His Kidnapper's Shoes

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His Kidnapper's Shoes Page 3

by Maggie James

  ‘She finally has the peace she yearned for, Laura.’ Your comment echoed my thoughts, relief that her suffering had ended soothing my grief.

  By then, I’d accepted I’d have to make the best of foster care. I tried to integrate more with my foster family, choosing to stay with them once I turned sixteen rather than try a supported living scheme. I saw you whenever I could, Gran. You were getting stronger and more like your old self, but, oh, so slowly. And when I saw you smile and tell me how glad you were I was happy and settled, with a good family to take care of me, it got a little easier for me. I’d have done anything not to give you extra worry.

  Then I turned seventeen and met Matthew Hancock.



  Maybe he’d have done things differently, given the gift of hindsight and the ability to wind back the clock, thought Daniel. Three weeks ago, he’d started to think things could turn out good for him at last, that he could forge a new life for himself, outrun his demons. Back then, the plain white envelope confirming his total lack of shared DNA with the woman who called herself his mother hadn’t arrived. Three weeks ago his life, and his bed, had had Katie Trebasco in it. Go back then and he’d been getting ready for a date with her, the hotter than hot piece of sex on legs who had his head – and cock – wound so tight he couldn’t think of much else.

  ‘You going out with your new woman tonight, Dan?’

  ‘Yep. Checking out a Thai restaurant we’ve had recommended to us. Katie wants to try gai pad prik. Normally, with her, she’d be talking about the Thai equivalent of the Kama Sutra, but this time it’s food she’s after.’

  ‘Jeez, mate. You’ve got me worried here. Who are you and what did you do with the real Dan? What’s been your limit before this – about three dates before you bail out?’

  ‘Sounds about right. What’s more, I’m not even considering bailing out. I can tell you’re impressed.’

  ‘Gobsmacked, more like. Talk to me, Dan. You’ve been with this Katie longer than you’ve ever been with anyone else and I’ve not heard you mention another woman since you started dating her. What’s so special about this one?’

  ‘Can’t put my finger on it. She’s not my usual type at all.’

  ‘You have a type? I thought you’d go for anything female and breathing.’

  ‘Ha, ha, you’re such a comedian. I’m not sure what it is about her. It’s not just that she has a brain between her ears unlike the gorgeous but not quite Mensa material I usually date. It’s more than the fact she’s pretty damn good in the sack…’

  ‘Whoa! Spare me the details.’

  ‘Sorry. I forgot how prudish you are about sex. The thing is - I simply don’t want to get laid anymore with some woman who may be hot as hell but whose name I can’t remember in the morning.’

  ‘Sheesh. You’ve got it bad for this Katie.’

  Talk about an understatement. He’d started to think he was falling in love with her. They’d met when she came into the shop cum art gallery he managed and started browsing through the Balinese sculptures. He’d given her the once over, as he did with any decent-looking woman under forty. She definitely passed muster all right. Oh, yes. It was more than simple sexual attraction, though. Something about her seemed familiar, and yet if they’d ever met before he knew he’d have remembered her.

  His first thought had been that she was one classy piece of ass. She was unusually tall, a shade under six feet, and sported glossy brunette hair reaching just below her shoulders, clipped to one side with a silver barrette. She teamed it with a mouth too wide for conventional beauty but which sat exactly right with her melted-chocolate eyes and longish nose. She was dressed in skin-tight jeans and a plain white man’s shirt, pulled into a tight knot above the waistband, simple but stylish at the same time. Her accessories were what gave her look an unusual twist. Large hoop earrings strung with blue and black beads; thick silver and turquoise bangles around both wrists; a chunky buckle on her belt. She’d taken the cowgirl next door look, added a touch of Eastern spice, thrown in a dollop of pure Katie, and created a wet dream on legs. They’d gone out that night, ended up having smoking-hot sex, and Daniel had been hooked ever since.

  ‘Yeah. Got it really bad for her. Scary stuff, I tell you. What’s happening to me, Tim?’

  ‘You’re growing up, Dan. Happens to us all. Next thing, you’ll be looking in jewellery shop windows, picking out an engagement ring for her. Then it’ll be all dress suit and buttonhole for you in front of the altar. A year later, you’ll be signing the forms for a Mothercare store card.’ He laughed and dodged Daniel’s punch. ‘Hey, you can’t deny I’m right. It’s only a matter of time before I need to advertise for a new flatmate.’

  ‘You’re way ahead of me there. All I know is, I don’t want anyone else and I’d be jealous as hell if she did. Shit, I’m going to be late if I don’t get my ass in gear. Catch you tomorrow, mate. I won't be back tonight.’

  He grabbed his jacket. He grinned as he thought of what he had coming to him later on. They’d have themselves some great food; they’d chat and he could gaze into those melting eyes all evening. Then back to her place. He had no doubt they’d end the night fucking each other into another sexual dimension, hot, fast and dirty, and not just the once. Yeah. He felt his cock twitch.

  It was an easy walk to her flat. Katie opened the door as soon as he rang the bell. ‘Well, hey, lover boy.’

  ‘Hey yourself.’ He took in the cock-stirring combination of tight trousers and lacy top, which gave more than a hint of what was underneath, and pulled her in for a kiss. ‘Mmm. You look good enough to eat. Perhaps we should skip the Thai food and I’ll have you for dinner instead.’ He nuzzled her neck. ‘Missed me?’

  ‘Don’t flatter yourself. I only saw you this morning. Come on. Much as I’d like to get those ass-hugging jeans off you and get you horizontal, it will have to wait. We’re booked in for eight, and I’m one hungry woman.’ She trailed a finger down his cheek, her smile a promise on a plate. ‘I’ll make the wait worth your while.’

  Daniel felt his prick twitch again. Katie always made his hormones rampage as if he were fourteen years old. Not that he was complaining.

  Five minutes later, they were walking through the door of the Royal Thai restaurant, Daniel noticing the glances Katie got from the other diners, male and female. She commanded attention wherever she went and it wasn’t simply because of her looks; her height ensured that she was usually the focus of interest. She didn’t wear flat shoes like so many tall women. Instead she usually wore heels of two or three inches, putting her on a level with Daniel’s height and sometimes an inch over. Daniel liked it. It was one more thing making her different to the other women he’d dated, and it was a novel experience for him to touch toes and lock eyes with a woman at the same time in bed.

  Christ. He didn’t seem to be able to think of anything other than sex when with Katie. Ah, well. Not so bad a problem to have.

  They ordered and Daniel reached across the table and grabbed her hand. ‘So how was your day?’

  ‘Hectic. No different to usual.’ Katie sighed. ‘There’s more talk of cuts, we were short-staffed again due to one of the other doctors calling in sick – physician, heal thyself! - and to top it all we had a god-awful car crash to deal with. Shit, I hate working in a hospital sometimes.’

  ‘No, you don’t. You’d be looking for some other line of work if you did, instead of thinking of heading off to be the sexiest doctor in Australia.’ The hulking great elephant in the room, as far as he was concerned. ‘You thought any more about going?’

  ‘All the time when work is like it was today.’ Katie shook her head. ‘I’ve got the visa, as I’ve already told you. Doctors – well, let’s say they don’t have too much trouble getting immigration visas to Oz.’ She smiled. ‘Ever since I went there in my gap year, I’ve wanted to live Down Under. You’d love it, Dan. The weather, the beaches…life is good in Australia.’

y idea where you’d go in Oz?’

  ‘Thought possibly Sydney or Melbourne, get some Aussie work experience under my belt and then…promise me you won’t laugh?’

  ‘As if I would.’

  ‘I thought about applying for any vacancies they might have in the Flying Doctors. Not sure what it is about the place, but I really liked Alice Springs. I could imagine myself living and working in the Red Centre. It’s beautiful, Dan. And it really is red. You’re laughing, you pig.’

  ‘Not laughing at you, Katie girl. Just can't believe I’m with the kind of woman who wants to be a Flying Doctor. Hell, the main ambition of most of my exes has been to have the latest pair of Jimmy Choos.’

  ‘You’ve been dating the wrong type of woman.’

  ‘Something I can’t argue with. Come on, Katie; put me out of my misery. You going to Oz or not?’

  ‘I’m not so sure anymore.’ She squeezed Daniel’s hand. ‘A complication has come along.’

  ‘A complication?’

  ‘Yes. He’s…let me think, he’s six foot two, far too handsome for his own good and boy, does he know it – ‘ Daniel laughed – ‘and the type of man my mother warned me to steer well clear of. I wonder if that’s part of the attraction?’

  ‘You really want the sort of guy your mother would pick for you? Some accountant or stockbroker with his head up his ass and clueless about what to do in bed? Speaking of which…’ He lowered his voice and leaned across the table. ‘This complication of yours…is he good between the sheets?’

  Katie kissed him. ‘Oh yeah,’ she whispered. ‘He’s really, really good. That’s part of the problem.’

  ‘Him being skilled in the sack is a problem?’

  ‘Yes, stupid as it sounds. You only get the way he is in bed with plenty of practice. With lots of women. The thing is - I’ve not been with him very long. He’s making all the right noises, sure. He’s been a player, though, and I’m a one-man-only kind of woman. I need to be sure I can rely on him.’ Her expression was serious. ‘Can I trust you, Dan?’

  He'd have run like hell from a conversation like this before Katie came on the scene. With her, though, he didn’t feel even the slightest temptation to do so, a novel turn of events for him. Tim might have a point; perhaps he was growing up at last. ‘You can trust me, Katie, I swear. There’s been nobody else since I met you. I admit I’ve played the field, long and hard, in the past. I’m telling you now, though - I don’t want or need that anymore. Listen, about this Australia thing. Don’t go.’ He squeezed her hand. ‘I want you here with me. Perhaps that’s selfish, but it’s true.’

  Katie didn’t answer for a while. Her gaze dropped to the table and Daniel wondered if she agreed with him, that he was being selfish, trying to stand in the way of her new life when she’d hardly had a chance to get to know him properly.

  Eventually she looked up. She had an expression on her face he’d never seen before. It took a moment for him to recognise what he was seeing as unease.

  ‘Can I suggest an alternative, Dan?’

  ‘Which is…?’

  ‘You could come to Australia with me. As my established partner. My de facto, is what they call it.’ She dropped her gaze, seemingly unable to carry on looking him in the eyes, focusing her attention on her plate instead. This new, hitherto undetected, vulnerable side of Katie amused Daniel. She was normally so self-assured, so confident. If she was worried what she’d said would frighten him off, she needn’t be. No way. The old Daniel, playboy Daniel, was definitely in retreat.

  He'd not seen this one coming. Not at all, but he liked the idea. A lot.

  ‘You’d want me there with you? Really?’

  ‘If you fancy giving it a go. You’d love Australia, Dan. I can’t think who wouldn’t. We can always try a holiday first, find out if you like it. We could make a great life for ourselves in Oz.’ She paused. ‘I know we’ve not been together long, but would you at least consider the idea?’

  ‘Yeah, I’ll think about it.’ The suggestion of a new life Down Under definitely had its merits. Not just being with Katie, and the sun, sea and lifestyle. There was the thought at the back of Daniel’s mind that he'd probably never have to see his asshole of a stepfather again.

  ‘I don’t want to push you, Dan…’

  ‘Not pushing me, Katie. I’ve told you already, you’re way different to anyone I’ve dated before. OK, so it’s early days with us, but what the hell. Let’s keep Australia in mind and see how things go. I presume I’d have to get a visa on the strength of being your…what did you call it, your de facto partner?’ He laughed, a bitter quality lurking in the sound. ‘I can’t see me getting one based on my job. The demand’s probably not too strong Down Under for guys like me. Manager of a shop selling overpriced goods from the Far East to those who want to give their homes that authentic Oriental touch. Oh, and don’t forget, as my stepfather would tell me if I ever spoke to him, pathetic wannabe artist.’

  ‘No, no, mister.’ Her gaze locked with his, her look a gentle rebuttal of his words. ‘Don’t put yourself down like that. This art thing of yours fascinates me. Are you ever going to let me see any of your paintings?’

  ‘Might do. One day.’

  ‘Hmm. Sore subject, obviously. OK, point taken.’ Katie laughed. ‘Time to shift the conversation to safer ground. Listen, if we do decide to go to Oz together, we’ll need to check out how it would work for you, regarding a visa. I think it’s probably way too soon for them to accept us as a couple. I’m guessing here, but we’d most likely have to prove we’d been living together for a year, two years even. The thing is, I don’t have the slightest doubt you’re the hottest piece of ass ever, and judging by what you said in bed last night it’s mutual, but I reckon we’re still some way off getting a place together, don’t you?’

  ‘Probably, although if things keep up this pace, I’ll be moving my stuff in before you know it.’ He couldn’t believe it, but he felt good, even excited, about the prospect. ‘Besides, Tim will be glad to get rid of me. Perhaps you ought to talk to him before you decide we should live together. He’ll fill you in on all my revolting personal habits that as yet you are blissfully unaware of.’

  ‘What, you, Mr Perfect? I am going to meet Tim sometime, right? Although I think you said your flat has paper-thin walls.’

  ‘Too right. You can get loud in bed, remember, sweet pea. Might be too much for someone of Tim’s sensitive nature.’

  He grinned when he saw the look on her face. He knew what it signalled, but pretended not to. ‘What’re you thinking, Katie girl?’

  ‘All this talk of getting loud in the sack….’ She flashed her come-to-bed smile and Daniel’s jeans grew tight around his prick again. ‘You going to make me scream tonight, lover boy?’



  Matthew Hancock. Oh, how I remember when I first met him. I don’t think I ever told you about that, Gran. When we did talk about him, it was because you were getting me through the mess he dragged into my life. The romantic part came before the crap, though; I was young and foolish then. The naiveté of being seventeen; although I’m not sure I’m a whole lot wiser now. It seems obvious now what would happen. There was never a chance things would go any other way than they did.

  I met him at the local Sainsbury's, where he had a Saturday job; he had dark hair and puppy-dog eyes and looked like all the pop stars rolled into one. He spotted me when I walked in and to my surprise came straight over and started chatting me up. I was mesmerised by his dark charm, stunned that he would want to talk to me, mousy little Laura Covey. Matthew Hancock, all swagger and seemingly endless self-confidence, was temptation on a plate to my inexperienced self, and he came with cherries and whipped cream on top. My teenage hormones stirred into life for the first time and shot into overdrive; I couldn’t resist and didn’t even try.

  I walked out of Sainsbury’s with the thrill of knowing he went to Fairfield High, he was three months older than I was, and we�
�d be meeting later on at Burger King. I did the proverbial walking on air in my head, Gran. It all seemed so romantic. Well, not the Burger King bit, but I was too smitten to say anything. The hours couldn’t come quickly enough until we met again, even if it would be over greasy burgers and chips.

  He was late and terror shot through me. What if he didn’t turn up? He was so gorgeous and I had no idea why he’d want to spend time with me. Eventually he walked through the door, all strut and charm, and I babbled something inane in relief. We ordered cheeseburgers and thick milkshakes but I don't recall eating much. I remember looking into his eyes, so dark and melting, picturing us walking hand in hand down country lanes on hot summer days. We’d drink wine at a candle-lit table at Bella Pasta and order something wildly sophisticated like spaghetti with clams and we’d be oblivious to everything else because we were so much in love.

  For now, though, cheeseburgers would have to do and if Matt – everyone called him Matt – wanted to be with me, nothing else mattered.

  He didn't ask any questions about me, thankfully; after all, my life didn’t hold much of interest. Instead, I looked into those deep brown eyes as he talked about how he and his mates had formed a band and once they’d finished school, they’d be the next big thing for sure. I pictured myself as the adoring girlfriend - no, fiancée - waiting for him after concerts and kissing him on hearing the news that the band’s latest album had stormed up the charts.

  He held my hand as we walked home and I couldn't believe my luck when he said he wanted to meet up again. We decided on chips in the local park in a couple of evenings’ time.

  He turned up late again but I told myself I couldn’t expect a creative type like him to worry about being punctual. We bought bags of thick, greasy chips, poured salt and vinegar on them, and splashed out on bottles of Fanta. We sat by the lake in the park and ate our chips and afterwards I felt a bit queasy but oh so happy to be with Matt, him of the dark eyes and hair.


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