I Need You Here: Standalone, HEA, Erotica Contemporary Romance, Suspense Romance, BDSM, Dominant Alpha Male, Action & Adventure Romance

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I Need You Here: Standalone, HEA, Erotica Contemporary Romance, Suspense Romance, BDSM, Dominant Alpha Male, Action & Adventure Romance Page 11

by Cynthia P. O'Neill

  A beautiful pink blush began to spread from her chest to her face. “You’re such a perv.”

  I had to admit she was right. “Can’t argue with that, but I’m a perv who needs you.”

  She moved her arms a bit, pulling at the restraints. “When are you going to untie me?”

  “I’m not.”

  “Why not? What if I need to use the restroom? What if…”

  I put a finger on her lips to silence her. “We’ll get to all that when we need to. I have dinner ready for us. I’m going to feed you, and then I have questions I want answered. If I get the responses I’m looking for, I’ll remove them, otherwise you’ll remain tied to this bed.”

  She looked both appalled and determined by my answer. We were playing by my rules, now.

  “Can I at least ask one question?”

  I knew what was coming. “You want to know where you are and how I managed to grab you without anyone knowing?”

  Her eyes went wide in astonishment. “But …”

  “Shh.” I placed my finger over her lips. “You weren’t safe at Dane and Marissa’s. There were people watching their place—mine, too. I just knew that you didn’t like the distance between us, and someone has been going to great lengths to keep us apart.”

  She tried to open her mouth, but I kept my finger over her lips to silence her. “Ethan now lives in Dane’s old condo. Whoever is watching you believes that I live there, and they trashed the place the same day you arrived at Marissa’s. The perpetrator left a picture, on the bed, of me with an “X” through it, along with a note telling me to stay away from you - or else - claiming that you belonged to them. That’s another reason I was bound and determined to get to you.”

  Dawn’s brows furrowed, and she became agitated. I wondered if it was wise to continue, but she had a right to know. “Neither of us were sure why they'd leave me anything at Ethan’s place, until I remembered it was the only location you and I had been alone together. He hacked in to the security footage at Dane’s home, and verified that it was you punching in a key code.”

  I flinched, remembering her black eyes. “Who beat you, Dawn? Your boss?” My voice was cold, and it was all I could do not to punch the wall.

  She averted her eyes and silently nodded.

  I cradled the side of her face in my palm and she leaned into it, closing her eyes and relishing the contact. “I won’t force you to tell me any more ... yet. I will, however, tell you how we pulled this off.”

  Her eyes looked up to mine. “Yes please, sir.” Her lips curled gently upward.

  “Dane noticed that his house was under surveillance and was afraid having you there was too dangerous for Marissa and the baby. He wants to help you, but he cannot, and will not, take any chances with Marissa’s safety. I talked with him and Kenny yesterday and realized that I need to take a stand and get you back anyway that I could.”

  I took a deep breath in, before continuing. “I knew I needed to get you out of there, I just didn't know where we could go, or where would be safest—until this morning.” I explained the plan we’d made, how we’d carried out her ‘abduction’, and told her where we were, assuring her that we were completely safe.

  Her brow furrowed as she tried to make heads or tails of the scenario. “You smuggled me out in the crib?”

  I nodded. “Dane distracted Marissa, while Derrick and Rick used ether to knock you out, and placed you in the crib. That huge teddy bear, the one with all of your stuff hidden inside? Well, they put that on top of you to make sure no one saw there was a person in the crib. I was already hiding in the truck when both you and the crib were loaded into the back of it. When we got to my parents’ house, we unloaded everything and brought you into this safe room.”

  Once she’d digested this, she began to panic. “We’re at your parents?” She jerked frantically at her restraints. “I have to get out of here. I can’t put your parents in danger. I need to leave, you need to hide. We’re not safe. And you drugged me? I’m not supposed to take anything, it could hurt—” Her mouth snapped shut, and she wouldn't even look at me, so I knew there were more secrets.

  I grabbed her arms and held her still. “We’re in a safe room that no one knows about, deep in a hidden sub-basement in my parents’ mansion. No blueprints were ever made of this room, so only my parents know about it––well, except for me. As far as anyone knows, we’ve fallen off the face of the earth. It would take a massive explosion to gain access to this room.”

  She seemed to relax when I told her how impenetrable the place was. “Thank you for wanting to keep Marissa and Dane safe, for wanting to keep me safe.” Tears welled in her eyes.

  I hated to see her cry, but I understood the stress she must be under. How she’d held up this long, I’d never know. “No need for tears. But I expect you’ll want to beat the crap out of me later, because I'll be asking a lot of questions and, I assure you, ‘No’ will not be an acceptable response. Nor will silence.”

  “I don’t know how much I can tell you, but I’ll try.” She started to fidget and looked a bit embarrassed. “Can I use the bathroom?”

  I released her from the restraints and indicated the door on the far side of the room that held the bathroom. “I’ll give you a few minutes while I get us some food.” I grabbed her chin, forcing her to look at me. “I want you to go in there and do whatever you have to do. There are towels and washcloths under the vanity. While you’re in there, I want you to remove the contacts. You’ll find your cosmetic bag already under the sink and your clothes hanging in the closet with mine.”

  She smirked at me. “Bossy much?”

  I slapped her thigh in reprimand. “Bella, you haven’t seen how demanding I can be. When you’re done, I want you to come back to this bed and return to this exact position. Do you understand?”

  Her eyes were downcast, her voice barely audible. “Yes, sir.”

  I watched while she rose, walked across the room, and closed the door behind her. I heard the water start running almost immediately. I made a beeline into the kitchen to plate our food before she got out.

  MY HEART POUNDED LIKE a jackhammer in my chest. I had been caught off guard with the delivery. For the life of me, I couldn’t understand why Dane had been so insistent that I see the new crib Marissa had picked out, especially as I saw nothing wrong with the old one. But, I had to admit, it did go much better with new nursery furniture.

  I thought nothing of it when Dane pulled Marissa out of the room, insisting she sit down and put her feet up; that is until a big hand placed a cloth over my nose and mouth. That’s the last thing I remembered, before waking.

  I was so relieved when I saw that Rafe was here. I panicked after a moment, because Liam's threats were nothing to scoff at. Liam's irrational accusations ran through my mind. “You cheated on me with that jerk. You whored yourself. I wanted you. You’re supposed to be mine. Now I have to wait for you to be pure again before I’ll have you in my bed.”

  “I’m your assistant, Liam, not your mistress or girlfriend. Who I date or sleep with is none of your business. You may dictate my behavior here at the office, but once the workday is over, my life’s my own.” I’d responded coldly.

  He waved the contract I’d signed in my face, “This says I can do with you as I please, and I intend to fuck you every which way I can. I’ll break your independent streak, starting by killing your boyfriend if you don’t comply with my demands. You will do as I say, when I say it––beginning with you having no further contact with him. No phone calls, no email, no instant messages—nothing!”

  I remembered being shocked by his words. Dammit, I always felt like I’d been watched, but laughed it off—I should have been more cautious, more suspicious. What the hell have I gotten myself into?

  I jumped at a sharp rap at the door. “Are you almost done? Dinner’s getting cold out here.”

  I took a deep breath to calm down, assuring myself we were safe and well hidden, for the moment. I wondered how long
this would last, and whether I could risk a relationship with Rafe. I wanted to keep him safe. But, if I was honest with myself, my life meant nothing without him. He was the reason I was still alive, and the reason I chose to fight for what I wanted … what I needed.

  Another impatient knock sounded at the door. “I’m coming!” I called, " Keep your shirt on.”

  I opened the door to find a tray loaded with spaghetti, fresh bread, and salads for us to eat. I guess he’d expected us to eat from one plate. It made sense to share a plate, as the tray was so small.

  Rafe’s arms were crossed, and his smoldering eyes conveyed that I’d better follow his instructions. “On the bed, bella. I want you back in the position you were before.”

  The moment I lay in the requested position he restrained my arms again. “How the hell am I supposed to eat with my arms like this? I don’t see any windows, and I wouldn’t leave if I could, Rafe. You can trust me.” She pulled at the restraint, “C'mon. Let me go.”

  He shook his head and I felt my heart crack. “I wish I could trust you, Dawn. We had one amazing night together and you walked out on me, without a word, no note, nothing. I tried calling you, texting you, sending you gifts, but you declined everything, pushing me away as though what we shared meant nothing. I had always sworn off relationships because I didn’t want to get hurt like I’d seen Jackson or even Dane.” He lifted my chin so I could see his pain. A pain I’d unwittingly caused. “You’re the first person I could see myself with for more than just one night. I was imagining our future together, and you threw it away like last night’s garbage.”

  I hated being restrained and wanted to wipe away the tears running down my face. He reached up and brushed the tears away. “I’m sorry that I made you cry, bella. I just wanted you to know where I stood. I was crushed, but that doesn’t mean that I don’t still want you. You have to tell me what’s going on, and if you think there’s an ‘us’ worth fighting for.”

  He picked up the tray and set it gently over my lap, before pulling out a napkin and tucking into the front of my dress. “I know the napkin usually goes on the lap, but since the tray’s in your lap, I figured I’d keep your dress clean this way.”

  My stomach grumbled, but the thought of eating was incomprehensible. I knew I’d hurt Rafe, but had no idea how deep his pain went. I’d made my mind up, then and there, I’d tell him as much as I could.

  I watched him lift a fork full of spaghetti toward my mouth. I hated being treated like a baby, but if it appeased him, so be it. I opened up to take a bite. The taste was amazing, better than anything I’d ever had before. Man could he cook! I’d stay with him for his cooking skills alone, although his bedroom skills were just as wickedly enticing. I couldn’t help but moan in appreciation at the flavors bursting across my tongue.

  He smiled before taking his own bite of pasta. We went back and forth like that for a bit. I knew I hadn’t eaten much, but was suddenly feeling nauseated.

  I looked at him imploringly, trying not to gag, and pleaded. “Remove the restraints, quick.” My voice was filled with urgency. His hands fumbled hurriedly at the ties as I swallowed the urge to vomit.

  He freed my arms and I pushed past him into the bathroom. Everything he’d fed me was promptly expelled into the toilet. I was mortified. I felt his body’s warmth behind me while he held my hair out of the way.

  He didn’t ask questions, and waited until I’d stopped dry heaving to hand me a damp washcloth to wipe my face and a cup of water to rinse my mouth out. “Let’s get you back to bed.”

  I sat back down on the bed and he refastened the restraints. While I’d hoped he’d keep my arms free, he seemed guarded and on edge without them, so I didn’t fight him.

  I didn’t think his inquisition would start immediately, but he blurted, “What the hell, Dawn … are you sick? Can I get you anything to drink, something you think you can eat and hold down? You name it and I’ll see if we have it.”

  I felt tired and weak. “Some cold water and maybe a few small bites of that bread would be nice.”

  He held the glass to my mouth and I drank the cool liquid down, feeling refreshed as the wave of nausea retreated. The bread tasted amazing and didn’t seem to upset my stomach.

  Since I’d kept the bread down, he tried offering me more of the spaghetti and salad. “I can’t, not right now anyway, maybe later.”

  He took a few more bites before moving the tray to the side of the room, and then sat next to me on the side of the bed. Our eyes met, and he continued softly, “I have so many questions I want to ask, but first things first—do you have any feelings for me?”

  I breathed a sigh of relief when he started with something simple. I made sure I looked deeply in his eyes. “I do. I care for you more than you’ll ever know.”

  “Then why’d you leave? Why didn’t you at least tell me goodbye, leave me a note, or toss me a crumb, anything to give me some hope that we had a chance? Why, Dawn?” His pain was evident in his eyes and in his voice.

  I couldn’t think of anything to say that would be believable, and I wasn't ready to tell him what he wanted; so I looked away from him and remained silent. “For every moment you hesitate or any lie you tell, I’ll undo each button on the front of your dress and bare you to me, until you have nothing and nowhere to hide.”

  I knew his threat shouldn’t turn me on, but it did. I was curious, “What purpose does having me naked serve?”

  He smiled, running his hand up and down the side of my face and neck. “A person can lie with their words and veiled glances, but the human body tells no lies. I’ll be able to tell if you’re lying to me by the way your muscles react, by how you shift, by how your eyes dilate—even the way you breathe will tell me if you’re lying.”

  There were too many things he didn’t know, too many things that had changed since we’d last been together. I was better off telling him the truth than being stripped naked. So I began to speak, allowing my mind going to return to that morning, after we’d finally fallen asleep in one another’s arms. I recounted hearing my phone ringing and running to get it, leaving him asleep in bed. How I knew not to avoid Liam's calls, or he’d give me hell when he finally reached me. He’d already hit me a couple of times.

  “Hello?” I said rather groggily.

  Liam didn’t sugar coat anything. No, he went right for the jugular. “You filthy whore! I trusted you to go to your cousin’s wedding and you end up with that man you’d been talking with.”

  How dare he! I kept my voice low, not wanting to wake Rafe. “You are not my keeper. Outside of work I can do anything I damned well please.”

  “On the contrary, Dawn. You signed an employment contract that says I own you, and can control everything you do.”

  I swallowed hard, beginning to shake. I really hadn’t read all of the fine print because I’d believed it to be a standard job agreement. “No court of law will allow such a thing. You can’t own a person.”

  “That’s true, but if you value your lover’s life, you’ll do exactly as I say.”

  He wouldn’t dare, would he? But before I could scoff, what he’d actually said hit me like a ton of bricks. “Aaron is standing outside your lover’s door, as we speak. He has a gun with a silencer, ready to shoot your lover while he sleeps. If you care for him, like I suspect you do, you’ll have your clothes on and be out the door in the next four minutes. No goodbyes, no notes, no anything. If not, Aaron has orders to kill him and you’ll have to watch him die.”

  I crept to the front door and peered out the peephole. Sure enough, there was Aaron, black gloves on his hands. He looked back at me, and with an evil grin, and raised the gun so I could see it. I was working for the spawn of Satan. I knew Liam was unpleasant, but had no clue he was this malicious. I never imagined he'd resort to murder, or threaten someone with murder, to bend me to his will. I would not, could not, have Rafe’s blood on my hands. I loved him and regretted the fact that I’d never told him so. Now, I may never get the

  “I see I have your attention. Aaron’s already checked you out of your hotel and grabbed your bags. You won’t be flying home; instead you’ll be riding back to Atlanta with Aaron. I have men in the area keeping an eye on your precious Rafe. One false move and he’s as good as dead. Do we understand one another?”

  “Yes, sir.” Every ounce of me boiled with rage, but I couldn’t risk it, I loved him too much. I knew walking away would tear a hole in Rafe’s heart and mine, but it was the only thing I could do. My parents were both operatives and always taught me not to get backed into corners, to never become complacent, to pay attention to who and what were around me at all times. All of which I’d ignored, because I’d trusted Liam had my best interest in mind. They also taught me that, should I find myself backed into a corner, I should meet my opponent’s demands until I could find a better solution. “I’ll do whatever you want.”

  “You have four minutes starting now. We’ll discuss things further upon your arrival back at the apartment.” The call disconnected and I rushed to grab my clothes from the bedroom and dressed in the living area, then opened the door to an imposing Aaron.

  Aaron held his finger to his lip as he walked into the condo and searched it stealthily for any sign of a note, his gun drawn. Once appeased, he grabbed several small items placed surreptitiously around the room, turning them over to hit some buttons to turn them off. I suddenly realized they were cameras. That bastard had spied on us and saw everything.

  I jumped when Rafe’s hand came up and caressed the side of my face, wiping away an errant tear. “I can’t believe that bastard threatened you with my life.”

  I was choked up and crying, but I wanted him to know how I felt. “I couldn’t risk your life. I made the mistake of not telling you I loved you that night. Had he killed you, I would’ve asked to be shot too.”


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