Sizzling Hot Alpha Male Paranormal Romance Box Set

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Sizzling Hot Alpha Male Paranormal Romance Box Set Page 14

by Roth, Mandy M.

  Ava looked toward his wall of various mythological items he’d collected throughout his life. “You have a lot of relics that are said to attract evil. I know it sounds crazy but people still carry lucky rabbit’s feet. I just thought you should have a charm.”

  “Mmm.” He moved in closer to her, leaving her no choice but to lie back or kiss him. “So you know a lot about what summons evil? Have you ever given it a try? Have you ever called on a demon before?”

  She looked as though she’d been slapped. “No. Why would I do that? My luck, they’d be real and come a-knocking.”

  Ask her if she dreamed of one.

  Donatus ignored the sound of the demon’s voice. It struggled to come to the surface and he knocked it down with ease as he stared at Ava. Her eyelids fluttered and his heart beat rapidly. “Is that something you study?” he asked, pushing his knee between her legs and gently spreading them. Her long skirt refused to open any farther, keeping him from laying his covered erection against her sweet-smelling sex. Every bit of him wanted to tear away the material between them and cram his cock in her, assure himself that Ava was his.

  “I know a good deal about it but I wouldn’t say I study it.” Ava’s moist pink tongue darted out again and Donatus fought hard not to capture her mouth with his.

  “So you wouldn’t know how to call a demon to you?”

  He saw something flash through her blue eyes. Had she called to him, summoning his demon? Was it real?

  “No,” she said breathily. “I don’t study any of that. Why, do you believe in it? Want me to call around and find you a demon summoner? Maybe you could talk it into sitting on your shelf. You could get one stuffed—that would go great with your collection.” The tiniest of laughs escaped her.

  How was it possible he’d foreseen her arrival in the most intimate way possible? More than that, why did he have traits associated with mating occurring? He’d sensed her when she’d fallen in her room. Sensing her pain, he’d abandoned his class and run across the hall to check on her. He’d found Ava dusting off her backside and calling the books scattered about her on the floor everything but their actual title. It was then he’d gotten the notion to dig out an old Viking drinking horn he’d acquired from a friend of his several hundred years ago.

  Donatus had discreetly watched Ava for so long that close to twenty minutes of his class time had passed when he’d finally returned. Not one of his students complained. Not that he expected them to. When he’d wrapped up the class, he’d stood just outside her door, watching her organize her room. She’d come across as good-natured when she’d spoken to him this morning but he had no idea how funny and playful she was.

  Someone had her cell phone repeatedly throughout the morning. At first, Donatus had been jealous, assuming it was a man calling her. For a brief moment, he’d almost lost it and shifted into demon form in the middle of the hall. When he heard Ava address the caller as Chloe, he relaxed.

  Chloe seemed to be concerned with Ava getting settled in. Ava spent most of the time unpacking her room with the phone stuck to her ear. She’d made numerous attempts to hang up but the woman on the other end didn’t take the hints. Ava made the most adorable faces as she went about her conversation. Never in his long life had Donatus thought anything was adorable.

  It’d taken everything Donatus had to walk away and give her privacy. When he’d first arrived late for their meeting she’d been gone. Her scent lingered in his office but Ava was nowhere to be found. Panic swept through him. Instantly, Donatus had launched into a full-blown search for her. Minutes felt like hours as he tried desperately to locate her. The demon had even fought to come to the surface and aid in the hunt. The moment it showed an ounce of concern Donatus knew Ava was indeed important to him. If she wasn’t already his mate, his wife, she would be soon.

  Donatus smiled as Ava continued to look away from him, still embarrassed by her comment regarding his cock. She, of course, had been one hundred percent right. His cock never seemed to miss a beat around her. She made it not only stir to life but throb with a fury he wasn’t sure would ever be sated.

  “I think you’re going to fit right in here,” he said, doing his best to ease her discomfort.

  “Why is that?”

  “Because you call a spade a spade and a cock a cock.”

  Her lip quivered and Donatus’ heart hammered in his chest. Thoughts of upsetting her more assailed him. The minute she snorted and burst into laughter, he exhaled and laughed as well.

  “Gods, you’re even more beautiful when you smile.”

  Ava stopped and stared at him with wide eyes. “Umm, thanks.”

  Shit, I said that out loud. She’s rubbing off on me. Clearing his throat, Donatus tried to pretend he told someone she was beautiful at least ten times a day. He squared his shoulders and couldn’t help but want to wrap his arms around Ava’s tiny frame and lift her skirt high. The need to fuck her was great. His raging cock needed to sink into her body soon or it, along with the demon within, would burst. He held back from taking her.

  Donatus stepped back and offered Ava a hand. She took it quickly, making him smile as he helped her to her feet. He walked around to his chair and opened his left-hand desk drawer. He pulled out a manila folder and glanced at Ava. “I was going over your schedule and I realized I have you down for a night class that meets on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I’ll go ahead and get it switched around for you.”


  “Simple, I’d rather not have you working late and leaving campus after dark.”

  Ava’s blue gaze slid over him and Donatus knew the look. Many demons had tried to intimidate him with that very stare. None had succeeded. He had yet to back down and this was a nonnegotiable issue. Her safety was his only concern.

  “And this change came about when you realized I was a woman and not a middle-aged man?”

  Yes, but the fact you are mine is weighing in heavy too. Donatus bit back what he wanted to say. “That has a great deal to do with it. I’m not trying to discriminate against you here, Ava. We’ve had problems with violence on the campus before. It’s rare but it exists. We offer chaperones to the women on campus to assure they get back to their dorms safely. The offer extends to men as well. I’d rather be safe than sorry.” He walked toward his desk, holding the charm she’d given him in a death grip. “I’ll let you know what day and time the course will be on.”

  “I see,” she said in a hushed tone.

  “Ava, please try to understand that—”

  “That you’re late,” Kal interjected, appearing in the office doorway. He winked. “Sorry but this thing should have been over a half-hour ago. We’ve got tee time in twenty minutes. We’ve got a back nine calling our names. Let’s get a move on it.”

  Donatus cast his friend a warning look. “Go golfing without me. Ava and I just got started.”

  She glanced at her watch and leveled her hard stare on him. Donatus suddenly wasn’t so sure he’d made the right decision regarding the rescheduling of her night class. She smiled. “It’s fine, Professor Manlian. I have a few errands to run and then plans for the evening. I don’t want to hold you up. Besides, it will be dark before too long. I wouldn’t want to be out then, seeing how it’s not safe for me and all.”

  “Don? Did you finally decide to speak only to stick your foot in your mouth? The room has a ‘you’re in trouble’ vibe going.”

  Ava looked at Kal and offered up a saccharine smile, making Donatus see red. He was just trying protect her, not push her away. Kallimoch shot him a look and Donatus shrugged. Kal rolled his eyes and nodded slightly, indicating he’d try to help out. “Ava, when we’re done golfing tonight we’re heading out for drinks to help break in another school year. Would you like to join us?”

  Ava glared at Donatus and he swallowed hard. The tiny woman was managing to do what no demon could ever accomplish—make him squirm with just a look. “Thanks, Kal, but I have plans for the evening already and someone in this room believe
s grown women he doesn’t know need curfews, so I’d rather not make him spend the evening worrying about me. I’ll take my chances on my own.” She glanced at Kal. “But if you’re up for drinks later this week, I’d be happy to join you.”

  Donatus didn’t miss the emphasis. He didn’t miss it and he didn’t like it. She was his and no other man would dare be near her—friend or not.

  Chapter Four

  “Ava, stop looking around like you’re being stalked.” Effie, an auburn-haired beauty and longtime friend, danced slowly around Ava. “Granted, you are technically being stalked by a madman whose daddy is the end-all be-all of evil but, hey, he hasn’t found you yet.”

  Ava rolled her eyes playfully and continued to stare around the large crowded bar. She’d been sure to insist that Effie and the others meet her out of town, not wanting to bump into any faculty members or possible students. In doing so, Ava had hoped she’d be able to relax and enjoy herself for the first time in years. She couldn’t. Something was watching her. Its intent didn’t appear to be evil but in her line of work, one never really knew what to expect until it was staring them in the face, sometimes with multiple eyes. Never a good thing.

  At five foot eight, Effie stood four inches taller than Ava and at moments like this she liked to flaunt that. Though they both had on two-inch-thick heeled boots, Effie had a way of making it seem as though she was on stilts. She shook her black-lace-covered chest and turned in circle. The tank top she wore somehow managed to keep from showing off too much even though it was just layers of lace.

  “Loosen up, Ava. That’s why you’re here. It’s time you stopped living in fear. He can’t get you here. Chloe told you that you’d be safe, able to relax and to get back to being you now.”

  The minute Effie said it the feeling of being watched increased. Whoever it was had now taken a protective position, radiating the same energy Ava did when she went into what the girls liked to call mommy mode. “Hey, I’m here. Cut me some slack.”

  “Leave her alone, Effie.”

  Ava glanced at Yvonne. She’d known her all her life as well. Yvonne was just a smidge shorter than Ava. She was so petite that Ava had spent years and years hovering over her and the others. It wasn’t until Chloe pointed out that Ava was smaller than most of the women she guarded too carefully that she realized she may very well have issues with mothering them.

  Yvonne’s newly short, choppily styled black hair suited her pixie-like features. Large brown eyes stared out from her oval face. The light cream sleeveless summer dress she had on made her already gorgeous cocoa-colored skin looked even creamier.

  “Thanks,” Ava said.

  Yvonne shook her head. “Don’t thank me. Dance and pretend like you’re enjoying it or I will get on that stage and force you up there with me.”

  “I’ll help her get you there,” Effie offered, her blue eyes twinkling with merriment. “So shake the ass that those jeans are hugging and let us see those abs flexing.”

  Laughing, Yvonne shook her head. “I’m still shocked Ava wore just a tied halter-top and jeans. Normally, she’s in full-alert garb. I’m always expecting the military to drop out of the sky and claim her.”

  Effie nodded and smiled. “I know. Our girl is stepping out. She’s thinking of finally relaxing. Maybe we’ll get lucky and she’ll find that love she’s been looking for.”

  “I have not been looking for love. More like looking to avoid it at all costs.” Groaning, Ava gave in and began to move her shoulders with the beat, letting it run over her slowly.

  “That’s it.” Effie joined her. “You need a man. Every girl needs a good stiff one every once in a while. You are no exception.”

  Ava let out a soft laugh, tired of having the same conversation. “Fine. You pick a guy and I’ll entertain the thought of sleeping with him.”

  Effie’s jaw dropped and Yvonne made a choked cry that sounded like a seagull. Effie drew her head back a bit and the strobe lights caught her pale skin and reflected her blue eyes, making her look like even more like the siren she really was. “Get out! You’re telling me that if I pick a guy, you’ll give him a fair shake?”

  “Mmm-hmm,” Ava murmured as she put her hands in the air and shook her hips to the music. Someone grabbed her ass. Turning fast, she seized hold of the stranger’s wrist and twisted it hard and fast. His eyes widened as he lowered to one knee. Ava smiled down at him and put more pressure on his wrist. “Hi, I seem to have found this,” she held up his hand, “on my ass. Should it appear there again, I’ll keep it.”

  The man nodded with a surprised, pained look in his eyes. Ava kept moving to the beat. “Good to know we agree on this.” As she let go of him, the feeling of being watched increased. For a moment, she could have sworn that the entity was radiating amusement. Arching a brow, she glanced around the bar but couldn’t find the source.

  “Good luck with holding up on your end,” Yvonne said to Effie as she pumped her body to the music.

  Effie laughed. “I’m holding you to this, Ava. I’ll pick him and you have to think about giving him a shot.”

  Yvonne turned as a tall hunk of a man approached her. The two paired off and began to bump and grind. Out of habit, Ava kept her eye on the man, not wanting to trust the life of one of her girls to just anyone.

  Effie touched her hand lightly. “Ava, it’s okay. Not every man wants to hurt us.”

  “Yeah, well, statistically ninety-nine percent of them do.”

  “Ava, you have a horrible take on men. Sure, you’ve been stabbed, mauled, shot and had the shit beaten out of you but still.” Effie nudged her slightly.

  Ava grinned. “Yeah, I can’t understand it myself? Pfft.”

  A tall man with chestnut brown hair stepped out and touched Effie’s shoulder. She turned, smiled and began to dance with him. Ava seized the moment to run from the dance floor. She went quickly to the bar, still unable to shake the feeling of being watched.

  “What will it be tonight?” the bartender asked.

  Ava smiled. “I’ll take cranberry juice, please.”

  He nodded.

  “Not a drinker or not drinking tonight?” a deep voice asked as a large hand touched her shoulder.

  Terror seized hold of her with all it had. Ava drew in a sharp breath, spun around fast and threw her fist out. Something in her gut told her to stop. She listened, holding her closed fist directly in front of his midsection. As she looked up, she found herself staring into emerald green eyes. The second she realized they belonged to Donatus, she dropped her fist and pressed herself to him quickly, without thought. “It’s only you.”

  He wrapped his large arms around her and held her tightly. He felt so safe, so warm, so hers. It didn’t make any sense, she didn’t care. Ava just needed the reassurance he gave her. It didn’t matter that he’d been a jerk about her being out after dark. In truth, he’d been right to insist she not work late. The demons that made it their mission to find and kill her kind seemed to really love that time of the day.

  After their last meeting she’d spent the rest of her day trying to decide if she should seek Donatus out and mend fences or not. Why she cared was a mystery to her, but she did. She cared more than she wanted to admit. Never before had she tried to hide a charm of protection for someone. That wasn’t something she did. Donatus had some sort of hold over her. Not like the Host warriors tried to do—this wasn’t evil. This was something far worse than that—it was something that could leave her heart broken if she allowed it to go too far.

  Sighing, she shook her head. “Oh shit, I’m hanging on a man who is technically my boss.” Thumping her forehead lightly on his solid upper torso, Ava groaned and backed away from him. “I embarrassed myself needing to make sure he’s safe and then practically tackle him the minute I’m sure he’s not one of them.”

  Donatus cleared his throat.

  She stilled. Tell me I didn’t say all of that out loud.

  “Hey, hang away,” Effie said, suddenly appearing next
to her. “The stud didn’t seem like he minded it one bit. I pick him as the guy you have to give a fair chance.” She leaned in and whispered, “Plus, you let him touch you without fifty other men trying to pin you down while armed with swords or claws. Always interesting the first time that happens. Don’t you think? We weren’t sure you’d ever allow it to happen.”

  Rational thought temporarily left Ava and she forgot about everything but her friend and their conversation. She let out a soft, shaky laugh as she fought back tears. “Effie, I’ve never been like this before. I’ve always…”

  Effie gave her an encouraging grin. “Ava, you’ve played mom to all of us for so many years and you haven’t taken time to think about you at all. You never once showed any sign of weakness. We thought you were a robot. I know that what happened changed you. We all know that and understand it. But you think it made you weak. We think it made you real.” She touched Ava’s cheek lightly. “It’s also okay to cry. And I think if you feel comfortable enough with this man to hold him while you talk to me about this, you should give in to it. I’m not picking up any sort of need to run from him. I sure know how to pick ‘em. Don’t forget your promise—a fair chance to the guy I pick. And I pick Blondie here.”

  “Talk about this with—” Ava went rigid. “Effie?”

  “Hmm?” She arched her auburn brows.

  “You ‘let’ him hear this?” It was easy for Effie to block humans from hearing what they shouldn’t. She did it without thinking most of the time, her power was that strong.

  Taking a small step back, Effie nodded, glancing back at Donatus for only a moment. She appeared to be thinking hard about something before exhaling deeply. “Ava, when I was eight, you told me to follow my gut, regardless what my head was telling me. I was just following your advice.”

  “It didn’t occur to you that I could lose my job? Isolate a man who is most likely attached?”


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