I Need You Here: Standalone, HEA, Erotica Contemporary Romance, Suspense Romance, BDSM, Dominant Alpha Male, Action & Adventure Romance

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I Need You Here: Standalone, HEA, Erotica Contemporary Romance, Suspense Romance, BDSM, Dominant Alpha Male, Action & Adventure Romance Page 8

by Cynthia P. O'Neill

  I can’t tell her my boss had me followed when I was down here. He was furious that I’d been dating while I was away. I didn’t understand why he was so upset—he’s married and has kids, so there’s no way I was going anywhere near him. He started giving me longer work assignments, taking over every facet of my life: how long I worked, where I lived, what I ate, and to whom I spoke. I guess he’d decided that if he couldn’t have me, because I certainly would be no one’s dirty little secret, then no one would. How could I tell her that Liam was the reason I started pushing Rafe away? Maybe I could tell her a little.

  “After I returned to Atlanta, my boss took on a couple of new projects which doubled my work load. My work hours increased. I only had time to go to work, go to the gym, and sleep. All my lunches and dinners were delivered to the office, because we were that busy. I hardly had a moment to myself. When I did have time to myself I wanted to call and talk to Rafe, but I was too tired. I usually passed out from exhaustion before I could even pick up the phone.” I tried to explain.

  “But what about all those dinners you attended? Couldn’t you have stayed home and rested? Why didn’t his wife go with him?” Marissa was always one for details. I always thought she missed her calling majoring in business instead of law, because she sure was cross-examining me. I felt like I was on the witness stand.

  "Those were business dinners courting new clients he was trying to sign. He’d asked me to attend to note any questions they might have, so we could address them later. As for his wife, one night she came to the office to drop off Liam’s evening attire, and I asked her if she’d rather attend the dinner. She explained that she had no interest in business, so she’d be useless at any of the dinners, meetings, or banquets.”

  Marissa pursed her lips, deep in thought. “I’m curious. Celia is always there for Alexander. She attends all the banquets, board meetings, and even takes notes when asked. I wonder why Liam’s wife won’t bother?”

  I just shrugged my shoulders. “She seems like a snooty patootie to me. She came in with her nose up in the air, gave me the once over, snorted, and then proceeded to enter his office without allowing me to advise him she was there.”

  “Maybe that’s why he likes you around, because she’s a total bitch. I get it. But you still could have tried to make time for Rafe.”

  She was right I could’ve, if I hadn’t been watched. I’d had the uneasy feeling for a while. My suspicions were confirmed when Liam started asking questions about things that had happened the night before. Detailed inquisitions about whom I’d talked to that night, or how I’d spent my evenings. I didn’t like sharing any of my personal life, but one night he caught me in a lie. I told him I’d done nothing that evening, and he’d asked about my conversation with a boyfriend—something he shouldn’t have know. I knew then that I was in serious trouble.

  By the time Marissa’s wedding rolled around, I’d managed to arrange for time off. At first, Liam refused, but I threatened to go ask HR why I couldn’t go to a relative’s wedding. I had managed to keep my friendship with Marissa a secret at that point.

  I’d decided that if I ran into Rafe, we’d explore taking our relationship further, and maybe he’d help extricate me from the hell in which I’d been trapped. Since that last night, I regretted more than ever, not accepting the job at Prescott International. I’d already accepted the one with Liam, but Marissa knew I didn’t want to move and found me the offer, which was a little less than what I was making now. I just had to be stubborn and wanted to make my own way. Never again!

  “At least he gave me time off to attend your wedding. I had to lie, though, and say you were my cousin; and a command performance was expected of the entire family.”

  She laughed. “Honey, you should’ve told him I was one of your sisters. We are as close as sisters could be.”

  I laughed and, boy, did it feel good. “You’re right, I could have because I love you like a sister, but I wanted to keep you unknown in case I ever needed you like now.” I guess, in my mind, I’d always known that I’d run.

  “SO, WHAT HAPPENED WHEN you were here?”

  Here we go. It was time to confide in Marissa. “Because we had little time to talk to one another, I thought that I’d feel differently about Rafe, but the passion I felt for him was still there. I tried to avoid him, but he’d cornered me when I left the bathroom, and insisted we talk.

  “I tried to push past him, but he used his body to cage mine against the wall and I lost all train of thought when his kiss turned my mind to mush. The next thing I knew, I was in his car, headed back to his place.”

  The words tumbled out, one right after the other, while the memories swept me back to that day in vivid detail, reliving it again.

  “Sit down, honey. I’ll get us some wine and then we can talk about why you’ve been avoiding me.” Rafe’s expression was despondent as he locked the door and walked into the kitchen.

  I sat on the couch and realized we were in Dane’s old condo again. “Why aren’t we at your place?”

  He laughed ruefully. “Just my luck. I finally get you back here in Orlando and a water pipe bursts in my kitchen. The floor and cabinets are completely soaked. The water’s been turned off upstairs while I undergo repairs.” He snickered to himself. “It figures, the one area I didn’t remodel upstairs is now being redone.”

  “I had hoped to finally see your place.”

  He sat down beside me, handing me a glass as he poured a little wine. “I wanted that, too. Soon, maybe, when the repairs are complete. First, let’s catch up, and see where the evening takes us.” He held the bottle of wine toward me. “This is from my family’s Italian vineyard. I hope you enjoy it. My aunt Rosa said it was her favorite wine to date. They blended a couple of different grape varieties and fining agents to achieve the final product.”

  The wine tasted heavenly. I had moaned in appreciation of how smooth and complex it tasted, with a hint of sweetness. It seemed to warm me from the inside out and helped me to relax.

  Rafe’s hand came up and caressed the side of my face. “Bella, if you keep moaning like that we won’t be talking.”

  I’d opened my eyes fearing what he’d meant. I watched as he leaned closer, took my wine glass, and set it down on the table. He was so close, the heat from his body warmed me. His caramel eyes pinned my gaze and his lips hovered just over mine. “I think I’ll take a taste of this magnificent wine.” Before I could breathe, his lips were on mine, his teeth nipped at my bottom lip, his tongue begged to dance with mine. I gasped, and his mouth devoured mine. One hand cupped the nape of my neck, drawing me inexorably closer to him.

  My body was on fire as Rafe’s mouth passionately explored mine. One of his hands moved down to caress one of my breasts, teasing it to a hardened point before showing the other the same attention.

  We were both breathless. His forehead rested against mine and his hand caressed the side of my face. “I want you Dawn, more than I’ve ever wanted anyone. I’ve been lost not being able to talk to you.” He drew one of my hands to the obvious bulge in his pants to show just how affected he was “I need you, to be inside you, feel you, and become one with you, mia bella angelo. Please let me have tonight with you, my beautiful angel. After we’ll talk about the possibilities tomorrow may bring.”

  His voice deepened seductively as he painted the picture I’d longed to have with someone I truly cared about. The night before I left Atlanta, Liam had given me a dire warning. “I’ll have my eyes on you Dawn. You are to go to the wedding, and that’s it. You talk to that man and you’ll be sorry.”

  My heart and body overcame any reservations, and loosened the knot on his tie. My voice trembled, “I need this too, Rafe. I don’t know if we’ll have tomorrow, but I need you. I want to feel what it’s like to be with you.” I inched closer to him, nearly climbing onto his lap. I pressed my lips firmly to his, strong desire coursing through me.

  His embrace unyielding, he laid me back on the sofa. He hovered
over me and snatched the tie from my clumsy fingers. “You’re mine, now. Please say you’ll surrender to me and let me show you just how good we can be together.”

  My mind emptied as my body heated and tingled with every caress of his hands. “Okay.” I breathed.

  I’d managed to get the word out of my mouth, then felt one of his legs shift between mine, grinding his cock against my center, it’s rigid length pressed against my inner thigh. I became aware of nothing except Rafe pressed firmly against mine. My body was his to control, and I was not afraid—I reveled in his power. Was this what Marissa meant by the joy of submitting, letting go of everything and just feeling the moment?,

  He lifted away from me, leaving me panting and breathless for more. “I’m not done with you yet, bella. We haven’t even gotten started. If we only have tonight, I’m going to make it count.” He swooped his arms under my body, lifting me off the couch. It was only when I tried to put my arms around his neck that I realized he’d tied my wrists together.

  I held up my wrists to him, eyes wide and questioning, but his sensual smile and hooded eyes burned into mine, rendering me mute. I felt like my panties would combust at any moment.

  He laughed, holding me closer, and felt his shirt pull tight across his muscled chest. My God, he was built like a tank. “Like I said, mi amore, I intend to make tonight count. I want to introduce you to my world, show you what it could be like to be with me every day. I hope to leave you spent and hungry for more.” He cupped my pussy, “I want you to feel me inside you, days from now, and know that this is mine. Every time you think of me, I want you wet and craving more.”

  My body instantly became limp. I’d never had anyone talk to me so directly, but it was as if there were a live wire to my crotch, and my body complied to his every word Holy hell…I think I might be a sub after all. Just one demand, and I’m ready to do what ever he commands.

  He carried us into the bedroom where he pulled off my shoes and lowered me gently to the floor. “Stay.” I’d have balked if it were anyone else issuing the command. But this was Rafe, so I did as he wished.

  I watched him kick off his shoes and socks before stripping the bed of the comforter and sheet. He lit several candles around the room and turned off the lights, creating a romantic atmosphere. I never thought men did that outside of romance books. He went into the bathroom and placed a few unlit candles around the tub, along with a couple of towels. He looked up at me and winked. “For later, love.”

  The only thing that puzzled and scared me was a black bag he pulled out of the closet. I flinched when it dropped with a ‘thud' onto one of the nightstands by the bed. His hand came up and caressed the side of my face. “There’s no need to worry. I won’t do anything to hurt you and if there’s something you don’t like, all you need say is ‘No’ tonight and we’ll stop or adjust what we’re doing. Do you understand?”

  I nodded.

  He’d been incredibly gentle with me, so I was surprised when he suddenly slapped my ass with no warning. “What the hell, Rafe?”

  He grabbed ahold of my chin, forcing my eyes to his. “When you’re with me, I want your complete attention. When I ask you a question, I want a verbal answer, not a nod of your head. When I’m feasting on your pussy and ask you a question, I won’t be looking for a nod or shake of your head. I need you to tell me, talk to me. This is what a Dom/sub relationship is about—communication and trust. So I’ll ask again, do you understand?”

  “Yes, sir.” The moment I voiced the response I saw a smile light up his face.

  “I see you’ve been keeping up with your reading. I like being called Sir. Now, pet, let’s get you naked and spread out on the bed. I’m not going to play any games right now, because my control is on a razor’s edge. You’re so desirable, it’s all I can do not to come in my pants.”

  His hands lifted mine up and over his head before reaching around to slowly unzip my dress, his knuckles caressing over the exposed skin, sending tiny electrical shocks throughout my body. “I’m so glad Marissa selected a strapless dress for her maid of honor. You looked so sexy today, I barely resisted taking you against the wall at my parent’s house.”

  His lips began a trail from my chest to my shoulder, and nuzzled against my neck. The dress fell at my feet, leaving me in only my panties. His hand rose to cup side of my breast. “No bra?”

  “The dress has one built in.”

  A appreciative hum reverberated against my neck one hand palmed my breast, while the other traveled down to my back to caress my ass, pulling me closer to him. I moaned a complaint when he levered himself away.

  He gave my lips a chaste kiss. “I’m wearing entirely too many clothes right now, love.” I don’t know how he managed to get undressed with my arms still tied around his neck, but he stood naked before me in record time, his cock jutting proudly from a dark nest of curls. My eyes widened at the length and girth of his fierce erection, wondering how on earth he was going to fit. I’d only been with two other men, and he was huge in comparison.

  Rafe bent slightly to hook his thumbs in my panties and slide them down, until gravity took over and they fell to the floor. I was embarrassed, knowing that when I stepped out of them he’d be sure to see my arousal glistening around my inner thighs.

  He breathed in deeply and started suckling the side of my neck, nipping at my earlobe, causing me to squirm with need. “My God, you smell so good. I can’t wait to taste you.” His words made my core clench, needing to feel him inside me, to have him take away all my worries and help me live in the moment.

  His body pressed firmly against mine, I could feel his hard length pulse hotly against my stomach. His eyes closed, a moan escaping his lips. “I need to get you in to bed. You’re body and scent is driving me insane. I want to slam you against the wall and take you there.”

  He pulled my arms from around his neck and lifted me, placing me gently in the center of the bed. I watched him climb beside me, grabbing my wrists and pulling them back against the headboard. I was surprised when he reached over and pulled a pair of handcuffs out of the bag he’d left on the stand. He secured one end to the headboard, while the other snapped between my bound wrists.

  He moved sinuously, like a panther stalking his prey. I was nervous, but wanted what Rafe offered. His hands caressed every inch of my body, my skin responding in ways I didn’t know were possible, until now. His hands tightened around my hips as he dragged my body down the bed until my arms were stretched taut and my legs reached to the very edge of the bed.

  I thought I’d feel afraid of being restrained, but found myself very relaxed. My legs spread for him, welcoming his possession. His body rose over mine, and his tongue swiped at one of my nipples before sucking it into his mouth, pulling and teasing it until hardened to a stiff nub. Suddenly, he had something resembling binder clips connected by a chain.

  I tiled my head and peered up at him quizzically. “Your nipples are so responsive. I want to decorate them with these. They help me establish your pain threshold and will help you have the best orgasm of your life.”

  Dear God, this was everything I’d wished for in my darkest fantasies, but never thought to experience. I snorted, “You can’t possibly promise the best orgasm I’ve ever had. Feeling a bit cocky, are you?” I knew I shouldn’t have said anything as soon as the words left my mouth.

  Rafe’s lips thinned into a disappointed and determined line. I heard the ‘whoosh’ before I felt his hand smack my outer thigh. I was surprised by how much it turned me on, and a moan of ecstasy escaped my lips.

  His hand moved down to my apex, where he caressed my folds. “Well, well. It seems like you like things a little rough, Dawn. You are truly a woman after my own heart. I wanted to take you fast and hard, but your reaction to that slap makes me want to slow down and push you until you’re begging me to sink balls deep into your heat and give you what you need. What do you say, baby?”

  I wanted to tell him to take me now. My mouth opened, and al
l that escaped as a breathy, groaning, “Please,” My body craved things I never let my mind entertain. Is this why I’ve never enjoyed sex, why I felt so incomplete?

  He kept sucking on my nipple engorging it with blood. I tried to arch away when he tried to attach the first clamp. “Look at me Dawn, now!” My eyes immediately snapped to his.

  “I’m not going to do anything that won’t bring you pleasure, remember that. If you don’t like this just say so. There’ll be no safe word tonight, a simple ‘No’ or ‘Stop’ will work. Keep your eyes on me while I slip this on.” His voice was firm, but soothing, whisking away all my fears.

  I focused on his face as he placed the clamp securely on my nipple. Its bite was uncomfortable and foreign, making me want to yell for him to remove it. The pain ebbed and warmth spread from my nipple to my pussy.

  My eyes closed for a moment, until his mouth latched onto my other nipple, his teeth biting and playing with the tender skin until it was begging for more. I remained still as his eyes met mine, a small smile dancing across his lips, while he attached the other clamp and blew gently on the nipple until the burn was gone.

  His body moved up until our lips touched. “You’re so brave, my beautiful angel. You honor me with your trust.”

  I lifted my head slightly until our lips touched. My tongue pushed into his mouth, wanting to show him how much he aroused me. He tugged gently on the chain connecting the clamps, sending a zing through my entire body, making me hunger for more.

  His lips left mine and made their way down my body, nipping along my abdomen, dipping his tongue into my navel and circling it until I could no longer remain still. His hands gripped my hips, holding me as he took his place between my legs, his mouth caressing my newly shaved mound and the hood of my clit.

  Rafe’s breath blew across my skin as he whispered, “I need you so much, baby. I want to enjoy you and show you just how much you mean to me. I want to bring you pleasure, a bliss that only I can give you. I don’t want you to come until I give you permission. Can you do that for me? Show me you can be my good little sub?”


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