he’s got friends too.”

  Frank grumbled again and looked at me a couple of times.

  “This farm’s all I have,” he finally said.

  “Let us save it for you,” I told him, extending my hand. He looked at it, but I could already see by the look in his eyes what his answer would be. When we shook, everyone breathed a huge sigh of relief.

  “You won’t regret this, Frank,” Chuck said happily.

  “Yeah,” he chuckled, closing the door. “Let’s fuckin’ hope not!”



  “That was fucking amazing!” I cried out, my heart filled with happiness as I pushed Preston down on the couch and kissed him. “You know what? I think I forgive you for leaving me alone this morning without a note!”

  “Aw, I’m sorry about that,” Preston teased back. “Was it that hard to be without me for a few hours?”

  “Hey!” I protested, giving him a little smack on his hard chest. “Would you rather I wasn’t concerned about you?”

  “Of course not,” he chuckled.

  “Seriously, though. That was amazing. We’re buying the farm!”

  “Well, it won’t be ours only,” he reminded me. “Chuck and Jamie will be part owners too.”

  “Technicalities,” I scoffed, waving my hand dismissively. “Besides, they’re good people.”

  “They are.”

  I was absolutely glowing with glee as I resituated myself on my man’s lap. My lover. My mate. My fated mate. And he was getting shit done! He hadn’t even needed to tear Jasper to shreds to save our lives.

  My man’s no dummy, I thought as I smiled down at him. I was so filled with love that I felt I might burst if I got any happier. Leaning in, I pressed my nose against the base of his neck and inhaled his scent. It was like a drug to me. My own personal fragrance designed by God with the specific intent of driving me wild – bringing us together.

  The sun was going down, casting the last rays of sun through the windows, bathing the living room in a warm orange-purple light. I felt like I was the star of my very own romance film, cast opposite the world’s biggest heartthrob movie star.

  My Preston…

  I kissed his mouth, stroking his chest with my hands, feeling the taut muscles beneath his shirt. Leaning back on his thighs, I lifted his shirt at the hem and pulled it up and off over his arms.

  “Mmmmm,” I moaned softly, running my hands through his dark chest hair. “I love your hair.”


  “Mmmm,” I replied. “Manly…”

  Something came over me. I moved in quickly and kissed his left nipple. He tensed up, like it tickled, only fueling me on. I nibbled with my teeth, causing his body to buck up off the couch. His hands found my waist and he started to lift me up, but I grabbed his wrists and pulled them away.

  “Mmm-mmm,” I scolded him as I pressed his arms against the couch. “This time it’s my turn.”

  “Oh, yeah…?” he replied, raising an eyebrow. It was a side of me I hadn’t felt before – almost aggressive. I wanted to please him, reward my man for the things he’d done for me and would continue to do as we progressed through life.

  Slowly, I began kissing his chest and moved my way down to his chiseled abs. I traced the line of each muscle with my tongue until I reached the V taper that pointed down into his pants.

  I slid back and knelt in front of him on the floor as I slowly undid his belt buckle, maintaining eye contact the whole time. I could tell he was already hard, and as I pulled down his fly to expose his massive erection, I felt my mouth start to water.

  He put his legs together and lifted himself slightly so I could pull his pants down to his ankles. Then, I was spreading his legs open and finding my place between them so I could worship his alpha cock the way he deserved.

  Gripping his dick, I extended my tongue and pressed it against the base of his balls. Preston gasped as the sensation hit him. My lips smiled but I kept my tongue on him, licking up to the base of his cock. I felt precum spill from the tip onto my fingers, and used it to lube up my palm.

  I began to stroke him as I sucked his balls. From my position, he looked like a Greek statue, lounging back in all his spectacular glory, his muscles showing like they’d been carved by a master sculptor. The veins on his biceps were showing, as well as the two on his lower abs that were practically pointing to his cock.

  I traced a line up his cock with my tongue and when my lips closed over the tip of his dick, he let out a moan.

  “Fuck, baby…”

  Taking the rest of his dick in my mouth – as much as I could – I moaned back in reply as the sweet taste of his precum hit my tongue. I swallowed eagerly, relishing in the power I had to please my man.

  Somehow, he got even harder as I sucked him. I knew every tiny detail of his cock, but there was one thing I hadn’t been able to do that I was determined to: deep-throat him.

  He hadn’t begged me for it or anything. It was just something I wanted for him – and for me. It was like a personal goal I’d set for myself that I still hadn’t been able to achieve. I was desperate to see the look on his face when I swallowed his whole cock, something I knew he thought was just not possible.

  I breathed deep through my nose, opened my mouth wide and pushed down on his cock as far as I could go. He was massive, and I felt the sticking point I always felt that I could never get past. At least half his dick was still not in my mouth when I gagged.

  I coughed and felt my eyes water.

  Damn it!

  I could feel him shift on the couch. He was about to tell me it was okay and that I shouldn’t worry about it, but that wasn’t good enough for me. I was going to do it.

  Ignoring the tears coming down my cheeks, I took another breath and tried again.

  He was thick – so thick. I opened my throat and pushed down, changing the angle of my throat to make it easier. I felt the point where I knew I would gag, but calmed myself and focused on my breath. Slowly, I swallowed more of his dick.

  Preston gasped as I made it down farther than I’d ever gone before. I felt his dick twitch, and realized that he was closing in on an orgasm. What I was doing was turning him on.

  And I was getting closer. Only another inch was left to go before I was completely deep-throating his cock. Spit dripped from my lips and tears fell from my cheeks as I swallowed, tasting his precum on the back of my throat. I almost couldn’t believe it when my nose pressed against his lower abs.

  I did it!

  “Fuck, baby!” Preston groaned. I knew he was about to come and quickly grabbed his balls with one hand and pulled down with just the right amount of pressure. “I’m coming!”

  His cock flexed and I felt like my throat was going to tear. Cum sprayed out of him and I swallowed eagerly, obediently, like a good omega should. He came and came and I took it all, unable to believe that I was actually doing it. I didn’t even gag once.

  As the last of his orgasm swept through him, signaled by a final twitch of his cock, I pulled back slowly and swallowed the last bit of his load.

  “Ffffuck!” Preston groaned as I came up for air, grinning like a goofball. “You did it!”

  “I was determined,” I smiled. “Go big or go home, right?”

  We both laughed as I admired his cock, which was still almost all the way hard, gleaming beneath a layer of my spit. I gripped it by the base and slapped myself on the cheek with it, just to feel the weight behind it.

  “God, I love your cock,” I told him. He smiled back at me as he reached out
and took me into his arms.

  “And I love you,” he replied, kissing me right on the lips.



  Three months later…

  “Don’t forget not to hit the nails too hard,” Kenneth called out as I hammered in another clapboard. I turned and scowled at him.

  “Hey! No comments from the peanut gallery!” I joked. “If you want to be a critic, get on over here and help out!”

  “Oh, you don’t want me doing that,” he laughed, rubbing his baby bump that was close to bursting. “Put me into premature labor!”

  “Premature?” I scoffed. “If I squeezed you too hard, my son would come out!”

  Kenneth laughed and took another sip of his iced tea. I was hard at work finishing up the addition we’d built onto the house to support our new “guests.” Chuck, his alpha buddy Juan who’d come up from Mexico five years ago, and Terry, a big blond surfer looking good that always had a cowboy hat on and a toothpick in his mouth.

  After Frank accepted our deal on the farm, we’d needed more help, so I’d taken on Juan and Terry. Chuck was already fed up with his place in the city, so we decided to add on to the house and just have everybody live on the land together.

  A pack. My very own pack. And I was the leader.

  Everyone but me was single, so the rest of the boys spent a lot of time downtown in Austin trying to scrounge up a mate, or a “mate for the night.” Terry in particular was a big floozy, relishing in the single life, and the omegas loved him. At twenty-one years of age, he wasn’t looking to settle down any time soon.

  Juan was twenty-three, and less opposed to the idea of starting a family, but was “very picky” about who he would actually get into a relationship with.

  Chuck had started dating a guy but they’d broken up when the omega cheated on him with a trust fund baby from downtown whose father was a lawyer or stock broker or something like that. Chuck had taken it pretty hard, despite not showing it to the rest of the pack.

  There had even been talk about Jamie coming to live with us, but so far we’d only finished three of the four bedrooms and she still wasn’t sure how she felt about living with a bunch of dudes.

  The addition was on the opposite site of the house from my and Kenneth’s bedroom, to make sure we had enough privacy when the baby came. We’d added a door and a hallway that connected to the living room and added four bedrooms and two bathrooms. Chuck was working inside to finish it off while the rest of us were putting up clapboards that we’d finished painting yesterday.

  Kenneth had chosen the color. Cherokee Red it was called. It was earthy, with calming brown undertones. He’d seen it on a house by the famous architect Frank Lloyd Wright and fallen in love with it.

  The lilac tree had taken to the property nicely, and was blossoming. Its sweet smell filled our bedroom every night when we left the window open, just as Kenneth had hoped it would. Frank was happy, and so far the Vandertons hadn’t bothered us. Things were great. Beyond great. They were perfect. All that was left was for our baby boy to be born.

  At first we hadn’t wanted to know the gender, but then both of us had just gotten too excited and just had to know. We didn’t care, of course, but then when we’d heard it was a boy, suddenly it was exactly what we’d both wanted. We were just excited to meet our child and would have been happy with either.

  Kenneth wanted to deliver at home, and Jamie said she knew a midwife, Tasha, that might be able to help. She’d gone into town today and was supposed to be back some time in the afternoon to let us know what the deal was.

  “We’re getting there, big boy!” Terry laughed as he hammered in the last nail of his clapboard. I grinned, stepped back and looked at the last wall on the addition we were working on. Only a few more clapboards at the bottom and we’d be finished. There was still a bit of work to finish inside, but this had been a big job and we were finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.

  “We need to have a barbeque,” Juan grinned as he wiped the sweat from his forehead. “To celebrate. I can show you gringos how to cook.”

  “An alpha who knows how to cook?” Kenneth laughed. “That’ll be the day.”

  “You haven’t tasted my pulled pork, amigo,” he retorted. “Knock your socks off!”

  “I’ll believe it when I see it,” Kenneth kidded. It was friendly banter. They’d actually cooked a bunch of meals together already. Juan actually had talked about wanting to open a taco stand when he got around to it, he just hadn’t found the money yet. Hopefully, in the future, we’d be able to help him get started.

  The sun was just starting to go down as we finished up. Chuck had brought a few crappy lawn chairs from town and set them up out front. Cracking open a few cold beers, we all took a seat and admired our handiwork.

  “Cheers,” I said, clanking my bottle against everyone else’s.

  “Wah, I want some,” Kenneth whined, nuzzling up against my arm.

  “Pop that cub out and you can get fuckin’ slammed,” Terry joked.

  I heard the sound of an engine behind us and turned around to see Jamie’s baby blue SUV bumping up the driveway. She’d had it custom painted by some crazy friend of hers. I’d never seen another car with that color, and she was always getting stared at when she drove down the highway.

  “There she is,” I said, getting to my feet. I was anxious to hear the news about her midwife friend. I squeezed Kenneth’s hand as she pulled up and parked. As she got out, I could tell by the smile on her face that she had good news.

  “She’s in,” she said with a smile.

  “Oh, thank God,” Kenneth said, relieved. He wrapped his arms around my waist. I pulled him tight and my hand instinctively went to his baby bump. I loved how curvy he’d become, and his chest was swelling too. I couldn’t wait for us both to be fathers.

  “She’s pretty open the next week so she said I just need to hit her with a text and she’ll be up,” Jamie said with a smile. “You know…Kenneth’s gonna be out of commission for a while after he gives birth, Preston…”

  “Hey!” Kenneth interrupted. “Don’t start, missy!”

  Jamie laughed and grabbed herself a beer. “The addition’s looking great. All finished?”

  “Everything but your room,” Terry replied.

  “Eh….” Jamie grunted. “We’ll see about that. Not sure if I can handle that much testosterone.”

  “So bring us some of that feminine charm of yours,” Terry joked.

  “Find me a nice handsome guy that likes pussy and maybe I will,” Jamie snorted.

  “I know plenty,” Juan chuckled. “The only problem is, they don’t like crazy bitches!”

  Jamie squealed and attacked. I laughed as Juan scrambled away from her, running around the cooler, trying to escape her slaps.

  “Mmm, I’m tired,” Kenneth told me, nuzzling into my chest. “Can we go inside?”

  “Sure, babe,” I replied quickly. “Guys, we’re gonna head inside. Kenneth’s tired.”

  “No problem, boss,” Terry replied. “We’ll handle the cleanup for ya.”

  “Thanks, guys.”

  I held the door open for Kenneth and we made our way back into the bedroom. It was fall, so the temperature had cooled down from the raging inferno of the summer, and a nice breeze was blowing through our bedroom window as we lay down beside each other.

  The smell of Kenneth’s lilac tree was in the air. It mixed perfectly with his scent, making the bedroom a hard place for me to leave every morning. All I wanted to do was lie there with him.

  I looked at the empty crib in the corner of the room. It wouldn’t be long until there was a little bundle of joy squirming around in there. I wrapped my arm around my mate and breathed deep.

  Everything was coming together, and I couldn’t be happier.



  Lying there next to Preston, pregnant as Hell, I felt a giggle attack coming on. That’s what Preston called it – a sort of rolling l
augh that started deep in my belly and didn’t stop until I was practically crying laughing.

  There didn’t even have to be anything funny happening. I just had to be in a good mood, and as I rubbed my belly and thought about the bundle of joy we were about to bring into the world, my soul was absolutely soaring.

  “Preston,” I whispered.

  “Yes, baby?”

  “What should we call him?”

  We’d been going back and forth on names like a couple of old grandmas unable to make up their minds about what to make for dinner. I’d suggested Preston Junior just to get the ball rolling, but Preston said he wanted his son to have his own name and had countered with Kenny.

  “But isn’t that just like Kenneth basically?” I had asked.

  “Mmm, okay,” he’d thought.

  Then it went on to Bradley, Bruce, Bryce and Bobby. Apparently we’d been working our way through all the B names in the book.

  We’d thought about Jerry, Preston’s dad, who was coming down in a few days with his wife Melinda to visit. They’d come once a couple weeks ago to check in on us. But again, we both wanted our son to have his own name, and we were stuck.

  “How about Sylvester?” Preston asked in a silly tone. I frowned at him. “No? How about Arnold then?”

  “Is our son going to be an action movie superstar?”

  Preston shrugged. “He could be!”

  “Okay, how about we just name him Michael Jordan then and he will grow up to play in the NBA!?”

  “Sounds good to me,” he joked.

  “Pshhh,” I scoffed, gently tapping him on the leg. “How about…Schuyler?”

  “Hmmm,” Preston thought in an encouraging tone.

  “Yeah?” I asked, sitting up on my elbow to look at him.

  “That’s not bad,” he said, nodding slowly. “I actually kinda like that.”

  “Yeah!?” I asked, getting even more excited.


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