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Jag (Pandemic Sorrow #1)

Page 24

by Stevie J. Cole


  “Hmm?” I murmured, backing her toward the stage.

  “You need to –”

  Before she had a chance to finish that attempt to sound innocent, I slammed my mouth over hers, forcing my tongue down her throat and wrapping it around hers. I let a lustful growl flow from my mouth to hers, and then grabbed her by the shoulders.

  “I haven’t had sex in weeks! And I don’t care what you say, I’m going to have you right here, no protests, no complaints. Got it, princess?” I rolled my lips over her neck, letting the studs rub over her before I sucked in that tender piece of flesh right between her neck and ear.

  A slight whimper came from her and I heard her swallow. “You’re not –”

  Again, I covered her mouth with mine. My hands fidgeted with the bottom of her t-shirt and quickly pushed it up over her bra. “Not gonna what?” I pushed her bra to the side and laid my lips against her warm flesh. My tongue snaked down to her nipple and pulled it in, biting it before releasing it. “And I think,” I shimmied the shirt up over her head and off her arms, “this just needs to go, despite how hot you look in it.”

  I watched her breath catch, and then I picked her up and set her on the stage. I pushed myself up and grabbed her hands, escorting her back to the center.

  “Jag, what are you doing?” she asked.

  I laughed. “Showing my girl a good time.” My fingers felt under the top of her jeans, finding the button and snapping it loose. “Got a problem with that?” I smiled.

  Her shoulders rose and fell quickly.

  “Stop being so hard-up, Rox,” I whispered as I wiggled her jeans down to her ankles. I yanked them off from her feet, the material catching on the heels she had on. I let my hands glide up her smooth, bare legs to the tiny purple strap crossing her hip. Coiling a finger under them, I coaxed her panties down and slung them to the side of the stage.

  “Oh, looks like I forgot one thing, huh?” I asked as I reached around and unhooked her bra with one hand. Using a finger, I jerked it from her and it fell to the stage. Roxy stood completely naked, with the exception of her heels, in the middle of a stage with my band’s logo waving behind her. An auditorium fitted to seat thousands surrounded us – and there she was, waiting on me. I honestly had never been so turned on in my life. This wasn’t some fangirl, this was my girl.

  She cocked her hip to the side and tapped her foot. “You know, you still have every bit of your clothes on?”

  I glanced down and grabbed the bottom of my shirt. “So I do.” I turned and started toward the edge of the stage.

  “Hey!” Roxy called out.

  I spun around, a large grin spreading across my lips.

  “Where the hell are you going?” she shouted.

  Unbuttoning my pants, I said, “Well, you said you wouldn’t…”

  Roxy took heavy steps toward me, her breasts bouncing and her hips swaying seductively with each movement of her body.

  I shook my head, backing away from her as I unzipped my fly. “You said…” I couldn’t even finish my sentence. She looked that damn good.

  “Said what? Said I wasn’t going to fuck you on the stage?”

  “Yeah.” I swallowed. “That.”

  “Well,” she jerked my pants down, shoving my boxers down with them, “I’m a woman. I’m entitled to change my damn mind! Right?” She grabbed me. “Right, Mr. Rock Star. Fucking sex god. Is that okay with you?”

  I shook the leg of my boxers off my foot. “This time. This time, it’s okay with –”

  I had to stop, because she’d shoved my dick in her mouth. Completely in her mouth. The warmth, the wetness made my toes curl up into my arches. She pulled away and gripped the metal bar between her teeth as her tongue wrapped its way around my dick, covering it in a velvety feel. I stood it for a few minutes, and then I fisted her hair and yanked her to her feet.

  “That. That shit you do with your mouth,” I blew a breath out and bit down on my lip, “dirty!” I picked Roxy up and set her on top of one of the amps, spreading her legs apart and leaning down. My tongue swiped over her, and that bitterly sweet taste washed over my tongue, making every bit of man in me want to toss her back on the ground, drag her somewhere and tear the shit out of her. I swallowed, then pushed my tongue into her wetness one more time, flicking my tongue inside her, twisting and sucking on her lips before I made my way to her clit and bit down, rolling the soft tissue between my teeth.

  Roxy reached down and grabbed a handful of my hair, pulling it hard enough to jerk my mouth off of her. My eyes met hers and I dove at her. I grabbed her and slammed her onto the floor of the stage; the echo of her body crashing onto it bounced around the stadium. Each heavy breath she drew in forced her nipples against me; every single inch of that woman bled into me.

  Her legs fell to the sides and I quickly found my way inside her; into her warmth, her sin, her fucking soul. Her legs clasped around my hips, securing me in place, and I glared down at her face. A soft, pleased smile had inched its way across her lips, and she closed her eyes, her nails digging into my shoulders as I pressed into her.

  Each movement forced her body back and caused a deep, seductive growl to press through her lips. After several minutes, Roxy pushed me off of her and down onto the floor. She clamored on top of me and sat up, tossing her head back as her hands pressed down onto the center of my abdomen. I laid there as she circled her hips, raising herself up off of me just enough to make my neck lift, only to slam herself back around me, several times tempting me to beg her to just slow the fuck down.

  The way her hair fell around her face, the way her breasts bounced, the way she moved on me – it was unlike anything I’d ever experienced. Fucking bliss. She was undeniably a goddess – bliss incarnate in a physical form. My hands grabbed onto her ass, gripping her flesh in my palms, and I let her own me.

  A catcall broke my concentration. My eyes flew open and my head snapped to the side. I saw shadows creeping through the seats, but then Roxy grabbed my face, diverting my eyes from the seating.

  “That bother you?” she panted.

  I laughed. “Not at all. You?”

  She closed her eyes, tossing her head back as she bore down harder on me. “We are on a stage, right?”

  That comment slammed a fever of want all over me. I watched a single bead of sweat trickle down her temple. The lights shining down on the stage made the moisture collecting between her breasts glisten like glitter. Those animalistic urges coursing through me amplified, and I placed my palms behind me. I held her with one arm and gracelessly got out from beneath her, forcing her back down onto the floor of the stage.

  I steadied myself on my knees and grabbed her ankles, dragging her to me. My fingers trailed down her calf, then back up towards the heel of her shoe while my mouth covered the back of her leg in kisses. I glanced up and saw Rush stumbling through the seats, jumping from one to the other. I could see other people walking around on the corridor surrounding the arena. Not like I could get in trouble. It was my damn stage, anyway.

  Placing her heel on my shoulder, I jerked her hips to me and forced myself back into her. Her hands fell weightlessly beside her head, and Roxy shut her eyes. Her hair had fanned out around her face when I’d drug her to me. My eyes took in the undeniably erotic look of her spread out on that stage, and as I studied her I noticed the scars from life that covered her, I noticed “imperfections” that a modeling agency would have shamed her for, and I loved those flaws. Everything about her was perfect for me.

  Within minutes, her body was trying to escape me. Her overstimulated nerves couldn’t take it anymore, and she involuntary yanked away from me with each movement. Roxy’s candy-colored nails sunk into my biceps, and desperate whimpers flooded out of her clenched jaw, followed by a louder, more deafening moan. Her back arched sharply, leaving only the tips of her shoulders on the ground; then she collapsed back onto the black stage weak and breathless, panting helplessly. She opened her eyes and wiped her hands
down my damp chest.

  I let go, the heat of release swallowing me, pulsing out grunts as my shoulders drew in. My body shook and I fell on top of her. My nose rested against her wet neck, and her hair stuck to the side of my face.

  “You’re the best damn drug I’ve ever had,” I whispered, kissing her skin, her pulse beating against my lips. “A damn drug.”

  Chapter 34

  Roxy sat next to me on the couch, completely silent and tearing at her lip. During the moment, she couldn’t have given two shits if that stadium had been packed with people, but now, in retrospect, I was pretty sure she was a little embarrassed.

  Rush kept staring at her. I could almost hear him thinking, “That’s the girl that has screwed it all up for me; taken my friend, stripped him of his balls, and tied him to a damn leash.”

  Finally, Rush cleared his throat. “You look like you’ve got your shit together. You should know better than to date a guy like him.”

  Roxy arched a brow. “Yeah, I know. I even told him I did. Oh, well, huh?”

  Stone and Pax came in from the dressing room. Pax passed a joint to Stone and he inhaled, the end of the paper turning a bright red.

  “Well,” Stone said, “nice to finally meet you. I thought Jag had lost his damn mind or something, possibly gone into a drug-induced psychosis. I mean, since you’re the only girl that has ever turned him down, I could see how it could’ve drove him to the brink of madness and all.”

  Roxy just glared at him. It was obvious she was uncomfortable being backstage with us.

  “So,” Rush got up and walked to the side of the room to rummage through his bag. “What’s it gonna be tonight, dude?” He pulled out a huge freezer bag stuffed full of uppers, downers, some roll, coke, and a small chunk of heroin.

  My eyes pulsed open and I stared at him, hoping he’d shut the fuck up. But instead he came over to the table in front of me and Roxy to dump the bag out. The syringe rolled off the table onto the floor, stopping right next to Roxy’s foot.

  Her eyes darted up to my face.

  I rolled my neck and glared at him. Hoping he’d catch the drift. “Man, I’m not doing anything tonight.”

  Rush narrowed his eyes on me, then he shot a glance over at Roxy. “Hmm…” His eyes directed back on me and I shook my head.

  Stone pulled one of the beers out of the cooler and tossed it at me. “Here, man.” He reached for another one. “Want one?” he asked Roxy.

  Her body relaxed a little. “Sure.”

  I never really realized what jackasses we all were until she was back there with us. Sure, we’d had tons of chicks sit back there before shows, but none I’d worried about the other guys offending. We were crude and sometimes blatantly disrespectful, and I knew Roxy would lose her shit if she were pushed. I pretty much sat in silence with my arm around her, sipping my beer, just listening to the morons around me.

  Just as Rush was humping his bass, saying he was stretching for later, Jules came through the door. “Hey, guys, the meet and greet’s gonna have to be after the show. Some kind of water leak happened in the space they had set up to do it. They can’t do it out in the arena because you guys would get bombarded. We don’t have enough security to pull something like that off.”

  Pax stood up, angrily tossing his hands in the air. “Well, what about our other “‘agreement’” we usually have afterwards? Is that gonna get pushed back too?”

  Jules frowned. “Really? Who the hell are you? Where has this Pax come from? You hate interacting with fans!”

  He laughed, sniffing and wiping his hand underneath his nose. “Yeah, well. I don’t hate it when it gets me off!”

  “This’ll just make it easier,” Rush said as he took a swig of his beer, then belched. “Meet and greet before, then they can sign on the dotted line for the suck and fuck right after.” He and Pax high-fived.

  I felt my blood pressure drop, and Roxy’s fingernails latched into my thigh.

  “Excuse me?” Roxy said loudly.

  Stone’s eyes met mine and his face had washed pale. Rush and Pax both spun around with an “oh, shit” look on their faces. And then, of course, Jules crossed her arms over her stomach with a pleased smirk.

  “Suck and fuck? Really?” Roxy turned in her seat, her eyes wide and flickering with anger. “I know that is not what he just said.”

  Rush’s stare switched from me to Roxy. “Hey. Man. It’s, you know –”

  Roxy narrowed one eye and shook her head. “First of all, Rush, I’m not a man. Second of all, I don’t want an explanation from you.” Her breath was heavy and red splotches were developing up and down her neck and chest. “This, Jag, this shit right here is exactly what I was talking about when I said the whole ‘guys like you’ thing. My God. I knew you were a whore, but really? This has been your damn life? Girls really sign up for that shit? Unbelievable.” She took a breath and quickly said, “And just sick,” as she disapprovingly shook her head at me.

  Tossing my head back on the chair, I let out a groan and rubbed my hands down my face. “I don’t do it.”

  Roxy placed one hand on her hip and glared down at me. “Anymore, right? You don’t do it anymore?”

  Stone got up and walked over to us. “Nope. He’s a new man. Seriously, he fucking likes you.”

  I knew he was just trying to help, but he was just going to make it worse. I nodded. “I got this, man.”

  Roxy’s nostrils flared. “Oh, I’m sure.” She ran her tongue over her teeth, a heated glare drilling into me. “I am so disgusted right now.”

  Jules cleared her throat. “Sorry to interrupt this, really I am, but you guys have to get ready to go out. You’ve got about five minutes.” She directed her eyes at Roxy. “And if it makes you feel any better, this is the first fuck and suck they’ve had on this stint of the tour. Jag had asked me not to do them anymore, and made it very clear that he would have no part in it.” Jules reached for the door. “It floored me, actually.” She looked over at me before stepping into the hall. “Hey, the guys may hate you now, but better them than your girlfriend, right?”

  “Seriously, dude? You betrayed us like that?” Rush said, shock and disdain coating his voice.

  Pax snickered. “Pussy-whipped!”

  I shot over in his direction with my arm reared back. “Man, I’ll show you fucking pussy-whipped, you piece of shit –”

  Pax flinched, expecting me to deck him one good time. But I just walked back to the other side of the room and punched the concrete wall. When I turned around, I found Roxy sitting in the chair, her hand covering her mouth and her leg shaking furiously.

  “You don’t have any reason to be mad at me!”

  She shrugged. “I’m not mad. I’m just trying to force the vomit back down my throat thinking about it. It was obvious when I didn’t know you that you were an absolute whore, but for the fucking love, that’s just filthy, Jag.”

  I grabbed my guitar and made my way to the stage. “Where are you gonna be? Do you want to stay back here, on the side of the stage, or what?”

  Roxy rolled one shoulder at me, then stood up, still giving me a death glare. “Can’t I just go out in the front? Where all the suck and fuck hopefuls are?” She laughed a little.

  “You think you’re gonna be able to get through that crowd?” I asked. I leaned my guitar against the wall, took a few quick steps back, and grabbed her hand. “I’ve got a better idea. Come on.”

  “What the hell are you doing?”

  “Making sure you’re front and center.”

  When I made it to the ramp leading to the stage, Roxy resisted. Her eyes were wide with fear and she shook her head violently. “No way. I am not going out on the damn stage with you. Attention? I don’t want that.”

  “Too damn bad. I want to know where you are. Maybe this time when I dedicate a song to you, you’ll fucking smile, hmm?”

  I yanked her arm another good time and practically drug her up the ramp, past the guys.

  “Hey!” Stone
shouted. “What the hell are you doing?”

  “Giving my girl a good seat.”

  She jerked my arm several times, and was now screaming at me. “Jag! Stop. Damn it! Jag, I swear to God, I’m going to kill you! Dead. Do you hear me?”

  I laughed, looked back at her and winked. “Nah, you wouldn’t do that, princess.”

  The conversations in the arena echoed from the ceiling and then, as soon as I came to the side of the stage, a few people let out yells, which served as a catalyst to the entire place erupting into a loud boom of screams.

  I felt Roxy’s grip on my hand tighten, and then I yanked her out on the dark stage with me. I looked back at her, and for a minute, I thought she may be about to pass out. Her face was white, her eyes were enormous, and her chest was rising in deep, uneven draws.

  Making my way out to center stage, I pulled her against me. She had sweat on her forehead and I could feel her shaking against me.

  The sides of my mouth drew up, and I said, “Now, you may not like attention, but I’m rather fond of having a girlfriend, and I want to show you off. So just get over it already, hmm?” Then I crushed my lips over hers, palming the base of her head in my hands and knotting her hair between my fingers. Her body fell limp, and when I figured I’d kissed her long enough to maybe make her forget she was on a stage in front of thousands of people and making out with a singer to a band she pretended to hate, I moved away from her.

  I escorted her over to the edge of the stage and motioned for one of the security guys to come over. “I want her right here,” I shouted over the screams, pointing to a spot in front of the stage.

  He nodded and made his way to us.

  Roxy gripped my arm like I was trying to push her to her death. “What? Are you kidding me? Those girls who probably stood in line for sixteen hours will fucking kill me if you just hurl me down there.” Her nails dug into my flesh and she shook her head.


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