Sizzling Hot Alpha Male Paranormal Romance Box Set

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Sizzling Hot Alpha Male Paranormal Romance Box Set Page 12

by Roth, Mandy M.

  A sharp, bitter cold wind whipped around them fast. It passed through him and headed straight for her. The moment it hit her, she gasped. It was then that what he’d just done truly sank in. He’d just tied himself to one woman for the rest of eternity. A woman he didn’t even know. A woman who had to want him the same way he wanted her for the binding ritual to have actually worked.

  The demon roared to life, furious at the idea of never being able to fuck another woman but confused because neither he nor the man he inhabited wanted to let go of the woman below.

  How dare she lure me into this? How dare she entrap me?

  Anger took hold of him as he drew his cock out of her. Staring down at her with hard eyes, he shook his head as the demon mocked him just below the surface. “Tell me how you enthralled me, witch. How did you know the chant that would summon my demon forth?”

  “N-no…not a witch. I’m a…” she panted, her eyes wide, though now they appeared to be filled with lust.

  Flipping her over fast, Donatus stared down at her sexy ass and smiled slightly. “You’ve been a bad little witch. And I think you deserve to be punished. What do you think?”

  “Please. I’ll do anything.” She glanced back at him and smiled. “To have you punish me, that is.”

  “Anything?” he asked, sensing her eagerness to play along.


  “Good. Get on your knees. I want to fuck that sexy little ass of yours.”

  Her breath hitched. “You’ll never fit. You’ll—”

  “I want that prize around my cock now. And I think you want it too.”

  She rolled and propped herself up on her hands and knees slowly, trembling. Moments later, he heard a faint sob.

  “Did you hate me being in you that much?” he asked, pain stabbing at his chest at the thought that his wife couldn’t bear his touch. “I’ll stop. I have no wish to take what you do not offer.”

  The man within was shocked as ever by the demon’s words. He was even more taken by the fact that he knew they were true.

  Her body shook harder. “No. I’m crying because I not only liked it…I want more. Why do I want more? Why can’t I get enough of you? Why do I want you to promise to not fade away—to not be just a dream?”

  That was a question he couldn’t answer. He wanted her just as badly. Hell, he had enough control of the demon to understand what he was doing now. Not only had he claimed the beautiful raven-haired woman who lay before him, he’d released his seed in her. In the five-hundred-plus years he’d been alive he’d never once wanted a woman enough to claim her, let alone produce a child.

  Running his finger through their combined juices that flowed freely from her cunt, Donatus rubbed them generously on his shaft before spreading the mixture over her hole. Pressing a finger in, he waited for the two quick pops he knew would come and held her steady as she screamed out, bucking against his finger, taking it all the way into her excruciatingly tight ass.

  “Mmm, you’ve never had anyone in here before, have you?”


  “Mine.” Pressing the tip of his still-hard dick to her anus, he hooked an arm around her waist and pushed in hard and fast.

  No sound came from her as she launched upright. If he hadn’t have been holding her, she would have been off the bed. Instead, her ass now held his cock in a vise grip as Donatus began to stroke her swollen clit.

  Moving against him, she began to ride his cock while on her knees. Laughing softly, he swatted her smooth ass cheek gently enough that it only made a slight slapping sound. She moved against him, moaning, and he thrust harder. Rubbing the spot where he’d spanked her, he moved a bit and slapped a new portion of her lush cheek. Grinning, Donatus took hold of the demon within and thrust it downward. Morphing slowly into his human form, the form she’d not yet seen, he continued to fuck her harder than he should just because it felt good. Pounding into her, he tweaked her ripe bud as he continued to take her tight ass. His cock swelled. Leaning forward, he wrapped his body over hers as he pumped into her. He rubbed her clit steadily, rhythmically and rolled her nipple with his other hand. “I want you to come for me, baby.”

  “Mmm,” she murmured as she rocked back against him.

  “Good girl. Now come.” Donatus let his power surround their bodies, assuring that she’d come not only with him, but as she’d never come before. She climaxed instantly. Her body went rigid as he continued to take her ass by storm. His cock twitched a moment before semen erupted from it, coating the inside of her ass with his magik, his power, his essence.

  The second he pulled his arms away from her, she dropped to the bed. He rode her all the way down and rolled to his side, taking her with him. His cock was still nestled in her hot, tight channel while her breathing was shallow and steady.

  Donatus pressed his lips to her ear and kissed it gently as he wrapped his arms around her, hugging her tightly. “Thank you, little one.”

  She never stirred as she slept in his arms, cradled against his chest, still holding his penis tightly in her ass. Withdrawing slowly, Donatus hugged her gently. The urge to keep her safe was like nothing he’d ever experienced. Where had she come from? Better yet, how had he come to be with her?

  Looking around the room, he did his best to reconstruct the events leading up to this. He remembered going to bed early with a headache. His initial dreams had been plagued with the sounds of the one thing he’d never wanted to hear in his life again—the chant that allowed his demon to break free of the hold Donatus had on it. For a moment, he’d believed he’d been swallowed alive by the pits of hell as flames had shot up around him. The next thing he knew, he was in full demon form at the foot of her bed while she tossed and turned until her naked form was wound tightly in the sheet.

  Donatus had done his best to force the demon out of the young woman’s room but the moment she woke with a gasp and stared into his eyes, he knew he couldn’t leave without having her. It wasn’t until they’d gotten to the point of insertion that she’d shown any sign of fear. It was easy to see why. In demon form, his cock was thicker and longer than probably any other she’d ever seen. It still amazed him that she’d not only taken it but had liked it.

  When he’d shifted back into human form, his penis had returned to its normal size. She either didn’t notice or didn’t care. In truth, an inch less ramming into her most likely wouldn’t make a big difference. Women complained about his size regardless of what form he was in.

  As Donatus held the woman in his arms, he thought about what he’d done. Gods help me. I’ve married a woman I don’t even know. Running his hand down her stomach, he let it rest on her lower abdomen. Though sure he’d planted his seed, he feared she may be more than human and able to reject it. If she truly was a witch, the laws of mates and whether or not she was truly his would apply. If not, he would still be bound to her but her body would reject his seed.

  Instantly, his body was ripped from hers by an unseen force. It violently jerked him backward. The harder he fought to stay, the harder it yanked on him.

  “No,” he cried out, grabbing hold of anything and everything he could get his hands on. Knowing that whatever had him was going to win, his gaze went to his new bride. He didn’t know her name or even where he was. For all he knew, he could be anywhere in the world or worse yet, another realm. “Wake up, baby.”

  Chapter Two

  Wake up, baby.

  Donatus woke with a start and searched his room frantically, trying to reassure himself that the demon he carried hadn’t broken free and bonded with the most incredible woman he’d ever seen. It felt real. Hell, his parting words to the woman were still echoing in his head.

  Glancing down, he found himself in the same red silk pajama bottoms that he’d fallen asleep in. He wasn’t in shifted form. Exhaling, he let out a shaky laugh as he rubbed his hands over his face. “Pull yourself together. It was only a dream, idiot. You locked the demon away three hundred-fifty years ago. It didn’t just decide t
o pop out last night and go get married.”

  Hearing himself say that out loud did little to comfort him. Surprisingly enough, Donatus was almost disappointed that it wasn’t real. The image of the woman’s beautiful body laid out before him was still fresh in his mind. She couldn’t have been more than five four, with ample breasts and a tight, rounded ass. Her skin held a faint olive glow to it that offset her vibrant blue eyes and black hair nicely, drawing attention to her classic beauty. He could still feel her pussy wrapped around him, holding him tight while she begged him to fuck her harder. She was too perfect to be real and too spectacular to ever be his mate—his wife.

  Moaning, Donatus rolled onto his back and covered his eyes with his arm. He knew then that Mrs. Rosière’s talk had left his mind wandering with thoughts of finding his mate. His subconscious had certainly made sure the woman it created was perfect in every way imaginable.

  That had to be the cruelest wet dream he’d ever had. A hot chick who got off on being fucked by him in mixed demon form and who made him—him—want to marry her? It was too fucking good to be true. The gods don’t just toss treasures like that at men like me.

  There was a loud jangle and he jerked around fast, ready and willing to kill something if he had to. Realizing it was only the telephone, he exhaled and decided to save killing things for another day. Laughing softly, Donatus grabbed the phone off its receiver. “Hello?”

  “Where in the hell are you? You’re late.”

  “Kal? What are you talking about? I’m not late.” Glancing toward his bedside table, Donatus’ eyes widened as he saw the time. “Oh, shit.”

  “Oh shit is right, Don. It’s been fun covering for your ass. Tell me that she was the sexiest woman you’ve ever laid eyes on, that you wanted to stay locked inside her until the end time, and I might forgive you.”

  Donatus pulled back a bit from the phone, confused as to how Kallimoch could have known he’d been with a woman. It wasn’t like he was prone to it anymore. Long ago he’d gotten out of the habit of seeking nightly pleasure. Now, he was content with a date or two a month. Some women stayed in his life for a couple of days. Some for a couple of months. In the end, he always walked away from them.

  “Are you there? It was a joke, asshole. Want to tell me what’s going on? It’s the first day of the new school year and you’re a no-show. That’s not like you. It’s like me but certainly not like you.”

  “I…umm…it’s nothing.” Donatus rubbed his eyes. “I didn’t sleep very well. That’s all. I’ll be there in a little bit.”

  Kallimoch snorted. “In a little bit? Hmm, care to be any less vague? I teach women’s studies, not comprehensive mythology. You let me in there and I’ll start talking like I know those gods and deities you spend so much time trying to teach them about.”

  He groaned, not wanting to listen to his friend of four centuries whine anymore. “You do know most of them personally. Most of them can’t stand you. Not that I blame them. You’ve screwed how many of their daughters and wives?”

  Kallimoch chuckled. “Too many to count, old friend.”

  * * * * *

  “You must be new here.”

  Turning slowly, with an armful of books, Ava found a man standing behind her. She had to take a step back to fully see him. The man had to be at least six foot six. Her eyes widened as he bent down toward her.

  “Are you lost, scared to death of me or trying to figure out if I escaped the circus?” he asked, his hazel eyes seeming to twinkle. The side of his mouth pulled up slightly in a smile. “I’m Professor Kal Sokoll. If you’d like some help figuring out where it is you’re supposed to be I can take a look at your schedule.”


  His arched a dark brow and nodded his head. Never once did his perfectly tousled hair move. For a man who appeared to have gone out of his way to break the mold of being a stuffy professor, Professor Sokoll seemed to take great pride in himself. It was clear by the gel in his hair and by his thin cotton designer sweater. He’d paired the light tan sweater with a pair of dark tan slacks that cuffed at the bottom. The best part of it all was that his shoes were top-of-the-line. Ava knew they must’ve cost a pretty penny—more than the average professor made. Then again, from what she’d been told Commiliton University was more than an average higher-learning establishment. It had all the feel and charm of a small college but offered everything a large university would—secondary degrees, an array of majors, all the perks with virtually none of the hassle. From what she’d learned about Commiliton, it went far beyond the norm. All professors, regardless of seniority, had not only their own offices but their own classrooms as well. They had all the provisions they needed to provide the students with a virtually one-on-one education. The school’s learning atmosphere as well as the breathtaking campus had pulled her in.

  Right now, the stack of books in her hand seemed to be growing heavier by the minute. Shifting slightly, Ava glanced around. “I’m looking for room 141B. They told me it was in this building but I can’t find it to save my life.”

  “141B? That’s one of the rooms that have been empty for years. If I’m not mistaken, it’s going to be used for Norse mythology this year. I don’t think there are any classes in there today—it’s a new class and is starting a bit late. The administrators only decided to offer it a month or so ago. Manlian has been moaning and groaning for years to get more specialized courses offered. The man has a passion for mythology that is downright scary. I’m almost frightened for the new professor… Anyway, are you sure you have the right room?”

  “That’s what they told me. And it’s hard for class to be in session when I’m not there.” Ava smiled as Sokoll’s expression went from smug to confused. “Is something wrong, Professor Sokoll?”

  “No, but I think you may have an ego bigger than mine. I’m sure the new professor they have coming in may not agree with you. And you can call me Kal. Everyone else does.”

  Someone behind Ava snorted. She turned to find another tall hunk of a man standing there. His sandy blond hair was close-cropped. It looked good on him. His skin was bronzed and his body tight and toned, similar to Professor Sokoll’s. “Please, Kal, no one has an ego bigger than yours. It’s physically impossible.”

  “I’d tell you to bite me, Gun, but you’d enjoy that too much.”

  “Hi, I’m Gunter Hagen. Whatever Kal’s been telling you about me is a lie.” He thrust his hand forward.

  Ava glanced at Gunter’s hand and then at the stack of books in her arms. “Point me to room 141B and then I’ll shake your hand. I need to put these down and grab more from my car. They’re getting heavy.”

  Gunter and Kal were on her instantly, taking the books from her arms. Kal gave her a sheepish smile and winked. “Sorry, I should be forgiven for my lack of manners because I couldn’t concentrate with you so close to me.”

  Shocked by his rather inappropriate statement, Ava just stood there a moment before she realized they were headed down the hall without her. Following them quickly, she soon found herself standing in front of a large walnut door with a gold plate reading “141B” tacked to it. “Hmm, I must have walked past this at least four times.”

  “This place has a way of keeping things hidden,” Gunter said mysteriously. Then, turning to Kal, he demanded, “Would you mind telling me why we’re in Fenaly’s room? He’s supposed to be in today to meet with Manlian, who I haven’t seen yet so I’m not sure how that meeting’s going to happen.”

  Ava smiled at Gunter as he set the books down on the large oak desk at the front of the room. “Care to tell me why you think I’m a man?”

  Both men stared at her with shocked expressions. It was a moment she wished she could capture on film. Too bad she’d left her camera in her best friend’s car. “Gentlemen?”

  Kal stepped forward first and extended his hand. “Wow, sorry about that. You don’t look a day over twenty-one and your arms were full of books. I thought you were a transfer student.”

bsp; Ava smiled widely. “No worries. I get the bit about looking younger than I am often. It used to tick me off when I was in my teens. The older I get, the more I like it.” She shook his hand. “Ava Fenaly.”

  “Welcome to Commiliton, Ava.” Kal gave her hand a tight squeeze and drew in a sharp breath before letting her go quickly. The look on his face screamed concern and shock.

  Gunter touched his shoulder. “Kallimoch—errr, Kal—can I have a word with you in private?”

  “If it’s about me, I’m here,” a deep male voice called out from the doorway. “Sorry I was late. You can quit freaking out and go back to teaching the ladies how to liberate themselves.” A third tall man came sliding into the room on the soles of his dress shoes, nearly knocking both Kal and Gun over. Ava took a step back and stared at him with wide eyes. Something about him made her breath hitch and her body tighten. His very presence demanded her attention.

  “Is there something in the water here that makes the men all giants? I’m just curious. I’d be interested in trying some myself if you could promise I wouldn’t grow a beard,” Ava mused as she watched the new arrival closely.

  His silky light blond hair hung in varied layers around his square face and neck. The shag-styled cut softened his extremely hard features, leaving his emerald green eyes to stand out as he stared at her. Ava’s body tightened as the stranger’s gaze seemed to soak her in. If hers hadn’t been doing the exact same thing to him, she’d have been uncomfortable. As it stood, she wanted to run her hands over his black ribbed turtleneck sweater before sliding them into that hair.

  Seeing the three men standing in a row, Ava noticed that they were all around the same height. The newcomer was about an inch taller than the other two. His upper body was a bit wider than the others’ and his dark gray dress pants looked as though they were smuggling something large enough to rock her world, or at the very least fuck her into a much-needed sound sleep.

  Heat rushed to her cheeks as she thought about the erotic dream she’d had last night. At first, she’d assumed it was a nightmare. She’d wanted to scream when she awoke to find the enormous, dark red, devil-like creature at the foot of her bed, but no sound had come from her lips. She’d stared at its—his—naked body, oddly fascinated with how large he was. Everywhere. That demon had done things to her that no other man had dared and she’d loved every minute of it.


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