Forever Mates: Zus & Rue (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove)

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Forever Mates: Zus & Rue (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic ManLove) Page 2

by Stormy Glenn

  “You know you’re mine now, don’t you, Rue?” Zus asked. It would be the last time he asked. Once he claimed the man, and he would, there would be no turning back. Rueben Tasquer would belong to him until he took his very last breath.


  That was all Zus needed to know. He lowered his lips and claimed Rue’s. The instant molding of the man’s body against his made Zus growl into Rue’s mouth. The man had just melted. It made Zus harder then he thought possible.

  He ached.

  Pulling his lips away, Zus swung Rue around and pushed him down to lean against the bathroom countertop. He tapped the man’s legs apart until he spread them. It was only then that he spotted the ring of silver on the man’s perineum glinting in the soft bathroom light.

  Zus groaned. Fate had a way of picking the most perfect mate for each individual even if they didn’t agree at the time. Zus did. Rue seemed to be everything he had ever wanted even if he hadn’t known he wanted it until the man stood before him.

  Squatting down behind the man, he grabbed his ass cheeks and pulled them apart to get a better look. Hard, heavy balls hung just beyond the piercing. A tight pink hole twinkled at Zus just above.

  Zus leaned forward and caught the small ring with his tongue, tugging on it. Rue cried out. His body trembled under Zus’s hands. Zus tugged harder. He stuck his finger in his mouth and got it all wet before pushing it against the pink puckered hole above the guiche piercing.

  His finger got sucked right in as if Rue’s body needed to be filled. Zus knew his saliva, much like his pre-cum, would loosen Rue’s tight body naturally so that he felt no pain, only exquisite pleasure.

  He still wanted to be sure because he knew he couldn’t go easy on the man. He wanted him too much. With that in mind, Zus pushed another finger into Rue’s ass. The man squirmed, wiggling his ass and silently begging for more.

  Zus leaned back and brought his other hand down hard on the man’s ass cheek. Rue’s legs trembled so much he was afraid the man might collapse. Zus started to pull his fingers free to grab Rue before he fell to the ground, but the man pushed back with his hips.

  “No, please,” Rue begged.

  Zus thrust his fingers back in.

  Rue cried out.

  Zus stood to his feet and looked down at the man he had bent over the countertop. From behind Rue was gorgeous. His long, lean back dipped at the bottom, inviting Zus to lick along the sleek lines. A nicely rounded ass fell below the dip.

  It begged to be paddled.

  Zus couldn’t stop himself from bringing his hand down on Rue’s ass. He wouldn’t have been able to stop himself if it meant the world would come to an end. The soft pale skin begged to be reddened.

  “Oh yes,” Rue cried out, “please.”

  Zus smacked him again and again. Rue’s cries only got louder. Each smack, each deep, needy cry, drove Zus’s desire higher. He pushed his cock against Rue with the intention of using his natural lubrication to ease his way, but Rue wiggled around until he slipped right in.

  With just the head of his cock being squeezed inside Rue’s body, Zus paused. He wanted to savor this flash in time for just a moment, the first time he would claim his future. He gripped Rue’s hips to keep the man from moving. He needed just a second.

  “Please,” Rue pleaded.

  Rue’s hands reached back and covered his. The man’s nails dug into Zus’s skin with enough force to cause him to wince but not enough to make him stop. Zus took it as permission to continue by thrusting deep inside the man.

  Zus began a punishing pace almost immediately, pounding his dick into the man. He gripped Rue’s ass cheeks in his hands, digging his fingers into the reddened flesh. Instead of being upset by the gesture, Rue seemed to revel in it. His cries increased in volume until they became one long wail.

  Zus could feel the body shuddering around him. The man’s inner muscles tightened down on his cock, and hot liquid splashed on his leg. Gratification unlike any Zus had ever felt filled him knowing he had brought Rue to a shattering release.

  It was enough to spur on his own orgasm. Zus leaned over Rue’s smaller body. He gripped Rue’s hair and tilted his head to the side before sinking his teeth into the soft curve of the man’s neck.

  Hot, sweet liquid exploded in Zus’s mouth just as his cock exploded in the man’s ass. Zus roared around the skin in his mouth, his hips pumping wildly as he filled Rue with seed, binding them together forever.

  Something deep inside of Zus shifted as he lifted his head and stared down at his forever mate. He had often fantasized about hat his mate would look like, but nothing had prepared him for the actuality of having such a beautiful man in his arms.

  Rue was panting heavily, his eyes closed as he rested his cheek on the bathroom counter. The flush covering his pale face made his skin glow. His lips were swollen and begging to be kissed again.

  His body clenched around Zus’s cock, pulsing as if Rue was still thrumming with pleasure, drawing the intense sensations out as long as possible. His silky inner muscles squeezed and massaged Zus until he started to harden again.

  Damn, the man was hot!

  Chapter Two

  Rue couldn’t breathe. He couldn’t move. His entire body had melted at the hands of the biggest, sexiest man he’d ever met. The man behind him had handled him like a master.

  And Rue had no doubts the man was exactly that—a master. Especially if the overwhelming need to sink to his knees was anything to go by.

  Rue liked being dominated, controlled. It allowed him to not be in charge, to let everything go and just feel. None of his friends seemed to understand that need. Rue thought that the man behind him just might.

  He hissed as the man pulled out of his ass, jumping when he felt a small smack to his rump. It made him tingle from the top of his head all the way down to his toes. He wanted more. He wanted the man’s hands all over his body.

  “Clean me up,” the man commanded.

  Rue grabbed some paper towels and warmed them under the water before turning toward the man, sinking to his knees. He carefully wiped the man’s dick clean, making sure he wiped everywhere, including under his heavy ball sac.

  His eyes widened as the cock in his hand filled again. He glanced up at the man through his long lashes only to lower them quickly when he discovered two dark-green eyes staring back at him with such an intent stare that it made him shiver.

  Rue tossed the paper towels into the garbage can then sank back down onto his legs. He kept his head lowered until he felt a hand under his chin, lifting it up.

  “You belong to me now,” the man said.

  Rue eagerly nodded. His heart beat frantically at the possessiveness in the man’s voice. He wanted to belong to someone so very bad.

  “You answer only to me.”

  Rue nodded again.

  “Tell me you understand,” the man insisted.

  “I understand,” Rue said softly.

  “Good, then get dressed while I explain my rules to you.”

  “Yes, mast—”

  Rue’s hair was suddenly gripped, his head yanked back. The green eyes glaring down at him blazed with fury. Rue shuddered, afraid he might have made another terrible mistake. He was always choosing the wrong guys and paying for it in bruises. That was one of the reasons his friends had purchased the throwing knives for him and insisted he be trained how to use them—to protect himself.

  “I am not your master,” the man said with a deep growl. “I am your mate.”

  Rue’s heart sank, and he lowered his eyes as much as he could. He knew it. He knew he had made the wrong choice. The man didn’t want him, not really. He just wanted someone he could fuck and boss around, and he’d gotten exactly what he wanted.

  Rue wasn’t sure he’d ever learn. He just wanted someone that wanted him, someone to care for him like he needed to be cared for, but no one seemed to understand that. No one wanted to care for him like he needed.

  Maybe what he needed di
dn’t exist except in his fantasies? There certainly didn’t seem to be any man out there that understood what Rue needed or would even care enough to give it to him. Maybe Rue needed to remember that and give up looking?

  Feeling like the world’s biggest fool for believing that he might have finally found what he was looking for, Rue pulled his head away from the man’s tight grasp, wincing when a few hairs pulled from his scalp. He felt tears prickle the corner of his eyes as he reached for his clothes and pulled them on. He wanted to cover his naked body as fast as he could, suddenly feeling very vulnerable and somewhat ashamed of his actions.

  The man ordered him to the bathroom and Rue had fallen in with his demands like he had no will of his own. He should have learned by now where his needs took him. No wonder his friends had barred him from biker bars. He was always getting himself in trouble like this.

  Rue just hoped he could get out of the bathroom and away from the man before the beating started. As he pulled his shirt back on, he watched the man’s movements, ready to flee at the first sign of aggression.

  “What I say, you do. If you don’t, you will be punished. If you behave, you’ll be rewarded. It’s as simple as that.”

  Rue shrugged his shoulders. What did the man’s rules matter now? Rue knew he’d made a mistake coming into the bathroom with this stranger, and he had every intention of leaving the moment he could get away. He just hoped he could do it without making the man angry. He didn’t need to be beat up yet again.

  Been there, done that.

  “I need to check on my friends,” Rue said once he was dressed. He twisted his hands together nervously in front of him. “They might be worrying about me.”

  “You can stop and talk with them when we leave,” the man said as he reached for the bathroom door. “I’m sure my brothers have been keeping them occupied.”

  That wasn’t exactly what Rue wanted, but at least it would get him out of the room and back with his friends. Once he was, they could all leave. Rue’s shoulders slumped as the man grabbed him and pulled him out of the bathroom.

  His heart ached. He had just had mind-blowing sex with someone he thought might be the one for him and he didn’t even know the man’s name. The guy hadn’t even cared enough about Rue to give it. If that didn’t say he’d made a huge mistake, Rue didn’t know what did.

  Rue jumped when a large body suddenly appeared in front of him. His eyes widened when he saw Jace lying unconscious in the man’s arms. Rue stiffened, ready to fight the man if need be.

  “Uh, hey, Zus,” the man said.

  So, that was his name… Zus. Figures he’d be named something like that. Zeus was supposed to be a Greek god that ruled Olympus. The spellings were slightly different, but the character of the man wasn’t. Zus could probably rule as well. He certainly had the demeanor for it…and the shoulders.

  “Mikhail.” Zus’s eyebrow arched at the nearly naked bundle Mikhail held in his arms. “Friend of yours?”

  “And then some.” Mikhail grinned then nodded toward Rue. “And him?”

  “The same.”

  The same what? Rue wondered as he looked between the two men through the fall of his hair. What in the hell were they talking about?

  “Does he know?”

  Know what? Rue was getting confused and more nervous by the second. What in the hell was going on? Was this some sort of gang or something? Had he gotten his friends into trouble? Again?

  Zus shook his head. “He will be told when I feel the time is right. Not before then.”

  Mikhail cocked an eyebrow. “Do you think that is wise?”

  “He is mine.” Rue shuddered at Zus’s deep possessive growl. He was in so much shit. “I decide what is right for him,” Zus continued.

  Mikhail chuckled. “Just asking, Zus, just asking.”

  “Are you taking him home?” Zus asked as he nodded toward Jace.

  “Yes.” Mikhail nodded. “He belongs with me. I just need to convince him of that. Jace is a spitfire.”

  Rue couldn’t help but snicker. This man had no idea how much of a spitfire Jace could be. Jace was notorious for being contrary to almost everything. He had an attack attitude about life. He attacked it head-on. If someone didn’t like it, then Jace attacked them, too.

  “You have something to say?” Mikhail asked.

  Rue pressed his lips together and looked down at the floor, shaking his head. He had a lot he could say, but he wasn’t about to do anything that might get his ass handed to him. He wasn’t that stupid even if his actions said otherwise.

  “I’ll see you at home then?”

  “We’ll be there.” Zus nodded. “Rue needs to speak to his friends first then grab his stuff.”

  Rue tightened his lips even more to keep from telling Zus to go fuck himself. He didn’t have any intention of grabbing his stuff and going anywhere with this man. He might want to be dominated but fuck if he was going to be anyone’s doormat.

  “Have you seen Stefan or Yuri?”

  “Not in the last little while, no.” Zus glanced behind him as if he could magically see around the corner into the main room. “I assume they are off doing exactly what we are doing, claiming their mates.”

  “If you see them, let them know I took Jace back to the house.”

  Zus nodded, and Mikhail walked past them, carrying Jace cuddled against his chest. Rue had misgivings about just letting Mikhail cart his friend off, but he was in such deep shit himself, he didn’t know how much use he could be. He needed to get to Bay and Liam, and then the four of them needed to get the hell out of this freaking nightmare.

  “Let’s go.” The hand wrapped around Rue’s waist slid to his arm, pulling him along behind Zus. Rue followed behind the man until they reached the main room. He felt the blood drain from his face when he spotted the empty booth where his friends had been sitting when he left on his fool’s errand.

  “My friends, where did they go?”

  “I told you, my brothers are keeping them occupied.”

  Rue suddenly felt like he’d totally lost control of the situation—hell, he had totally lost control of his life. He bent over and rested his hands on his thighs as he took in several deep breaths. This was so incredibly fucked up.

  He just wanted… he wanted something that didn’t exist. Rue had done a lot of stupid things in his life, but he wasn’t dumb. He knew the things he wanted in life were a little weird. He just didn’t understand until this moment that they were so very wrong.

  The very things he thought he’d find in the man standing over him were what might get him killed or worse, one of his friends killed. Rue couldn’t live with himself if one of his stupid choices hurt one of his friends.

  He knew then that he’d have to give up his dream. Besides the fact that he didn’t think he’d ever find someone to fulfill his needs, his desire for them could be putting people in danger, people he cared about.

  “I need to find my friends,” Rue said after a moment. He stood up and wiped his hand across his face, hoping that Zus wouldn’t notice the tears in his eyes. “Where is your friend taking Jace?”

  “My brother Mikhail is taking your friend to our home where he belongs, exactly where we are headed.” Zus’s hands landed on his hips as he stared at Rue. “Now, any other questions before we get your stuff? I need to let the others know we are leaving.”

  Rue swallowed past the lump in his throat. “No, I’ll just go grab my bags. They’re outside in the car.”

  “Go.” Zus waved his hand as if dismissing Rue, and Rue wasn’t dumb enough to argue. He hurried toward the front door as fast as his legs would carry him. Rue cast one last glance over his shoulder at Zus, his heart aching just a bit for what could have been then he turned and walked out the door.

  Once outside, Rue made a beeline for the car. He couldn’t see anything and wished they had parked closer to the building. Reaching the vacant car, Rue’s heart sank again as he realized Jace still had the keys. He was locked out.

bsp; Rue glanced anxiously around the parking lot. He didn’t know what to do. Spotting a rock lying on the ground, and feeling just desperate enough to use it, Rue started toward it when the bar door opened and Zus stepped out.

  Rue ducked down behind the car, carefully peeking over the hood. He watched Zus scan the parking lot and knew that the man was looking for him. Zus lifted his face into the air. It looked like he was sniffing the breeze.

  When he turned and looked in Rue’s direction, a grin on his face, terror filled Rue. He didn’t wait around to see if Zus followed him but took off in a fast run toward the woods. He knew he was leaving his friends behind, but at the moment, Rue was very afraid his life was in true danger.

  Rue was never been so scared. It felt like a cold blanket wrapping around him, weighing him down. No matter how fast he ran, he could hear Zus’s footsteps in pursuit. They never slowed. They never wavered. They just followed right behind him as if Rue was wearing a tracking device hardwired directly to Zus.

  Rue suddenly felt like he was being hunted. Zus was a big man and could have easily caught up with Rue but the man seemed to be steering him toward something. Rue tried going off in one direction only to veer back when the footsteps behind became louder. The moment he did, the footsteps slowed down.

  Rue cried out as he tripped over a branch and went crashing to the hard unforgiving earth. He could feel small rocks and twigs dig into his skin. He was pretty sure he had a nasty scrape along one arm with the way it ached and throbbed.

  He could still hear the footsteps behind him, but they seemed to be pacing instead of chasing, almost as if Zus was waiting for him to get up and start running again. A small sob broke free from Rue’s throat as he realized that this was just a game to Zus.

  He was just a game.

  Chapter Three

  Zus paced back and forth as he waited for Rue to get up. His heart nearly pounded right through his ribcage when Rue went down. This was supposed to be fun, be a game, a way for Zus to show his dominance over his mate.

  Rue wasn’t supposed to get hurt.

  When Rue didn’t immediately get up, Zus became concerned. He quickly covered the ground between then, finding Rue sitting there with his back against a tree. Even in the dim shine from the moonlight, Zus could see the tears streaming down Rue’s pale face.


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