Shifter Wonderland: Twelve BBW Paranormal Holiday Shape Shifter Romances

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Shifter Wonderland: Twelve BBW Paranormal Holiday Shape Shifter Romances Page 21

by Christin Lovell

  “I prefer your hands on me.”

  “I’ll bet.” She looked angry. Her jaw was tense, her demeanor stiff.

  “What’s wrong?”

  Her eyes blazed. “Guys like you, Tyler. Seriously hot. Too good looking for your own good. You’re bored and I happen to be here. Jackie the ironing board. Fruit loop Jackie. I would make a perfect quick distraction. What you all so conveniently forget is that I’m a person with feelings.” She tried to move away but he grabbed her hand.

  He felt himself frown. “I know that you have feelings. I would never use you as a distraction. I’m not sure why you would even say that.”

  “Like I said.” She tried to yank her hand free but he held on tight. “Guys like you don’t mean it when they hit on girls like me. It just doesn’t happen. If you are looking for a quick fuck to pass the time then you’ve come to the wrong place. Besides, you shouldn’t be exerting yourself.” She tilted her chin in defiance. It just made her more appealing. “You may have a damned fine cock on you, but if you think for one second that I’m giving you a blowjob either, you are seriously mistaken.”

  His cock jumped when she said the word blowjob. Just the thought of her beautiful mouth around his girth had his sacks clenching. His frown deepened despite his throbbing dick though. “What do you mean by girls like you? What do ironing boards and fruit loops have to do with it? I don’t understand what you are trying to say.”

  She blushed, her eyes darting away from him. Jackie chewed on her bottom lip for a second. “Forget it, okay? I have something I need to do. I’m sure you can finish up on your own.”

  Tyler shook his head. “Tell me what you meant when you said those things.”

  “It’s personal. Forget it.” She shook her head.

  “You made it my business when you told me those things, now please explain. I want to understand.”

  She huffed out a breath. “They used to call me those names in school. Jackie the ironing board or fruit loops. Even though I had a few pounds on me, I was really flat-chested for most of high school.” She refused to meet his eyes. “They called me fruit loops because of my curly hair. Look, it doesn’t matter. The only time a jock was interested in me was when he wanted to get into my pants. You are not really attracted to me…so please just cut the crap and let’s get you better so that we can both get on with our lives.”

  “Listen to me.” His voice came out sounding gruffer than he intended and her eyes widened behind her glasses. She sucked in a breath. Tyler released his hold on her hand somewhat. He locked his gaze with hers. “You are fucking sexy. I am not some high school idiot boy. You are no longer the female you were back then either. Mother fuck, Jackie, have you even looked at yourself lately? I mean really looked? You have breasts a male could drown in. I for one would be happy to die between them. Your hair is fucking beautiful. Curly and untamed. Perfect for a male to fist while worshipping your lush body.”

  Her eyes widened even more and her lips parted as she drew in another deep breath.

  Tyler had to grin. “So”—he watched as she licked her lips—“you think I’m good looking and that my cock is”—his smile widened—“damn fine…I think those were your exact words.”

  Jackie squeezed her eyes shut for a few beats before looking him head on. Her cheeks were still bright red. “Look…I shouldn’t have said those things to you. I shouldn’t have reacted like that. I’m sorry. I had a momentary flashback of some of my worst memories from high school. Thank you for saying those nice things. I appreciate it. Now let’s move on…please. You don’t have to…be nice to me or…” She let the sentence die. She made a pained noise and put her free hand over her face. “Please, let me go so that I can find a high cliff to jump off of.” She straightened her back

  This female was too much. She was also seriously clueless. “You still don’t get it, Jackie. I’m attracted to you. Very much so. I didn’t just say those things because I thought it was what you wanted to hear. I must say, you have been very quick to judge me though. You say that you didn’t like it when it happened to you, yet you are doing it to me.”

  Her eyes clouded. “I guess you are right. I’m sorry. I…I’m sorry.” She paused. “I haven’t dated anyone in a really long time. Guys like you—”

  “Quit saying that,” he growled.

  She visibly paled. “Sorry.” She shook her head.

  “Neither have I.”

  “Neither have you what?” Her brows were raised.

  “I also haven’t… dated in a while.”

  Jackie rolled her eyes and made a snorting noise. “You expect me to believe that?”

  “It’s true. I’m sure I have you beat,” he growled. “It’s been months since I”—Fucked a female— “was last with anyone.”

  Chapter Five

  No wonder he was so desperate then. She mentally kicked herself. She needed to stop being so hard on herself. High school was a long time ago. Things had changed. She had changed. There were moments when she still felt like that awkward plump girl with braces and glasses.

  Tyler really looked at her with interest. His gaze heated as he spoke about her. Heated further as his eyes drifted over her curves. He spoke as if he liked curves. Which was a good thing since her curves were abundant. She might have been called an ironing board through half of high school but nature had certainly made up for that in the long run. She was all boobs and ass with a good dose of hips and thighs on the side.

  She had been wrong to judge him. Jackie huffed out a breath. “I’m sorry. Both for saying those things and for judging you. Most good looking guys are not as nice as you.” Shut your mouth, Jackie. She felt her cheeks heat. Flip, she needed to stop telling him how good looking he was or his ego would inflate in no time.

  His eyes crinkled around the edges. His hand was still warm against hers.

  “How long has it been for you?” Tyler asked.

  Her mind was a complete blank. What had they been talking about?

  “Since you last dated someone?” He added when her brow creased.

  “Oh!” She released a pent up breath. “A couple of years.”

  His eyes bugged out of his skull. “You can’t be serious.”

  Jackie nodded, feeling like a complete idiot. “I moved to Sweetwater a few years ago. I read the statistics, we have twenty percent more women living here and almost half of our residents are pensioners. I guess I’ve been busy and I kind of have this rule”—she looked down at his arm—“You can let go of my hand now.”

  “Don’t run away.” His golden stare held hers. “I might faint or something.”

  She choked out a laugh. “I highly doubt that.” His healing capabilities were astounding. Tyler let go of her hand.

  “So what’s your rule?” He asked as he dipped the sponge into the water before pulling it across his abs.

  Holy freaking hotness!

  The guy was seriously ripped. He was as hot as hell itself. Oh shit! He had asked her a question. “Urm…um…my rule!” She practically yelled as she suddenly remembered what it was he had asked. Jackie glanced back up at his amused gaze. “I don’t date a guy unless I really like him. I need to be attracted to him as well. None of this, I’ll go on a few dates and see bullshit. If he doesn’t do it for me from the word go, I don’t go there. It’s not nice to string people along.”

  He continued to wash himself in long even strokes that made her mouth dry, yet at the same time, she had to work not to drool. Go figure!

  “Must get lonely.” He seemed to speak more to himself than to her. “I’m sure you’ve had plenty of guys ask you out. Were none of them good enough?”

  She had to laugh. “Didn’t you hear me earlier? There are far more women in Sweetwater and a lot of the guys are elderly.” She shook her head. “I’ve been asked out a few times but I have this other rule about not dating someone unless they have a full set of teeth as well.”

  Tyler choked out a laugh. “Setting your standards a little high then?�
�� He laughed some more. The sheet was wadded between his legs and he was wiping his thighs. Long, muscular thighs. Wow! Who would have known that thighs could be that damned hot?

  She had to smile. “Just give me a decent set of teeth and a mutual attraction and I’ll be game.” That wasn’t really true since a couple of the guys that had asked her out over the years were decent looking, but they just didn’t do it for her. They didn’t get her cylinders firing and her heart racing.

  “I don’t mind either way, but I think you might want to turn around for this part of the cleaning process.” He pointed to the sheet…between his legs.

  Her eyes widened. “Oh.” She nodded, doing as he said.

  There was the sound of the sheet rustling and then the sponge plopped at her feet. She chewed the inside of her cheek. “I’ll get that for you.” Jackie bent down.

  Tyler growled deeply behind her just as her hand closed on the sodden sponge. It was a terrifying noise that caused goose bumps to form. Adrenaline coursed through her as she spun around and drew in a deep breath. One of the first things they were taught was to never turn your back on a wild animal. Never. Tyler hadn’t seemed wild in his human form. He was definitely still all animal though. It was evident in some of his gestures. Like the way he sniffed the air or cocked his head as he listened to a noise she could only ever hope to hear.

  His eyes were narrowed and his jaw set. His whole body radiated raw tension.

  “What’s wrong?” She all but whispered.

  He blinked a few times and even shook his head like he was pulling himself out of a haze. “Don’t do that again, unless…” His jaw tightened once more and his Adam’s apple worked as he swallowed hard.

  “Do what?” She asked when he didn’t say anything more. She tried not to notice as he pulled the sheet over his seriously engorged member.

  He cleared his throat and her gaze flew back to his. “Bend down. Shit, Jackie!” His eyes seemed to darken up just a smidgen. “You have one hell of an ass. Plump, heart shaped and seriously inviting. Sticking your ass in the air like that is an all out invitation to a wolf.”

  She gulped. “I’m not a wolf. I don’t speak wolf.”

  “Good thing or I would be balls deep inside you by now.” The visual sent a shock wave of desire through her. Her clit throbbed. All out throbbed. One touch and she would go off like a rocket. She squeezed her thighs together but it didn’t help.

  Tyler’s nostrils flared and he frowned. “You’re turned on at the thought.”

  “I am not.” They left her mouth so fast that she tripped on the words.

  His eyes traveled down. “Your nipples are hard. I can scent your desire…How fucking wet are you right now?” His words sounded pained. “I would say soaking by the scent of you.”

  She sucked in a ragged breath. “No way. I’m…” She let the sentence die because any form of denial would be a lie.

  “Your heart is beating right out of your chest. Your pupils are dilated. Admit that you want me as much as I want you and then we can discuss what to do about it.”

  What to do about it? What did that mean?

  Nothing. There was nothing to discuss because they weren’t going to do anything about it. Were they?

  She wasn’t the type of woman that went around having casual sex. Maybe she had been in college but she had grown up a long time ago. Then again, if guys like him were offering, more often then maybe she would be the type. Then again, he wasn’t a guy, he was a…wolf…a shifter. If the talk around town was true that they existed then maybe the rest of the stories were true as well. That they were highly skilled lovers. Don’t go there.

  He raised his brows. “It’s not that difficult.” Tyler smiled and his sexy as sin dimples popped out. “Are you attracted to me?”


  What could it hurt? Honesty was after all the best policy. Jackie nodded. “Yes…fine…I’m attracted to you.”

  He turned really serious. “I want you, Jackie.” A low growl that she felt inside. Her nipples pebbled to the point of pain. “I want to make you come…many times…until you’re delirious with pleasure.” His face was solemn. His eyes unblinking. “You find me attractive but do you want me, Jackie? More importantly, do you want me to give you pleasure?”




  “You’re not in any shape to be exerting yourself physically.” She shook her head. Flip, she couldn’t believe that she was about to say this. “I’m going to have to decline.”

  “I didn’t ask for your professional opinion.” Tyler said, pulling himself more upright. “I might still be a little tender and I won’t be at my best, but I can definitely give you the release you need. Give us what we both want. Then we can take a nap and the second round will be fucking explosive.” His big chest heaved and his eyes blazed with desire, for her. Oh wow! This gorgeous specimen really did want her. As in, badly, maybe even more than she wanted him, which was a lot. If she turned him down, she might just regret it for the rest of her life.

  She didn’t normally go around having sex with total strangers. Didn’t normally feel this hot for a total stranger either. “Um…” She stammered, taking a tiny shuffling step towards him.

  “Come here.” Tyler said in that growling, deep baritone that pushed every button she had, including a couple she didn’t know she had.

  It was important that she keep her feelings out of this. It would be sex. Hot, sweaty sex. Really good, scream down the walls sex but only sex. Tyler would leave soon. Within an hour or two by the sounds of things. Maybe three if he made good on his after nap sex promise.

  He was going to the festival to find a woman to drag back to his cave or den or wherever the hell it was he had come from. She felt a sting. Not jealousy. Surely not. She tamped down on the emotion and took another step towards him.

  Tyler smiled even though his eyes remained feral. Gleaming and golden. Completely fixated on her. “I won’t bite and if I do, I promise it will feel really good. Get your sexy ass in bed with me.”

  She almost swooned as she took the last step that put her legs up against the bed.

  “There is plenty of space for two.” He moved over. “I can’t wait to get my hands on you and that’s just for starters.”

  Jackie swallowed thickly as reality set in. She nodded once. “I don’t have any condoms.” A crying shame since now that she thought about it, she really wanted this. No, she needed this. Her whole body ached.

  “Don’t worry about condoms, you’re not in heat and we can’t give each other any diseases.”

  “You can tell whether I’m ovulating or not?” Her voice came out sounding incredulous.

  He nodded. “Do you always ask this many questions?”

  She swallowed hard. “It’s kind of my job. I don’t want to get pregnant. Are you sure about not being able to get diseases?”

  “I’m superhuman.” He said matter of factly. “I don’t get diseases…period.” His eyes seemed to gleam as he looked down at her belly. “Though, I think you would make a really good mom and would look really good ripe with child, you don’t have to worry about that right now.” He patted the bed next to him. “You are definitely not even close to being in heat. You won’t become pregnant. If it will make you feel better though, I will withdraw when I am about to come.”

  She mulled it over. “Yes, maybe that would be a good idea.”

  He fell back against the pillow, looking crestfallen.

  “What’s wrong?”

  His eyes moved back to her. “I had hoped you wouldn’t take me up on my offer. I would have liked to have come inside your tight sheath.”

  He was seriously forward. It only made her more aware of the growing ache between her thighs. “Oh. Um…I see…”

  He grinned at her. “Don’t worry, Jackie. I will honor your wishes. I’m glad that you are going to let me pleasure you. It will be a bit messy, but I will happily withdraw at that moment if it means that you will allow me
inside your beautiful body.”

  The way his eyes heated at they tracked her curves had her biting back a moan. It almost made her regret that she had asked him to pull out. It would be for the best though. Based on his response to her airing her concerns, it seemed that shifters could get human women pregnant.

  Still fully clothed, she toed off her shoes and slipped into bed with him, his hands bracketed her hips. His golden stare bore into hers. “It’s been a long time for me too,” he said. His voice was low and thick with arousal.

  Jackie bit down on her lower lip. “I know, you told me that earlier but I find it hard to believe.”

  “Believe it.” He leaned a little closer. His hands were the only things that touched her but they were so close that she could feel heat radiating off of him.

  “Why? Those girl wolves must be knocking down your door or den entrance or…yeah…I guess I don’t know much about you.” Which was for the best since this was just sex, not the start of a long relationship or anything.

  “We don’t have many she-wolfs. They normally only mate with alphas or sometimes with the seconds.”

  “Seconds?” She lifted her brows.

  “The males that are second in command,” he explained.

  “You’re not a second or an alpha then?”

  He gave her a half smile and out popped a single, spectacular dimple. She had the urge to lick it. To lick him.

  “Actually,” he paused. “I’m a second, but our one and only available female wolf just happens to be my sister, so…” He pulled a face. “I don’t come into town very often and when I do, there is rarely time for…fooling around so I mostly take care of business myself. I’m ambidextrous, so unlike some of my pack mates, I don’t have one bicep that’s much bigger than the other.” He smiled.

  She burst out laughing, burying her head in his shoulder. “Seriously?” Her voice sounded muffled against him.

  She felt him shrug. “Yep.” He breathed out a sigh. “I also live in a house complete with a door. We don’t live in dens or caves.”


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