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Boss Me

Page 7

by Lacey Black

  Will, sensing my restraint, whispers, “Just let go. Give up this control, Carmen. Let me have it.” His words are more of an order as he thrusts his fingers inside of me at a steady, firm pace.

  I feel myself slipping over the edge of sanity. My body begins to quiver uncontrollably as it barrels full steam ahead into the wall of sweet release. Will leans forward from his kneeling position in front of me and runs his hot tongue up the seam of my center. That one little touch shoves me recklessly over the edge. I come hard, moaning my release as brightly colored stars burst between my closed eyelids.

  My legs turn to Jell-O and struggle to keep my body upright. Will stands up, pulling my body flush against him. His mouth is fierce as it devours my lips. There is no hesitation, no restraint. Only wild, hot lust and raging need.

  Will finishes unbuttoning his shirt and removes it as well as his undershirt with one quick, fluid motion. His eyes devour my body greedily as he unbuttons his pants. He stands before me, chest gloriously naked with a light dusting of blond hair, as his eyes rake over me. My body begins to heat back up under his intense scrutiny.

  Will steps forward, reaches around and unclasps my bra. The uncomfortable material falls to the ground, leaving me completely naked and exposed. Will stares, and my nipples pucker as his eyes roam my body as he drinks his fill.

  “Lie down,” Will orders through tight lips.

  I sit back on my bed, slide up the comforter, and lie back on my pillow. I watch helplessly as Will slides his pants down his powerful thighs. He makes quick work of removing his boots and socks and finally stands before me in a pair of dark boxers. His manhood jets gloriously out from his underwear creating that alluring tent. My mouth waters and my fingers itch to touch his impressive length.

  Will grabs his pants and pulls a foil package out of his wallet. With the protection in his hand, Will tosses his boxers and stands before me as the most magnificent form of naked man.

  Removing his glasses, he sets them down on my nightstand. I lie before him, helplessly, as he crawls onto the bed next to me. He lays his body possessively on top of mine and devours my mouth with another inebriating kiss. My entire body is on fire again as his hand slowly makes his way up my stomach and cups my right breast. The way he tweaks and pulls on my nipple causes wetness to flood my core in anticipation. I moan and whither under his skillful touch.

  Will fondles my breasts as his tongue plunges deeply into the recesses of my mouth. His hard manhood rubs against my stomach and I ache to feel him slide into my heat. Now. I need him to put an end to this torture. Right. Now.

  It’s been so long since I’ve felt this fire, this lustful energy. I hope I can remember the steps to the dance. Though, if the way I respond to Will is any indication, I’m sure I won’t have any problem remembering with this man as my partner.

  Will breaks the kiss and kneels before me, sheathing his length with protection. He gently spreads my knees apart and places his large, lithe body between my legs. There’s a hum of anticipation evident in the room. This is it. We are about to cross that imaginary moral line as we completely throw the rulebook out the window. For the first time in my life, I want to jump over that damn line. I want to jump so damn far over it, tap dancing a little jig the entire time, and claim this man as my own.

  Will leans forward and places a tender kiss to my swollen lips. I feel his length nudge my center as if begging to be allowed entrance. He gently pushes his groin forward, entering my body in the most glorious onslaught of pleasure and pain. My body welcomes the invasion as I stretch to fit his length. My eyes practically roll back in my head as he pulls out slowly and pushes in further. He doesn’t stop until he’s buried deeply inside of me. So deep that I feel like I’ll be imprinted with his touch for the rest of my life.

  Will gradually begins to pick up his pace as his hips move within my thighs. His body moves with determination, his hands seeking my breasts, my nipples. I reach around and grab a hold of his back, trying to control the pace. I feel myself tightening, my body reaching for that imaginary cliff of ecstasy.

  “Not yet,” Will orders as he pulls my hands from his back.

  “What?” I say breathlessly.

  “Not. Yet. You’re not getting off yet, Carmen,” he demands as he takes both of my hands within one of his much larger ones and places them above my head.

  “I want control,” Will says, his voice tight and edgy. “Will you give it to me, Carmen?” he asks as he thrusts deep inside me again.

  I shake my head from side to side, not wanting to give it up, yet at the same time, willing to give him anything he wants if he continues make me feel so much pleasure.

  “I promise it’ll be worth it,” Will whispers softly against the side of my face. The scruff of his seven o’clock shadow bites into the smooth skin of my cheek. He moves slightly until he’s directly over my face. “Give it to me,” he whispers sweetly as he takes my lips with his own.

  I allow my body to relax as I give up the precious control I pride myself on holding onto. My legs tremble as I wrap them around Will’s waist, my arms still firmly held over my head by the man dominating me mind, body, and soul.

  Will perches himself up on his elbows and drives hard into my body. I am strung so tight that I almost combust as I allow this man to lead me to the Promised Land. There’s nothing I can do to stop it as I give myself completely to him. His pace is quick and his strokes long as we charge together headfirst into oblivion.

  I watch helplessly as Will sits up, one hand still firmly holding my hands while the other roams over my body. He plays with my hard nipples and bends down to suck them deep in his mouth. I feel my lower body tightening around his girth. His hips move intensely as if completely on their own. If the look in Will’s eyes is any indication, he is about to fly over the edge with me. And he owns me. Completely.

  I can’t stop the orgasm, as it starts deep down in my belly. Will places his thumb on the bundle of nerves at my center and sends me crashing into another world. I tighten like a vise around him as I moan my release, Will’s name dripping from my lips. He follows me with his own primal release, groaning as he launches his seed deep inside the confines of the condom.

  Releasing my hands, Will rubs my wrists tenderly as circulation slowly returns to my hands. When he’s satisfied that the blood is flowing properly again, he lays his head down on my shoulder. Our collective pants and gasps for air fill the silence as we both work to get our breathing under control. Will’s roaring heart thunders a wild beat against my chest.

  I struggle to find words. I feel exposed and bare as I lie underneath Will’s body, and I’m not talking about the fact that we’re both naked and he’s still buried deep inside of me. My soul feels exposed as I come to grips with the fact that I gave so much of myself to Will. I allowed him to take my precious control for only a few minutes and it has left me reeling.

  “So, about that Chinese,” Will says as he places a tender kiss on my bare shoulder. “I’m suddenly starving,” he adds, his smile I feel against my damp skin.

  “Me too,” I say.

  Will looks deep into my eyes and gives me the smallest of grins. His lips are soft and tender as he places sweet, open-mouthed kisses on my chin and the corners of my lips. I feel his lower body stirring to life again from within me. My gasp is loud enough to make him chuckle, but doesn’t deter him from kissing my face.

  “This is what you do to me, Carmen. My body responds to you like this all of the time. For months, I’ve been walking around in a state of arousal. Every time you walked into the emergency room, I would get hard as steel for you. You’ve consumed my thoughts and my body for months,” he confesses.

  “My body has always responded to you the same way,” I whisper my confession. “I’ve always wanted you.”

  Will kisses me square on the lips as we both revel in the sensations coursing through our bodies. “First, we eat. Then, we shower. Together.”

  Reluctantly, he rolls off of me and dispos
es of the condom in a tissue next to my bed, dropping them in the garbage can. “Get dressed, beautiful, and I’ll order some food,” Will says as he reaches for his pants.

  I watch, mesmerized, as Will places his long, lean legs into his work uniform and buttons them up around his hips. The start of that beautiful V of his lower stomach is still evident just above the beltline. It’s a delicious line that begs for my tongue to trace, and my mouth waters with anticipation. I’m definitely doing that later.

  I get out of bed and grab the first sweatshirt and pair of yoga pants out of my drawers. As soon as the warm material is on, I turn to see Will, now donning his glasses, staring intently as if committing my body to memory. He drops his undershirt over his head and reaches his hand towards me.

  Will and I make our way towards my kitchen, bare feet slapping against the hardwood and linoleum flooring. I grab the Chinese takeout menu from the top drawer and hand it over to my dinner mate.

  “I want everything. I’m starving,” I say with a slight smile.

  “I’m starving too,” Will says, but I quickly realize he’s not looking at the menu. No, Will Stevens is looking at me. And his eyes are on fire.

  He gives his head a gentle shake as if to shake off whatever image or thought he had and glances down at the menu in his hand. “What would you like?” he asks as he retrieves his cell phone from the pocket of his pants.

  “Vegetable lo mein, sweet and sour chicken, and crab rangoons,” I say just as my stomach growls loudly.

  Will laughs and dials the numbers into his phone. He places a double order of my choices and signs off. “Dinner will be here in thirty.”

  “Great,” I reply, shifting uncomfortably from the left to the right.

  “Come on,” Will says as he offers me his hand. “Let’s go find something on TV while we wait.”

  I place my hand inside of his and allow him to lead me into my living room. I flip on the lamp next to the couch, close the blinds, and grab the remote. I glance over and notice Will standing next to the couch, but he’s not facing me. He’s facing the wall. He’s looking at the photos of my son.

  “Who’s this?” he asks curiously.

  I clear my throat and reply, “That’s my son, Zach.”

  Will turns around and faces me. “I didn’t know you have a son.”

  “Yeah, well I don’t think anyone at work does. I don’t bring my personal life to work and mix it with my professional life.”

  “That’s who you were talking to that Sunday we worked together,” he says, as if seeking confirmation.

  “Yeah. Zach was home by himself that day for the first time since we moved here. I made him call me all day long,” I recall with a smile.

  “You have a son,” he says as ratification, not a question.

  “Is that a problem?” I ask cautiously. It never occurred to me that Will could have an issue with my son. I don’t even know how to categorize what is going on between us right now, but I know that keeping my son safe is my number one priority.

  “No, of course not. I just didn’t picture you as a mother,” he says sheepishly.

  “Well, that doesn’t surprise me, honestly. It’s not like I’m all warm and fuzzy at work,” I say with the hint of a smile.

  Will laughs. “That’s true,” he says with a big smile.

  “You wondered who could possibly love Cruella, didn’t you?” I ask, my smile never leaving my face.

  I can’t help but laugh as his eyes widen and he seems to stumble over his words.

  “Don’t worry, William. I know what everyone calls me behind my back,” I say as I sit Indian-style on the couch. “It doesn’t bother me that people don’t like me or that they call me Cruella when I’m looking the other way. My goal when I started my job was to do the best I could with the resources I was given. I’m not there to be anyone’s friend. I’m their boss.”

  “Yes, you are. You are my boss,” Will says as he sits down next to me and takes my hand. “While we’re at the hospital, you’re my boss and I am one of your employees. When I’m here with you, like right now? This is just a man and woman getting to know each other. This is a man and a woman enjoying each other’s company. This is a man and woman exploring each other’s body. This? This has nothing to do with work,” Will says as he brings my hand up to his mouth. His breath fans around my knuckles as he places soft kisses on each one. “This is about you and me.”

  “But you and I aren’t supposed to happen at all. We could both lose our jobs,” I remind him.

  “I’m willing to take the chance. I have an appetite for you that I haven’t even come close to quenching, and walking away right now isn’t an option. I want - no, I need - to find out why I crave you so much, Carmen. I need to find out why I react the way I do to you, and that has nothing to do with who you are during the day and where we work. I’m drawn to you in a way I’ve never experienced before in my life. Does that scare me? To death. But, not knowing what this is scares me more. Will you take that chance with me? Are you willing to risk it all to explore whatever it is that I know we both feel?”

  I gulp a big breath as I get sucked into the deep, soulful vortex of Will’s blue eyes. There’s only one answer I can give him, and it’s not the answer I should give.


  Chapter Five


  The entire time we eat battered chicken pieces dipped in sweet and sour sauce, savory vegetables sautéed in noodles, and warm and creamy crab rangoons, I can’t help but replay that one word over and over again in my head. Yes. She said yes.

  Of course, the question was just as important as the answer she gave because by me offering that question, I cemented my own fate in this agreement, if it should go south. But I realized as I was buried deep inside of her, watching helplessly as she relinquished control to me, that I was in deep. I was all in; throwing all of my chips in the center of the table.

  “So, where is your son tonight?” I ask, stuffing another piece of chicken in my mouth.

  Carmen wipes her mouth off with the napkin and takes a sip of her wine. “He’s with his father this weekend. He was supposed to go last weekend, but Nick - my ex - had to cancel again.”

  “Again? Like he does that often?”

  “Yeah,” she says as she sets her empty plate down on the coffee table. “Nick is the proverbial Disney Dad. He’s all fun and games when he wants to be, but disappears for short periods of time in between. He is a lawyer and has always been very career driven and focused. Unfortunately, Zach suffers because of it.”

  “Just Zach?” I ask, noting the sadness in her voice.

  “My suffering ended when we got divorced. The only suffering that still affects me is when I see my son upset. Nick will always choose work over family. He did it while we were married, he’s done it since the divorce, and he’ll continue to do it until he chooses not to let it come first. And I don’t see that happening anytime soon.”

  I set my plate next to Carmen’s on the coffee table and grab my glass of wine. “So how long were you married?”

  “Twelve years,” she says with a distant look in her brown eyes. “We met in college and fell hard and fast. I found out I was pregnant after a year of dating. Nick was just getting ready to start Law School at Harvard, and we decided that we could defy the odds. You know, be that one couple that actually lasted through school and the stresses of two demanding careers? We were young and dumb, but determined to make it work.”

  “So when did you realize it wasn’t working?” I ask. It’s hard to believe that I’m actually curious about her life before she came to Rivers Edge. Obviously, that life involved another man, but curiosity outweighs the pings of jealousy I feel as she talks about her life and love for her ex-husband.

  “Looking back now, I can tell it was doomed from the beginning, though I wouldn’t change anything for the world. I just wish the resulting divorce wouldn’t have affected Zach the way it did, and still does.

  “I didn’t rea
lize we were in trouble until we had been married for ten years. Nick was working crazy hours to try to make partner. He was traveling more than he was home, and when he was in town, he would stay at his office. We barely ever saw him. Zach was growing up, and Nick wasn’t there to see it.” I’m somber as I take the trip down memory lane.

  “I realized on Christmas Eve, while Zach slept on my lap on the couch after watching a Christmas movie that I wasn’t in love with him anymore. It was nothing that he did or didn’t do; it was just that we had grown apart. Years of barely seeing each other had taken its toll on us.

  “I pushed my discovery aside for another several months, mostly because I wasn’t ready to completely disrupt Zach’s life, until one night when Nick came home and told me we had to talk. It was actually our anniversary, and he had apparently forgotten. When Zach went to bed, we sat down to talk. It was actually the first time we’d talked in God knows how long. That was when Nick told me he didn’t love me anymore.”

  I’m sitting on the couch next to her, watching the play of emotions cross her beautiful face, and can’t help but feel sorry for this woman. She’s spent so much of her adult life raising a child practically alone, stuck in a loveless marriage for the convenience of being married. She was arm candy.

  “But you know what? When he said those words, I wasn’t upset. I was relieved. I felt like a weight had actually been lifted off my shoulders,” she says with a small smile.

  “We separated and Nick moved to one of the guest rooms at the house, and six months later, we divorced in probably the most amicable divorce known to man,” she says smiling.

  “It’s rare to hear of an amicable divorce anymore,” I say with a small smile, taking her hand within mine.

  “Right?” she says with a laugh. “It was actually very pleasant. We shared an attorney that I chose. Nick didn’t fight me for anything. We agreed on a very generous settlement and child support, and even though he offered alimony, I declined it. He takes care of all of Zach’s insurance and bills, and even reimburses me for clothing and school expenses.”


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